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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>Do not buy CGL books
>And never, ever try to shoot a dragon with a holdout. Seriously, it won't work.

Boom Boom Bang Edition
What's your favorite weapon?
What's your favorite mod?
What weapon do you want next?

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>What's your favorite weapon?
>What's your favorite mod?
>What weapon do you want next?
Another fist.

One more attempt: did anybody ever translate those Japanese roll and play books for Shadowrun ? Those novelizations of game sessions.

>>What weapon do you want next?
>Another fist.
Tried a second-hand shop?

>Boom Boom Bang Edition
>What's your favorite weapon?
Have you heard the good word about our lord and saviour, the Onotari Arms JP-K50?
>What's your favorite mod?
Ceramic omponents 6 (on anything, but usually the collapsible heavy pistol)
>What weapon do you want next?
Current toon is saving for a gauss rifle. I have no idea how I'll source it for him. Thinking I might try and network via his barista.

take your (you), you bastard.

>Current toon

I keep seeing these here. Is this kancolle but with guns?

If you mean that game with girls as battleships then yeah, something like that I think. I only look through the art but I think it's sort of a Chinese rip off but with girls as guns. It has multiple artists so some of the guns get a cool pictures while some are just little girls with big tits.

Character. Whatever.

>multiple artists with inconsistent artstyles

Give me the name of your favorite real life gun and I will try checking for it and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Usually you can divide the characters by:
>cool or cute
>underage or not
>big boobs or flat
>big boobs as focus or just there as part of the design
>"wounded" image version, actually damaged or just half naked



gimme AKs.

>What's your favorite mod?
Weapon personality ;_;

FAL looks underage and has big boobs, but it's not the worst the game offers in my opinion. She also has a winter and beach costume.
Which one ? There's AK-47, AK-12, AK based Saiga-12 and also AN-94. Some of them are cool looking.

The cool-looking ones.

AK-12 is one of the cool ones, she usually has her eyes closed in her normal picture and animations. Her "wounded" pic where she finally has her eyes open is not some "oh no, my clothes are damaged and you almost see my nipple", but rather one of the cool "damaged but fighting" ones.
>"An elite T-doll from the Defiance squad. She is an elusive person who comes and goes as she likes, with a short attention span to boot. She usually has a warm smile on her face, but her actions and speech display a lack of empathy for others. Perhaps her true nature is that of an arrogant person. Her usually closed eyes can be said to be a dangerous switch. Those T-dolls who've seen her open eyes know that despite her cheery façade, she has the ability to back up her arrogance."

>not the worst the game offers
you can't just say that and not give us THE WORST.

Well, the exact worst will probably depend on your own views but how about a half naked, not-nazi loli C96 with stripped panties ?


Wait, stop. I know not-nazis are horrible, so have Colt Revolver in her christmas outfit with a lot of refreshing bepis cola. Can't get more american than this.

at least there's no adiposis in this neoteny.

Have to say, though, i like this
artist. His designs look equally fancy and operator-y.

Shame my character is a melee adept, the aesthetic of these would fit her.

I fail to see the problem...

Some of the artists did solid work, like here's Lee-Enfield in her "hunter's dress" costume. Some of the images get really operator, badass, classy and so on.

>no adiposis in this neoteny.
Oh, and that's the territory of some of the SMGs.

>There are people right in this very thread who do not devote all karma allotted to them to cheese a character into perfect efficiency
>There are people right in this very thread who pick qualities and skills for "fluff"
>There are people right in this very thread who pick suboptimal builds/weapons/gear for "thematics"
Shadowrun isn't your gay-ass storygame. If you cannot contribute to the team on expected level, remove yourselves from this hobby.

So, as a new GM, asking for feedback on a sketch for the first run I'm throwing at my players (Rigger, adept, mage)
>Exiled Tir prince had his home broken into by a gang of dumbass street thugs.
>Among the things stolen was a family heirloom ring that supposedly magically reads the purity of the wearer's blood and verifies that the elf wearing it has noble elf blood.
>He wants the fucking ring back intact ASAP
>The guys that stole it are a cannon fodder gang out of Redmond that planned to fence it for beer money
>Unfortunately for them, they never got a chance because a mutant spider-rat infestation in their hideout basement boiled over and now the place is overrun with corpses and spider-rats
>Once the PCs actually do the legwork to track the place down and interrogate the surviving gangers to find out what happened, they need to get the Prince's shit back from the new nest. Without burning the place down until they have the fucking ring and whatever else they want to salvage
>And then bathe for a month
Thoughts, /srg/?

