>Join an anime club at uni
>First meeting sucks because i'm a loser
>Someone mentions a Fate tabletop
>No one knows how to do it
>My time to shine
>Say I'll try to work it out
>Have no clue what system to even use
I know I won't be using DnD just because I don't think it'll work with the setting. I've considered using Mutants and Mastermind but I have no clue if that'd work either. Help would nice.
Join an anime club at uni
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go for gurps
You could use, y'know. Fate.
I forget these systems exist, I'm retarded
>I forgot the system used for Fate is Fate
I still dont like it
Savage Worlds. It's Fate, but with 5e's level of crunch. The superhero supplement is perfect for any Shounen anime campaign.
you are now my enemy
Wouldn't DnD mechanics fit in perfect with Fate?
no shut up ur a fucking faggot
How would you handle the differences between servants and masters?
I wouldn't. Masters and servants will be played by the same player. I'll just have them switch perspective whenever
Also no u
I'll never understand people who like Fate. Its a terrible setting through and through. The characters are awful one dimensional cardboard and the MC is somehow even more boring and one dimensional.
Yes, you are
I'd love to hear how did you even begin to arrive at this conclusion
Low quality bait doesn't deserve image responses
Use OVA or BESM 2E
Or Open d6 , Minsix or Risus
Risus. Unironically.
It has astounding potential even if the nips sell it short with Waifu faggotry.. Basically mythology Pokemon battleroyale
hows that english lit major treating you?
Really? I had fun watching Unlimited Blade Works and Zero.
I skipped Night because I heard Studio Deen just wasn't up to the same level as ufotable, and I really dug ufotable's polish when it came to animating the whole thing. Plus the score was pretty good.
I dunno, user. I thought it was worthwhile.
If you go with FATE, I suggest giving the Atomic Robo supplement a read; it's got a really nice little system for the sort of "we gather info -> we make a plan -> we try to execute the plan" cycle that the Fate stories often do.
FATE is really just a more complicated version of RISUS, when you think about it (yes, I know it's actually a more complicated version of FUDGE, shut up).
>not wanting to watch Leonidas duke it out with Ramses II while Nicholas Flamel goes all FMA on Jason
What are you, gay?
God, I missed this picture so much.
Rules lite is going to be the way to go for running anything Nasuverse related, and especially where Servants are concerned due to all the conceptual advantage shit making power levels completely irrelevant as soon as they become applicable.
I'd also advise against letting your players control both the Masters and Servants completely. Give them full control of the Master, and have the Servants follow their orders, but assume control if you have reason to believe that their Servant wouldn't go through with it. Command Seals are obviously still a thing and can be used, but as anyone who follows the franchise knows using a Seal to compel your Servant to do something they don't want to do is the most surefire way to get yourself fucked in the end.
I think if you run the game, you should make a collection of the Fate rules, and then have every player chose a rule to break somehow.
Stay away from savage worlds, it's garbage.
What's a good type of premise for a Fate game, though? A PVP Holy Grail War with some player character masters and some NPC Masters (or seven players if you're fucking insane)?
Some kind of Apocrypha team battle set-up aligns more with traditional P&P games, but it's a departure from that classic free-for-all Fuyuki Grail War shit.
SW isn1t bad, but for this purpose you would absolutely want something else.
is right. Nasu constantly breaks his own rules for dramatic effect.
>SW isn1t bad
It absolutely is.
It's not unobstructive enough for a rules-lite, but its mechanics don't support any actual flavour either because in the end most of the logic of the rules is just the same DnD shit again, so you end up with a game that imparts some bargain-bin DnD style.
If you want thematic mechanics, get an appropriately niche system.
If you want an actual rules-lite, play that.
>it's a departure from that classic free-for-all Fuyuki Grail War shit.
Have you watched Apocrypha? How many of the Servants actually stuck with the teams that summoned them by the end?
>Join an anime club at uni
kys weeb faggot. grow the fuck up
It doesn't try to be rules light. It goes medium-crunchy with a bunch of generic options. You are bashing a game for not being something it doesn't try to be.
Savage Worlds is a quick and fun pulp system, while it's not good for FATE it can be incredibly fun for pulpy low level style adventures. It is not a general system, despite being sold like it. I've run it a bunch and I have my qualms with it after a while, but I'd still play it over most.
