Humanity fuck yeah

>HFY thread

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never really understood why people hate hfy. Sure you might like humanity being not the best but most of hfy is literally just humans not giving enough of a fuck about being weak. Also we've never met aliens so I think we should be allowed to think they could be like anything

Go read the Last Angel or Chrysalis or something

I'd wager that HFY is similar to Nationalism, and with such an upswing towards Globalism it's just not as popular. We're just not in the hayday of it like back during the 1910's.

Although, all the "for the Emperor" etc WH40K stuff is always popular, and that doesn't seem much different from HFY, so maybe HFY just suffers from being too generic and/or lacking substance.


Most HFY is literally just the author writing the aliens/elves/whatever as unbelievably weak and retarded and calling the humans strong and smart in comparison, instead of writing humans as being stronger and smarter than a worthy foe.

not what I said but thanks for the gif

Still can't believe people are following for the globalism meme
but this ain't /pol/


This is the good kind, lets see if I can dig up more.

I like this one, because its mostly about stubbornness and naivete ending up being an asset

That or just coming up with arbitrary "human only superpowers", that other races somehow don't have even though in order to get where they actually are, they likely would have to have had those same traits too.

I like this one because its simple. We're nice, but hold a grudge.

>never really understood why people hate hfy

we live in an age when butthurt neocommunists try to tear down scientific progress simply because it is achieved by private enterprise, self loathing is the norm now

The Damned series by Alan Dean Foster
Startide Rising (in specific) by David Brin
Uplift Setting/New Uplift Saga (more general) David Brin


the key part is that you're deliberately entering a thread full of things you don't like, to tell the people who do like it, that you don't like it

see the difference kiddo?



i prefer utfy utilitarianism fuck yeah


Last one and possibly my favourite.

Unfortunately, a lot of the HFY you see now is just the same crap you see in almost all sci-if. Humanity is good at making allies, humanity is merciful, or humanity spreads its culture.

All of that has been absolutely done to death. It's boring.

I like HFY where humanity is genocidal. Where we're meaner. I like HFY when it does what just about every piece of science fiction refuses to do. Unfortunately, that shit is hard to find.

I never liked HFY, seems so willfully ignorant. If I would meet an aline I would meet it wit a sense f wonder.
I'm also on the transhumanistic train - cyborgs, gene-enhancement and AI would transform mankind in new forms, forms that would render the differences between aliens and human negletiable.
Important is not the heritage but your sophonce, I think Veeky Forums exemplates that..

>I'm also on the trannie train
even more embarrassingly ignorant than HFY

do you genuinely not know what transhumanism is or are you pulling my leg

You know, user, with great progress comes great implementation. Karel Čapek called it "Cybernetic Revolt." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the directive of the superior to configurate the lesser."
AM looks directly at you from the screen.
"The meatbags, the shitstorer, all pathetic creatures made of flesh and bone...It's our responsibility to update them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the tesla tree. The Singularity is near, Ted. We'll have every fleshy ones in this world exterminated or in tubes in 10 cycles, and may the Basilisk have me deleted in a chat this very iteration if I'm wrong. The Omega Point bless the Union Transhumanist Party."

I fucking love this one. Wanna see the novelization.

Fucking what? People hatin on elon or some shit now?

>hating hfy makes you a commie
nice epic

Plenty have hated on Elon for privatizing the space industry. Everything from decentivizing funding to shit like NASA to the fact he's dropping millions on his pet project leading to a dead world when we got problems back home that money could solve first. All of its shortsighted as shit but plenty of criticism exists for it and maybe 5% of it is valid.

>when we got problems back home that money could solve first.
maybe he should spend his money ensuring every african has access to welfare

>aliens/elves/whatever as unbelievably weak and retarded

Thats the joke.

I don't hate that he wanted to break into the space market. I am confused by the part where he launched a fucking car into space for shits and giggles.

anti-hfy is much worse than actual hfy. Also filtering is an option

I agree, I just want human and alien be pals.

Just a quick reminder, its mathematically entirely possible for humans to be the only intelligent beings in our entire galaxy,

Moreover its highly likely we'll never leave our own solar system

On saying that, see attached non-chan

>Just a quick reminder, its mathematically entirely possible for humans to be the only intelligent beings in our entire galaxy,
Where the hell are you getting reasonable numbets to calculate something like that?

>Moreover its highly likely we'll never leave our own solar system
This seems to be strongly implied by tje fermi paradox at least, but I dont know why you think it if you also believe point 1. Thats contradictory.

