No, like seriously, why the fuck do people still spend lots of money on GW products?
Not saying you all have awful taste, but they make so much average dross these days.
No, like seriously, why the fuck do people still spend lots of money on GW products?
Not saying you all have awful taste, but they make so much average dross these days.
Damn, I wish I were that pillar.
ill be honest
that morathy actually looks pretty dope- grand and dynamic but not too clustered
the metal winged chick has the plastic archon problem of having such a boring and static pose as well as those retarded wings
So do her boots just tear up once she becomes a snek-bat or do they have a stitching on the back that just rips open oooor?
the metal wings are a little lame, but otherwise i dig the cheesecakey conan sword and sorcery vibe going on here - do you take this kind of shit that seriously?
They're both morathi.
It's the hulk pants dilemma... Don't even think about it
>the you your son tells you not to worry about
>do you take this kind of shit that seriously?
You are literally on a board for discussing miniatures amongst other things.
These dubs tell the witch kings truth.
Because both of those models are actually gorgeous. I don't like the metal wings on her lesser form, so I would mount them in a pillar behind her, so it still keeps the same profile, but it won't be her wearing them. I wouldn't change anything about the final form. It's wonderful
Not him, but there's 'taking things seriously' as in you think its a cool and worthwhile hobby, and there's 'taking things seriously' where you think that every model has to be some brown mess because its totally a serious setting guys stop having fun.
>there's 'taking things seriously' as in you think its a cool and worthwhile hobby
>there's 'taking things seriously' where you think that every model has to be some brown mess because its totally a serious setting guys stop having fun.
See you've made quite the leap there, just because I think this Elf Poison Queen #387 looks incredibly average for the inevitably high price charged, doesn't mean what you're saying.
Companies get lazy when they have a docile consumer base.
They are great fuck you salty faggot, go back to your infinity containment thread.
I thought they announced Fulgrim for a sec
Am I the only one noticing an uptick in name calling and childish comments today?
I only by premium (r) Forge World (tm) products.
Snap off the metal wings on small Morathi and do a headswap on big Morathi and that's pretty okay. Small one is a bit boring, but it'll do good for a Dark Elf Witch
The actual problem will be
>99$ + tip
that was salty,
It's been like that for a while. I've been on Veeky Forums for last few weeks and it's somehow less sex starved and more pleasant than Veeky Forums right now
The quality of Veeky Forums has always been extremely dependant on the topic and age of the general. Katawa Shojo General 3722 + ~8000 will always suck, other generals can be pretty good as long as the topic is fresh and there's something to talk about.
Darkest Dungeon general was great back when it released, for example.
>Morathi is one of the most tenacious of the survivors of the world that was, saved not by the patronage of a god or ascension to godhood itself, but by sheer furious determination, crawling from the belly of Slaanesh and founding a new cult of Khaine in the Mortal Realms
>crawling from the belly of Slaanesh
So many fetishes in a single sentence.
So that means that you can actually reclaim souls from the Chaos Gods and they can even free themselves.
Oh boy, what funposting I will have with this
Not really. Because Slaanesh ate so much Elf souls so quick he got fat and bloated. She had to go to a hideaway to sleep for a while in order to digest/dissolve all the elf souls in his belly.
This is where the Aelf Gods found Slaanesh and captured her. Once in chains, the Aelf Gods began the process of extract the Elf souls for Slaanesh's belly.
Morathi stole a portion of saved souls and made them her cult.
Please stop, my dick can only get so hard.
There's still a precedent now to get souls and yourself back. In the infinitismally unending and timeless realm of Chaos, it's not unthinkable that Nurgle got distracted for a minute and someone slipped away while Fat N was desperately looking for his dick.
i can't even explain how happy i am these models arent over designed like the custode disasters they released
Do you think with an arm and headswap, the one on the left could be a good archon base? Without the wings of course.
Actually seems like a good place to ask:
Okay, seriously, what's the deal with the Dark Eldar's regeneration/sustenance from pain?