Uh...fuck...I guess that's fair. Still, it was a lot of teaming up at all times by most of the characters that aren't named Jack, as opposed to like...Shirou and Rin teaming up amidst a bunch of chucklefucks or Diarmuid, Seiba, and Iskander being niggas for life in Zero.
I would run a classic Fuyuki Grail War type setup and let the players decide the course each of them want to take, letting alliances, betrayals, schemes, and the outcome of battles fall where they may.
Of course, there would be incentive to ally with at least one other player Master, most likely in the form of an NPC Master with an incredibly powerful Servant, ala Ilya and Heracles. But ultimately the players would have to turn on each other in the end, or find a third option. In any scenario however, it can only end with one Servant left standing at the end.
Is FATE good for a grail-war style PvP setup? I feel like the system assumes a more traditional "players are on the same side" game.
What makes you feel like that? I feel like it can work. Fate works as a system for most thing as long as you're more concerned with motivation and outcomes than the nitty gritty of combat details. As long as players are fine with how good their characters stab each other being based on how motivated to do it they are, then PVP should work fine given it's inherently balanced nature.
>or find a third option
Blow that shit the FUCK up
Fuck Grails
>Blow that shit the FUCK up
Because that worked out so well at the end of Zero right? Granted it's a feasible ending since the PCs don't know about that. There's also the issue of any Servants desiring the Grail who wouldn't take too kindly to such a plan.
Gil can suck my mongrel cock, I'm blowing up that Grail
...man there are some energetic and helpful mofos all up in here. Keep up the good work Veeky Forums!
Let's just say I've got something GudaGuda for the King of Heroes to savor if he wants to start shit.
Not that guy but I'm very sceptical about narrative based PvP based on how much of a clusterfuck Forum RPGs tend to be.
Isn't Fate explicitly influenced by Nasu's D&D games?
[citation needed]
It's ok to admit you didn't know about fate
No, that was another series that he made.
To play Fate, one should use FATE.
It's turbo easy to use and simple to explain.
>I'll never understand people who like Fate.
thats because you've never read it lol
How about MAID rpg? You play the Master, players play the Servants, the scenario is a disaster in the scale of a Grand Order. It's easier to play like this rather than a full on PvP Fuyuki Grail War. Plus you know. Harem shenanigans and PC rivalries are bound to ensue.
Also gonna throw in my vote for BESM, but 3rd edition is more balanced. Fate is also good.
Depends on how game-nerdy the group is. If they're hardcore weebs that can't do math, play Fate. If they're engineers who love anime, give BESM a shot.
I don't enjoy rules light or "narrative driven" systems. I don't have any experience with this system, but if I were to run a Fate (Or Nasuverse) game, I'd use
It looks quite detailed, and the magic rules are pretty good.
Source: My own experience playing a Fate-inspired game using BESM 3.0. It was fun. Lots of rules support for over the top powers.
Except they're all little girls.
I like the idea of Fate more than the execution
But is the Grail corrupted or not? Will angry manjew fuck shit up? Is there a random servant from last war running around eating children?
>Main character
What the fuck does that have to do with the - setting - you blithering moronic piece of shit?
From personal experience, I find that you should decide the premise after assessing both the number of players, and the willingness of the DM to go above and beyond.
If you've got seven or fewer players, not counting the DM, it's best to stick to a traditional Grail War unless your DM is willing to play the entirety of the "enemy" faction.
If they are, or you have the full 14, by all means have your GHGW.
When my group decided to play a Grail War, there were 6 of us, counting the DM. We reached into a hat and picked our servant classes, with the DM picking 2 and making them into a team a la Caster and Assassin in Stay Night.
It was a lot of fun. The first 2/3rds of the game were spent with the 5 of us having to constantly weight our strengths vs (current enemy) vs how many allies we needed to take down the bosses and whether we could do it without the aid of (current enemy).
I have some stories if anybody wants to hear them.
First off, >anime club
Secondly, just play fate or some random dnd module if you're new to this.
Word of advice though, make sure your players don't go full lolrandumb and make sure they know what the session is going to be like and help them make character accordingly.
Right now an idea I'm playing with is to just have 6 players take up 6 of the classes and have me, the DM, pick up an OP servant. Afterwards, my DMPC will act as a big bad for a little bit. I want to steer the players into making alliances sooner rather than later and get decent character interaction. Otherwise they might just start punching everything as soon as we start.
When my PC eventually dies, preferably first, then it goes back into the free-for-all. That way betrayal and stuff can happen. I feel like doing all this can create an enjoyable story.
