>When the DM is edgy and persecutes the race you chose
Guilty Pleasures in Tabletop
>playing characters that I know are morally deprived to shock factor my party
>playing characters that have a land stand
however my DM refuses to let me die so then I get to be a badass who took on an army and lived
The depravity is my guilty pleasure. Had a tumor familiar disgorge itself from my character inside his throat so he vomited it out.
Thats fucking rad my guy
See casterfags get BTFO by martials. I don't even have to be the one playing martial.
>last stands
Patrician taste
Sounds like one of my players who always purposefully picks obscure shit to play as.
I love last stands too, especially when the players have time to prepare themselves for it, never occurs enough in the campaigns i'm in.
My own guilty pleasure:
Extremely high drive to continue to fight, accompanied by cheesy shounen-esq speeches.
I'm melodramatic, I'd probably give you a 'second wind' heal if you did something like that IC or a bonus to attack.
>not having a last stand
Why do such players even exist?
If my PC dies, I want it to be a last stand defending the party. I've already tried on two separate occasions, but it's clear the GM likes my character too much to let him die.
Coming up with little combinations of things that are so niche as to never actually occur, but knowing I could.
I once played a Witch with an enchant spell that could make someone kiss her, the spell "Vomit spiders", and the spell "Sew mouth". So I could kiss someone, vomit spiders into their open mouth in the process, then sew their mouth shut with the spiders still inside.
It's not that I ever got to see it happen, it was the knowledge I COULD do it.
If you can make attacks while grappled, I assumed you could cast spells. Are there diff. mechanics for pinning? Or is this not 5e? Or Am I just too new
>See casterfags get BTFO by martials. I don't even have to be the one playing martial.
This normally only happens with dumb players.
Or good systems
Good systems are a guilty pleasure I never get to indulge in because everyone I know is a hardcore DnDrone who's terrified to give anything else even the slightest bit of a fair chance.
I once played a Monk who refused to be healed by the cleric because he thought magic and miracles impure and didn't want to taint his body. It got difficult when we had to travel to another plane of existence and the wizard suggested teleporting. I walked.
Not who you're asking, but grappling has been a clusterfuck in every single edition of DnD it's been in and in my experience most DMs just houserule it as "helpless if grappled, roll strength/dex to break free" because it's alot more simple than the actual rules. Under this interpretation, being grappled would stop you from casting any spells with somatic or material components. Maybe even verbal-only if the DM rules you need a hand free to aim the spell or something.
TL;DR grappling sucks, nobody knows how it works, everyone is doing it wrong, and doing it right isn't fun.
Spells in 5e have 3 different components: Verbal, Somatic, and Material.
Because the Sorc didn't have subtle spell, she couldn't ignore the somatic component in this case. She couldn't make her Naruto hand signs to cast any spells.
Depending on the situation, grappling and pinning someone could be considered "restrained", in which case you can make attacks, but they're disadvantaged. A case where someone might be grappled but not restrained is when you grapple them by the leg, and then drag them over spikes.
My guilty pleasure is sidelining the entire party and derailing what they thought they were gonna do in the next hour.
>We're wanted, so party decides to go sneak around.
>Walk into the guardhouse and blazenly say "But we did nothing wrong!"
Oh shoot user, how I know your feelings.
Up until last year everybody in my local community was about Pathfinder, every DnD come you can imagine, except for DnD itself and Shadowrun.
It was a subhuman hell.
I have a game of Traveller next month.
Stay strong user and preach the good word from the bottom of your heart.
Good times will come.
tho you might need to pick up GMing at the beginning
>Or good systems
There arent any of those.
Mutants and Masterminds is great for this reason.
Grappling is actually not shit.
>when the DM has the same magical realms as me, but I can secretly kink-shame her
Deranged, always so fun, till someone does faggot things and play fish.
Also undead are as well, till someone comes along and makes a fuck ton of bone puns.
I honestly don't have a problem with 4e and 5e grappling.
I love having interparty conflict. Not the retarded "well I'd have killed you ages ago" kind, but where you get to actually roleplay butting heads.
Last session I have literally betrayed the trust of the character closest to mine (secretly to make sure they were safe in the coming fallout) and the relationship has turned bitter because of it.
(Admitedly the other player is one of my oldest best friends who also gets off on dramatic scenes so all the normal saltiness that could normally arise from this stuff isn't an issue)
>Not doing the smart thing because it's "dishonorable"
>Role-playing a simpering lackey to one of the other PCs
>honestly don't have a problem with 4e
Good there are systems who are more clearly and fluidly written, don't contradict themselve, avoid unnecessary bloat in rules and options and manage all that while still doing like a fun experience in the book.