But user, a party of all summoners slows down the game due to all the spirits taking turns.

Man, these guys have become good at this.
I didn't believe you could sharpen your ammo and write at the same time, but they prove me wrong yet again.

nah, you just look each round who managed to summon a spirit, and if they managed it they just play the spirits.
So each player plays his character until the fight starts, where they summon a spirit and afterwards they just play the spirit instead.

Plot twist:
>Once PCs hand the ring to prince it reacts to impure blood
>shenanigans™ and hijinks™ ensue as prince now has a team of runners he really doesn't want alive.

>So each player plays his character until the fight starts, where they summon a spirit and afterwards they just play the spirit instead.
So basically you're playing grimdark Pokemon. Or possibly JoJos.

>So basically you're playing grimdark Pokemon
chummer, we're talking about a group full of summoners
what the fuck did you expect?

>Doing things "for the people"
>Having morals
>Not squeezing, stealing and murderhoboing evey single nuyen
I seriously hope you guys don't do that.

shut the fuck up, Sun-down syndrome.
You got beaten by a bitchboy with pretty hair, why would anyone listen to you?

to be fair, that was some SERIOUSLY pretty hair.

Listen, omae, you might not get as much nuyen, but if you hood like mad and donate half your money to charity and then dump all your good karma into contacts and initiations, you become a god very quickly. And with all the friends and good publicity you just earned, it's piss-easy to then start actually earning money off the backs of peoples' goodwill. "Please hook me up with this gamebreaking gear, I'm a good guy and I'll use it to help the people!" And then when the truth about your novacoke-fuled threesomes with gnome strippers come to light, you can blame it on a megacorporate smear campaign and have a better than even chance of people actually buying it.

>novacoke-fuled threesomes with gnome strippers
>implying you can surprise ANYONE with that
Listen, Omae, anything less than unprotected sex with bug spirits isn't even controversial anymore.

>novacoke and gnome strippers
>not K-10 and skullfucking the entire population of Aztechnology pyramid to death

>skullfucking the entire population of Aztechnology pyramid to death
That's not a scandal, that's a Nobel Peace Prize.


Not sure you want to leave any bodily fluids laying around in an Aztech pyramid, omae. It's not just blood that bloodmages can use.

>Don't see it, pic of how it should be looking.
Here. Note the black between the receiver and dust cover, it's hollow so that the BCG has space to move back during recoil. Your pic had a solid block there, meaning the bolt couldn't move back to unlock the action.

The only problem I see is how she's not holding the gun. The character herself looks great.

Wear a rubber, gotcha.

If the inside was gold plated too it would look as one mass.

>Favorite Handgun
I'm a big fan of the SIG Sauer P226

>Favorite Non Handgun Firearm
Probably the Mk 14 EBR

Does the lubricant of my cyberdongs count as bodily fluid?

No, it wouldn't. Light has only one way in, so it would look dark. And besides, no gun is gold plated on the inside, as that would fuck up internal dimensions and cause malfunctions. Technically it's possible that they used custom plans for manufacturing to account for the gold plating, but that seems implausible.

Is there anything like fae in this game? I guess spirits would be the closest thing, but I kinda want to play a gambler man who takes his chances in dealing with spirits/fae. The more boons he takes, the more fae-like he becomes, losing his sense of morality and all mortal reasoning.
I have no idea if such a thing is possible in Shadowrun but I just fucking love fae and how they work, especially with mortals.
If not that's fine, other settings can accommodate for such.

Engkanto would be the closest thing.

any body know where i can find more of this map?

Spirit pact with a Duende. Enjoy your dudebro spirit with an addiction to drink, fast cars, and gambling.

As with most handguns in the game P226 is sadly a kid.

I'm also afraid there's no M21 EBR, only classic M14 and M21 as well as the Serbain Zas M21.

Of course my marksman's weapon of choice wouldn't be represented. Well, the EBR's an M14 variant, so I guess M14 is good enough.

Alternatively, M21

That's a pretty poor grip. You want your control as high as possible, especially if you're a weak loli. Although Sigs do have a pretty high bore axis, so it could also be that.

