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Skaven are for cute

>tfw your army is driving mentally ill europoors towards suicide


Sorry kid /40kg/ is that way.

Death and aelf players on suicide watch since 2013.

What does that cat count as? Greater daemon of Tzeench?

They are Eldar's pets so as Guilliman then

Godbeast of Ghur

A greater chaos manticore.

It was pretty good, not alot of meat but the base was well made this time around. The previous soup dish i was handed was thawing and lacked any resemblance of care or flavour.

A "Keeper of Secrets is Fine Too"

imagine the smell

I used to have a this big fat rat as my pet. He was the best of rats

Question aosg.

Looking back at the End Times, how true was the Elvish prophecy of Rhana Dandra? Would you say it went acurrately or was completely ignored?

Do the high elves now have a doomsday prophecy? Without Slaanesh, do elves still need waystones?

Sculpting Hell Cowboys

>Without Slaanesh
Where's he gone?

Given that the Rhana Dandra was never mentioned in details, we cant say for sure. We can point to cases where aspect of the prophecy didnt happen, and said that thus the prophecy was ignored, for example, there was no Ereth Khial and HER army of dead elves. But at the same time, we got Tyrion's army of dead elves.

As for now, probably not for both questions.


It got trapped by the elf race, and Malerion, Teclis and Tyrion are looking over it

by looking it over you meant forcing it to puke up elf souls that they are re-forging into shadow realm and light realm elf constructs

The jist of what I got was during the end times big fat slaanesh who had gorged himself on all the souls was stolen/pushed somewhere else and is essentially lost in the warp. Basically he's only slightly better than Malal in that hes still treated as canonically having existed but is now in nowheresville.

In aos whatever followers of him are left grieve his absence (probably some scattered daemons and warp denizens clinging to existence). The great horned rat took his place since the Skaven did fantastically well during the End Times and now there's even more of them and they were chaos affiliates to begin with anyway.

What is this?

Why do they WANT to bother with Slaanesh anyway? Isn't it well and good enough he's gone?

Also do the same characters in AoS remember the Old World? Not very familiar with the plot of transitioning from WHF to AoS

Non GW event that GW are promoting. It focuses on story-telling using your models.


Heavy Rob Zombie vibes - truly vile. Nice work!

There are other criteria for the Order grouping
Like having free will and a civilization

Thanks user! Still not done yet, when the flaps cure I've gotta add more to it.

>Why do they WANT to bother with Slaanesh anyway?

to make it puke up the elf souls it ate

I too am curious about the whole Slaanesh thing. I mean I know that the real answer is that GW was and is taking Age of Sigmar in a more child-friendly (see: generic) direction but I was asking about this earlier this week and was told that Slaanesh was kidnapped by Tyrion, Malerion, and Teclis (and they're all gods? Did they all used to be mortals?) Also, so this confirms that in Age of Sigmar the chaos gods are physical beings? Being that can be physically moved and hidden?

I wonder if they're even sane by then.

Like, imagine elves being able to feel emotions and sensations already far more keenly than humans. Then being subjected to literally incomprehensible torments tortures and pleasures in an eternal realm without time or death that goes on and on.

I can't help but feel anything that goes through that would be gibbering wrecks.

I also forgot to add that I was told that after being kidnapped Slaanesh escaped the kidnapping only to go MIA anyway. Is this also true?

> I mean I know that the real answer is that GW was and is taking Age of Sigmar in a more child-friendly (see: generic) direction
You are an idiot then. How releasing a SC box for slaanesh and allegiance abilities more child friendly? 40k is played by 12yo and it has slaanesh

Because they're trying to sell what they already have.

God's having the ability to be personified is nothing new or unique to AoS imo.

In 40k, the gods were killed in battle by Slaanesh, Isha was kidnapped by Nurgle, for example. Presumably it's both true that these things literally occurred verbatim, as well as they were analogies for great conflicts of massive diety energies overcoming each other in the Warp.

If the gods were only abstract concepts with no form, what need they for weapons like Widowmaker and Heldenhammer or great palaces and fortresses. I doubt Sigmar would enjoy being an abstract concept.

That is why I hope the new DoK would explain the Shadow Aelves as those who are puked out by it, while Light Aelves are those born anew. It just make sense to me. But GW probably not keen on that idea.