Like, I head canon'd that it must be something to do with Slaanesh's stake on their souls, but every answer I find is "no lol it just works that way."
Would Dark Eldar "medicine" work on a wounded "normal" Eldar? Something to do with their stronger connection to the warp? Can anyone give me any reason for this that they read about?
Didn't Slaanesh destroy the Aelf pantheon in fantasy like she did in 40k? Excuse my ignorance.
>what's the deal with the Dark Eldar's regeneration/sustenance from pain?
dark eldar can absort the suffering of others to sustain themselves and keep slaneesh away
the physical healing of their medicine isnt tied to this, but the soul healing aspect is because theire soul vampires
So how long until someone takes some greenstuff and makes her pregnant?
I wonder how do they expect people to transport those. Even the smaller one would a horror to transport, because of the wings. the Big one on the other hand requires a separate transport on her own.
On the good side the faces aren't bad, and with GW and female models, not having ugly ugg faces should be considered a win.
>...keep slaneesh away
Finally an answer that makes sense.
Though I was doubting it since others made it sound like simply being in Cammoragh was enough.
I imagine the first form is just a glamour. Hence the wings.
Sure, provided you spend almost a hundred dollars for the kit.
Hello Demon Princess models for my 40k
>Didn't Slaanesh destroy the Aelf pantheon in fantasy like she did in 40k? Excuse my ignorance.
No, the Elven Gods were defeated by the Chaos Gods and were cast down to the mortal realm where they descended as demigods. They ultimately all died in the End Times.
The Aelf Gods in AoS are Tyrion, Teclis, and Malerion who used to mortal elf characters in WHFB.
Aaaand here I go Age of Sigmar.
I'll just pick up her parts from someone who only wants the naga kit
>See you've made quite the leap there, just because I think this Elf Poison Queen #387 looks incredibly average for the inevitably high price charged, doesn't mean what you're saying.
>Companies get lazy when they have a docile consumer base.
You're just wrong. No need to dwell on it.
Seems like you need both to use them in game.
He's talking about Dark Eldar, not Dark Elves user
Oh really? She transforms or something?
This is actually a really good question and as far as I know it doesn't have an answer. I have no reason to believe GW would go into that amount of detail just to have it make sense, as that's never been a priority for them before. My best shot at explaining it is that Slaanesh is constantly touching their souls, and Slaanesh is fed by sadomasochism, so in order for the Dark Eldar to keep Slaanesh from eating their souls, their souls need to emit sadomasochism for Slaanesh to eat instead. And while that happens their souls aren't necessarily healed by the suffering of others but given enough relief regenerate naturally which only takes minutes, if not moments. (Although if they had intended it to work like this they could have easily conveyed this. This is just the solution that makes the most sense to me.)
Just like how Morathi's wings look like they just exist to shield her and stab at her enemies, but I'm certain they're going to give her the ability to fly anyway.
Yeah, that's what it says in the warhammer community page.
He's asking if Slaanesh destroyed the Elf Gods like he did with the Eldar Gods, you dumbass.
wait wait wait Malerion is alive, and somehow ariel is still leader of wood elfs and alive? what is he chained under a rock or something?
commoragh means slaneesh cant get them fast
but its still a slow drain on their soul- not a perfect solution
>small tidders
>more clothes
nu-GW sucks
bring back Kirby
>Malerion is alive
>ariel is still leader of wood elfs
GW is awful for the simple reason I have never figured out a sane way to transport their models to and from a game. Look at the snake lady in OP's pic. Just look at it. How do I get this to an LGS along with an entire army? I am not familiar with AOS or even current 40k, but my full 30k army of 2,500 points is well over 4 feet tall in foam trays. The size of a fucking child. Why am I carting a child to my LGS. I am INFURIATED by these awkward 28mm models. Yes I work in logistics.
who is ridding on the big beetle then?
Gentlemen Behold! The OP with no taste!