I want to hear more. I've been looking into running a Grail War campaign for a while and research playing and planning methods, so seeing how communication in a PvP game works would be wonderful.
Even though I only have a handful of potential players, maybe 5 if I give it my all.
Fucking some worms is still less dignified than fucking a horse desu
I wish I could sell mine somehow.
But you have no self respect user, your on Veeky Forums.
Urobuchi Gen mentioned it in an interview way back when, talking about how the differences between his gaming influences (CoC) and Nasu's (D&D) showed up in the kinds of stories they wrote.
>seven servant classes go into an hat, and we pull one out (two in the DM's case) and make our servant from there
>to make things more fair/prevent anyone with an above-basic knowledge of history and myth from cheesing it, we restrict who we can summon to the GO servant list, but are allowed to summon anyone from that list that fits our class
>I've drawn Saber, so assuming I don't have shitty rolls in battle I've got a good shot
>most players are creating their character first, then summoning their servant based on who would be a good compliment
>I do the opposite- I summon Mordred as my Saber, and then after I've rolled I build my character around supporting her
Now, it's been awhile since this, so I don't remember what system our DM was using; I'm pretty sure it was a homebrew of some sort, but I can't 100% remember.
>character creation is all done, so the so of us head off so the War can begin
>know that Assassin with a not-retarded master can solo the War by targeting masters, so my first goal is to draw him out
>second goal is to determine the identity of the DM's two servants
>send Saber out to make a ruckus at the overseer's church in the hopes that it'll draw at least one of my three targets out while I follow in secret
>ruckus has drawn out Lancer (Hector of Troy) and his master, and my familiars tell me that Assassin is watching us
>as we're fighting, I text Lancer's player under the table and we form an alliance to deal with Assassin
>plan is to mock-continue the battle, and as I go to deal the fatal blow Lancer fakes his death and pulls out using Disengage
>plan goes off without a hitch, and Assassin goes back to his master unaware that my familiars are tailing him
>Assassin's identity (Jack the Ripper) is revealed, but there's no sign of her master... Oh fug, Assassin is one of the DM's servants
>Saber and Lancer have wandered into a boss battle right at the start of the game
>fortunately, Assassin has low stats, and it's becoming obvious that the DM had been planning to use her for information gathering and not fighting
>Saber and Lancer roflstomp her
>even more fortunate, her partner servant never comes to her aid, so we're spared from fighting two bosses back-to-back
>both Saber and Lancer are still raring to go, but we pull them out before they can start another fight
>session ends
>next session, Lancer player and I pull back from the action to do more under-the-table strategising as Rider (Headless Horseman) and Berserker (Herakles) duke it out
>we still don't know who Archer or Caster are, nor do we know which one is the DM's other servant
>hoping it isn't Archer for obvious reasons
>Lancer player and I weight our odds, and decide that, on the chance that the DM has Archer, Rider would be more helpful to have than Berserker
>jump into the fight aiding Rider, and just barely manage to beat him
>by just barely I mean that each of us has used up at least one Command Seal and all of us are in desperate need of rest
>also Berserker's master managed to escape, and we're too worn down to track him
>the three of us form a temporary alliance, but we all know it'll be broken the instant the DM's second servant is down
>session ends
>third session, I've again pulled back to try and hunt down Berserker's master, while Lancer and Rider go after the remaining not-DM servant
> while on the hunt I run into Archer (Arjuna)
>fortunately, Archer doesn't belong to the DM
>unfortunately Archer player is confident that he can beat the DM's Caster on his own
>it's an epic struggle that will be told throughout the ages, a clash of blade against bow as two heroes from opposite sides of the world do battle in their quest for the Holy Grail
>Archer has Saber on the ropes, and I've been forced to use my second Command Seal, but ultimately the day is won
>victory is made somewhat bittersweet as Lancer returns with mixed news
>while Archer and I did battle, he and Rider managed to face Caster in battle
>Rider has fallen, but we've learned the identity of the DM's Caster
>And who is Caster? Medea? Solomon? Merlin? Gilgamesh?
