You can go to hell, and take your custom built salt mining truck with you.
Carter Richardson
Hudson Parker
I love the character art of the FFG RPGs. They do a really good job of mimicking the aesthetics of Star Wars without just constantly repeating the same six outfits.
Shame it's hard to get decent pictures of them.
James Ortiz
>Can you stop this dangerous moonscape maker from pounding holes in your armored lines?
>Marching your troops down an empty field in EaW >Entire front line explodes >Fog of war clears at the top of the hill >It's an MPTL-2A psssh...nothin...personnel...kid...
David Torres
I agree
Juan Smith
I'm sorry sir, it's time for you to leave
Elijah Ward
You've just been promoted to captain within either the newly-formed New Republic Defense Fleet, or under one of the Imperial factions two years after Endor.
You're given the choice of a few vessels no larger than a frigate to police a star system, along with the respective complement of starfighters (if doesn't have a dedicated compliment, you're issued two squadrons, and will be garrisoned on one of the local planets).
What is the class and name of your command, Veeky Forums? What star system/planet do you choose?
Ryder Ross
Colton Garcia
>mfw raid fleets of MPTLs and T4-Bs utterly demolish your lightly defended planets I'm still salty, though not as salty as when the Consortium showed up and brought a whole new level of bullshit with them.
Samuel Lee
The answer is always Gozantis with attached TIE docking clamps.
John Stewart
Artillery is one of the main reasons I dropped EAW. Some of the most fucking frustrating bullshit in the game.
Jeremiah Howard
Mods my man. Absolute Corruption or Thrawn's Revenge. The former helps buff the Empire so they're at least competitive against the Rebels (although the Rebels became by far the weakest faction as the war essentially turns into Empire with every ISD variant vs Consortium CIS Fleets)
Nathan Scott
>entire fucking starfleet of Vengeance cruisers uncloaks itself after surrounding your ships NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID
Juan Cooper
I'll go with a Victory II Star Destroyer called the Dauntless, let's have it patrol near Ryloth. Seems like a place that would be a hotbed for Rebel activity.
Jonathan Green
Weren't those the frigates that didn't have any shields?
Kevin Ramirez
Yeah and the twin mass drivers.
Leo Wilson
Can I get a Carrack instead? they're basically frigate size, and they can chase down X-wings, or if I can get a sweet enough mechanic to work on it, A-wings, Interceptors or even Defenders, so buddy and his jacked up light freighter are toast if he tries piracy around here, and anything up to neb-B sized is fucked six ways from sunday when I catch it and get in a shootout Bring some X-wings for fighter support, decent planetary shielding and nobody who won't be heard of and planned for a month away is a threat at all
Mason Long
I'd be captain of a Tartan stationed in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. It would be manned by me and my mates from the Academy and we would spend our merry days fucking around, playing Dejarik, and going groundside to harass Twi'lek girls and extort bribe money.
Eli Brown
I can't believe there's still no mod to remove arty.
Jayden Evans
Probably a NR MC40 if that counts, with a complement of Fang Fighters, ARC-170s, and and retrofitted TIE Interceptors
Captain of fucking nothing because the Senate decommissioned and scrapped my vessel/my entire fucking military was destroyed at Jakku
Nicholas Kelly
Oh, but user! There are plenty of mods to increase company sizes! So now the carnage can be increased tenfold and the AI's horrible pathing can destroy your whole army before the enemy can.
But seriously, ground battles can suck a big fat one with how painful they are.
Brody Rogers
How powerful was an average Jedi? From rewatching TCW and the PT it has come to my attention that an average Jedi isn't all that great and drives home the point when Qui-Gon said Jedi could be killed.
Jaxon Edwards
i'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of ewok suicide bombs
bitch nigga
Daniel Ward
One of the comically-overgunned Munifex-class light cruisers, a 300m vessel with 28 turbolasers, 12 ion cannons, and a full squadron of TIE fighters. Named the Spikeshark, and escorted by a pair of Gozantis with 4 TIE apiece.
Somewhere in the Aparo sector right on the border of Corporate Space. Mostly dealing with smugglers and mercenaries. Maybe the Lo'Uran system, which was just under marginal control without a full garrison.