Alarielle. Not an elf and queen of the Sylvaneth who told the wood elves to get the fuck out of her forests.
I see an opportunity for a Daemon Princess of Tzeench...
Yes lad, look at the composition. This should be in a gallery, not on a gaming table!
Why the pic?
Those models look bitchin.
like you said. foam in boxes.
magnets on the bases and a metal carry case also works well.
transporting minis like that isn't an issue.
if your aemy takes up that much apace maybe reconsider how you pack tthem. I can fit 3k of nids or 3.5k of ogres in a single suitcase sized case.
It's fucking amazing you retard poorfag.
>yes i work in logistics
>i have no concept of efficient space
Why isn't she naked?
>Not even bikini armor.
>People complaining she is flat chested.
>Big Morathi D-Cups in my fucking face.
Do people like... not realize that Tittymonsters with HH cups aren't the be all end all of busty? I mean I want BIG MORATHI TITS right in my face, but I can sculpt those on if I wanted.
Her chest is fine. A solid handful 8/10
>*it's amazing fucking*
So, I know nothing about Warhammer and I have no idea who this is, but that snake version looks pretty fucking cool. Is that one not made by Games Workshop?
That meant to be Morathi?
Maybe it's the angle, but the one on the left looks dull as fuck. There's something way too static and rigid about her pose. I feel like she might look better without the big metal wings, too. There's a lot here that looks over-designed rather than detailed.
I probably would have thought this was impressive back before I started playing games with actual top quality models though. It's not offensively bad, just somewhat poor.
>There's a lot here that looks over-designed rather than detailed.
What goes through your mind when you type out absolute nonsense like this? "Overdesigned" truly is the retards go to word (if it actually was a fucking word) for bitching about models from companies they don't like.
It is.
Op doesn't think it's hot shit, and is giving out about it being too expensive despite it not having a price as of now. Because OP is retarded,
>a bloo a bloo muh company wars
Grow up nigga.
As for what goes through my mind? The wings are pretty unnecessary IMO, and they add very little save meaningless clutter. I believe they may be somewhat responsible for the boring, rigid posing, as having heavy stuff like that on one side tends to limit what you can do without making a model too badly weighted.
>shit taste detected
I'm not going to use the "fucking poorfags!" argument because I'm a poorfag who makes orks out of spare parts to save money, but shit dude it looks pretty great, and we *don't have a price tag yet*. So wait until we do before you bitch about how expensive a centerpiece character model is.
>and is giving out about it being too expensive despite it not having a price as of now.
It's GW. Unless they've suddenly changed their entire business practice in the last day, it's going to be overpriced.
>nices mom you'll ever meet vs. twisted fucking psychopath
It's a big centerpiece model. It could range from $60 to $110. We'll have to wait and see.
Okay compared to what? Every time some shitter troll comes along and does this they never show the alternative of what they are comparing it to.
Then again thats giving a troll too much credit. Heres your (you).
I didn't recognize her with her clothes on.
What's too hard to understand about the concept of "too much clutter added just because the sculptor could, without regard to how it serve aesthetics, dynamics or the narrative dimension of the figure"?
There are list longer than my arm naming manufacturers that make similiar or better models, but I guess a lazy troll like yourself never bothers to venture outside his bubble.
if it is so easy then post the evidence
It's funny. I much prefer the humanoid version's design, on account of it having a solid sword & sorcery look (aside from those retarded wings, yeesh) rather than some retarded nonsense, but somehow it's ended up as by far the worse model of the two.
It's like whoever designed this thing decided to choose the dumbest, least interesting pose they possible could for it. It looks like she has a steel pole up her ass. It's unnatural and weird and distracting to the point where it ruins what could have been a really good model.
I actually thought that slaanesh feeds on their souls emotions slowly, and they replenish that by torturing others so their souls regain those emotions again. But because it’s not your own emotions but those of someone else, it becomes more and more difficult to replace, that’s why ancient dark eldar need hundreds of souls a day. Why normal eldar don’t have their souls slowly eaten is not sure, maybe because they don’t live in the webway permanently.
