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First for Sigmar!


>you will never be this valiant
Why live?

It's not about how you live, but how you die.

How many units should I have in a 2000 point army?

Would it be too harsh to, if homebrewing rules for Bretonnian mercenaries, to have a Bretonnian army that takes mercenaries risk losing part of a random unit depending on dice rolls? I think it'd be a 'we'd rather keep our honor than fight and and show fealty' thing, but I don't want it to be something that will absolutely break an army.

I would limit it to more like chances of lowered leadership or decreased charge distances or something (less willingness to fight or charge into the fray knowing they are fighting alongside honourless mercenaries). Losing entire models based on die rolls is a bit much.

2 combat blocks
2-3 support blocks
2 chaff units
1-2 ranged units

Do you think WHFRP 2e would be better if attacks were tested to hit based on opposed WS tests between the attacker and defender opponents rather than a fixed value regardless of how characters compare to each other?

While Parrying and Dodging does indeed represent opponents acting against their opponents chances of hitting them I don't think it does well. Low WS opponents are still rarely hitting opponents and those same characters are rarely dodging their opponents as well.

I personally think that parrying should only be a thing if your character is actively doing so, either with a parry stance or carrying a shield/buckler. Don't know what to do with Dodging.

With those two modifications, low WS enemies are going to have good chances of hitting each other and an unskilled opponent will have reduced chances of hitting a skilled opponent, instead of equal chances of hitting a skilled and unskilled opponent. In a similar manner, striking a helpless opponent should hit automatically.


Anyone got a link to a point calculator?
I'm dusting off my old high elves and also need to remember the ratios of the types of units I can field and don't see it in my rule book

Do you mean this one?

It depends on a lot of things though. What army are you running?

Which army are you playing?

So it's official, none of the new AOS models are usuable in fantasy battles or 9th age.

Just put them in square bases bro.

Trying to make a high elf list

Hows this?
I know I need more core

Weren't those models made for WHFB?

On the subject: What new models have a use in real warhammer? What can we use Sigmarites for?

Unit fillers.

Sea guards?

>Rise again!

I want this for my car

What is this, Mardi Nagash?

I was talking about daughters of khaine, none of them seem to have any overlap with exiting dark elf models.

Those babies look bad ass though, almost want to rip the bone armor scheme off for my executioners.

It says you 933pts of core.
Battlescribe just says you don't have enough core for some reason.


Aren't the daughters of khaine just witch-elves?
None in their section are even in rounds aside from the bundle box, and nu-Morathi can just be used as a dreadlord or fancy bloodwrack.

Yes, Witch Elves and some new units like the flying Witches and snek girls.

Vampire counts

Flying witches you can use a's regular harpies.
Monster musune Mia cosplayers can just be regular witch elves or dark elf warriors with the bow ones maybe being able to pass as repeater crossbowmen.

I've seen a couple of pretty neat WoC conversions using them.

>Tfw I managed to find a well painted Josef Bugman for 8 bucks

Life is good anons.

>daughters of khaine
I could easily see someone make a count-as or even converted WoC Slaaneshi themed army based on what we've seen. The new monster-mommy is basically a Daemon Prince.

Sorry for going off-topic, but... sauce?

Shameless repost from the other thread:

How would you guys go about equipping a Nurgle WoC BSB?
Albeit far from the most competitive set up I really dig the notion of putting him on a palanquin. Would you guys even consider that option? Seems the mount would combo well with Nurgle's Rot. Add Soul Feed, Talisman of Preservation, a GW and perhaps even the Charmed Shield and you'd have a fluffy if expensive BSB that could go toe to toe with pretty much everthing besides a gaggle of cannons.


Can someone identify what this cat-monkey thing is supposed to be?

A literal powder monkey

I feel like with those changes everyone will just try to slap each other as quick as possible and give up on other combat maneuvers. Plus it makes combat even more lethal and for squishy starting characters a single hit can be fatal.

>grimnir, sigmar, and aenarion walk into the realm of chaos
>only nurgle survived because he shat himself so hard he flew into another dimension

It's a literal Powder Monkey bro

I love it, thanks.

Should Black Hammer of Hashut be able to wound a Great Taurus? Black Hammer of Hashut doesn't explicitly say that it causes fire damage, but it kills flammable targets automatically and Great Taurus is immune to "fire-based attacks". If you put a Chaos Dwarf Lord on a Great Taurus and arm him with Black Hammer of Hashut and Gauntlets of Bazrhakk and he rolls a 1, can he damage the Great Taurus?

