/kdm/ Kingdom Death Monster

'Expansion Reprints When?' Edition

Wave 2 estimated to ship March 7th.

>What is Kingdom Death: Monster?

Monster is a board game about surviving in the darkness. You play a bunch of cavemen stuck inside the world of Kingdom Death, a setting full of freaky (and sometimes psycho-sexual) monsters. The current version is 1.5.

Your goal is to arm your survivors and grow your settlement over 20-30 'lantern years', in an effort to overcome the mysterious odds that are against you. The game has 3 phases:
1. Hunt: You hunt down monsters for resources
2. Showdown: Fight them
3. Settlement: Return with the goods to build, innovating and sacrificing - all to strengthen your survivors

A maximum of 20-30 sessions are expected for a successful campaign. Shorter campaigns will be available in 2019-2020.

It's basically Warhammer Quest meets Monster Hunter meets Berserk meets Sid Meier's Civilization.

>Official Sites

>1.5 Rulebook photographs (yet to be fully scanned)

>Official FAQ and Living Glossary

Official build guides: build.kingdomdeath.com/
Upgrade 1.3 to 1.5 guide: kingdomdeath.com/wp/upgrade-to-1-5-edition/
Unofficial lore and miniature build guides: vibrantlantern.com/
1.5 Core Game and 1.3 expansion miniature info image: i.imgur.com/t0clW3a.jpg
Gambler's Chest (coming in 2nd half of 2018) miniature info image: i.imgur.com/A64r2Ar.jpg

>Thread FAQ

Other urls found in this thread:

steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815332656&searchtext=kingdom death 1.5

I would love to try this game if it wasn't three hundred dollars. is there a lite low cost version or anything?


Table top simulator has a workshop mod for it.

How did everyone do on the Valentine's Sale?

-Investment Sniper First Run
-TDDUP First Run
-Sunstalker Infant Encore
-Valentine's Dice

Missed it unfortunately. Forgot it was Valentines day. I always forget cause I have no reason to look forward to it ;-;

Who is she?

Anonymous survivor. Basically an OC that an user paid to have put in the game.

Well I'll say that was money well spent with that design

Also, that is actually a dude.

You're joking right?

>KDM character are getting thiccer and thiccer

See the belt being worn across the chest? Go on, guess what it does.

No. He's wearing a belt of gender swap.

I don't even play this game but those thighs are drawing me in.

I thank you anons for at least warning me before something bad could have transpired. But curse that user who made that image

I'ts a fun game, but the main game doesn't have too much of the thiccness. The pinup miniatures are where the true thicc is.

It wasn't an user who made it. It's official artwork. This is going to be in the game.

This is what user submitted.

Well then, Curse that user for that design. But even though I have no intention of buying or ever playing this game, I saw some really good artwork when searching about this game only this time without that belt thing on them I hope so I will start lurking here from time to time. Thank you for answering my questions anons

400$ on the official store. Does that include all expansions? Or is that just the base game alone?

Base game. Extra $700ish for all the expansions.

Oh god; I'll wait then. Thanks

If you really feel like waiting, It's like $300 for the base game on black friday.

Player here who is hoping to run a game for his D&D mates later in the month.

Are there any good mostly spoiler free playthroughs of the first fight or two I can watch to really get a good grip on how the game plays?

While some of the explanations you'll find are about the tabletop sim controls, they do go over the mechanics

It's a while away then, so I wont worry too much. If I really want to play it, I'll just play it in Tabletop Sim. I'm mostly just interested in the sheer number of models and their detail (maybe the girls too; just saying).

Besides. I still haven't even built all the models from WQ:ST. I personally doubt I'd have the will to build every KD:M model.

Trust me, you'll build the ones you have because you'll have so few. The pinups are god damn expensive. I mean shit, the Christmas models were $35 and $45 each.

For those who want to try the game on Table top sim, this has been the best version I've tried so far.
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815332656&searchtext=kingdom death 1.5

Thanks senpai. I have the rulebook infront of me as well, but I don't want to be completely fumbling about in the first story or first 'real' fight. It was hell enough trying to get my friends to cooperate into trying the game out.

A lot of the people at my work like board games. Especially since we work 12 hours a day and on night shift, theres fuck all to do. I'm bringing in the game thursday to get them to try it out.

I wish I was that lucky. I'm the youngest person at where I work and i'm sure at least half of my coworkers are on a government list. Retail fucking sucks.

So I just embarked on the stupid decision to magnetize the armor kits, and have somehow already managed to lose a pair of lion katars... Why live?

>Post YFW Poots includes a suprise copy of Fade with The Red Witches expac

A man can dream. I'll get my warrior mommy one day.

>thicc pregnant warrior women
Whoever makes this game needs to get out of my head.

LY20 reporting in. Just figured out how Block actually works. Suddenly rethinking our lives. If we weren't about to get our salad tossed by the end game I would say we ought to start over.

PS. Fuck Twilight Sword mastery and the asshole it rode in on.

Missed the boat, everything I was interested in (Til Death, Sniper, Sunstalker) was gone by the time I checked my E-mail and saw that something was happening.

