Cute Veeky Forums stuff
>techpriest protecting his onahole from Orks
I have an entire folder for this.
>whole folder
>2 hours later
different user
but I got chu nibba
Dumping Tech cuties
Sauce on these? Google just gives me some furry deviantart accounts.
>Veeky Forums stuff
different kind of cute
I was the one who requested that pic. It never fails to make me smile.
can love bloom on the battlefield?
Is that the mournival?
Can Eldar and Monkeigh make a love child?
A smiling porcelain mask would actually fit pretty well for techpriests.
I remember this writefaggotry.
That just looks fucking awful
I had to sleep.
Muh heart...
Wow nice! another crypto-yiff thread outside of /trash/!
Well furfags might be annoying, but god dang they are good artists! Got to give them that.
Except they aren't?
They are better then anything your usual shitposter could ever make. So yeah in sense on Veeky Forums they are good artists just there work themes don't fit everyones taste.
When you explain the joke, it makes you look like a retard.
Do you find it more fun to hate stuff than to enjoy it?
Not cute but at least, "heartwarming" or nice to look at.
>Why doesn't she just get out of the box?!
>That guy to the right
Poor bastard.
But where would she go?
To the trash?
Y'know the number of threads I've seen ruined by furries can be counted on, at most, one hand, on the other hand anti-furries have shat up orders of magnitude more threads, face it, anti-furries anre more deserving of the epitaph of furfag.
I assume you mean epithet, unless you plan to kill them all.
>plan to kill them all
All according to keikaku
Is "crypto-yiff" one of those weird nu-paranoia things, like people who randomly say "this fictional character is a tranny?"
Who cares if character is tranny? Like really who?
A truly mind bogglingly huge number of people on tumblr.
Some of them to the point that they harass and attempt to blackmail the product creators.
>Wow nice! another crypto-yiff thread outside of /trash/!
>another crypto-yiff thread outside of /trash/!
>crypto-yiff thread
I.....I can't even..... have we really reached the point off furfag scapegoating that we'll things that have absolutely nothing to do with furfaggotry yiff
The main problem is that furries were really, really obnoxious and probably this obnoxious posters (codenamed furrfagots) were something like 1% of furries on Veeky Forums. It is same like with traps on NSFW boards and feet threads on blue every board. There is systematic injections of fetishes to everything. Having Demon? Have bunch of guys with tits and massive throbbing dongs. Mass Effect thread? Have Every female character with massive throbbing dongs. It come to moment, when there are dedicated threads to non-dick, while general threads are filled with dicks.
Why am I speaking about dicks? Simple. Furrfagots were obnoxius and containment were long overdue and created looming paranoia of furrposters. MLP posters were obnoxious, but quickly contained. Older posters are simply vary of obnoxious injections of fetish, trends and toxic fandom into everything, because they remember how quickly they can derail threads and generate small circle jerks, which will made threads less appealing to general board community.
This also kills interesting ideas that could be worked upon, for example DeadSpace/MassEffect writefaggotry, that quickly devolved into xeno fetish and threads died out. HFY threads with toxic human supermacist repeating same mold with other alien sounding buzzwords. GreenText threads with ThatGuy/ThatDM, which was thinly veiled furrbashings, because even if it was antifurry, it was same old fetish/hatejerk injection.
So we need to stop caring about fetish inserts and just have fun? Got it.
>cute Veeky Forums stuff
>Entire thread full of 40k
Next time OP at least flat out make a 40k thread
That could work, if we stop the witch hunting and flame war. On other hand, the shitposters need to understand, that not shooting them down is not invitation to flood thread with their content.
If it is viable, it will catch on, if nobody except themselves is interested, it will push others from thread and cause the thread to become circlejerk, that will stigmatize that thread's subject for others.
Same like Degenesis threads are now instantly shot down with soyboy and other /pol/ buzzwords, because in it's settings, Africa is above underdog Europeans. Those who tried and post something about it are automatically shills and nobody is posting anything else in thread, because it will get lost in 'WE WAZ KANGZ lmao'. Same with Coriolis.
>he doesn't know about furcoins
Then post something non-40k. It's a popular subject, so between the artists who already like it and the numerous requests they get, it stands to reason there'd be a lot of it.
I'd like to see other stuff as well, but it's a bit harder to find.