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Raven, of course. You'd be a fool to pick any other.
Conduit: Awakening
I'm going to save this.
Worst girl.
Lienne best girl
t. fool
>Worst girl
Pick one and only one
zarya mercy ana
>Will trap her in my rape basement and use her as my personal sex slave.
>Won't care what I do with Mercy, hell she might even join in on the fun.
>Will bribe her with doritos and mountain dew to keep quiet about what I do with Mercy, also gamer bro.
Any news about Kancolle?
Here's the art you wanted, enjoy:
>Any news about Kancolle
Fun to be around, don't really mind gamer slang or the inevitable losing. Maybe kind of high maintenance, though.
She's super friendly and I for one love the cold.
You say "Mad Scientist" like it's a bad thing. Anyway, this house needs a "team parent" type and neither Mei nor I are really it while D.Va is about as far as they come.
Where do you source these?
Everytime this CYOA appears i always end up stuck with the dilema of "Is bioplasma cool enough to justify a glaring weakpoint that can be attacked for massive damage?"
I mean the cyoa
Than no.
No DLC ever.
>implying the glowing weak point doesn't make you 10 times cooler as a monster
it's only an upside
Thanks satan now i can finally make a build
SauceNAO should help, most of them were found on gelbooru, Veeky Forums and artstation, so I couldn't tell you who made them. The one from Vanquisher of demons and the one from theopoeia are from a card game named shadowverse, the card names are diabolus psema and eidolon of madness respectively.
has there been any updates on the new fate cyoa?
Its dead.
Reminder: Soria a shit, Toll is the best, and Mikon is fof furfags.
>Soria is best girl.
Yeah we know.
Soria a shit! I wish Italics computer didn't go kill so we could have gotten Soria's older sister.
Did Italics confirm that it is eternally damned, never to be recreated?
>Tie, Hannah Armitage
I would be doing the One Person Weave for Raven. But after re-reading this CYOA (and not skimming like a twat again) I decided this is actually much more fitting to go for a supernatural mystery scenario.
The moment I reveal to Hannah about the threads is probably going to spook her good, but with that evidence in hand that the supernatural SORT OF exist she can probably write some good horror after the experience.
She also needs a shoulder to lean on yada yada. If we happen to become a pair of spooks together, wouldn't that be romantic in a way?
>Soria a good!
Will this what we have now, so its canon.
Only have the best litte sister.
In March he gat a new PC and the data is ok.
Why the fuck are incestfags so obnoxious?
Yuri is by far the best girl in both personality and strategic importance anyways.
Italics said his HDD is safe and all the progress he made on Magi Bloodlines is fine, but his comp is dead. Like: said is that he won't be getting a new comp till March.
>So its canon
And what Italics said is also canon as he already posted the updated world map and information.
Soria a shit, Brunhilda is best older sister. Unite Belgal through marriage of the Northern Kingdom only.
You guys are fun!
>Yuri is best girl.
She has autism and is shit. The girls who offer you the most benefits are:
Providence > Mani > Atogie > Toll > Chantra > Soria = Yuri > Mikon > Mu
I pick the elf.
>Being any good
Nani the fuck?
They are the one keeping the demons away, got the second biggest peice of land, divine magic, and that virgin angel pussy.
You nani the fuck
Tie to Leona, I'm surprised she's not as popular as I expected.
Nah fuck off. They aren't doing their jobs if you got a marriage offer from Mu.
They're all good girls.
(I promise this is the last time I'll do it. I jsut figured I should give an update since I posted publically about making it:)
Update on the Magic School cyoa.
>Page 1 done (spellchecking remains)
>Page 2 done (spellchecking remains)
>Waifupage 3 is not done
ETA is week 1/2 of March.
The demons only want the marriage so they can stop getting their shit pushed in. Mu literally wants a two front war.
So you fuck off.
>Soria is best girl.
Kumiho is a girl.