At the end of the day, I'm flying around in a fat little potato filled to the gills in guns in a backwater system with little to no importance. Attempt to keep my head down, vomit up laser fire on anything that starts trouble, and do my 20 years before retiring somewhere in the Core on my fat pension.
Tyler James
Extremely dangerous to your average joe trooper, still vulnerable to an elite murderer like Jango Fett.
Chase Fisher
Great in which area? Jedi are peacekeepers and diplomats first and foremost. They also have some martial training, with those who are warriors first being very much the exception rather than the rule.
Jacob Lewis
Basically, enough. It also depends on the era.
Jedi of The Old Republic era could at least stand toe to toe with a Sith Warrior, as well as Mandos.
The Jedi of the PT era are out of practice, after a millennium of pretty much only dealing with renegades, pirates, and Hutt thugs. They're less well equipped to deal with Sith than their forerunners were, hence why so many fall to Maul, Dooku, Asajj, the Acoyltes, Durge, Grievous, etc.
The war hardened a lot of them, but they still couldn't handle an army of clones shooting at them at once (HK-47's maxim). The survivors however are much more resourceful and hardened, but either their overconfidence after surviving the Jedi Purge makes them susceptible to bounty hunters/Inquisitors, or they're just no match for Darth Vader.
NJO on they're pretty well equipped to deal with anything non-Vong, although they can deal with the latter. It also depends on the skill of the enemy. Jaden Korr, for example, is able to best a Sith cultitst with a lightsaber before he receives ANY Jedi Training, and proceeds to hack down Cult Members left and right while still a Padawan
The greatest threats, however, are still overwhelming numbers and surprise, such as the case in SW: Legacy.
Nolan Smith
Too be a peacekeeper In a galaxy as dangerous as the Star Wars one wouldn't it make sense to have martial skill?
Anthony Morales
Non-protagonist Jedi are fallible, as fragile as any other meatbag, and can be killed with enough dakka, but they still absolutely shouldn't be underestimated by your party. Bring lots of guns. Bring lots of friends. Bring lots of friends with guns.
Benjamin White
Not if you're retarded as the average Jedi apparently
Robert Howard
Yeah, hence they get some but that's not their primary job. Most have enough for anything short of a full on war, which is something the Republic hadn't seen in a long time. It's like judging a car based on it's ability to run people over, you can use it for that but you're not really judging it based on it's primary uses or full potential.
Ethan Ward
Holy canolli, that things amazing. I wish I'd see more of those fuckers. >300m long >still packs almost 30 turbolasers and a dozen ion cannons, in addition to a full squadron of TIE's >oh, and it still also has room for 200 troops and 500 tons of cargo in addition to the 660 crew You're probably going to be packed in there like sardines, but you could accidentally take over a fucking moon with it alone and get pick fights with much larger ships. This thing's like the Venator of patrol craft.
James Harris
The republic hasn't seen a Galatic War in a long time but I am pretty sure they had plenty of small wars and disputes before the Clone Wars started.
Chase Mitchell
Well, they're peacekeepers, but they aren't actually meant to be combatants. They're primarily just diplomats and people who come in and use their moral superiority to get people to stop being dicks.
You don't compare the average UN peacekeeper to a Navy Seal.
Cooper Evans
Pretty sure you'll never have children after working on that thing, with how big a reactor it needs to have in that small an area.
Jose Fisher
>They're primarily just diplomats and people who come in and use their moral superiority to get people to stop being dicks.
That and their neutrality (Something that got massively compromised during the clone wars). They could speak to both sides because you could trust them to stay out of it personally.
Oliver Sullivan
I think it was Kit Fisto who said in TCW that there hadn't been fighting of the scale of the Clone Wars since the days of the Old Republic. That to me implies that yeah there's been some fighting, but nothing huge. In fact, I mentioned this last thread.
The Jedi are basically there to prevent conflicts from ever reaching the size of the Clone Wars - obviously they failed, but they had an insidious threat working in the background to make absolutely sure they failed in their duties.
Sebastian Richardson
Yeah, they did have battles and wars they participated from time to time (pic related) With the Clone War, however, they had to act as generals and deal with engagements on a much larger scale than any their generation had dealt with before. They're also not used to opponents as dangerous as the enemies they face in the Clone Wars either (even at Galidraan, they lose the vast majority of their forces to the Mandos, who, particularly Jango Fett, put up a much harder fight than expected).