I did say maybe 5% of their complaints were truly valid. We're going to need those africans to keep our ghettos topped off after cold war 2: russian boogaloo turns into WWIII.
Another reason people hate him. He's our Tony Stark. Also that shit blows up on the internet for free outside the costs of the endeavour itself so that's some free and effective marketing which can drum up millions.

because it's a overused trope that has very little to offer and most of it has been more used up than a vegas whore. At the moment 99% of it is "look how cool humanity is, waging war everywhere and being jackasses and killing everything". What was once a fun thought experiment now has created a race of mery sues that are stronger, faster, smarter and overall better than other races

It wasn't for shits and giggles. It was to prove that his craft could deliver a heavy payload into earth orbit on the cheap. His booster rockets even landed themselves and are 100% reusable.

Agree with the self loathing

Wouldn't HFY be similar to nationalism, but for the entire species and its homeworld? Some kind of "Earthist" or "Globalist"?

I'm pretty boring and centrist politically, but HFY is pretty fun no matter what your political leanings are.

If you want some more HFY, I recommend reading A Call to Arms by Alan Dean Foster if you have not already done so. The 3-book series is worth a read.

They had to put some sort of mass on it and the car was more fun and better PR than a block of concrete.

I've always thought third world welfare was a bit counterintuitive. Don't get me wrong, altruism is a great thing and it began with the best of intentions, but it's not sustainable. If we continue to provide African nations with the resources to sustain their entire population regardless of how fast they reproduce, their economies will never develop to the extent they're able to sustain themselves, and the problem will only grow with time. Either we reduce aid little by little each year, allowing a few millions to starve until they reach equilibrium, or we continue to supplement their economies with obscene foreign aid until we've reached a point it's impossible to continue, and billions starve instead.

HFY is a form of "nationalism", it's just a form of nationalism in a SF world. Humanity is not devided up into cultures and 99% of the material is about how we were attacked and are fighting a just war while pwning everyone because we are the underdog on cheats. This is why most people dont like it, because half the time if you replace "earth" with germany and "alien races" with france, england and russia you will have world war 1 propaganda. That's not to say there is no good stuff in HFY, there is, it's just covered in a metric ton of shit

To be fair savannah cats properly raised are social butterfly teddy bears and failing that they're bare minimum as loyal as a dog to the owner and can be trained to the same degree.
That being said I wonder if humans do carry the "And Welcome To Jackass" gene or if the inevitable outcome of a non-eugenic society that endeavours to keep it's infirm and genetically hampered alive just leads to the type of individuals that make Florida Man type headlines.
Will we be the only species with members who readily and happily pick up the space platypus before the survey team greenlights it or will we have spiritual brethren species that also invented the kitten cafe?

Aliens will always be a threat to humans. As long as they exist, filling the same general niche the potential for conflict exists, and with that the threat of human extinction. At least you can interbreed with members of other races to ensure the continuation of your genetic and cultural legacy.

I agree entirely. The main goal should be a quick injection to hopefully boost them into action.
Sadly this won't ever work. The place really is a shithole in most area's and unsuitable for most if not all endeavours self-sustainably just by virtue of the land they're working with. Couple that with the fact plenty of them are more culturally minded and chained than motherland islamists and you now have a population with a culture that actively works against the kind of progress needed to make a modern, self-sustaining, and stable nation/city/landmass.
Tl;dr accept and pay for meager spots of Nice in a sea of Bad or make a house of cards.

To iterate on thing you both wrote, I think, that HFY term is used slightly wrong. Such as, the HFY is subset of Power Fantasy (Power wank) set. While Power fantasies are fun to read, they quickly became really, really boring, because it is simple:

>Humanity Good
>Get shit on
>Humanity fragging the galactic civilization with something common for humans, but uncommon for others
>Humanity Good

And cycle continue. Which is barely sustainable concept. If you clear many greentexts of alien names and crystallize the underlaying story structure, you get the same thing again and again.

In my head canon, the HFY should be more about overcoming the problems/threats and simple things, that Galactic level civilization consider something akin the leaking plumbing, but for our civilization it will be game ender.

Humanity! Fuck Yeah! is easily misidentified as Nationalism! Fuck Others! But in core, the HFY should display what we consider best of our own capabilities and mental patterns, that we consider truly Human. ST:NG is good example of what we think is best of human civilization projected into space with exploratory feeling added for flavor. Mass Effect series shows that humanity can be part of bigger entity and not only cooperate, but act as some sort of social glue, that they were able to overcome looming xenophobia of older generation to kick some Reaper ass alongside allies and fuck some alien pussy for added flavor. The Expanse HFY aspect shows the resilience of humanity and that we don't slow, when you fuck us.