Nice keep up the good work magic schools are some good shit
>Literally ignoring the point I made
Fuck off. Picking Yuri will be the best way to get a foothold on a method to strengthen the obviously failing barrier.
Kumiho best pupper. She'll make a great pelt when she's grown.
OK, reposting OC from last thread, with the following changes: corrected some typos, increased the number of choosable skills by one, made sure that every origin and first deed grants 3 free skills each and reduced the stat requirements for weapons and zeniths.
Only posting the first page because my internet is shit, the rest is on this imgur album:
This should be the last update for this unless I've fucked up something.
Question time: Who are the best, and worst, waifus and husbandos? Which origins, first deeds, weapon and zeniths do you like the most?
Oops mess that post up.
>Lienne is best girl.
Kumiho is a girl.
Yuri is a shit. All you need is Providence to keep up the barrier, Yuri country cant do shit.
>Not fuck Kumiho when she's grown.
I know how to turn foxes into pelts and I know there's good money in it, but I've frankly never wanted to fuck one.
I'll post the rest.
Thank you a lot, user.
Italics needs to confirm a bunch of other stuff beside 9 Girls Pick 1.
When the fuck is Apocrypha update and the full version of PSYCYOA coming out? Who is in Picking Goddess IV? Is Vivi and Color fucking? New World remake when? What is Magi Bloodlines about and give us information about the loli babas? Italics needs to get back to work on his main stuff, not waifu side stuff.
> →
>just declaring that you have 1000 arks
>The Extremely Naive Providence
>Keeping up the barrier
It's still quite railroady when it comes to the weapons and zenith. There's very little you can actually choose at that point once you've made a build for yourself.
Only humans can afford not to be naive. Providence is a god, you twat.
>Not uniting all nations under your benevolent iron fist together with Providence to curbstomp the demons and make the world a better place
What a pleb
I suppose you're right, but I don't feel quite comfortable leaving the zeniths without requirements. I suppose I could give free choice for the weapons, but I don't feel sure about it. Let me see the builds I get this thread, and if the build diversity is still so low, I'll eliminate the requirements for weapons and lower the zenith's again. Thank you for your insight, user.
t. Resident Brainwashed Yhaerian
Yhaeria will only fix it's shit if you strongarm it through political pressure.
I think my build stays the same from last thread (however full of quotes I jammed it) though I now get Blood Magic and an extra free pick (Wiseman)
I want to ask, though... since the "finale" doesn't use stats, is there a reason Zenith grants bumps?
No joke, the main reason is the image. Having a non-anime pic when all the others do is basically a death sentence.
Autism, It did not feel right to leave the crowning event without rewards, even if they are useless.
You are the guy that made the changeling/queen's beguiler build, right? It made me laugh quite a bit, good job user.
>tfw no strong independent wizard gf
Yhaerians did notging wrong and are the heroes the world deserve and needs. Without them the world is fucked
>even user's dreams are dumb
Best and worst
Deathdorn and Traveler of the Sands
>first deeds
Queen's Beguiler the rest are good.
Alice and Sahr are the worst
All of the others are really good.
Argos and Ludwig are the best
Kaa's Kiss and Simple Sword
Vanquisher of demons, Theopoeia and Great Conqueror ae the best and Outis is the worst
U wot m8
Great cyoa m8, best I've seen emerge from this dumpster fire of a general in a while. Not sure if you're the same author that did the similar older one where you're a king's son and goes on for like 50 pages, but I was a fan of that one too, and thought this did an even better job of giving interesting choices, at a reasonable length.
I was a bit annoyed at first at being constrained by my previous choices, but the options all ended up being so good I didn't really mind. I went with desert merchant/tomb raider build and chose godling daughteru/best girl Alice, picked up diplomacy to round out the skillset, and ended at the city of pillars. All in all, 10/10 cyoa, will play again.
Femdom witches.
The worst one.
>You are the guy that made the changeling/queen's beguiler build, right?
