Guys, I need Polearms. Pikes, Halberds, Glaives, anything you got. And I need them to look badass.
Guys, I need Polearms. Pikes, Halberds, Glaives, anything you got. And I need them to look badass
yowch, that one looks the business
He said he wanted stuff that look badass.
Fucking Chaos Corruption gets everwhere.
Better than the guy spamming ten thousand shitty real life weapons that are all variants on spear with wonky looking hooks hanging off it.
>there are people currently living THIS stupid and with taste THIS bad
Oh my God
But no, seriously, don't get mad you got called our for posting hideous gayshit overdesigned impractical WoWshit animu weapons.
The real ones that piss you off (because you have terrible taste) are, for the most part halberds - most people with any interest in this kind of shit know that word before they're 12 years old. It's not exactly fucking esoteric.
And would you imagine- those "little hooky things" are actually more effective at piercing armour than any faggot animu final fantasy bullshit you've ever sighed at ever could?
You've already proven that you have no taste, no need to further embarrass yourself.
Going back I've also noticed some bill-hooks and other polearms in addition to the halberds, but it's not like his disgusting plebeian faggot knows that.
>But no, seriously, don't get mad you got called our for posting hideous gayshit overdesigned impractical WoWshit animu weapons.
Different guy, I'm just well aware the asthetics on a lot of real polearms are kinda shit, and there's definitely no point spamming 11,000 of them instead of cherry picking the better ones.
Op asked for cool, not "indiscriminately spammed photos of real weapons"
billhooks (english and other), partisans, spears, halberds, lucrene hammers, etc.
The list goes on.
>Being this sort of a faggot
Contribute, gtfo or stfu.
Weapon fit for a filthy peasant but it got alot of charm à la dead french guy.
What's the use of those ridiculously large guards?
you can put an ignited rope on it and fire cannons safely
That's actually a linstock. Its arms are designed to hold a buring slow match, which you would use to light the fuse of a canon from a safe distance. Often times they would have spear heads tacked on to them incase the artillery crew was actually forced to defend their position, but that's not really their primary purpose.
like this but with more stabby
I see. Thanks for teaching me something new today!
Spears and halberds always get the spotlight. Do you have any good military forks?
Now that's what I'm talking about!
>how many functions do you want your weapon to have
>all of them
Mah nigga!
not much
kill youself
No hammer on it though. How would you open your coconuts?
Shit, you're right. Back to the drawing board.
"My name's Dane and this is my axe!"
I love this thread
Thanks for posting
rivet a hammer to this and you are done
>You dog we heard you liked weapons...
gr8 b8
I think this is the right thread to ask...
Were the "poles" of these polearms all the same length? I guess not.
Systems like DnD assign to some like the halberd a shorter shaft (no reach) but I guess for balance reasons.
But how is SUPPOSED to work? There is variability? Are there, say, longer halberds and pollaxes, and shorter Lucerne Hammers
Also Switzerland exists in DnD I guess
there are a shitton of different length polearms. Even between the same types.
Country of origin, and date of origin is a huge factor, but even those are the same for two same type weapons there could be differences on the length, although not extreme differences for the most part.