Alright lads, let's make ourselves a new merry little band of heretics.
>Warband Structure (1d10)
Alright lads, let's make ourselves a new merry little band of heretics.
>Warband Structure (1d10)
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Alright, it seems like we are a Legion Warband.
>Original Legion (1d100)
Rolled 31 (1d100)
Rolled 14 (1d100)
We are non other than Perturabo's whiny little children - The Iron Warriors!
>Devotion to the Ruinous Powers (1d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
We are absolute fanatics!
>Which God we worship (1d12)
Rolled 11 (1d12)
Rolled 7 (1d12)
It's either Khorne or Nurgle. Which do we want?
Rolled 1 (1d2)
Ok then. We are not only bitter, but murderous as well!
>What form do the Warband's beliefs take? (1d100)
Rolled 26 (1d100)
We are Iron Warriors after all, so it only makes sense for us to a bunch of angry autists
We are now angry autists who also honour our anscestors!
>Warband Demeanour (1d10)
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Of a Lost Age - We basically have access to a load of old technology. Fitting, considering our legion.
>Common Mutations and Defeciencies (1d10)
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Body Horror - We rage so hard we grow tentacles. Interesting.
>Warband Demeanour (1d100)
Rolled 23 (1d100)
Igonore this, I made a mistake. Roll 1d10 for what we are crazy about instead.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
SANITY IS FOR THE WEAK - We have no concept of "sanity" or "strategy".
>Champion of Legend (1d100)
Rolled 67 (1d100)
Truly autists
Our legendary figure was either a very, very angry Champion or Possesed.
>What did he do to be so legendary? (1d100)
Rolled 83 (1d100)
He killed a fuckton of Eldar and is hated by them to this day.
>What type of World have we inva- I mean "taken residence on"? (1d100)
Rolled 72 (1d100)
Let's hope its a volcano or some paradise world
You're in luck! It's a death world! But what type?
>What type of terrain does it have? (1d100)
Rolled 38 (1d100)
It's Warp-Twisted! Our autism is so great that the very world is angry. Roll again for the actual terrain.
Rolled 63 (1d100)
It's a Wasteland. A very angry Wasteland, but a Wasteland nonetheless.
>What is our Combat Doctrine? (1d10)
Ignore this, we're Khorne so we take Rip and Tear automatically. Roll 1d100 for any special equipment we have.
Rolled 65 (1d100)
We have our own special mount! Perhaps a kind of really big Rhino?
>How big is our Warband? (1d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
>TFW Endangered or Slightly Understrength
>We're so angry we have fought each other to near extinction
It appears we are the exact opposite. The galaxy has more angry autists than you thought!
>Why the fuck are we so overstrength? (1d10)
Rolled 1 (1d10)
How embarrassing, my humorous aside has made us bloated with angry lads. What were the chances?
We are favoured by a mighty Chaos Lord that allows us to draw upon his forces! >tfw Perturabo himself is so proud of our autism that he lets us take spare warriors
>Who are our friends? (1d100)
Rolled 67 (1d100)
A specific group of Lost and the Dammned seem to follow us around!
>And finally, who do we hate? (1d100)
Rolled 5 (1d100)
...Our worst enemies are, ironically, what others would consider allies. Roll again.
Rolled 84 (1d100)
Fuck those other autists!
A specific group of Chaos Xenos! Fucking Xenos, Chaos is only for glorious humanity!
its just like Veeky Forums autists fighting autists
Rolled 74 (1d100)
Rolling on Minor Xenos Table to see what we come up with
So, to some it all up, we are a group of fucking insanely angry Khornate Iron Warriors. Perturabo himself is proud of our autism, so he gives us enough warriors to bloat up our forces massively. We favour close combat warfare, but we also have alias of old technology. This links to us respecting our ancestors for being so autistic. Our figure of legend is a champion/possessed who mirdered a fuckton of Eldar. We have some kind of mount, a Lost and the Dammned group follows us around, and we hate a group of Chaos (probably Slaanesh) xenos. Also, we have no concept of strategy.
The Xenos are "Paramours of the Morpheus Rift".
>Lexicanum search
>"The Paramours of the Morpheus Rift are described as a xenos race, being abominations and a horrible threat."
So our greatest foes could be anything between the Reavers to dimensional shamblers. Fun.
Well, who do they think they are? Hiding in their rift, the damn cowards.
Given their enigmatic nature, they're probably backwards followers of Malice or something, the pretentious shits.
>"Oh no, we are the loyal servants of strethramogadamoor the mighty!!! You primitves would never understand!!!!!!!!"
So, what potential name could these fuckers have? The Enraged?
>The Fury-Branded?
>Named because of a tradition in which inductees into the warband are forced to apply hot branding irons to adorn their bodies with Khornate symbols as a sign of commitment to the cause
Yeah, something like that would be good. The Blood-Marked?
I vote on this
Oh, that's an even better name, let's go with that.
So, now that we've decided a name, what colour scheme do they have? Maybe a rusted colour, to symbolise blood?
Considering that we are absolutely insane and horribly mutated chaos fanatics we might as well take a relatively standart IW scheme add some khornate symbols and then paint ourself with the blood, ichor or slime of whatever we killed lately.
Yeah, that would make sense. Only pansies stop to paint their armour!
Something like the typical hazard-stripes of the IW armor is smeared with red splotches, blood pouring out from vents and grills of the helms, and Khornate icons forever burning etched into the armor
Why not yellow, to symbolise cobalt blood? Maybe they specialise in slaughtering space weebs.