No, the Oracle of Ash/Shatterer of Oaths/Waifu Alice as we cross infinite dimensions build... though I had strongly considered doing a Queen's Beguiler design since the faerie princess is top tier.
I defend presentation in that it was quite late. The build itself, though, I stand by for now.
With lower requirements I may look into Queen's Beguiler... I wasn't too fond of the deep-C consequences but the partials were great.
>Who is in Picking Goddess IV?
>Is Vivi and Color fucking?
No, I'll make love to the both of them.
>What is Magi Bloodlines about and give us information about the loli babas?
Magic clan builder and they are your ancestors and you choose one to be your master.
So far I like all of the build's I've gotten, and I would like to pat the user that thought of using Theopoeia to heal Erset on the back for outsmarting me.
What I like the most about your answer is that it shows how different my view of my work can be from the user's. For example, I was scared that no one would like Great Conqueror, and felt Outis was one of my better ones. Anyway, thank you for answering, user.
Eternal's Rising? No, I didn't do that one, I sweat thinking of playing 50 pages, let alone making them.
Thank you for your praise, user.
Ah! Sorry for confusing you for another, then. I'm glad you like Acrasia, I was afraid that her yandere tendencies would put people off her.
>Of the Gnawing Sea (2c 1p)
First Feat
>Of The Great War Cry (3c 3p)
>Dieter, A Blade Unto Tyranny (4c, 5p)
>Asimi and Argentia (5c, 7p)
Master of Arms (5c, 8p)
Fencer (5c, 9p)
Intimidation (6c, 9p)
Bannerman (7c, 9p)
Outrider (8c, 9p)
River Stone
Rune Magic
Wiseman (8c, 9p, 3w)
Ennosidas (10c, 10p, 3w)
The Siege of Urbal (12c, 11p, 3w)
>thank you for answering, user.
No problem, other then those two I love all of your Waifus.
Your strong point is the lore its really good.
I might make a build later.
Out of curiosity, how'd the free-to-edit format end up working for you?
but she isnt a goddess, just a random sorceress
you may as well include Scathatch or Medea at that rate
>circe sorceress or a nymph
Talk to Pope Italics I.
You don't have to write in all-spoilers, Mouse.
Like 5 people in total showed up. Only one guy wrote anything and he's been a great help.
I hoped more people would show up.
well if I remember this retarded move of his next time hes around ill let him have it
Just glad to hear it didn't get all shat up like I feared it might.
>Origins: Changeling
My years within are a haze. I remember screaming laughter, falling up and into a teapot, and I found myself here. I'm not too sure that what I'm living right now isn't just another illusionary game. I'm scared...
>First Feat: Queen's Beguiler
I !#@$ knew it! You know what, fine!
Wanna play a game of tic-tac-toe? We'll bet our souls. I'm never going back to your playground, one way or a another.
Fine, best out of three.
Fine, out of five.
Apparently, tic-tac-toe is so overplayed, everyone just forgot the auto-win strategy.
>Janet, The Stolen Bride
As I try to back away to the door, I finally notice the weight of something on my back... it's a girl.
It is then I realize that old Tomalin is a very sore loser, and that I forgot to specify that my freedom would be from all fey, not just him.
Maybe she could fly us out of the court before they turn our intestines to snakes...
>Acrasia, The Fairest of All
Bit too sure of herself, if the name's any indication.
Hell no I ain't sleeping with no stinking fey! You may as well marry a cat to a dog!
No, that is NOT a good idea for a prank! STAHP...
I can never become a groom anymore...*sob*
no wait, she's the queen, so she has the authority to ordain marriages. what she said yesterday was a marriage proposal, so we were already married when we did it.
poor Janet, forgot she was still in the room. Wait, what're you doing Acrasia? You touch her and I'll give your mother her soul back! I am not bluffing!
>I really wasn't bluffing, and that's all you'll get out of my mind. Now begone, I tire of being mindread
>your ancestors and you choose one to be your master.