Robert Watson
The average UN peacekeeper isn't exactly a telekinetic space samurai. Just because they're diplomats first, doesn't mean they aren't still capable of fucking up a room full of battle droids or Hutt-employed thugs. The only ones who could really be considered non-threats would be the average Niman practitioners. They may not be experienced in warfare and grand strategy but they'd still be incredibly dangerous foes in personal combat.
Henry Lewis
Is that a video-game cutscene?
Kevin Gutierrez
Well, it's only got a Class 2 Hyperdrive, so I reckon that's where they make their cuts in order to make the thing operational. It's basically just a bunch of guns strapped together with a hanger and a fuckton of berths. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the porcupine-like fucker didn't steer by shooting.
Ryan Sullivan
Er, meant for
Levi Edwards
Also apparently Pre Vizsla fought at Galidraan for the True Mandalorians
I think the artist fucked up
Nolan Baker
Landon Powell
I wish I hated Star Wars as much as you do.
Robert Hernandez
Vizla is the Smith of Mandalorian names
Elijah Hill
With plenty of shore leave to let the locals know that you mean well, I hope
Jacob Diaz
>New Republic Grab a Nebulon-B2 called the Second Chance as my primary ship and a couple of Corellian Gunships. Fighter complement will be standard X-Wings. Station myself at Kothlis so there's plenty of time to enjoy the sun and surf.
>Imperial Remnant A Gladiator SD if that counts called the Myrmidon backed up by a couple of Lancers and carrying Defenders and missile boats. Post up at Dubrillion.
Nathaniel Long
I'm assuming Pre is related to Tor Vizsla, considering they're both wielders of the Darksaber and heads of Death Watch. Pre Vizsla even has Tor's emblem on his serape.
Still, it's possible Pre started as a True Mandalorian but restarted Death Watch to oppose Satine's regime.
Parker Hill
Boy am I glad that background shots like that have never bothered me. The only shot in the entire series that I find legit unpleasant to look at is in AotC when Obi-wan, Mace, and Yoda are talking inside the Jedi Temple.
Charles Clark
The Old Republic Jedi were killed by line soldiers in droves (as evidenced by the Mandalorian wars) and were literally all wiped put down to a small handful by the Sith before KOTOR2.
There is nothing that points to old republic Jedi being better warriors then PT ones. The weakness of the prequel Jedi is of a spiritual nature.
Logan Turner
Not much of a shot as it is the effects but Commander Gree in ROTS is fucking egregious
Ian Torres
Hot opinion- out of the first six Star Wars movies, the only one that I would say that at least significant portions feel unfinished is RotS. RotS has some 10/10 moments but boy oh boy, half the plot/dialogue, especially in the second half, feels almost amateur. I loved the PT as a kid and still do for the most part, but when Yoda just up and LEFT the fight with Palp that it seemed like he was beginning to have a chance at winning, I knew the movie needed more script passes.
I love RotS, but I could have loved it so much more if GL had delayed it until Christmas 2005 to finish the script. TPM feels finished, AotC feels mostly finished (other the the giant Jango Fett with Dooku should have raised more suspicion problem), but RotS feels like George was driving a train that would derail if he took his hand off for even a second.
I would say that while the composting in that scene is bad, I actually really like the look of the interior of the temple.
Anthony Miller
Oh yeah I remember most of the CG looking great to me as a 10 year old, but something about such a natural looking thing (grassy camo) must make the CG look more fake to the mind. That or that shot just has low quality CG for some reason.
Jackson Green
>I wish I hated Star Wars as much as you do.
Well, keep practicing and you'll make it. It's worth the effort.
Dylan Phillips
Those are routine planet-side patrol missions, strictly to keep the peace of course. Especially in the brothels and bars, known locations of Rebel spies and informants.
Cameron Scott
I wouldn't consider the Mandos line soldiers. Plus it's the Jedi Crusaders who turn the tide of the war against the Mandalorians
>A small handful of Sith
More like specific Jedi Hunters. Barring monstrosities like Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus, you also had the section Atton was working for (specifically trained to capture, torture, and kill Jedi). The Sith Assassins are also presumably specially trained to take down Jedi.
You also have to remember how many Jedi perished in the Jedi Civil War, mostly at the hands of Dark Jed (you know, former Jedi), etc.