If course everything stands and falls with the group but there are certainly systems who agree to a higher quality.
>Not doing the smart thing because it's "dishonorable"
You are my nigga and shall be known as such.
Within the Ring of Fire, Hillfoke, World of Darkness?
Mah nigga
good interparty conflict and playfull banter is half the reason i play
Playing as the same race as the evil guys as well..
Also under powered characters are fun.
>World of Darkness
Wow easy there, the setting might be good but taste is subjective.
But that writing is... Unclear at best.
I put a question mark on it, and minus the combat it's good.
>World of Darkness
maybe good writing, but its terribly balanced.
I mean, yeah, it's my guilty pleasure.
>Random character generation that isn't just ability scores
I love Shadows of the Demon Lord for all the tables you can roll for chargen.
My man.
You're playing a game about characters, your own characters having friction is a good thing - doubly so if you end up with an old character becoming an enemy.
What makes a better enemy than an old friend?
I actually know this feeling and it's the fucking best.
Well, I can see the appeal.
Heroquest 2
Mega & Mongoose 1e Traveller
"Carnage among the Stars" has a special place in my heart for doing what's on the cover to a masterful degree.
Most likely the systems that know what they want to be and don't get sidetracked.
>3d6 down the line stat gen.
Then i look at the numbers and go 'what does this tell me about the character'
My fellow scholar of culture.
Devote Traveller player and GM here and I will definitely check out this demon lord system.
I'm revealing the big bad to my players soon, one of the most beloved character from a previous campaign, who used to be party dad before a party wipe happened.
Can't wait to see their faces when the kindest soul they've known, has become a man of twisted ideology and genocide
Writing... I wouldn't say setting is even good all the time, and everything minus wraith has that thing that is just stupid. Also what you mean is, it isn't balanced, that's part of it's game design.
For bonus points, have him be covered up at first so they grow to see him as a villain before the reveal he's the man they used to know.
Pic related works for a reason, take notes.
Subtly breaking the 4th wall while keeping in character. First superhero game I played I made sure I got the 6th sense, it was a great game
i've literally done that, next session is just when he takes off the mask.
But If he pulls it off won't he die?
it'll be extremely painfull.
I do plan for him to die that session tho during the big showdown
When the GM lets my character have a stand
>Building up a really bullshit attack with a lot of roles
>Tfw they think you're done calculating the damage and you pull a Billy Mays
I know I'm terrible for it but god doesn't it feel so good.
It implies I didn't set up enough contingencies.
Two years I played a force missile mage just for than one moment during the final battle when I could go all out in a dramatically appropriate manner. DM refused to let me deal estimated mean damage so the rest of the group got a short break until I calculated everything.
I really hope this isn't your magical realm, user, 'cause that's just fucked up.
Fucking beautiful user.
But what if you're playing the kind of character who doesn't set contingencies?
Rich Rider, is that you?
>underpowered characters
Especially when they have some skill normally not so useful that comes in hand during the last part of the adventure and saves the party.
This too.
Holy fuck I wish I did it at least once.
I like making girls who can kick some serious ass because they're best girls!
I was expecting so much fucking worse when I read 'that guy'. Taunting an uppity asshole after beating them in a fight they challenged you to isn't being 'that guy'. Hell, even bringing it up over the course of the campaign to put them in their place isn't being 'that guy', its being an in character asshole that is easily separated from real life.
Then I'd have friends who do it for me.
But what if they're running for their lives from the guys you are stalling with the last stand?
It's a diversionary tactic until my other friends arrive.
> some skill normally not so useful that comes in hand during the last part of the adventure and saves the party.
That sounds just bad, I mean playing a Male Metis BF, a Full Orc Enchanter, and so on.
>roleplaying your character as having an attachment to a specific object and going to slightly absurd lengths to avoid getting it hurt
All I want is for a GM to let me have a Staff of Power so I can do a last stand where I announce intend to break it for the release just one time.
Except this is a super clear point because the guy used the exact terminology. A mere grapple would allow her to use actions to retrieve materials and somatics, but a pin is an action executed by him that functionally immobilizes her. He explained exactly how it works. It's not that hard.
Grappling in most RPG's sucks, I just always house rule it so you can do all the E-C-DUB shit.
I actually like generic, fun settings with shitty, overused tropes. The over-abundance of shitty anime fans has been a massive boon.