Grudgebringer Edition

Grudgebringer Edition

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>Forgetting to put "/wfg/" in the thread title again.

One job, user.

best grail knights substitute? I've got plenty of KoTR but I need swagged out knights to complete my unit.

No one else was making it.

What would be the best way of putting together the Grudgebringers anyway? They don't quite fit into existing historical ranges I can see.


That's not an excuse to not do it right.

Have you checked the 9th age-forum's miniature suggestion page?

does attempting to cast another spell end a cast "remains in play" spell?

No it doesn't. You can safely keep casting other spells with you mage.


Provided you don't miscast, of course.


I always forget to mention the edition, specifically in 7th?

If that's your idea of fun.

I like Mousillon a lot. Was there ever a fan attempt at an armybook for them?

Okay lads how does this sound for my foot paladin (accompanied by 25 m@a with spears and a beast lore damsel with prayer icon of quenelles to grant blessing of the lady to the m@a). 7th ed.

>empathy, questing vow, 2-handed weapon, insignia of the quest (3+ ward when at 1 wound left): 114p.
this can work in a mediocre manner by itself, holding the risky ward and 2h weapon, in case the damsel cannot buff him with Strenght of the Bear (+2 str, +3 attacks, +1 tough), cannot use weapons or shields with this

It says it right there. You cast something else and the previous spell ends.

That's the case with any spell-casting though.

Yeah in that case it ends when you casts a new spell as the rules states.

Thanks. Not a brainlet, just asking in case they errata'd it or something.


Does the ward save come into play if you're at say, 3 wounds, then someone deals like 5 and you fail the first two
Do you then get to roll on the 3++

I miss that game

As long as you have wounds left you get to roll for a ward save if you have it.

I dunno if the following is true but it seems only prudent that you would have to roll the ward saves for hypothetical overkill-wounds as they count for CC if you were in a challenge.

smash that title button senpai

The ward activates at 1, yes. In case of 3 wounds, dont have it the first two, then the three wounds left are saved by 3++ each.
Recovering wounds doesn't remove this save once obtained, but given that the paladin has 2 wounds or so this does not seem like a good investment.
Alternative would be the Great Gromil Helm, which compensates lack of shield when using 2handed and allows for armor reroll. Ward saves are then relegated to the 6+ of the blessing (5+ in case of str 5+ attacks)

So are there schools of magic that are not accepted in the empire? Only army u really know anything about is skaven, so I'm trying to figure out what the relationship is between sigmarites, witch hunters, and mages.
Dipping into /v/ for this example, the Witch hunter has a bright mage in custody. Isnt that a college of magic? Do mages kind of have that link to chaos that if they over use it they might become a chaos sorcerer like some kind of whfb Jedi force thing?

There were extenuating circumstances. IIRC, Sienna is 1. Not 100% 'legal', and goes around working as a mercenary. But more importantly, she discovered the mayor of the town was up to bad shit, lost her temper and killed him and burned his house down. So of course the peasants who knew none of this were going to lynch her, when Saltzpyre stepped in saying he would take her to Altdorf for trial.

A lot of the shit Saltzpyre does is actually him being a great dude, he's just an asshole about it. He conscripts Kruber because he knows Krubers family lands have already been destroyed and nothing awaits him back home but the corpses of his parents and friends; he employs Kruber to keep him from lapsing into despair and alchoholism. Meanwhile he takes Sienna 'prisoner' to save her from the lynch mob and investigate her claims of wrong doing by the mayor, essentially giving her a reprieve without letting her off the hook, the only way to prevent a riot.

How would you guys go about equipping a Nurgle WoC BSB?
Albeit far from the most competitive set up I really dig the notion of putting him on a palanquin. Would you guys even consider that option? Seems the mount would combo well with Nurgle's Rot. Add Soul Feed, Talisman of Preservation, a GW and perhaps even the Charmed Shield and you'd have a fluffy if expensive BSB that could go toe to toe with pretty much everthing besides a gaggle of cannons.

Interesting. How strict is the religious heritic hunting? I don't know much about 40k but get the gist that your planet is evaporated if you tell a joke and get some laughs (obviously exaggerated, but still incredibly strict).
Is fantasy inquisition like that? Does the church of sigmar distrust the colleges or is it a good relationship?

The fantasy Inquisition is a much more mixed bag and has been censured/reigned in previously for going too hard core.

From the point of view of the brotherhood and many of the firebrands of the cult of sigmar, all mages are witches. But the service of magic and knowledge to the Empire goes all the way back to the founding, with Sigmar being able to save the young Empire from Nagash due to the advice of a seer and the hoarding of magical tomes beneath Altdorf.

So from the point of view of say, your typical Witch-hunter, a battle wizard is very much a heretic, but there isn't much they can do about it, due to the incredible value (and cost) each battle wizard represents. They need serious proof of wrong doing to persecute a college mage, at least if they don't want their ass in a sling.

Renegade mages are not tolerated, it could be she just learned to use bright magic on her own & got caught doing it
You have to be vetted and trained by the Colleges at Altdorf

Her background story has her learning at the college but she jumped as soon as she could iirc

A pretty common base for a build is the rerollable 1+ armour save. Dawnstone and Scaly Skin is mandatory but from there you can go either shield and magic sword or magic helmet and Halberd. I myself always go for the latter with Helm of Many Eyes for that delicious ASF which pretty much guarantees you rerolls on failed hits with the massive WS of a Chaos champion. At LD8 and bsb-reroll it's unlikely that you'll ever see the negative side of the Stupidity.

I also remember that some guy a fair couple of threads ago praised a set up consisting of Glittering Scales, Potion of Strength and an additional hand weapon. I haven't tested it out for myself though but I'm curious to test it out for myself. Seems like he would really shine together with Festus.

I ofc meant I and not WS.

Cheers mate!