O yeah and you waifu one of your loli baba ancestors too.
Circe is at minimum a demigoddess as the daughter of Helios, not just some random witch. She is often also the daughter of Hectate. I think she gets reinterpreted as a witch so often because Calypso makes such a huge deal about her being a goddess and how good that might be for Odysseus, whereas Circe doesn't make as big a deal about it.
As previously seen, I can fool even myself sometimes.
Synergises with Diplomacy to make any situation I can get a word in edgewise instantly won. Any other situation can be dealt with by my *sigh* wife.
Janet's mere sighs are melodies that inspire me to sing and dance along. For some reason, people merely notice me, not her.
I forgot how much fun it was to walk among people. Not run chased by bouncing mushrooms, nor crawl under sticky lollipop-like trees, nor forget that I breathe through my nose (don't ask, please).
Feywilds are the least hospitable lands to humans by design. Imagine a land where walking with shoes is a hazard, not kissing every tree and frog you meet is impolite, and-...WHAT?! THERE'S NO TRUTH TO THAT?!
I'm seething with rage. old Tomalin will soon become dead Tomalin.
I hope this had nothing to do with all the frogs I FRENCHED ALL THESE YEARS!! 'CAUSE IT FRIGGING SHOULD!
>Weapon: Sumar
Curse these noodle-arms.
Convincing everyone the previous wielder was an enemy spy was child's play
... shut up Acrasia, he made fun of my physique... STOP, HE'S ALREADY DEAD!
>Zenith: Great Conqueror
... Arcasia, how did we get here?
On the throne of the world I mean.
... the king laughed when I offered him my service, citing my lack of distinguishing traits. Then what?
... I played him tic-tac-toe for his kingdom, and he thought it a joke until Geasa took effect?
... I took over the other kingdoms in similar ways?
Why do I not remember any of this?
... YOU GOT ME DRUNK?! B-but, are you saying I took over the world under the influence of alcohol, before I became sober?!
I scare myself sometimes.
At least when people swear themselves into my service, I'll know they actually mean it, one way or another.
>Onwards: Over The Horizon
Me and Janet are currently running away from Arcasia. Pranking a drunk fey princess seemed like such a good idea at the time...
shes the daughter of helios/hecate (not both) yes, but there's so many fucking demigods/people related to the gods in Greek mythology that its nothing particularly noteworthy- how many royal bloodlines were descended from some divine parent?
Worst case scenario I could go back to an earlier version. The history function can seperate into who wrote what (anons and me). Plus, I backed up the text a whole bunch.
You need to have more faith, Mouse.
You talking about this ?
Here it is, one of my favorite ones. Putting the characters under a comedic light does wonders. Good job, user.
Yes, it's lovely.
did someone say goddess waifu cyoa?
>Labyrinth Urchin
+2p +1c
>First Feat
Queen's Beguiler
Depths Dweller
+2p +1c
Acrasia, The Fairest of All
+8p +1w +15c
The Great Conqueror
Hero's Rest
An urchin of the labyrinth who was stolen from his realm to provide entertainment for the queen and was thus unable to return to his home. But longing for the companion he was torn away from drove him to manipulate the court against his mistress. In the end, he escaped from the realm with a strange woman proclaiming to be his wife.
The man wished for nothing but to live a quiet life as a musician but fate and his foreign wife would conspire against him. He slowly grasped enough power to protect his family until it was outed that his mistress and wife were inhuman beings, the humans turned against him.
So, with his gifts of the fae and his loyal compatriots, he waged war upon mankind. Crushing the old ruler's crowns to dust with his fist, he eventually had all of mankind crawling and begging for mercy at his feet. The conqueror gazed upon mankind with uncaring eyes and then once again divided the lands among his compatriots, saving only a small tranquil sliver of land for himself. Then he walked away with his wife and mistress to live quietly as he had once wished, as a virtuoso and occasionally a ruler.
But you are girl and not even a litte girl at that!
So no thank you.