That question isn't actually as stupid as it first appears.
Cyberware merges with the aura of the person it is implanted to, which is why cybereyes can be used to target spells. So potentially any lubrication integral to a piece of cyberware would also be infused with a person's aura, and so it can be used to target ritual spells just like the victims blood.
Or maybe not.

This is possibly the stupidest map I've ever seen. As someone who lives here the boundaries make no fucking sence

>favorite weapon

Pic related

La creatura...

Dang, need to check my spelling before I post. Still having Sammamish chopped up like that is just silly.

Shadowrun in general doesn't make a lot of sense, chummer.

True, this is a world with excessively large flora and fauna in the wild and large unused areas of land yet no one takes the time to make farms for non-soy food despite it being hugely profitable.

Emasculate soyboys are easier to control.

Is the rules lite version any good to run? I want to run some for my friends on roll 20, but they aren’t too experienced with RPGs. I feel like Shadowrun might be too intensive for them, but I feel they’d love the setting.

>Is the rules lite version any good to run?
you mean Anarchy?
It's marginally better.
You mean the various hacks made for other systems (like Blades in the Dark)?
Go for it

>various hacks made for other systems
I wasnt aware of such things

There are AFAIK at least two SR hacks for the Blades in the Dark system, some for Fate, some for others.
If you want rules light they are better than Anarchy, which is mostly the same as normal 5e (bloated like a beached whale)

Try reading this

Also people do produce and sell non-soy food. It's just 5x as expensive as the soy default. Source on that is Run Faster, end of the book.

Forgot the image

Yeah but as it says it's only available to the "most affluent". If its price is so high that only those people can afford it and there's a wide range of supersized plants and animals about then surely more people would seize the opportunity to become farmers since it'd be so much more profitable than most other work.

It's right in there. There's less arable land because of all kinds of horrible shit going down. New monsters does not necessarily mean land profitable for farming non-soy products. In some cases they may well contribute to the disuse of land.

>more profitable
We really don't have the full picture on that. Higher prices are nice, but there's more going on with ecological disasters, mana levels, and other problems in the sixth world. It could well be a thing where soy and krill have better margins for most agribusiness despite the final products' lower unit cost to consumers.

>It could well be a thing where soy and krill have better margins for most agribusiness
plus the fact that there are no awakened forms of them, so no worries about them burning your house down/eating your workers/poisoning the water table/something else

Reminder that SRverse has all the technology for economic orbital farming.
Also that zurich orbital needs 12 fusion reactors for some reason.

Why play shadowrun if you have such a fae boner?
WoD is that way >

One of my personal changes to SR world when I run it is that small urban farms have sprouted up in the barrens and other less well-off areas. Beef and real milk are still pretty hard to come by, but chicken and some fresh fruits and vegetables are available for sale or barter to anyone who knows where to look. It's kind of funny seeing players to scramble to figure out the best way to covertly steal and de-tag a shipment of dairy cows when they're used to extractions on humans.

Since we're talking about SR food anyway

Holy shit, clapistan is fucked.

The latest editions of Shadowrun (rightfully) get a lot of shit, but even its grimderp setting whitewashes a lot of what we do today.
The amount of shit that can be classified as 'meat' is truly astounding. This is one of the reasons why anti-Brexiters were horrified about proposed relaxation of trade regulations with the US post-EU, particularly with regard to food standards. Current EU regulations classify a lot of US foods as unsafe for human consumption. It's not hard to see why.

>Dragon who destabilizes every elven controlled nation
Think I got a new favorite

I have literally no problem with this.

what country are you from?

Germany, but I am a Greek. Americans killing themselves with "food" makes me all warm and giddy inside.

>Germany, but I am a Greek
Vorsicht, sonst kommt das irgendwann auch bei uns.
Und Zwei Ouzo für meine Freunde

Looks very Finnish, but I'm not full /k/ right now, so I could be wrong.

>less animal being killed
I really don't see the problem here.

She is, good eye. Sako M92S.

>reading Dark Terrors
>"btw here are friendly Bug spirits"

>animal being killed
I really don't see the problem here.


What's wrong with killing any animal, including human?

Uh, guys.
I recently re-downloaded chummer after not having it for a while.
Where's the .exe's from the github?

You can only get the program from reddit, and it requires 20 upvotes until you're eligible. Most of /srg/ has stopped using it.


It's more that he destabilizes anyone who is getting powerful than every elven nation, though I suppose he's got as much reason as the rest to hate elves.

You probably downloaded the source files.
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