WIP - Work In Progress General

No WIP thread on Veeky Forums?!? Emperor's Teeth! That's HERESY!!!

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>This planet is ours, witch!

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

>Heed His words!

>Previous Threads:

First for large lads

r8 my captains

needs moar cape


Librarian, company champion and death company / assault proxy with eviscerator

they'd look better painted

All done my Inceptors, took me long enough. I could of done better if I had put more time in but fuck doing that for non-characters/HQ's, when I already put way too much time in these. And with that, I think I am gonna dedicate my focus on my Stormraven, or just continue to paint it on the side and build up my Hellblaster squad next, which I plan just to edge highlight to see if the time over quality is a fair trade off.

*not that they don't look good though.

How do I turn the galvanic servo haulers into a train engine for a mechanicus train yard board I'm workin on

Looking for some C&C especially on the little vial and how to improve it.

Also has anyone some tutorials for making greenstuff mushroom for the base?

Finished off a couple of Shark Bois at work. Just need to add the emblem and tactical markings.

Fuck me but those are lovely

Forgot to add pic sorry

Did a colour scheme test. The terrible glossy look comes from an Army Painter wash I'll probably never touch ever again.
I'm going for a classic Valhallan look with green uniform, tan coat, black boots and weapons, a bit of red trim, and various colours used for the bedrolls and such to give each guy a slightly different look.
Obviously this looks like shit (though it looks slightly better IRL), so any advice would be appreciated.

could always try to knock back the gloss with a matte varnish. also, the base flock could use a light dry brushing of of a mixture of your flock's base tone + the color of the coat

Can we see more of this?
Looks pretty cool, and I love the style.
Also more of the rest of the army, if it's all in this style.

>Dat thicc Eviscerator.

Crop your shit, you 2.12 MegaButthole.
I like the clean paintjob, but the blood looks a bit off and gives the rest of that model a bad messy, rather than good messy, appearance.
>finished... at work

looking très sexy there, naisu jobu

Aye, that sounds like it could work. I think I saw some matte varnish at Hobby Lobby, so I'll give that a go. I'll give GW washes a try as well.
I'll be going in a different direction for the base, though. Duncan's "blighted tundra bases" video looks good and easy to pull off, so I'm going to give that a try and add some snow effects help it fit the army.

Thank you very much for the quick reply, btw. I appreciate the advice.

Getting going on the little guys

As the local village idiot, I was about to ask why those models have such large bases for their size.
Then I looked closer.

I'll just be seeing myself out, then.

Finished sculpting my feudal worlder conscript for my dark eldar base diorama

Let me try that again

try for a can of Testor's Dull Cote

Not a fan of the greenstuff work on the arms/chest, I'm not sure if you were trying for fur or chain mail but either way I don't think it's worked. That backwards axe Blade looks a bit odd too

how would i greenstuff a spooky veiled hood that doesn't show any face like in pic? (not including the tubes and wires)

Just make it flat and paint it black


You have an airbrush? Liquitex matte is cheaper than Testors by weight and gives a really good matte.

Honestly pennies are a bit big for my liking, but I couldn't be bothered to buy washers or something

I want to make some space marine company veterans and vanguard veterans, but I always play them with a minimum of 3 or so stormshields in the squad and I cannot fucking find stormshields on their own for a reasonable price anywhere. Does anyone know any good substitutes or have a good technique for home making them?

Just get a vanguard box, literally everything is of use to convert / make any marine

vanguard sprue, or deathwatch.

Nice chapter, lovely paint job, shame about the models though.

How about dimes?

Just at a 3 color level. More details, etc to be added.

>keep getting paint/primer rubbed off of corners from holding minis while painting
Fuck I'm going to have to get a handle aren't I

Thanks anons, checked it out online and the vanguard box looks great. I feel very stupid for not looking at it in the first place. Already have a 5-man assault marine squad I intend to convert to veterans so the box should let me field a nice 10-man veteran squad, and spreading the bits around should let everyone look cool enough to be veterans.

Other than the big 4 paint lines(GW, Vallejo, P3, and Reaper), what are some other brands you guys would recommend?

Are those Ultramarines? Because we don't take kindly to those round here.

I guess ill just remove it and keep him in his tunic. Not changing the axe though as I think it looks neat

>Grav chute Lamentors

They are going to go splat aren't they

Slow and Steady.
Three Missile Teams.
Three Grenade Launchers, 1 for each Mordian Infantry Squad.
Up next, more Infantry and Conscripts.

Nah, they are generic marines.

So Ultramarines. then

I like the axe concept. however, maybe use the blades on the end of necron warrior weapons. Not as bulky


>Other than the big 4 paint lines(GW, Vallejo, P3, and Reaper), what are some other brands you guys would recommend?
Scale75's Scale Color is pretty great in my opinion.
Super matte colors, and great shiny metallics.

I bought a kit for a chaos rhino and apparently it can also be used to make a basic chaos predator.

Would it be possible to use magnets or something to keep it flexible enough to swap it out as either or?
As far as I can tell I have all the bits required. I'll have to check again...
Anyone ever put one of these things together?

>it can also be used to make a basic chaos predator.

Alright cool, I'll see if I got a thin axe blade.
How's this cloth look? Too bulky or Ok?

Thats what the intructions tell me man.
Chaos rhino or chaos predator, it just doesn't have all the weapon options for chaos predator. Just the basics.

What? No it doesn't.

>Thats what the intructions tell me man.
I demand proof.

The turret should be fairly easy to keep completely separate, it uses a different roof tile compared to the rhino.
You're going to need to magnetize the sponsons / doors to swap those..

Using a trimmed down scourge torso for my archon. Ideas for adding good shoulder pads?