It could also be that the sacrifices are a substitute offering to slaanesh...
Normal eldar souls go into soulstones/infinity circuit, but it isn’t mentioned that their souls slowly bleed away
Eldar hippie souls join the planet spirit
What pisses me of most about eldar I’m general is that they have no problem working together, while dark eldar actually take joy in torturing normal eldar souls as weapons..
I mean, I can totally get OP's "why the fuck do people still spend lots of money on GW products" angle. I like the "buy a game and play it" brand of Veeky Forums, I'm entirely uninterested in ponying up the kind of money people pour into Warhammer.
But it's the "they make so much average dross these days" that confused me. That (presumably exceptionally expensive) snake lady model is fucking gorgeous. I can't imagine the people who are already willing to drop lots of money on that kind of thing being dissatisfied with it.
what's wrong with aelf?
What are these magical companies with better sculpts than GW?
I would just play this with wings instead of normal morathi
i would probably change Big morathi's head for this one but probably would need a lot of conversion for the crown
Fucking cool models. Any complaints I have are just to do with the painting. I've never liked how the GW Studio paints female faces.
>See you've made quite the leap there, just because I think this Elf Poison Queen #387 looks incredibly average for the inevitably high price charged, doesn't mean what you're saying.
If that is what you meant maybe you should have explained why it is shit instead of assuming people would understand what you mean. When someone says shit I assume they mean terrible, not a bit bland for what you are paying for. Overall the mini looks fine to me, maybe not worth its price but none of GW's crap is well priced, this is by no means an exception and is far better than the garbage standard that existed during the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s.
>mommy morathi will never stomp on your balls
( ._.)
( ;_;)
>looks incredibly average
Interesting. She does seem to be backing off the super baroque detailfest many recent GW figs have been but I thought that's what people wanted. Her design is actually pretty sleek.
To be fair, I'm not sure there has been anything to absolutely assure that you couldn't. Usually it's just the case that the Chaos gods aren't vulnerable. It should be noted that it has been said that Khorne and Tzeetch helped Tyrion and Malerion with Slaanesh when he was in a vulnerable state. Without their assistance they may have been able to accomplish anything, even against an impaired Slaanesh.
And this shit is still part of 'order'? What dark elf player would even want to be in order, they're literally the most destruction race that ever existed.
they're order because the oppose chaos.
they had that kind of angle even in old WFB.
She needs more exposed breasts.
youre a fucking lunatic
i was expected the bitch on the right to be an oversculpted mess with way to much detail to even comprehend whats going on and GW suprised me with a large, beautiful model with a striking image and just enough detail to make her not look gaudy
fuck you
No, no they didn't, literally what in fuck's name are you talking about you fucking child? Morathi literally worshipped Slannesh and in the storm of chaos could lead a daemon army, they also allied with chaos to invade Ulthuan, witch elves had khorne runes on their heads, the cult of pleasure were chaos worshippers and created the dark elves. And they're still inherently destruction, orcs also oppose chaos as everybody including chaos oppose chaos. They're inclusion in destruction could have allowed for more finessed units in an otherwise extremely sparse faction, there is no need to have high elves and dark elves in the same faction when they're old units just mirrored each other, and people who collect dark elves want an evil army, otherwise they'd collect high elves.
>>That mini on the right
Holy shit. I can't wait to buy the Chinese knock-off of that figure.
Isn’t that retconned into “lmao they just worship the ELVEN god of pleasure and the ELVEN god of war” in 7e?
As someone who hates all the big stupid fucking kits GW puts out, this is then first one I'll actually be getting. Fucking hell GW finally got me n
Are either of these the new Morathi models? I'm new to the game but I thought I heard someone say they're coming out with a new one for her.
How come I can't find her on GW website, I'm looking for the rules