I've never fucking got that joke untill now. Fuck life.

Why is it green?


Because Nurgle's followers can be found everywhere.


Idk, Google just suggested it as a news article I would be interested in. It might just be fake news written to taunt me over my hatred of mutants.

Manbearpig is coming

Since last thread is about to die and I'm an attention starved manwhore:

Foot paladin (accompanied by 25 m@a with spears and a beast lore damsel with prayer icon of quenelles to grant blessing of the lady to the m@a). 7th ed.

>empathy, questing vow, 2-handed weapon, insignia of the quest (3++ ward when at 1 wound left): 114p.

this can work in a mediocre manner by itself, holding the risky ward and 2h weapon, in case the damsel cannot buff him with Strenght of the Bear (+2 str, +3 attacks, +1 tough), cannot use weapons or shields with this.

How does this sound?

Running a WHF Roleplay (2nd edition) for my group, and I just need a little input.
The daugther of a high ranking noble of Nuln, is it reasonable that she knows how to use Empire Firearms? The noble career does not have it, so I'd have to GM it into there, but I kinda want a second opinion on it being too much or not.
Some info on her;
She is the oldest of 2 daughters, and older than her brother by 17 years (Her father remarried). My main argument for it, is that as he (her father) had no son, he kinda raised her as his son, as she was set to inherit all his shit.
But I really, really don't want her to be a MarySue-esque character.
Or am I putting too much into this, and should just go with it?

if you can justify it with unconventional training, it's fine. Just have the character start with -100 experience or give the rest of the characters 100 starting experience.

Doesn't noble start with specialist weapon(fencing)?
If so I'd allow to switch it to specialist weapon(gunpowder).

Might be a bit too good trade as specialist weapons other than firearms and two handed are shit worse than default 1 handed weapon, but who cares?

I know next to nothing about Bretonnia but it seems like a neat and different approach to their leadership as it's unmounted.
How much does the ward save cost? If it allows for it I'd try for some additional defense so that you don't have to rely on your oppenent never getting lucky.
Then again if it's not a central character to your army I'd probably leave it be.
Fluffwise it seems like it would make for an interesting character. If you got a not too overly long background for him I wouldn't mind if you shared it with us.


Make sure your GM homebrews fixing guns, at least add AP. Otherwise there's no upside to it compared to a crossbow unless you're well into your advances and have the right talents.

They do, so I dropped the fencing part.
She's a proper NPC, she will only play a major role in the next session (or 2), but she might be reccuring later, as they are entering the employ of her father, and depending on how things pan out, he might bring her along for safety/arranged marriage.

Both of you, thanks for the input.

And that's a good thing!

What are you guys currently working on? I myself am busy fucking up my Nurgle Ogre.




The green looks sickly, as it should be.

Thanks, was trying for a liquidy compost-look to the skin but I way overdid the washes so I tried this instead. I think it kinda works allthough the armour is atrocious. If anyone have any tips on how to save it I'd love to hear it.

looks great user, since you have the 3 triangular holes on his breastplate being nurgle mark, do you intend to make goop/pus be coming from them?

the problem is the gaggle of cannons

hey user for vampires obviously run as little core as possible
I'd take 20 zombie units for mass invocating, then fill up my core with crypt ghoul hordes and direwolf throwaways

take your main necromancer, then 1 or 2 backup cheap necromancers, take combat blender vamp lord.

have fun with special rare.

For the crunch part:

He's a paladin (hero tier), so only 50p. in magical upgrades. Virtue of empathy (10p) allows him to go on foot and extend his ld bubble to double size for peasant units if he is not the army general (I like to think he does not actually give orders but rather his men are inspired by his example). Questing vow gives him psychology rerolls and the capacity to wield 2handed weapons. Insignia of the Quest grants him the 3++ ward when nearly dead, but costs 30 points, leaving me with meagre 10 to buy upgrades. In 7th ed the only armor i can pay at that cost is the orcbane shield and the enchanted shield, but since he carries a greatsword shields become useless in combat. He has heavy armor, and a regular shield to cover shooting attacks. Damsel of beasts can buff him with The bear rises (+2 S, +3A, +1T) should necessity require him to deal with bigger threats, and in that case he cannot use weapons nor shields for the matter.

*20 strong zombie units

I know that you asked for short lore but I got sorta carried on.

