I play evil characters and act actively abrasive towards any player with a non-evil character

>i play evil characters and act actively abrasive towards any player with a non-evil character

You're not evil Walter, you're just an asshole.

>I play evil characters and act friend with both friend and foe alike because there's no reason we can't be cordial about things

>I don't understand that sometimes people (fictional characters) are assholes

>roll evil character
>get the affirmative from DM
>people get butthurt when i act evil

>make evil character
>lawful evil at that
>everyone knows I'm lawful evil
>get jumped by mooks in travel
>DM always asks if we want to kill them when we drop them to 0
>note this is par for all his games
>three out of four mooks are dead
>go out of my way to finish off last one
>leave him alive
>party gives me weird fucking looks
>tell them we need information
>have fun back and forth RP scaring the shit out the poor Modok
>get something worth using
>say I'm done with him and let the others have him
>my character would have legit let him live
>they kill him anyway

Better to die in righteous hands than be spared by the darkness.

Is that how murder hobos sleep at night?

Are you me?

I believe that user's character was just a very ruthless pragmatist.

Pretty much. He had a strict moral code, and while he didn't go around murdering everyone because he could, he wasn't particularly against it.

>roll evil character
>play an evil character
>suprised people treat you like an evil character
The shocker.

>current D&D character is a drow priestess
>female friend plays a half-elf mage
>female friend bitches when I let the lord's daughter being raped by orcs
>female friend bitches when I call her character a filthy bastard

Honestly, playing an evil character can be really, really fun

>i play "good" characters and act actively abrasive towards any fictional characters whose morals do not align with my modern morality as a player

>have fun back and forth RP scaring the shit out the poor Modok
It’s not his fault he was designed only for killing, you big bully!

Player != character, user!

And as a divine champion of good, law and justice, I smite thee foul knave.

Note that OP says
>any player with a non-evil character
This implies the person acts abrasive to other players out of character because they have lawful or good characters

>Gods exist
>"My character is an atheist."

>gods exists
>"my character worships the evil god that offers nothing but ever-lasting damnation and violence"

>literal militant atheist who wants gods to fuck off and leave humanity to their own course

Usually there's also the possibility of being reincarnated as a powerful demonic servant of said evil god, or maybe the evil god gives power as long as you act like enough of a bloodthirsty asshole. But yeah, a lot of the time evil cultists worship evil gods just because.

>Pretty much. He had a strict moral code, and while he didn't go around murdering everyone because he could, he wasn't particularly against it.
Waste not, want not.

Strange Journey will never be a ttrpg.

Athar was a class in 3.5. It fucked with divine casters and suppressed divine effects, more or less.

There's also a cleric class which sort of rejects gods too but it's infamous for being cheese.

Didn't that get a remake recently?