James Sanders
I mean, irl, for some reason, male police officers like to go undercover in strip clubs.
Jayden Carter
>I would say that while the composting in that scene is bad, I actually really like the look of the interior of the temple. Ya I think the look GL went for really fits the temple, but technology just wasnt ready to make it come alive.
Wyatt King
>and were literally all wiped put down to a small handful by the Sith before KOTOR2.
Well, not entirely. The Jedi, like the Republic, had been beaten down by three major galactic wars within 50 years prior to KotOR 2. A major theme of that game is how weakened the galaxy is by so much heavy warfare in such a short period of time. The Jedi were probably in low numbers by the end of the Jedi Civil War as it is, between the number of Jedi that fell to the dark side, in addition to those that died during active fighting.
Carter Price
I'm imagining a rebel and imperial in a backwater system both their bosses don't care much about turning up to play darts every week and talk shit so they've got something for reports.
Isaiah Scott
That's a good idea for some writefagging
Eli Edwards
And female officers like to go undercover as prostitutes. Sometimes you have to disguise yourself as criminal scum in order to catch them.
Leo Russell
I can't find it, but I seem to remember that in the Battle of Geonosis, there was a scene where they were taking down the Core ships and one of the clone troopers in a shot was just legitimately bugged out and spazzing erratically, but I think they fixed it in the home release.
Mason Howard
That might be some Mandela effect shit, user, because I know exactly what you're talking about but I didn't see it when I checked a couple Youtube videos.
Eli Walker
I can see that as being like the relationship between Azreal and Crowley in Good Omens. Nothing happens out there, it's not an important system, and everything goes smoother if both of them are doing their jobs but not well enough the higher ups think they'll win. The Imperials will wave through a shipment of Rebel weapons, the Rebels will let it get stolen back next week, the wheels keep turning. Sometimes the Imperial will disable his own facilities as "sabotage" when the Rebels aren't doing so well, that kind of thing. The two support each other out of a shared laziness to not actually have to do any work and get their men killed for pointless reasons.
Daniel Ross
>"Oh dear, the rebels have disabled our communication systems. This will take days to fix." >Turns off the screen, goes to the pub.
Zachary Baker
>"The Imperials have caught our latest shipment of rations. We'll have to get it locally. No, we can handle ourselves, don't use any resources on us." >Turns off communicator, goes to the pub.
Lincoln Phillips
>"Oh no, the Imperials have seized those shipments of rocket launchers you sent us. We will likely need more." >Counts the kickback that the Imperial captain gave him for them, proceeds to lose it right back in a game of sabaac
James Walker
What are some relatively famous vehicles that aren't in any movies? I'm talking like the Headhunter.
Anthony Rogers
>do you choose? Working for crazy cat lady and the peaceniks or the fucking retarded Imperials who couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery?
This is not a choice, this is a living hell!
Cooper Allen
>locals notice that so long as both groups stay lazy and complacent, they stay safe from the raging civil war. >intentionally shoo away serious rebel commanders by insisting that a big revolt is happening at some point, keep the Imperials happy by self-imprisoning rebel "supporters" >booze and booty for all.
Blake Jenkins
Choose the third path, user. Choose Corellia.
Brandon Lewis
Is Corellia basically space America?
Tyler Brooks
Have something infamous
Carson Diaz
>Oh shit, an inspector is coming to check out what's going on here in person. >You'll need to work out how to pull a fast one on him.
Thomas Long
>TIE Defender >Ebon Hawk >Virago
I would say the Outrider but a YT-2400 does appear in the Special Edition of ANH
Levi Smith
So, I'm assuming everyone has seen this?
Michael Turner
This sounds like the comfiest system to be in during the GCW
Wyatt Evans
>It's just a backwater planet that's basically filled with a three-way of Hogan's Heroes all working to keep one another as lazy and non-confrontational as possible while occasionally managing to get minor victories so that the higher ups don't start asking questions. >Sometimes some plans for a shipment of starfighters to the Rebels from the Corporate Sector gets leaked. Sometimes Imperial scientists are 'forcibly abducted.'
Christian Young
This sounds like Hogan's Heroes if both sides were in on it
Dominic Hall
Anytime you get to say the phrase "Hogan's Heroes," you are doing the GCW properly for a comfy campaign.