Oh wow, like with every single other faction! Makes you think, brainlet. Slaanesh is mentioned in the lore like every fuckin week since the launch - it stays in AoS but GW will do a revamp to make it less generic and finally give it a character

>You'z telling me Gork & Mork ain't just da Biggest and Orkiest Orks dere is but a collekshun of ork WAAAGH!!! enurgy? I'll krump ya good!

Hmm if they were to release Slaanesh, would there be a new Mortals thing like the Tzeentch Arcanites, the Khorne Bloodbound and Blightkings for Nurgle?

Also, they want to sell the miniatures to as many people as possible and because of this they try to implement as many miniatures from AoS in 40k and vice-versa, even though it's pretty much just chaos that has the flexibility for that to work. So when 40k inevitably gets a Slaaneshi update they WILL pass those miniatures over to AoS and prioritize selling them as AoS as they do with all the daemon releases. Maybe the reason they've postponed Slaanesh miniatures is because they wanted to see what the public response would be to (practically) removing Slaanesh from Age of Sigmar. When they share the new Keeper of Secrets and Fiend of Slaanesh they could use those with a campaign book that ends with Slaanesh back. If they don't do it that way then then I believe Slaanesh is gone for good.

I hope for Slaanesh aelf worshippers desu

Hope so. Also when that happen, I hope the Slaves to Darkness will become bound to Archaon himself.

Didn't Tyrion used to be a mortal? I'm not as familiar with the other two, I don't play AoS.

Exactly how would there be any minions of Slaanesh in AoS with the state Slaanesh is in right now?

But there are minions of Slaanesh - just read their allegiance abilities lore

I'm the guy here who doesn't know anything about AoS and even I know that Slaanesh's daemons are still around after Slaanesh got kidnapped. One person even said that there were Keeper of Secrets fighting to take over Slaanesh's position... Somehow.

What's the best weapon for grave guard and skeletons? Huge mobs or small units?

Yes. He was an Elf Prince serving King Finubar the Seafarers and King of the High Elves.

During the End Times he battled Male kith King of the Dark Elves for Khaines sword Widowmaker. Ironically Malekith may have potentially been able to halt the end times or at least save the Elves if he won instead.

Also Tyrion was being slowly consumed by Khaine due to a blood curse from his lineage and ancestor Aenerion. Teclis tried to stop this, but Teclis is a massive retard.

>You know that Giant Vortex of Warp energy that has been keeping our island safe from Chaos for millenia? Let me just undo that because i think i can use its power to make 8 superheroes. Surely this is the solution to stopping the coming apocalypse!
>Also I killed the Princess and your secret illegitimate daughter Tyrion. Sorry!

If they were trying to get rid of Slaanesh, why would they keep it's followers and daemons around? Why keep mentioning it in fluff? Why have it actively reacting to things?

To avoid angry fans. It's a compromise. Just like how Primaris Marines are a compromise for people (like me) who wanted to see Space Marines go truescale and people who didn't want their miniatures to feel obsolete. Unfortunately that compromise worked out about as well as this one. Half measures sure are fun.


>To avoid angry fans
Oh yes, that's why they squatted brets and kangz and axed half of old armies range. You people are truly pathetic. What's next, a child-friendly meme argument?

Elf parts are very small

OMG YES YES YES. Do we have a release date yet?

Did Medusa...?

...With a dragon...?

Spears. The 1” extra is better than the +1 to hit
>Grave Guard
Great blades. You should take them in big enough units to maximize the number of 6 you can roll as double the damage

Pre order next week, out week after.

March 3rd.

Morathi got vore'd by Slaanesh then came out looking like that. She also has this form.

Alarielle shows more tits than Morathi, what were they thinking.

Yes! This pleases my Monstergirl Fetish. Also, the basis of every 40k slaanesh prince from now on

>You’ll find old standbys like the Witch Aelves subtly tweaked to improve their effectiveness, while some entries like the Cauldron of Blood and Bloodwrack Shrine have been reinvented to properly reflect the mysterious and shadowy powers of their patron. You can even field the Khainite statue that usually stands atop the Shrine as a separate unit, representing an iron Avatar of Khaine
>You can even field the Khainite statue that usually stands atop the Shrine as a separate unit, representing an iron Avatar of Khaine
>iron Avatar of Khaine

>lame ass wings overpowering the entire model
>only 5 hair snakes
>robe hiding snake booty

What even is this trash

>DAT tranny body



Didn't that plan work though? Those people became infused with the winds of magic and got a much better chance of defeating Archeon.

