Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Greatest Hero of Azeroth edition

Discuss the lore and story of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2. Also Liadrin is best girl.

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First for Azj'Aqir

What if the plot of Kul-Tiras will be to show us that the Old Gods aren't the ultimate evil, and that the Void can be good? This would align very well with the introduction of void elves, which seems nonsensical out of context.

Nth for big fat dragon tats

How would someone actually run a Warcraft campaign? Would you run it open to races of both factions? What sort of plot would you go with?

I think the Void is, at best, capable of being "good" like Bwonsamdi is "good".

No. No. No. No. No. Blizzard has already fucked up all their demon races with "they dindu nuffin" bullshit.
They don't need to do that to ANOTHER big bad of the franchise.

if you wanted to run a campaign with both factions you would run a plot with a neutral storyline, like fighting the Legion or the Scourge

Make them criminals or pirates. A group of outcasts who, through mutual plight, see beyond the standard faction lines.

I want to FUCK Yrel pregnant.

Like I did: ignoring the factions.

I want to use a turkey baster!

The line starts behind me.

Make something so major that both sides sit down and shut up. Alternatively is the best option.

>Not wanting to handle impregnating her personally
Science is the worst way to do it.

>Implying Yrel would want to fuck an Orc.

I ran and played Warcraft campaigns several times, to great success. Maybe I will tell about them at some later point.

>>Implying Yrel would want to fuck an Orc.
>implying she'd have a choice

My half-idea I have for one puts it an AU 10 years after TFT where the factions effectively aren't things anymore.

So, good as long as you unwittingly serve their interests?

>Not wanting to handle impregnating her personally
She must remain as pure as my complete lack of interest in fucking her.

And I ran a campaign after TFT, before WoW, back when I had no idea factions would become so bad.

Yeah, the Void can be good not because it cares about your well being but because it doesn't see any benefit for itself in being evil.

That sounds about right. Depending on how benign their interests are, some Void Lords might seem almost decent.

I'm running a Forsaken campaign right now.

>Orcs are left in no fighting state after the end of WoD
>The draenei are possibly pissed and are actually willing to use their tech, unlike main timeline "Velen" draenei.
The orcs are probably getting purged in WoDraenor over the shit they pulled.

"King's Honor, Friend."

You forgot your BlueOrc picture bruh.

Are you excited for Vulperra or do you hate them?

And also forgot to kill yourself.

I'm intrigued by them, but I need to see Voldun and their lore before I make a full judgement.

Yeah, they'll attract furfags, but Worgen Tauren and Pandaren already do that so what's one more?

He wasn't alone.

Do tell us more please.

uh, you don't get to bring warchiefs

I can already tell you the lore, Sethrak are a young ambitious empire that spreads deserts by electrocuting the ground and Vulperra are their slaves who you help to rise up.

Ich schwöre bei Gott diesen heiligen Eid, daß ich dem Führer des Verlassenes Reiches und Volkes Sylvanas Windrunner, dem Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht, unbedingten Gehorsam leisten und als tapferer Soldat bereit sein will, jederzeit für diesen Eid mein Leben einzusetzen.

>spreads deserts by electrocuting the ground
How does that even work?

Magic friend.

They're okay. I don't really see the appeal but I hope it means that goblins will get an update soon that makes the women slightly less update.

They're meh as furries. Pandaren girls are cuter

You're a shitfuck Death Knight, Darion. Also your swords are memes.

its a group of 7 of us playing forsken who awoke and are walking down to Stormwind from Lordaeron to go home. Right now they are trying to figure how to open the door to black rock mountain. There bodies are pretty fresh they refused to believe they are undead just sick from a disease. I'm wondering if theres a rulebook on how forsaken can turn into living though maybe I can do a quest for them after they go to stormwind.

Plants need water to grow. Plants don't need electrolytes.

Kill yourself.

Went from crab monster to chaos spawn

They build tall towers topped with crystals that continuously lash the ground with lightning.

>an entire party of Old Fillmaffs
I love it.

People want to shit on the factions, but we could have still had them without this RvB shit becoming this obnoxious.

To those that have run a Warcraft campaign, did you use the actual Warcraft RPG or adapt the setting to another system?

I'm considering running a Warcraft game in 5e. Races are easy to adapt, and many of the classes have analogues that are close enough (my players aren't huge sticklers, a DnD paladin is close enough to a Warcraft paladin). A few classes seem like they'd need more work though:

Shaman: really no good analogue that I can see, totem barbarians aren't close at all. Maybe some sort of modified tempest cleric

Brewmaster: obviously could base this on the monk, but would need significant additions

Priest: not a dead ringer for cleric of course but seems fairly doable

Demon Hunter, Death Knight: I'm fine just excluding these

Fuck off back to /v/

I maintain that while there are a lot of problems with RvB the biggest is Blizzard can't commit to it being either Gray or Black and White.

Isn't there a partial 5E conversion in the OP google drive.

It can only be grey in a MMO, how can they not see it? If it's not grey, people will get mad, and for a good reason.
Also Blizzard ignored faction conflict altogether in Vanilla outside of Battlegrounds.

You have to deal with Grey Foxes and Snake? Snake? SNAAAAKKEEEs in Zandalar-land.

I swear there better be some MG2:SS or MGS1 shit in Voldun.

I used modified Fate as I do for all of my games.


This is the reason blizz made the Horde into Hitler for a couple years. It just become a hostile environment for Alliance at blizzcon.

I hope not. Nick Cage references in Drustvar were enough.

The attached isn't perfect for this, since it doesn't do the working with all elements thing, but it's not bad.