Matthew Torres
>The Rebels stage a "daring" attempted coup that the Imperials "foil". >The Rebel prisoners say under "torture" that there's going to be another minor move that could disrupt their whole operations next week! >"We'll handle it inspector, don't you worry - you know how it is with these Rebels, slow goings, but we're getting there." >The 'torture' was in fact a notoriously bad holovid the guards and prisoners watched together. Both would attest it was indeed torture, even through all their piss-taking of it.
Michael Roberts
>This sounds like Hogan's Heroes if both sides were in on it
Both of them were. It's revealed in the final episode when, after the war, the head of the camp sends Hogan a nearly complete map of the underground tunnels. Hogan's Heroes is also the title of the book he wrote about it.
Landon Reyes
>Stormtrooper patrol "accidentally" drops a datapad saying how they're going to launch an attack on a suspected rebel hideout >It's actually just an old warehouse >Rebels sit on the ridge with some beers and watch the fireworks with some other off duty imperials
Aaron Wood
Goddamnit, I want to play this shit so badly.
Also, Hogan's Heroes mind. Random fact, numerous actors in that show were actually Germans that suffered under the Reich. Schultz actually lost most of his family to the Holocaust.
Samuel Gutierrez
>The holovid was, in fact, one of the few remaining copies of the Littlest Ewok Life-Day special. It was so bad that the creator had nearly destroyed every copy of it after it's release. It was used for anyone too stupid to realize to not rock the boat too much. Or out of boredom
John Nguyen
I was going to say the CIS will rise again, but fuck it. I'm going to deliver these space salami's to desperate bitches in the outer rim.
Sort of, its kind of like space Texas, with space otters and hamsters in the other bits
Carter Cruz
>They start reflecting on why they joined up with their various sides >For one of the Rebels, it was to stick it to mom and dad >For another, some Stormtrooper had given him an undeserved parking ticket at some point >For the Imps, one just wanted to dick the space babes of the galaxy one shore leave at a time >Another Imp is there because his friends got him to enlist while blackout drunk.
Brayden Nelson
>One or both sides hire a local amateur filmmaker to rig the local spaceport up as the set of an action holodrama to fool the inspectors >Prop gore, hidden noisemakers, controlled demolitions >Fake bloodstains and scorch marks painted on the sides of buildings >Some actor in a Jedi costume waves a toy lightsaber around before getting ventilated by a stormtrooper wielding a prop DLT-19 that fires blanks
Logan Rodriguez
Dreadnaughts and Victories are pretty prolific in second-line Republic and Imperial fleets but haven't even been featured or mentioned in the cartoons.
Ryder Barnes
Don't forget your requisite Irresponsible Captain Tylor. > >When you join the military, ALL YOUR FOOD IS FREE!
Josiah Cox
>"And then, of course, I ended up here. Ilnias, the worst position for any Imperial or Rebel in the entire galaxy, where nobody gains any ground and every success is hollow. One trade route in, no major exports, and absolutely 0 tactical significance. And still, NO space babes! Well, except for you Tes." >"Oh sure, hit on the togruta. It's against the rules to fraternise with the enemy, lieutenant." >"Indeed. Good thing we're both pinned down by heavy explosive ordinance to prevent such a situation. Want another drink?"
Jaxon Murphy
>The Rebels intercept this communication and through their fuzzy photos assume an actual Jedi is in danger >They send a group of specialists and an actual Jedi to go pull him out >The Imperials and Rebels both have to pull out all the stops to try and convince the visiting Jedi that their "phantom Jedi" has in fact gotten off planet with the help of the local Rebel cell.
Xavier Clark
Holy shit this entire situation is so comfy it's unfair
Jacob Walker
An Irresponsible Captain Tylor campaign would be top fucking tier. Where the recurring antagonists are mostly your own ship's second-in-command and the admiralty. >
Jack Taylor
>After coming into secret documents about an Imperial super weapon that will win the war >Rebel commandos break into the Empires facility and steal the breakers from their air conditioning unit >Swearing none will see next week alive, the base commander issues his now infamous 'beach patrol edict' >Never in the history of the conflict has one beach and its harbour been defended as heavily and drunkenly as this
Mason Nguyen
This would be a comfy TV show.
Jayden Ward
well major, looks like space asutralian politics all right, so the real question is who you vote for