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40k is fun!


Best dread.

Post an image that describes how your last game went

Fourth and only


Why are they worshipping old ones?


>people get hyped for admech vs necrons box set
>turns out it's space marines
>turns out it's literally called "SPACE MARINE ADVENTURES"
They're just fucking with us at this point, aren't they?
Still, at least they don't look primaris.


Remember a few threads ago when an user asked "what's the worst 40k movie that could be made"??

>Space marine adventures
>Featuring one space marine from 4 or 5 different chapters each

I feel we're getting close guys

Old ones are good.

So 5 japs heroes models and few necrons? Nothing to be hyped about for me model-wise desu but maybe it will turn out to be an interesting board game

Anybody got those Necromunda cardboard terrain templates that were posted a couple days ago?



>mfw realising I'm stuck in index city for another month and a half


Boxnaughts are garbage and will eventually get squatted in favor of the better Chadnaughts.

>No Primaris
Seems garbage.



>eating nids

Where were you when you realized Cawl was a heretic, breeding deamon engines?


As long as they look like this, okay. Not ideal but okay.

If they get replaced by contemptors though I will personally go to warhammer world and break all of Duncan's paintbrushes

You have shit taste and you should feel bad about it.


>Generic necron overlord
>4 warriors
>2 Immortals
>1 Lychguard
Kinda meh way to expand even a small Necron army

>increased wounds, increased strength, increased movement speed, increased firepower
>Still worse than boxnaughts because it reduces effectiveness
cucked by your own statline

Non-marine player here.

Why does all of that reduce effectiveness? Is the jump in points proportionally too much?

>kills the pilot



>old marines

over ten wounds means your statline decreases as you take damage. Redemptors have 5 extra wounds but lose them easily to anti-tank fire so they actually get fucked faster than a normal dreadnought, which doesn't lose stats. Volume fire is the only thing that overcomes that but then your dread is limited to anti-infantry firepower

Too many eggs in one basket.

Even I felt harsh typing it.

Ok ok I'll hold them to ransom until they recommission the boxnaught molds.



Ahhh THAT kind of reduction in effectiveness. Thanks user.


Hey, i'm gonna do a 2v2 7k against 7k, i will play 3500 of genestealer cult with a tyrannids ally against 2 deathguard player.

The question is, how do we deal against mortarion with genestealer cult ?


Can you not get the nid player to focus some of their list on Morty?

For yourself, I'd presume the guard tanks you can take would be your best bet

>Space Marine adventures

Of course. Of fucking course it is. Why did we ever think it was something centering on anyone else? Adventures. ADVENTURES. This is new GW. Fucking Marines traipsing around and beating up baddies with the power of fucking friendship and their faith in the motherfucking Emperor. Non pauldrons need not fucking apply, except to die in droves to make the main characters look cool. Fucking goddamn hell.

I'm gonna go end myself

>I'm gonna go end myself
Just dont support it with your walet, like I will.

Are you a fucking retarded twat? The deathwatch you cuck.

Your description fits my post better than my description did


What the fuck even is that board?

>they are going to release all the jap marines in these kind of boxed sets

I like it!

but the lascannons are the worst option.
Is there any reason to take something other than the autocannons?

Look at the box art and think about what you've done

Funny, but also despair.

>This is what GW management said when a market researcher showed them Veeky Forums

I have a pure gsc list unfortunately

I guess i can, so what's the best nids units to deal with it ?

I've got 2 lleman Russ, i guess that's not enough

No matter what you do, the Diapernought will never match the awesomness of the Boxnaught.

Why can't any of the lesser known chapters get some time in the spot light for once?


All are surpassed by the Goldnaught.

Because nobody knows about them.

So Ork players cannot complain anymore after Heat 3 right?

It's 5 random marines from diferent chapters. They are not deathwatch

w h y
t h e
f u c k
a r e
p o w e r
s w o r d s
n o t
d r e a d n o u g h t
w e a p o n
o p t i o n

>my opponent's face when passing either the invun saves or my Disguisting Resilience saves for death guard

Is it just me or are Blight Haulers slightly undercosted? 21pl isn't much for 3 melta shots and 3 missile shots (in addition to everything else they get) on a very sturdy body

I wish these could get the spears/sword board. The regular ones look good, but I want a BIG GOLD BOI with CC weapons.

This is a book about space marines from multiple chapters going on adventures. You can fight me lesser marine but you don't stand a chance since I have the high ground.

Bitch my dread can take spear with rapid fire lascannon or sword with flamethrower and shield

laughing dreadnights
and soon
laughing galatus

I, for one, also like the Bullnaught!

They are all from deathwatch, their chapter now is deathwatch.
Marines on the box are from 5 diferent chapters, not deathwatch

Pffft there is precedent. The people in the board game probably all deathwatch vets going to hang out and get a beer while killing xenos and reminiscing about the old days. If anyone other than DW talks to them though they say nothing as to why so many different ones are there.

>tfw too poor to expand your krieg army for a while

I know, I know. But tell me you wouldn't want to see the Knights of Dorn for once instead of the Imperial fist for the 27th time.

I don't understand your argument. Or if I do, I don't understand how you think you're right.

Deathwatch, as I'm sure you must know since you've posted 2 pictures of them, take on black armour with one pauldron kept in their original chapter's colours.

On the box of this new game (and the colour of the minis in the plastic and on the cards) it clearly shows a red marine, a blue marine, a green marine, a yellow marine and a grey-blue marine.

Those cannot be deathwatch my man

You know, could have been a cool way to make some spiffy Necron shit like when Space Hulk made some cool Genestealers, but no, fuck us for wanting stuff and fuck us for not being in god damned power armour. I am so very tired of power armour.

Is there anywhere I can get a DoW style commander for IG?

Vance motherfucking Stubbs puts GW to shame.

Undercover Deathwatch.

>Big battle against Necrons
>multiple chapters deploy
>"Hey, my squad got killed off, can I tag along?"
Ther you go anons.

So Orks took 2nd and 3rd place at the GW GT Heat 3.

Replace the tiger with tanks/ogryns/stormtroopers and the bird with a stealth suit team with the relic.

More like completely fucking pointless waste of money

Orkz or Grot Spam with their big gunz?

Boy spam?

Now I want to make a hellbrute with a mouf.

Lol ok ok.

Actually they're alpha legion posing as undercover deathwatch, if we're getting technical.

Big middle finger to Necron folks if you ask me. Literally relegated to the role of fucking kobolds


>or buy power armor

Hacksaw Ridge?

Yes sah

Why is soup considered so powerful. From what I see most non soup armies have equal access to what soup armies have. Soup just seems to have mildly more efficient options.

>the xenos are literally NPCs

Don't know unfortunately - GW doesn't post lists anywhere that I know of. The final order was posted on Dakka with the winning list.

>trade your strength 16 ap-3 d6 weapon for str8 ap-3 damage 1


I'm sad I can't draw for shit. Since I've read Eisenhorn's rules, I can't help but picture him throwing a pokeball on the ground, yelling "I choose you, Cherubael !" .
I wish I could draw that.

Cross faction stratagems can be very impactful for Eldar.

Opponent shot at my shadowsword with his baneblade and rolled tripple 1's on the number of shots for the baneblade cannon

apparently the consensus on them is that they're shit so I don't know user.

Just kills all of my enthusiasm for this thing. No reason for me to get it when I care way more about my metal Bois than the just so boring candy marines. I was gonna jump on it and buy it asap but now I doubt I will get it at all