Equipment porn

Subject says it all, elegan/tg/entlemen.

I'm running a wilderness adventure next week and I don't know what kind of stuff an adventurer really needs to survive, so suggestions and images for reference are welcome.

I'm looking especially for fantasy non-magical equipment, but whatever you want to post is fine.







The choice of an educated gentleman.
Despite their low price, those things work miracles.

What are they for, other than avoiding pursuit?

It also may act as an alarm system

What said.
Also you can use smaller ones to, quite literally, Spike bait for later predators.

Poison them for extra fun
Being chased by a car in a modern setting ? Throw some caltrops.
Break gears with them, caltrops are expendable.
They are literally made to stops horses.
Need to test a holes depth? Caltrops.
Put one in a the boot of someone you don't like, like guards. Get barbed caltrops for better effect.
Barbed caltrops are like 4 emergency fishing hooks.
Emergency nails.
Doesn't stop people only from following you but also from charging at you.

Basically they are tactical trash and I love them.

Thank you for the dump o.p.

Equipment based card game dungeon crawler when ?


>Spike bait for later predators.
>Break gears with them, caltrops are expendable.
>Barbed caltrops are like 4 emergency fishing hooks.
>Emergency nails.

Well, shit. These I had never thought of. I really need to start looking at caltrops differently.

Eh, hardly a dump, but you're welcome.
Have you tried Card Thief? Not quite what you want, but I think you'd like it.

These are great, thanks!




Just finished organizing my D&D images folders. I'll dump what I've got.



















And that's all I've got for simple gear. I've got some armor and weapons too if anyone's interested.

Thank you for the equipment dump user, and I'd certainly be interested in armor and weapons, these are all great

good dump i'd like to see it

>backup helmet
god i fucking love that character he gets it

All right




I saved a few from clownbro.







Thank you user, this is an awesome collection



The fuck? This is awesome.









Got the others from this set?

No that was the only one I've got






Any more?


Tacticool Castlevania, I can dig it.


All I got. Sorry.





I've got some similar stuff




That's the last one I've got like that of a full gear set



Thanks! I just love looking at real "actually used" kit. I'll go ask Gropey if he has more in the larp thread.