I had a feeling the great blades were better.

Anyone have any alternative great weapons? The halberds they have look kinda goofy.

Bretonnians and Tomb Kings weren't quite as integral to the lore as Slaanesh. But yes, they could have killed him off all the same. Like I said earlier, I think the reason why is that they knew that since they're keeping Slaanesh in 40k they won't be able to effectively sell the inevitable Fiend and Keeper of Secrets that they're going to produce in Age of Sigmar is Slaanesh is just entirely gone. Being kidnapped is their compromise between getting rid of Slaanesh while still being able to keep Slaanesh fans from being happy AND sell Slaanesh miniatures. How could I forget that last one?

>Guys Slaanesh is getting squatted
>No SC box, no allegiance abilities - not even depicted on new arts

Where's big-morathi-tit-poster now?

Wow it looks so nice time to see if the elf bitches are good or shit

I got banned for doing it so I stopped.

Thank god I decided not to bandwagon to DoK after those videos a few weeks ago.

I wanted som big snek tiddies, fuck you GW and your shit taste

Looks like that community teaser pic wasn't Fulgrim after all.


tranny elves btfo

she is just flat user, don't disrespect flat women

>ugly female models sell like crap
> no one wants females have more stormcast then!

>Twisted by the depredations of Slaanesh, Morathi is gifted with horrifying physical might when transformed, shifting from a master mage and tactician into a deadly combatant in her own right.
>Inside, you’ll find the history of the aelves in the Mortal Realms following the capture of Slaanesh, the story of Morathi’s escape and rise to power in the Realm of Shadow
>You’ll be able to pre-order all of these next week, while in the meantime, we’ll be previewing the new battletome and what it means for you all week with a series of in-depth looks at everything from the new rules to where exactly Slaanesh fits into all of this

Alright, so Morathi wants to replace Slaanesh but she will fail. Then we will get a revamped Slaanesh release in Q4 - screencap this

Gonna... have me... some fun.....

Between the beginning of AoS and now 40k had its own End Times lite
If they really had wanted to get rid of Slaanesh and the thing stopping them was 40k they could have removed them from 40k too easily, since every Eldar faction has its plan about how to do it and the introduction of the Eldar god of death whose purpose is killing Slaanesh. Yet they’re still here

flat-chested women have better figure

She's built like a fridge, homeboy.

When the fuck are they going to do something with spiderfang grots, or even regular grots?

what does her armpits smell like?

>that waist
>those shoulders
>flat as a board
>just a flat girl, user
Muh SJW's they told me, it's all just fearmongering they told me, those people don't exist they told me


The Harbinger is one of ours, we'll get a book first.

>New battletome drops
>Tons of new lore, new accessories, warscrolls and shit
>Brainlets are bitching about no plastic tits to fap on
>The muh sjw shitposting wave is coming because GW is not releasing a porn
Time to abort, see you in a week

>guys slaanesh is not getting squatted!
>look at all these models it isn't receiving!
>look at all these artworks showing the daemons getting slaughtered!
>look at all these books telling how the followers can't rely on it anymore!
>look at all this fluff telling how it's trapped, tortured and hidden!
>look at that scratch on archaon's shield!

slaanesh is soon to be squatted until a plastic keeper of secret is released, not fulgrim, not vaguely slaaneshi elves, a keeper of secret; got it?

alarielle really got the better end of the deal as far as elf thot makeovers are concerned

Snake and blood.


They're obviously still debating whether or not they want to ease Slaanesh out or bring Slaanesh back. They've put an exit door in 40k and a re-entry door in AoS. They're keeping their options open for now, which means it's possible that Slaanesh could be killed by Ynnead in 40k and just kept in chains forever in AoS.

Or be brought back in AoS.


Yeah, same old meme since the Ynnari release. 2/10

GW said that they are listening and pandering to feminist now, idk why you expected anything else