What's one thing you would do to make Palladium's Rifts better?

What's one thing you would do to make Palladium's Rifts better?

Does anyone around here play any Palladium games?


Convert it to a better system.




Fixing Rifts would take so, so much work, but if I could only do one thing it'd be to simplify the way in which experience is gained, there are nineteen fucking ways to gain expereience and you're bound to forget some of the cool shit your character did during the session.

But then, this is a dead thread.

When's Black Edition coming out?

I dislike Erin Tarn so much and I know it's not fair. She provides a worthwhile service by exploring the world and getting suppressed information to people, but the tone of her (Kevin Siembieda's) writing is so self-pitying and bleeding heart I can't help it.

Tarn's hectoring makes everyone dislike her. Just like Hilary.

What's the most OP OCC/RCC on Rifts Earth, apart from cheese like baby dragons and such?

Actually edit a goddamn book preferably a Definitive Edition of the Core Rules
The greatest downfall of the system is that the rules and books themselves are horribly laid out and not very well defined in some cases
Character creation especially any character that isn't a human is godawful


There are so few people playing this game that getting experience with it and testing your expectations is almost impossible. Maybe the godling RCC? You can grab the features and skills from up to three magical and/or psychic classes. But that RCC also has the greatest XP requirement for leveling, so maybe there's another class that scales better?

It's in Da Archive -->

I did ultra damage as 8X not 100X... much better!

Port it to Savage Worlds. Luckily someone already did all the work for me

Keep the setting, and throw away the system.

Throw it in the trash.

Mega-Damage, sure. Wouldn't 10x be easier to calculate than 8x?

Here's the fix for all your needs


There's one that lets you convert all your SDC to MDC, and the reverse of that for enemies. Its pretty lulzy.

Rifts' setting is all over the place. It should be more focused.

The setting is the best part

But I understand your point, when you read a rule book you always get the impression of what the game was intended to be and what sort of things a group is expected to do. With Rifts you don't get that, the book just sort of hands you a bunch of options and says have at it with no clear direction that you might want to head in

Honestly find Palladium system work well in Rift or otherwise, but only with a lot of work on those playing its part.

As this guy said as well. It major fault is having a horrible layout. Along with having everything that could be useful spread out between way to many books, and in pieces. That put WAY WAY to much work on the person running the game, and the players to keep track of. It possible, and really end up being people finding what works for them and house ruling everything else.

This right here being a good jumping point. Even though still use things like Mega-Damage. Because fuck you I think it's add some fun to everything.

Anyway have a skill/rule for surfing tucked away in one of the fucking TMNT books.