>Roland, son of baron Rambert, of Montfort (the only dukedom in which knights are nice to peasants and at times fight on foot). Being young and foolhardy, he fell in love with a damsel of the lady, Lady Agnes, and since damsels only take as consorts Grail Knights, he made the questing vow after being ordained knight. Making the vow to find the grail while being Errant knight (not entitled to lands or titles yet) is considered more honourable and courageous than making the vow later. So the young knight roams the land seeking worthy foes to be slain in order to prove himself in the eyes of the Lady, find the Grail, and score in the most chivalrious way possible.

He's the centerpiece of the army even if hes not the general:
His fathers men at arms follow him out of loyaly and friendship.
A band of merry questing knights found him worthy of companionship and thus follow him to hunt mighty monsters.
Lady Agnes (lore of beasts) is worried about his stupid ass challenging dragons and so, thus making him promise to be prudent, healing him between battles and also making him difficult to keep his chastity vows intact.
Prophetess Gertrude (lore of heavens) is the superior of Agnes, her mentor, and keeps an eye out on the two youngsters not to do improper things.
Baron Boris of Brionne (lord on warhorse) is Rolands uncle and brings his knights to the army, also to keep an eye on his nephew on behest of his brother Rambert.

Pretty silly theme overall but I think it's pretty endearing and fitting for a chivalrious army of arthuric knights to revolve around romantic love.

really digging your army user, don't skimp the bases though as the models are looking great!

gotta finish them all together and make the bases in one session, it's the part that I find most boring.

hey user, try drybrushing some rust/orange paint onto the raised surfaces/edges to add a bit more depth to the armour, also the pus from the 3 holes on his breastplate would be extra nurgly

alternatively, using some typhus corrosion on certain areas of the armour also can turn out pretty well, like pic related

I do the same user, allg!
where are your mounted knights though!

I need a mini for Uncle Boris but I'm working slowly.

That's some pretty fun fluff dude, I like it.

>Green Heraldry

your stag silhouette on the shield looks awesome, nice Tomate too

oh fug, is green exclusive to the GK?

The stag started as a wird aardvak, looked too silly for my taste.


don't worry too much user, gw's been having green bret kotr for a while

Yeah, hard cannon. Take a peek through any of the official art and models, and you'll see they follow it pretty strictly.

Cannon since fifth edition.

Come on man, let the guy have some fun.

He can do what he wants, but its not canon.

well, once I finish all the knights I might give him the ol'brake fluid.
I think it would be cool that only the GK can be green. How could I not think that before.

also I wasn't too fond of the green-red scheme, so another reason to remake him.

don't despair yet user.


"'Knight Errant' -
these knights (or their ancestors) have, somehow, won the favour of the Fay and wear their colour as a result. The
statement that no knight would wish to be associated with the Fay is made in-character in the book, and others may well.
have different opinions from the young knight speaking at the time. This would make green a rare, but not unknown,"

They also used to be gun-toting, Slaanesh worshiping Frenchmen. That's old canon thats been out for longer than they exist.

oh, thx. Nice tohave the option to keep him. I'll see what I'll do with him but since I plan to acquire a Green Knight it could be great if he was the only greenie of the army.


>Unverified fanfiction
Ok user.

haven't you also read knight errant?
I remember the bit referenced.

I mean I wouldn't make an entire green army but I'm sure you can justify one weird knight

I don't know what it is, but I just can't get into the Warhammer books. I love reading, but I always have this idea of how visual and intense WarhamFantasy art is and I don't think the books express it or even have the ability to.

I thought it was a Preyton. What I'm more confused about is what the symbol on the night on the far rights shield is supposed to be.

RPG and army/campaign books are the only ones I read desu. A few of the supplements written in-universe are great too, notably the 6e Sigmar book, Witch Hunter's handbook, and Empire at War.

I still have no fucking clue what I'm doing.

I'm trying to scrounge up some information on Festus the Leechlord--the 8th edition WoC army book I purchased only lists the one entry for him, but 1d4chan indicates there is a "festus empowered" who was around during the end-times, so I was wondering where, if anywhere, I would be able to find the stat line and special rules for him? Apologies if this is a stupid question, but I am new to the hobby.

I don't think twine will work well for a mini.

End Times stuff is in a different book.

Best 3rd party substitutes for Grail Knights?

I've got a ton of KoTR, I need some real blinged out niggas.

Honestly you wouldn't really be going that far off if you just homebrew up some Rare warriors of (sigmar) equivalents with a Mark of Sigmar, retributors could be wrathmonger equivalents.

what sort of madman conversion are you doing user?

>demigryph knight
>when its clearly a demi-hippogriff
fuckin empire, shame on a nigga tryin to play another nigga.