>Our Caster is Shakespeare
>Shakespeare's stats suck, this is going to be a walk in the park
>actually no, it isn't
>Caster's master is none other than the church overseer, who has been receiving buffs and NP holy weapons from Caster nonstop since the War began
>he's also partnered with Berseker's master, who has summoned a new Berserker (Frankenstein)
>Boss battle time
>since I know that Saber can beat Berserker, I have Lancer attempt to hold off Caster's master while I get to work
>our battle goes identically to how it goes in Apocrypha, and I'm down to 0 Command Seals with Berserker dead
>I finish off the master while Saber goes to join Lancer in fighting Caster's master
>it's a disgustingly tough fight, but ultimately, not even a church executor that's been getting nonstop buffs for days can defeat two servants whose minds are set on victory
>Caster himself, as expected, is piss-easy to beat once his master is dead
>neither I nor Lancer's master have any Command Seals left, but it's down to just the two of us and our servants
>We aren't going to fight, but our servants are more than willing to fight each other
>final battle of the Grail War is an honourable one between two servants giving it their all
>in a roll that I suspect the DM fudged for cinematic effect, Saber and Lancer strike each other down with their last blow, ending the War in a tie
Now, I've obviously skipped over most of the non-combat aspects, but in my defense it's been awhile and I know there are things, even within what I described, that I missed. Some are probably more important than others. What I do remember was that there was a lot more sleuthing than I described, and most of each session was spent trying to track down leads as to the identities of rival masters and their servants. Much of how I played was based on the assumption that the DM had Archer as one of his servants and had summoned Gilgamesh, meaning that my priority wasn't so much the elimination of rival masters and servants so much as it was about uncovering their identities and trying to forge an alliance that could beat the king of heroes.
PvP interaction was done depending on how we wanted the interaction to be conveyed. At the start of the game, we'd all pass what we wanted to do to the DM under the table, and he'd do the narrating and rolling until we decided to reveal ourselves. After that, conversations that were meant to be private between two masters were done by texting under the table; while open conversations, or ones we wanted other masters to hear, were done over the table as normal.
As players, we played master and servant, as well as any familiars we might have employed. From what I remember, combat between masters was fairly rare, as most of us wanted to focus on the servant fights and the way Lancer's and Saber's alliance skewed the War meant that there weren't many opportunities for master-on-master combat. At least on my end, the only two master fights I got into were the first battle against Berserker where we briefly skirmished before Berserker died and he ran off, and the battle against Archer.
All in all it was a fun experience, and I'm saddened that I can't remember any more details that might be helpful to prospective players. I hope at least that my green kept you entertained.
Thank you very much! It was indeed entertaining and informative. I'm saving it for reference.
>Little girl
I'm glad you enjoyed it. My takeaway from having played is that, while it's fun to watch seven masters and servants go at it in an anime free-for-all, trying to execute that in-game is going to be a clusterfuck unless your DM can pull off a competent and well-thought-out plan to give players some guidance.
>use Assassin to stealthily gather data on what the other servants can do and who their masters are/eliminate them if possible
>use Caster to provide buffs to self and use Item Creation to make an arsenal of NP-grade holy weapons
>eliminate the other masters as they come to him, then deliver Grail to to the church and be canonised as a saint for it
If your DM can channel their inner Kotomine as well as mine can, then I've no doubt that your own game will be a blast.
Well that's strange, you'd think CoC would make a decent writer at the least.
Any details you remember more about the system, the way it was ran, where it was ran, other player perspectives, do tell us. I'm very interested in running this myself now..
no girls here user
You lose some of the master x servant dynamics, but it works.
PVP os a terrible idea for tabletop because you end up with a part of your players sitting on their asses doing nothing after they die. So you probably want to hold back on the PvP as long as possible.
Also, you need your own servants and masters to control the narrative and actually have some sort of plot.
Nasu made his own homebrew system and wrote for a japanese rpg magazine
The alternative is have everyone play their own master and someone else's servant, but that means if everyone at your table is a sweaty neckbeard you'll have a bunch of that ERPing with each other.
I really would like to try something with like 6 players where half are masters and the other half servants. Masters take a class from the hat, and so do servants (to make up pairs). But it probably would end up in a clusterfuck.
Yup all of them are historically accurate
You kinda need to post who that pic is supposed to be. Considering Japan, I wouldn't be surprised if that's Trump.
How would you randomise the classes so that there are three pairs at the end? Just give them only three classes? Or maybe check what classes the Masters got before you draw the Servants' classes?
I mean, there's also the option of hoping that you get at least one pair naturally, but…
Was this avoidable?
For the love of god use some sort of RNG to decide who they summon or you'll have three Gilgameshs, two Emiyas, an Astolfo and half a Cu Chulainn like in the original series.
Chevalier D’eon