Thard Question
>What hypothetical card could be printed to push your favourite deck over the top?
Thard Question
>What hypothetical card could be printed to push your favourite deck over the top?
Other urls found in this thread:
>People think Grixis Shadow isn't good anymore
>2 in the top 8 of SCG
>Winner is Grixis Shadow
Can't keep a good deck down.
Changes haven't taken effect, and I don't think anyone has really been saying that GDS isn't good, just that Traverse might be better.
The card already exists.
>What hypothetical card could be printed to push your favourite deck over the top?
It's already a card, they just banned it.
So uh,
RG Eldrazi just won the GP.
Ancient Stirrings is fucking cancer and needs to go. There's my thoughts.
>wahhhh something not blue got a bluish ability
Quads cannot be denied.
Another lightning bolt would push burn over the top.
>>What hypothetical card could be printed to push your favourite deck over the top?
A modal card that had removal, lifegain, and graveyard hate would be really handy for Esper Control. Something like
>Orzhov Command 1WB Instant
>Choose two:
>Destroy target creature with cmc 3 or less
>Gain 4 life
>Exile target player's graveyard
>Until end of turn, you gain hexproof
Alternatively, Dromar's Charm would be cool
>"Hey MaRo, quads just confirmed next ban"
Hey bros, I have a problem.
My LGS is doing an 8-week Modern league for people who can't always make FNM but still want to compete for prizes and shit. Sounds like a great time and I want to play.
The problem, however, is that the decklists are supposed to be set in stone for the entirety. So my LGS is making all participants post their decklists PUBLICLY on the fb group for the league. This is a problem for me because I was gonna run some Temur goodstuff list that transformative sideboards to a Saheeli combo deck g2/g3. Posting my list publicly obviously makes this pointless.
Anyone have a better idea I can suggest to my LGS that doesn't involve everyone posting their spicy tech for their opponents to see? I think it would make everything a lot less fun if everyone knows their EXACT matchup every week,
>What hypothetical card could be printed to push your favourite deck over the top?
Probably a one drop four damage spell.
Also, post opening hands and we can play Keep or Mull.
id say keep
>t1 goblin guide
>t2 eidlion
Ect ect
The alternative would be to have the LGS hold on to everyone's deck until the league is over, which works for a sealed league but I don't think people would be too keen on it for their Modern decks.
>next ban confirmed?
no, the alternative would be to have a sealed decklist that only the TO has
Doesn't work unless the TO is going to do deck checks, which they aren't going to want to do.
are these supposed to be hard? cuz that one is not even a question
Don't be silly, blue only gets to dig 3 cards deep.
They're random, so no. You get obvious keeps, obvious mulls, and some that require thought.
You were saying?
The only reservation I have about this hand is Windsweapt Heath (which I have to run because I'm too poor right now for Arid Mesa/Scalding Tarn) not being able to grab a basic mountain. But I think, depending on the matchup, I can keep.
Maybe. Just shuffle and draw. I can craft an awkward Burn hand if you want.
What does TO mean?
when are they going to unban dig through time?
blue's feeling a little weak
Well, it's not a godhand, but it's defintely a good one.
tournament organizer
Tournament organizer, which in this case is just your LGS.
true. treasure cruise only goes 3 deep.
>Probably a one drop four damage spell.
if you put any stomping grounds in it you could fetch that
>2 mana
>has fewer targets
Stirrings is stupidly strong in the decks that play it
>I need a burn spell to end this game against a board heavy with my opponent's creatures
>draw a vexing devil
did you watch GP toronto?
this is why burn placed 2nd
Yeah man because his Burn opponent in the finals wasn't running Vexing Devil AM I RIGHT??? :DDD
Of course it is, the catch being that you need a critical mass of colorless cards in order to play it.
this shit card cost him the match
vexing devil isn't good because like every other card that lets your opponent pick, it's always going to be the worse of the two options
there's a reason no one runs it, hell, the guy playing it only had one copy and it turned out terribly
>this shit card cost him the match
it's possible to make it to top 8 with a single suboptimal card choice, when the rest of your deck is perfectly fine
Tried searching for that but couldn't find anything.
He got second despite of the devil, not because of it.
>chalice, as always
>shitty GR land destruction
Thread Q
"Made up burn card"
Made up burn card deals X damage to target player, where x is the amount of cards delved
Or something like that
that looks more like a dredge card
>banlist update goes into affect tomorrow
So what are we looking at as the midrange options for Jace? Sultai? Temur?
I want to get back into modern as a break from edh. Was thinking g about an aetherflux storm deck but it looks like there's about 3 different ways to build it. Any suggestions or combos?
I'd probably make it U/W control/lifegain
Add RRR to your mana pool
Flashback R
You could just play actual Gift's Storm.
Okay but what if I'm a huge faggot that just has a hard on for 50 damage lasers?
>those quads
I hear that in a control shell it's easier to get the combo off, but it seems much slower. Seems like it would make it a bad matchup for other non-interactive decks.
>worrying about match-ups when you're playing a pile of shit
buddy you're fucked any way you wanna go about it
If I'm going to bring this POS to FnM I might as well make it as favorable as possible. If I wanted to be competitive I'd just netdeck like everyone else.