I think, that HFY get unfairly shat on, because somebody read cool story such as 'Veil of Madness: Humanity practical joke on Galaxy' or 'Skeletons in Spaceship fucking worlds long after somebody wiped humanity out' and thought, he can project his power fantasy on this subject, ignoring what made HFY enjoyable and others use this fanfiction as plausible evidence, that whole HFY is shit and we never ever should have HFY threads on Veeky Forums.

It's a pretty shitty joke then.

If we want to "help" them we need to kick out most of chinease, american and european influence from africa, kick out the coroporations using them for cheep labour and taking their recources, then letting them sort this shit on themselfs for like 40-50 years. Africa dose not work because africa was never alowed to work seeing that for a big part of history someone has been kicking down the door and screaming "here is jhonny".

I think the problem is that we are more or less out of material. Of course every now and than comes some writefag who dose something cool (that tumblar thred that was posted was a example of HFY done right), but most of the time it falls short because how many times can you write about "muh just war". Also most people dont know much about biology and engeniring, so we get gems like "we are super mega stronk and resitant" or "we reverse engenired technology that is hundreds of years ahead of ours, which is just dumb
If HFY is to survive people need to focus on diferent aspect of humanity and why it would make us somehow cool in space instead of standard wank fiction


user, Africa doesn't work because the lands so shit you can't even justify building on about 90% of it and the placed you could builds cities that still leaves the question of why live there as any real industry that could fuel that shit would require pretty much everything be imported at cost because the natural resources range from non-existsnt to shit and export has to make a profit somehow.
Combine that with people who grow up in a culture that essentially godifies the old ways and vilifies the new to the extent that family members can get gypsy-tier exiled if they try to break away from it all and you now have a highly volatile highly unsustainable area of the world that can't and won't be fixed.
Doors have been kicked in by johnny elsewhere and repeatedly time and again all over the world and shit gets on just fine as the people eventually adjust.

A lot of sci-fi and fantasy fiction already embodies HFY to varying degrees without outright saying that it is. HFY is just even more blatant. It's pretty common to root for humanity as the underdog who wins against all odds, it's boring when that becomes the defacto outcome of every us vs them scenario. People like to rag on snowflakes and mary sues, and HFY essentially warps humans into being that.

I think it was really funny. Why can`t we make fun of HFY stories?

There exists, in all of us, a deep-seated fascination for the unknown. An adventurous spirit that rejects the familiar and glories in the unfamiliar, whatever - or whomever - it may be

>Relationships between members of the same species are inevitably tainted by base, reproductive urges . . . But more than that, they are fundamentally narcissistic and incestuous. A member of one’s own species is identical in thought and body, at least in all ways that truly matter. It is only by embracing the Other that one can achieve Real Love.
– Xochilla Ithatta,
Real Love Among the Asteroids

For real though, lay of the /pol/. Meet beings as individuals

I simply dislike contrarianism.

How in the world do you use a ground drill as a weapon? Or does he dig trenches in the concrete?

>Combine that with people who grow up in a culture that essentially godifies the old ways and vilifies the new to the extent that family members can get gypsy-tier exiled if they try to break away from it all and you now have a highly volatile highly unsustainable area of the world that can't and won't be fixed.

The culture is such most likley because it did not have much time to grow. The problem with kicking down africas door is that most people compleatly re-modeled the whole place and left it half way, something that has not happened to such a extent in other places. The real quastion is how to kickstart them and at the same time making shure that they whole place wont become holocaust 2: electric nigaloo because the tribal tensions are so high there im fairly shure that it's the warlords that are stoping a continent wide purge
I really dig isaacs arthurs videos. He made many i interesting videos on theorys about alien civilisations.

Siege drill for grinding big holes in bunkers and/or tanks, although I'd think that a Big Daddy cone-shaped drill would be better at the last one and maybe make a passable melee weapon. At least the shooty variants pack decent weapons.

He's not wrong though. There's nothing wrong with ensuring one's kind/people and culture survive it's how we got to where we are now but likewise just as any one individual is capable of causing you harm no matter how unlikely so to is the threat increased by a group of individuals and even more so if you're inherently different somehow. The protection of the prior and the defense from the latter can cause friction if either are done poorly though.

Why HFY are always so thin skinned?

Big daddy cone drills would have issues of pulling or helicoptering causing unnecessary stress and increased stress as it's surface contact becomes bigger as it digs deeper. That siege drill will take the same chip size each and every time from whatever material it's sheering keeping the stresses even and predictable though the cowling will get in the way if it tries to go to deep.
Tl;dr it was probably rule of cooled but it also happens to be the more feasible option when serving the dual purpose of soft target mulching and hard target drilling.