Glad to see a rerun of Infant Sunstalker happen though, it had been AGES and I've coveted that thing

Anyone done any cool conversions? Stumbled upon pic related and immediately thought of wailingslide.jpg

She isn't pregnant , she is post partum. See her holding her child behind her back.
TFW I got Fade and Percival in the xmas sale


Didn't really want TDDUP, but got everything I wanted. Which was:

-Investment Sniper (Encore, but I don't really care about that)
-Architect Male (First Run)
-White Knight
-Great Game Hunter Male

I'll never paint them, but I do have fun assembling them.

I hate having money

>Till Death do us Part
>Investment Sniper
>Great Game Hunter Male
>Sun Warrior Punup
>Valentines Dice

Our run is doing well. Steamrolled the lvl2 Butcher , next session is the lvl2 King's Man, which everyone is dreading. Our current strategy is named How Many Shields Can We Humanly Stack On Our Survivors?
We managed to get King's Step through Forbidden Dance for one of our shield specialists, so that's always a relief.

Funny thing is, the other players (it's their first time) actually like the King's Man better than the Hand.

Missed it. But did managed to get the Valentines Death Dice. A good consolation prize since I'm trying to get all the seasonal death dice.

What mods do you all recommend? There are quite a few I see

Posted it earlier. This is the best one I've used so far.

steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815332656&searchtext=kingdom death 1.5

>$300 cheesecake simulator

It's actually more of an XCOM + Monster Hunter in the Berserk verse thing. The cheesecake is an optional dessert.

Pretty much the best explanation, though I would add with a Dark Souls approach to lore

Rip Eve, my favorite survivor thus far. She was ambidextrous with a pair of bone axes and tore shit up. She ran off into the darkness after eating a cockroach and then ending an encounter with the antelope at 25 insanity. I'm gonna make her a cool model.

Who've been your favorite survivors so far kdmg?

>Who've been your favorite survivors so far kdmg?
Viviana Loren: Founder. Ageless Bow Master, Absolute Crit Maniac, slayer of The Watcher... occasional exhibitionist (Went on an early hunt with cloth and bow to her name, traded the cloth for the Death Mask and proceeded to annihilate while essentially naked).

The Survivor With No Name: We lost track how many times he got unnamed or renamed... probably about four names over his life and I've forgotten like half of them, but he was really good with a sword! Eventually got deleted by the Phoenix, while Nameless (again)

Chief Arnie. She was a nobody until she got hit by Skull Eater. She started stacking mad strength (SotF, got strength with Skull Eater, then with Murder, then with Understanding, then with Courage, Age and I can't remember what else) while killing the other survivors of the settlement one after the other and basically scaring them into submission until it was their turn to be bench-pressed to death.
She had a natural Strength of 7 when she was left to fend for herself with only one traumatized young survivor as a companion, the year the King's Man was supposed to arrive. The four other survivors had just left the settlement due to Clinging Mist.
It was an extremely flavourful way of ending that settlement. We agreed that the four hunters weren't really lost, but just used the mist as an excuse to get as far as possible from Arnie and try to put the horror behind them.

I like to think that she died trying to wrestle with the King's Man defiantly, all by herself since the other survivor left had Fear of the dark and was a pansy. Or maybe she became a monster herself, one of the bone witches that appear when you haven't exiled anybody...

Everything except the stupid dice. Why do autists always buy dice?

Missed it since I was busy, and by the time I got the email the one thing I wanted was sold out already. So I am ultimately back where I was with the white knight in lusting after it, but refusing to pay scalper prices for it.

Just buy a recast dude. Unless you are one of those freaks that NEED the signed card and art.

Honestly the card is just a nice extra. Only reason I haven't gotten a recast is that I don't know which ones are trustworthy and don't wanna risk getting some garbage.

Where can I find sketches and artwork, especially of the monsters, setting, and items?

>Base game. Extra $700ish for all the expansions.

The $400 is just the 20 pound base game box. All the expacs is about $700 dollary doos.

Pinterest, google, here, probably sadpanda

awesome, I'll look into this!

They also like to sell art work. Last black friday they sold packs of 25 random art cards.

What's the best way to organize this game? Is the base insert any decent?I don't want it damaging my shit.

Little to no lore, consisting from small bits of background and micro-plots, irrelevant to the main theme, with only saving grace being indirect narrative?

400. Plus shipping.
>missing both kickstarters

>not plain white eyes with just a hint of pupil rolled back near the very top
One job!


Not enough dicks on him

No, he's fine on that, what he's missing is hands. Can we make some of that crest human hands?

Even if that is the canon way to do its eyes, I think the realistic bovine pupils look really nice. Fuck, with the mix-and-matchign of animal parts, theres so much potential to do cooler stuff than blank eyes (looking at you, every gorm paintjob).
Thinking of doing toad eyes for mine, whenever I build up the necessary confidence to fuck up my modelfus

What are you waiting for in wave 2 boys?
All 12 expansions are going to be on there way and I am only on my second settlement lantern year 16

Was poor during the kickstarter so I couldn't back. But I will be buying the new expansions as they come out. And hopefully the old expansions will be reprinted.