Xanathar's Guide to Everything just gave us the drunken master archetype for monks.

Inconsistency was the real issue. RvB becomes a bigger deal when Garrosh comes along, but people complain about him so they turn it up to 11 to justify killing him later. Then suddenly we're best friends again until they make Sylvanas warchief, then people complain, so now we're getting RvB again so we can kill her too.
Blizz needs to stop letting people's bitching write their lore.

So if void elves are allowed in the city, are demons alright too?

Void Elves are lawful good Jokers.

Imagine Joker but lawful good.

Question: Why did blizzard remove the free flight paths you got when ever you leveled a new character?

They're some kind of heirloom toy now and you can get them all at once.

Is that him in the picture?

I hope that the language barrier on RP realms is brought down. I'm playing a male Blood Elf mage waiting to hear from his big sister who went to Draenor with the Alliance Expedition. In light of recent events, he relocated from Silvermoon City to Dalaran and is waiting to hear from her. All he knows is that she is alive.

Void elves and blood elves share a language anyway, it's all good.

>Imagine Joker but lawful good.

But I can't

Is that a subtle suggestion that void elves have no right to exist?

RvB can be

>Two factions opposed to one another based on their mutual histories of conflict that makes them unable to truly trust one another


>The Noble Races of the Alliance fight to destroy the Vile Horde

But Blizzard keeps trying to do both at once, and it just makes it look like the Horde is the Alliance's retarded little brother they have to periodically stop from breaking shit.

So do humans and forsaken

Listening to Vargs music makes me really wish there was Human druid lore in WoW


>this is huh, wow

Void and blood elves can literally communicate in game, though. They both speak Thalassian. This marks yet another example of a race/class that can break the language barrier. At this point I think it'd be fine to just remove it completely.

In-game? No, Forsaken have Gutterspeak instead. Blood elves and void elves both get Thalassian and can communicate across faction lines.

I need music for questing as a shaman. I know you guys can provide.

Forsaken originally had Common as a second language. It got changed to Gutterspeak some time in beta though since it only served to allow people to fling insults in game.
And this was in beta back before a decade of kool aid

In beta Gutterspeak was common.
Currently Gutterspeak is the translation wordset/algorithm for common, but with a different name so that forsaken can't fling insults across factions

Lazy reuse of disgustingly lumpy/cartoony Garrison assets. It probably won't change even when it goes live.

To be fair, it was the fucking Forsaken, even in vanilla their playerbase had a reputation for being ganking, griefing edgelords that persists to this day.


This one's also pretty fucking solid, but I can't find it on YouTube, so I puushed it for you.


I really don't have an opinion for them as a race, but see pic for my opinion of them as a playable race.

Yeah, but they decided "This is a bad idea" back when they WEREN'T forcing their playerbase to divide into two halves that DESPISE one another

What is going to stop Warchief Sylvanas from rising good Sindorai as undead now that garrosh isn't around?

Has Lorthamar fucked us? (Again?)

youtube.com/watch?v=P1CpVjR4Xvg Important lore.

They're almost certainly gonna be playable.

>"No she's no new arthas shes muh waifu"
I'm sorry I can't fap to a corpse

I think another issue is that Blizzard's writing is about as subtle and high quality as a squealing hog tied to the end of a broom handle. If they could fathom a plotline that wasn't THIS DUDE YOU REMEMBER WENT INSANE AND TRIED TO EXPLODE THE WORLD, QUICK JOIN THE RAID TO KILL HIM they might be able to pull off some interesting stuff even if the underlying premise was bad. Alas, every single conflict and major event follows the same basic pattern, so there's really no way to handle faction relations that isn't one-dimensional and crude. In the context of RvB, this means they're besties uniting against a common threat and/or you've just shit all over at least one of the factions.

Don't worry. You're covered.

He'll make sure you don't get an undeading, he's going to keep the souls of his wayward children right where they need to be.

I'm so fucking happy he's relevant again.

Thanks user.

>Has Lorthamar fucked us? (Again?)
>tfw you were a good natured high elf who had to see his human friends leave him and his leader turn your faction to the horde
>tfw you now have to see trolls hitting on your daugter
>and you are supposed to be ok with this and think this is better than dying

Do you want a comic book story or a novel? I prefer the Comic Book villain of the week since it fits with the Alliance

>elven "Men" trying to compete with the BTC

pssst hey buddy wanna try some void?

>void elves are high/blood elves who choose edginess over being cucked
Truely the greatest sacrifice

And I will do my part in removing them in PvP.

Yeah, here's another problem that leads to the inconsistency problem.

Horde players like moral ambiguity while Alliance players prefer simplicity.

Thicc humans will also probably be playable down the line
I can only imagine that Blizzard is gonna be adding a new race or two for each faction every damn patch

How much sway does Saurfang hold?
Can he tell her to stop?
Honestly the hordes whole confederation seems REALLY fucking fragile now with this cunt in charge

It was the same with Garrosh in charge.

Blizzard wants to set things back to WC2 but doesn't want to alienate fans of WC3's Horde, so they set up evil Warchiefs doing bad shit but have a bunch of other people stick around and say "oh, I sure do hate that evil Warchief".

I don't expect Sylvanas to remain in power for long

Hey! I be takin' offense to that
We be darkspear, not Amani! And we don't like it either.

Shame that blizzard is the only one who wants to go back to the WC2 horde

Even comics resurrect or avoid killing off their major characters. If WoW was Batman they'd be out of villains and his origin story would have been retconned to taking down his own parents during an arms deal.