Literally first page of google
This is the cover of the instructions I have got in the kit.

That's not proof that your kit came with any Predator parts. I think you're misunderstanding the nature of the Rhino chassis.

The instructions are like that but the rhino kit does not come with a turret or sponsons, just a gunner and havoc launcher

I think you're misreading his initial post. He said it didn't come with Predator parts, but wanted to know if it would be possible to magnetize it for future parts.

>it just doesn't have all the weapon options for chaos predator. Just the basics.
>all the weapons options
>Just the basics
By definition of basic English, that means he got SOME Predator parts.

Apparently I misunderstood what some of the pieces were on the sprue. They looked like the bits to the autocannon but I was mistaken.
I figured it was too easy... Should have looked at the sprue harder then the instructions.

First unit I’ve painted. How am I doing so far, Veeky Forums? Still have a couple of paints to get to finish out the gun/some bits and bobs like the purity seal, but the armor is more or less done. I know the lighting is shit, but it was the best I could do currently

For highlights, make sure your brush is completely level on the edge and bring it toward you in one movement, and having too little paint on the brush is better than too much.
Always matte down your metals with a wash (for silver use nuln oil)

You didn't prime it first you goon. Always prime.

Kinda dusty looking, try and keep a very clean painting station.
Otherwise, for a firstie, its not bad. I've certainly seen far worse.
I assume you're not quite finished with it?

Dude, the blue bits? Yeah, sort that shit out. If it's the plastic, then get yourself some fucking primer.

First squad done. Feels like a nice little accomplishment.
I've still got a Foetid Drone, 9 Marines, a Blightspawn, 7 Pox Walkers, a Bell Bro, and a Lord of Contagion to paint, as well as some Chosen and cultists to finish converting and then painting.

being able to do pupils at all still feels good despite results

Not bad for a first model. Some of the plastic is showing through, did you use a paint on primer? You might want to get a hold of a spray primer soon as you can to get better coverage. The silver could use a wash of nuln oil too but good work!

Wew I'm not sure I even considered that, but it sounds about perfect. My got my horses on Canadian 2 dollar pieces and my tough guys on penny and nickel lel

Can anyone recommend Victoria miniatures?
About to order a lot of capes from them for some Tannith. (Im terrible with green stuff)

nice solid paintjob!

Coming up with ides for alternate Salamander pauldron deigns, C&C appreciated. I'm aware I suck at flames, yes.

Dude, think your paints, don't overload your brush, look uo Duncan's tutorial on how to paint them, apply your layers properly and apply the blood more sparingly next time. I'm sorry but this is kind of a mess.

Not a fan of DG/nurgle usually but damn I love the grenade guy.

I'm in love. I'm planning to do my own bunch of custom elites and champions, and I'm a big fan of the sword and shield knightly aesthetic. These are all being saved for inspiration. Amazing work guys.

>spreading the bits around should let everyone look cool enough to be veterans.

There is a *ton* of stuff in the Vanguard box, and depending on which version of the assault squad you got (most recent one?), you'll have quite a few extras. Where you'll be short - and where you will *need* to mix and match - are the arms, legs, and chest plastrons. There are enough hands with weapon options and enough cool-looking heads that everybody will look suitably grizzled. Since you said you always take at least three storm shields, we know those arms will get used, but you'll also have several thunder hammers, lightning claws, bolt pistols, and chainswords as well.

How do deal with assembling big, non-square models? I ended up clamping my landraider in place while the glue is settling. I can't imagine dealing with something similair that you can't clamp as easily.

An update, for context


You could always zip kick, though it smells like shit and gives you a weaker bond.
This is looking pretty neat. For shoulder pads, you could do something similar to what you did with the head. Sort of like a WoW style armor where shoulders and head pieces usually fit together in appearance.

Made a wizard hat for my moonclan shaman, what do you think?


I actually did prime it. I was admittedly a bit gun shy as I was afraid of laying it on a bit too thick, but I’ll be sure to lay in more the next time.

I’m aware the plastic is showing. The closest LGS is a bit sparce, so I haven’t had the chance to get a few more of the paints I need to fill out the odds and ends like the scroll and shit. The whole thing will be covered once I’m done.

>I actually did prime it.
If you can see the colour of the plastic, it isn't primed. Keep it in mind dude.

Can somebody help me out with a fluff question that will impact my WiP kitbashes?
If a marine honourably completed his vigil in the deathwatch, does he get to keep his shiny deathwatch arm as a badge of honor kind of thing, or is it straight back to standard paintjob?

I used a spray primer, how heavy would you recommend putting it on? Don’t know how easy it is to gum up the details with a primer so I probably just put it on way too thin.

Hold 30cm away minimum and spray until you can't see the plastic.
Left - Unprimed.
Right - Primed.

Ah. Okay, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind next time. Thank you, user.

It's not like I like you or anything, Baka.

I like it. You could even chop the blade where it touches the gun to get a closer pairing it would look better

What are gopd.cors to use to highlight Khaki? What should I use to contrast on say, the pauldrons on a SM? Ideas for Sergeant colorations?

*good colors
Fuck this phone...

I did a face

It sorta looks like someone tore off someone elses face and stretched it into a mask.
I mean if thats what you were going for, it looks great.

I've used elastic bands before, again that's for tanks and rhinos etc.

Scorpius conversion.
Do you prefer A

everything is hastly put together and Ill have to bend the cages into their intended shape (privateer press cage rager)

It's not bad, but you could shade below the cheekbone and highlight the cheekbone, as well as putting some shade near the nose.
Very metal. I like the cages more.

or C
Ill put corpses into the cages and the spirit hosts will have a more natural pose.