All the old expansions will be in the store after majority of the backers have them. Expect full price though

Yah, I'm able to pay full price, but I kinda regret not backing. But I needed a car at the time.

>was reviewing projects with my boss when the sale went up
>only got investment and architect
>didn't even know what ones I missed

>3 hunts into first game
>realize I shouldn't have been putting in the entire Basic AI deck for lvl 1 monsters
Well, now I feel dumb. At least the only death so far was one of my characters.

>6 hunts in realize this
>9 hunts in realize that
>12 hunts in forgot to do this
It helps to have more then one set of eyes who knows the rules helping you keep tabs

It was my bad, everyone just assumed I knew what I was talking about since I've watched a few streams of people playing a few months back. I'm also guessing the only one death part was from me rolling hit locations per damage as opposed to per hit.

I don't think he's nearly complex enough for KD without some artistic liberties.

Hit Locations:

-A single two-hit chomp
-Molest tree/pillar
-Jump & Glide into Forward Tailslash
-Jump & Glide into Tail Sweep
-Charge with static
-One or two claws
-Baby scream

If you want to add something from MHW in KDM, Nerg has a better gimmick with its spines and Kirin has a better battlefield gimmick with its lightning up the ass. The only thing Tobi has going for it is that it looks cool.

Incorrect. Poots just randomly decided to include her (because he's a fucking madman) and then invited creator to dev for it.

If you're worried about a woman with a cock, don't be. When she was a dude, a maneater bug happened and replaced is crotch with smooth skin. As an amazonian woman, she either has smooth skin or has a infertile vagina. (which it is isn't confirmed)

That's what gets me, trying to keep track of all of it at once. I hate playing alone.

Got my copy yesterday and looking to organize my box tomorrow. I've heard the base insert has a problem where the hunt board crushes cards beneath it, is this true or how do I solve it?

It's true if you're a retard.

Cut the lid off the big mini box and flip it upside down. There's enough room for it to sit on top of the edges of the plastic insert so it doesn't crush shit. Put the board on top of that, put some shit in the space just in case so the mini box doesn't collapse or something.


but hes so cool though

fair point nergigante would be a more deadly fight; tobi was planned in my crazed head as lion replacement/alt antelope

The miniature assembly box? that doesn't seem like it'd be sturdy enough, hrmmm. I can give it a go though.

It is as long as you put a something to cushion it underneath.

It's what I did. Haven't crushed or creased a single card.

I see, what did you use? I've seen people use foam inserts on the corners and that apparently works well.

Foamies from infinity boxes mostly.

I cut one in half and put it down the sides, and put enough to make the two center wells even, put all the books and stuff on there and put a couple on each side so everything was level.

It less crushes cards and crushes the card dividers, since the outer walls aren't tall enough for them to stand straight.

Here's someone's prototype solution to the bad box insert. Settlement events are stored in the blue postcard album and referenced like a rollchart.

Your solution is garbage and you don't understand the actual problem.

You are actually retarded. I've posted my box before and nothing gets crushed.

Yours literally looks like hobo garbage.

Don't make me slap your face off your face you dumb fuck.

This dude may be to stupid to realize that you flip the mini box upside down so the cards go into the empty cavity. If you put some shit down to make sure the weight distribution is even your shit won't get fucked.

You do have to make sure that the layer of foamies you put your upside down lid on is even or your shit may get fucked.

I'm certain there's a better solution that that abomination.


If you can't even comprehend a post, you have no business suggesting that a hollow cardboard box should be used as a cushion in lieu of having an actual support structure to begin with.

Alternatively, and very likely, you have little or no expansions and can just lay all of your decks diagonally due to free space.

You are a fucking retard.

Do not listen to this poster.

>he doesn't laminate his character sheets and settlement sheets
I seriously hope you're not absolute plebs, /kdmg/.

I feel bad for you actually. So I'll bother explaining.

The sides of the mini box hold it up cause it sits on the side of the insert, because guess what retard? They're the same size. The only thing that goes on top of it is the board and maybe hunt track. That's plenty sturdy you fucking retard.
Also I own every expansion. Assuming its a new person asking (because they're figuring out how to set up the box you fucking retarded retard) they probably don't have xpacs and that solution is fine even if you have a couple of em.

If you have all the xpacs already like me, I just got another box or 2 cause I have even more shit coming, like 20 more xpacs.

Also this. At least 1 settlement sheet laminated and 4 character sheets or you're a pleb and I won't play with you.

Of course it looks like shit, the guy built it out of foamboard and hot glue, and didn't spraypaint it black. It was the faggot's prototype for 3d printing.

Laminating settlement and character sheets is stupid. Largely uncalled for on settlements, as you can just print out a Settlement Storage sheet to easily track everything.

You're better off making laminate half-sleeves that only cover the survival, brain, and armor locations on character sheets, since you generally don't erase the other content.

Everything being laminated leaves no legacy behind, no sheets to put in your personal halls of fame, no stories to be remembered and sung.

>being this fucking autistic

Never reply to me again you big stupid.

If you don't care about the narrative you create in an RPG boardgame, then you may as well just buy a PS4 and play Monster Hunter. It'll cost less and you'll likely have more fun.