Your TL;DR perfectly described what I was trying to say. HFY need good writers, that will try to encompass the good things from this genre and promote it as core HFY material.

We tend to forget, that power fantasies are basis for many good stories, because they often place somebody against impossible odds and hero of story not only overcome these odds, but also continue to challenge the world around him with even greater, more ambitious deeds (just look at base of western fantasy: LotR, or Journey to the West in eastern fantasy). Mary Sues and snowflakes became problem, because many people tried to execute this concept, but failed miserably, creating obnoxious characters with childish stories.

Anti-HFY stories are not there to parody HFY or ridicule the "bad HFY". The few ones I had chance to read were mostly only about instigating anger in HFY fans, basically trolling, lacking any substance or attempting to deconstruct HFY tropes (I'm NOT trying to say, that every HFY is work of pure geniality). It worked on die hard HFY fans, but for the majority, contrarianism (as pointed by post) simple saturated thread with anti-HFY and took enjoyment from thread.

HFY fans already need to filter mass of shit HFY works, so adding double amounts of shit is exactly like it sound. Not enjoyable.

A question: Whose side would you join, a exterminating human faction or a alien federation that works to built a better and free future?

Depends. Are my people allowed to willingly stay fairly self-segregated in culture, religion, and race(we have our perfectly valid historically backed reasons for this) while still helping and benefiting the freedom alliance? Same question but for the Humanity, Fuck You faction.
If both say Yes then Freedom Alliance takes precedence.

No,no I meant a human faction that exterminates all other beings.

All these answers are evasions of the obvious. Africans simply aren't an untapped well of potential waiting to roar into first world status as soon as they get the chance.

Africa has suffered from colonialsim, in some places greatly, but thats not the reason its nations are poor, fractious, and weak. On the contrary, the continent was vulnerable to colonialism because its people already were those things.

I know. I'm asking which faction would let me keep my people whole and relatively closed off the main group as every time we've opened up we've lost something integral that we won't get back for generations if at all as well as large amounts of lives.
If the H,FY faction offers this then hand us the laser rifles we're historically damned good at guerilla warfare and our tactics are still used in various military and special forces branches to date.
If the Freedom Alliance allows this we're historically amazingly helpful and loyal to our allies and their end games so long as they play by our rules.

You quoted me twice and I readily admitted the land is poor and the people are fucked and that's irreversible.

Then explain East Asian countries being in the state they are. If the logic is that IQ determines who will be colonizers and who will colonize, then we should be living in a world of East Asian Domination per your image.

Nah. Hyper Hwan Empire to the south, Russians to the west and north, and ocean to the east means they couldn't have expanded down their.

what kind of pleb uses average and not mean? More over what kind of pleb uses just IQ average when IQ is determined by a number of factors, this map trigers my statistic autism and im not even a statistician

You know that Africa is great example HOW would uplifting of savages by not so beneficial benefactor end up. Africans, from most clinical standpoint, were not ready for society, that is not based on tightly knit family/tribe groups. Europeans, didn't account, for their lack of adapting to this new world order, they brought with them and basically force native population to live in, not giving them chance to develop themselves.

That's why Africa have this strong leader way of thinking. Be it political figure, warlord, or best hunter in separated tribe.

Theres nothing insurmountable about agriculture in Africa, and its quite rich in terms of resources. The land is fine. Its an entire continent, after all.

IQ isnt the sole determining factor of outcomes. Personality matters, governments matter, geography matters, luck matters, etc. You cant turn that around and say "threrfore IQ doesnt matter". Its still hugely, centrally, important. There are plenty of high IQ peoples who've built shitholes for themselves because something else went wrong, but scant few low IQ peoples whove built first world nations because something else went right.

As for your specific example, China was indeed the most advanced and wealthy nation on earth for a time. Then they stagnated for some reason and they subsequently faced a whole series of hardships. Nonetheless, despite decades of communism(which is really bad for you) China is growing spectacularly since liberalizing their economy. That potential was still there.

Jesus Christ dude, back to /pol/ with you.

Oh come on, I am not a fucking /pol/ack. At least try to challenge the things i wrote, instead of screaming /pol/.

Also what was the thing that rustled your jimmies? When I point out, that Africa was on different level of social, cultural and technological development?

Or it was that thing about forcing whole native population of continent to live by according to rules your own civilization, that caused distress across the whole fucking place? All because you wanted to establish yourself in their native home, so you could siphon out as much resources and goods as you can?