Just use the Jeskai control list and jam the aetherfluxes in there with some lifegain pieces then.
Is there a deck that uses blink effects with venser and fiendhunter to win somehow?
I've never played modern, but I have a bunch of cards that would blink these fucks; is it worth throwing together?
here's a starting point
judging from the akroma, it would probably be a bunch of super powerful morph creatures that you would want to blink
Death & Taxes uses a lot of blink effects.
I'm not sure about that, thy already have a lot of clones (subs) and most people play multi-color giving them a lot of choices
no, I mean another R - deal 3 damage to target
burn would be much more powerful if it had another 1 mana bolt instead of 2 mana ones
needs to cost more than 3
I guess all the subs only target players, but still they have a lot of variety
Are you fucking for real? This looks nothing like mtg art, it looks cartooney as fuck. What the fuck are they thinking, are they really this desperate for the Heartstone crowd?
That list sounds pretty cool, is it any good? I could just build 8 rack with necrogen mists instead of LotV.
I'm a potato, got a list I can look at?
variety sure, but they raise the curve
modal stuff like boros charm is obviously useful, but burn would be much better if it could replace lightning helix with something that only had a CMC of 1
I want to throw together a few decks to loan to friends and family, and I can't be assed to brew everything up on my own. Are the budget decks on MTGGoldfish reasonably playable? If not, where should I be looking?
Playable, sure.
you do get rift bolt (one mana suspend) as well as lava spike and bump in the night if you run black
they are pretty playable
but it'd be much cheaper to use those battle decks they throw together at card kingdom ($10 vs $100), and you wouldn't worry about sleeving them up or anything because they're $10
Once you play one match, everyone's gonna know your secret anyway. You'd be surprised how little people look at other sideboards or understand their purpose. Just deal with the rules unless you wanna act the shit on a LGS that's trying to make time for players.
The best I can say is that you should suggest that lists shouldn't be posted until after the first full day of play.
what format?
I don't think it's better than K Command with those modes, if it cost 4 it would be unplayable
the thing about bump in the night is that it's black, which adds a third color for an essential burn card, whereas the contemporary burn deck only uses a third color (green) for sideboard (destructive revelry)
obviously those other bolts are essentials for the deck
This is the Modern general.
anything with choose two should probably cost four
the question of the thread wasn't "should" it was "could"
I've seen jund burn, naya burn (most common) and rakdos burn, generally the black one run thoughtseize and bump
right, and I'm sure I could throw together a 5 color burn
boros burn is the current meta (although there is a splash into green for revelry) because it is more consistent than those other ones
Pauper for sure. Or standard pauper.
Another standard pauper is U/R Firebrand Archer spellsling, another is ur energy at common (thriving turtle et al)
I'd cut theorist, turret and 2 displace for 2 leopard 4 attune 1 green cartouche and 1 riperian tiger
Go to the Standard thread
Graveyard hate is so god damn effective. Today I experienced it for the first time. It wasn't even worth sideboarding to get rid of them, the damage was already done by the time those Relics left the field. Nothing I can do against Bojuka either. Fuck I need a non graveyard based deck.
>tfw building or have
>Goryo's Obzedat
>Hollow One
What have I done?
>Almost built Living Blue
>standard pauper
I'd rather have something that wouldn't get totally blown out if they tagged along to an FNM sort of event. My budget isn't super tight or anything, $60-$100 a deck is fine.
Modern, silly! I'm shameless enough to beg for help with budget decks, but I wouldn't go so far as to post it in an inappropriate thread.
>standard pauper
>mixing the 2 shittiest formats
wew lad it's like you don't enjoy life anymore or something like that
I'd say do some basic burn or aggro minus the fetches and/or shocks
most budget decks are going to get btfo by any tiered decks, but I'd pick a budget list for a tiered deck (like burn)
More Naya colors midrange cards, or possible card draw. Doesn't have to be strictly naya in color, just a card with R, G or W in the casting cost.
pauper isn't shitty though
don't you remember fun
BUG, maybe a possible Bant Knightfall/Company list.
Its the cheapest format at fun for throwaway decks
For some reason its a few bucks but you can make these for free if you're frugal.
With those 3 decks you can have a lot of fun and you won't break bank
Err should be two less cycle land two more mountain.
you could spend that $10 on a normal pauper deck and not be limited to the shitty commons printed in standard
pauper decks are 50$+
the cheapest are 30$ for goblins and white weenie stuff like heroic, 40$ gets you cooler stuff like dimir. but pauper standard is bulk bin stuff that you can often get for free. at the very least you get 3 decks to face each other for the price of goblins
only the top tier decks are $50+
you can make $10 pauper decks out of bargain bins, and without stupid set limitations/rotations
unless you're planning on going to a fucking tournament with them, it doesn't matter
Redundancy for assault formation. No, Doran doesn't count. I've been playing defenders, and holy shit has slaughter the strong been doing some work.
only the top tier decks are $500+
you can make $10 modern decks out of bargain bins, and without stupid set limitations/rotations
unless you're planning on going to a fucking tournament with them, it doesn't matter
lantern as always
nothing atm
>What hypothetical card could be printed to push your favourite deck over the top?
cmc: 2B
other black creatures you control get +1/+1