Let's have the talk.
What are your thoughts on recasts and china hammer? - Part 3
I like that they're available if I want it, but I figure I use my LGS tables, paint there etc, so I'm happy to pay the premium to support the store.
I dont think that most people that buy recasts will abandon oficial products ever
Those Chinese recasters are the only ones doing Kingdom Death reprints, so I hate them with a passion. Not because I have an issue with recasting, but I think KD is a terrible IP.
Less money for GW means they'll just bump the price of everything up again, not just models. They can help curb this shit if they lower their prices, but that's unlikely to happen. Telling people, especially those like students with less money "Hey, you need to save up your army slowly over many months rather than buy cheaper recasts!" is a waste of time. There is no reason other than greed as to why GW shit is so expensive.
I don't like the idea of undermining the IP and so far I've not bought recasts ... but sometimes my wallet hurts.
I've seen entire armies of recasts which look borderline identical to the originals, recasts seem more commonplace in places like Australia where prices and product availability are terrible. Only bigger stuff seems to show imperfections more clearly. Although I doubt that most people would go to this extent.
Why? The minis look cool
I wonder how much that 100 dollar toy costs as a recast.
I buy cheap clothing, despite being clearly made with slave labour.
What about the Russians?
Should be around $30-35,. I think
Just get those miniatures you need user, you sound like you support IPs enough. I mean, yeah, you should only get OOP stuff and things that are hard to come by, maybe bits too. You know the drill. But get It from a good recaster, like CCON or Alpharius.
I was only ever able to figure out Alparius' email. Always wanted to give another one a shot.
I sent him a message a few days ago asking for It, but I need to wait until chinese New year is over. When is that?
Also, finding Z's e-mail is easy If you lurk the recast Reddit.
We would be broke if absolutely everything we bought was made locally these days, and for many things in life we can't acquire locally-made stuff because it's not made here.
Plus we're talking about cheaper and IP-infringing copies of something.
It's 8 USD
No way. Is that just the body?
Why are venerable dreads still expensive? I want to make my Davian Thule
I only use them for speciality bits like emblems and patterns, since my freehanding isn't so good. As for the models themselves, I tend to just get official stuff.
Whos your dealer?
I saw part 2 and I send an email to an old Z adres i once used. Got a reply the next day with updated catalogs. He mentioned he was now a middle man for Z. Anyone know what that is about? I also love the quality warnings and was surprised at the super cheap knight. I might test a forgefiend or some random FW shit.
80RMB is what I'm seeing right now for all the Forgeworld pre-Heresy Contemptors
Are you kidding? If it weren't for them, there would be no way to fight the filthy scalpers!
I for one am grateful, as it's also a cheap way to practice those models. Have you even *tried* putting the damn things together, without a plan? Fucking madness. I'd be terrified if I had paid 27USD for a resin mini with no fucking help whatsoever on how to put it together.
My source has them for $8 for body, arms are same as fw dreads, $4 free shipping
Are there any based chinamen for older models? There's some Citadel stuff I'm after that just never shows up on the market, it's so dated.
I made an order with this New guy... Lets see what I get.
I had a contact man once but he dosent do it anymore so
anyone having a reliable dealer?
CCON, Alpharius and Z-middleman seem legit
check DHgate online, I bought some units there recently, the Quality is fucking great, an it was cheap.
Such as?
Are any chinamen still doing BFG?
I buy when I can at my LGS. I've cast up extra bodies for my own use, and what I can't buy at my LGS (Due to being OOP, or long order times or whatever) I order from china.
Facebook groups have garage casters.
These guys, for example, especially 022301, the Boba Fett homage.
Not that I know of, sorry
message Irene, that's where I ordered
Cheap N Fast. Prices aren't as good as the chinks but it's often 60-40% of what real GW costs and the casts are very solid.