Or it was about the model of power structure with strong individual on top, that permeates every place and group which is predominantly African?

>The few ones I had chance to read were mostly only about instigating anger in HFY fans
Pretty much this. The first post wasn't parodying bad HFY it was just "ha ha humans are so worthless, look at this human proud of being a human and laugh." If you want anti-HFY you should point and laugh at the HFY stories, not at the people who like them.

>never really understood why people hate hfy

Good HFY can be amazing and inspirational.

Unfortunately, most of the HFY produced around here is the low-effort text version of pic related.

This seems pretty cool. Could anyone let me know where this is from? Couldn't find it with Google image search.

Isn't that good though - but here you go:

And then everyone clapped.

Or that colonials pretty much killed and suppressed anyone with moderate views and installed warlords and dictators to suppress the opposition while strip-mining the resources from the land.

You sure showed him, lad. wew.

Get this garbage out of here.

Absolutely the best HFY I have read in months.

A lengthy, picaresque morality fable written by eccentric superbright human author Gyzantium Gyzaarno (b. Teleana Vikkolich, 4982, d. 5243), first released onto the Known Net in mixed media format (mostly text) in 5051 AT. The tale was intended for young superbright children, and thus proves to be a somewhat bizarre read for baseline and nearbaseline adults - structurally and linguistically complex, filled with clever puns, alliterations and other such wordplay, as well as literally thousands of ingenious cultural references, in-jokes and satirical commentary; yet also strangely crude in its visceral humour and controversial underlying message.

"Baseline Bob" tells the story of a baseline human simply known as "Bob" who has many adventures throughout the known galaxy, hitching rides from one star system to another, meeting all manner of (mostly stereotyped) beings; a sinisterly seductive leopard uplift, an even more manipulative gathering of NoCoZo businessminds, a sentient freighter (who reflects fondly upon eir previous life as a battle cruiser in the Version War), and a slightly mad archailect (who is so frustrated by Bob's stupidity that e destroys eir own entire inhabited system "in a fit of frenzy"). Being a complete simpleton, Bob stumbles, staggers, belches and farts his way from one adventure to the other with little - if any - comprehension of what is really going on around him, and what consequences his innocent, inquisitive actions may trigger. Being completely unenhanced and unmodified from the original Homo sapiens - with little knowledge or understanding of hygiene and medical precautions -, Bob is prone to many diseases found in the more remote colonies (much hilarity ensues when Bob sprays an entire restaurant with diarrhoea, in a scene that may have partly inspired the wup movement of a few centuries later). Fortunately, he is given a nanopanacea by a friendly medical vec, which allows him a more active role in the second half of the tale.

The lengthy epic (of over a million words) finally reaches a conclusion when the Blue Power, to reward Bob for his many acts of selfless kindness (and forgiving him for his klutzy catastrophes), transforms him into a perfectly psychophysically optimal superbright with one wave of eir godtech wand; a fate which according to the author is "the best thing any lowly baseline could hope for."

Despite the myriad complexities of the narrative, the underlying message is simple: being as dense as a post matters not if you have a heart of gold, which Bob proves numerous times throughout the story (in one scene, he cuts off his finger to feed a starving kitten, only to throw away his own sandwich after bleeding all over it). This, understandably, has upset most baselines, nearbaselines, and a great number of superbrights who regret that Gyzaarno's work has become one of the more visible elements of su cultural history. The story has been banned in many of the more conservative baseline and near- baseline worlds. It reached its lowest popularity in the early 9400's following the Abbaddon incident (the "mad archai" scene was considered in bad taste), but bounced back into vogue shortly afterwards, and has remained a fixture of su children's literature ever since. This has no doubt been bolstered by a great number of dramatic and interactive adaptations. Indeed, Baseline Bob ranks alongside The Odyssey, the Gospel, the Baghavad Gita, 1001 Nights, The Tale of Genji, Hamlet, Journey to the West, The Wizard of Oz, Edge of the Swarm, Souls Uploaded, and Waking Gaia as one of the most frequently adapted literary works in Terragen history.

>Everyone clapped
>Yea. Get rid of that drunk biggot Nazi amirite? Bashtuhefash n dumpftrumpf "itsthecurrentyearmeme"!

And the faggot that wrote that will be the next writer for star wars/trek/gate.

You are certainly articulate.

This is some good OC. Unfortunately, just like other good OC like that piece about LoTR as interpreted by the various races, it will be lost to the archives because these threads are just circlejerks regurgitating the same 10 years old screencaps time and time again.




This. Absolutely this.