/5eg/ Fifth Edition General

Not!Rome edition
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild

>5e Trove
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>Previously, on /5eg/
What's the class you've always wanted to play but never got the chance?

DMs tell me about your not!Rome.

>What's the class you've always wanted to play but never got the chance?

Wizard, and I have my chance today. We're meeting for our first session of a new campaign and I'm finally gonna do it.

I believe in you, user!
You can do the thing!

I'm actually very excited about the character, so this should be a lot of fun.

Bard. Somehow whenever I come up with characters, I tend to think of things that fit into Wisdom-oriented classes, but Bard obviously has some really cool toys to play with.

Ranger. I'm looking at playing a Quarterstaff Gloom Stalker with Magic Initiate for Thorn Whip and Shillelagh soon though which seems fun.

A set of plate armor is 1500, is it safe to say anyone wearing one isn't going to go unnoticed?

An user figured out in another thread a peasants yearly income is ~3-5 GP.

So, no. Plate means you're a very successful mercenary or a noble

Obviously. The only people who walk around in armor on a daily basis are adventurers, mercenaries, and guardsmen.

Unnoticed by who?

Not every guardsman would wear full plate, way too expensive. Bodyguards and elites would though.

Does anyone else use voice change to sound like a girl in virtual tabletop play?

All the time

Any free one you can recommend?

No, but I do use one to sound like a man

>Not giving all female npcs deeper voices than the male npcs.

>What's the class you've always wanted to play but never got the chance?

Not 5E explicitly but Binder has always been my favorite class and now I will never ever play one.

But really it's any class because I am forever DM.

>a peasants yearly income is ~3-5 GP.
That doesn't sound right at all. Looking at lifestyle expenses, that would mean that to survive that entire year without accumulating massive amounts of debt, every peasant would have to be living the Wretched lifestyle. The table makes mention of unskilled laborers usually living the Poor lifestyle, which costs 2sp per day. That means to break even, your average peasant would make 2sp per day, and 73gp per year. I mean maybe you could make the argument that peasants live Squalid lifestyles, but that only halves it to 36gp per year to break even.
Not that any of this means that a dude in plate is any less noticeable, just contesting that peasants would only make 5gp in a year.

Monk. Seems like fun, from my group's prior experiences.


Maybe I'm remembering wrong and it was 150. Either way, no way an average person is affording it

Having seen how much ladies get harassed on Roll20 I'm surprised this isn't more of a thing.

>Using it to for characters
>Not using it to pretend to be a girl



>What's the class you've always wanted to play but never got the chance?
Cleric. The current two campaigns I have been playing in are stagnant because players keep flaking out and I've been the only one dming for the group recently.

>Tempest Cleric can fly.
Can't inside a Beholder's lair. Have to be outside to fly

Have any DMs experimented with allowing alternative effects for casting a spell at higher levels?

For example, if an enchantment spell that normally targets one creature gives a player the option to target an additional creature when cast at a higher level, you could instead allow the player to stick with one target, but for a longer duration.

Does this step into Sorcerer's turf, being a bit similar to metamagic?

Valor Bard. Never been able to play it because I just play lore instead because it's a complete upgrade

>DMs tell me about your not!Rome.

The Laurentium Empire is one of the oldest, most civilized nations on the coast of the Inner Sea. Amongst the throngs of ruined kingdoms and desolate villages, the Empire has been able to withstand the test of time, becoming one of the few bastions of civilization remaining. Its government is led by the Imperator(Emperor) and the Imperial Senate. The nation is known for its contributions towards philosophy, architecture, arts, and military. Its stances on slavery and xenophobia (especially towards non-humans) are questioned by its contemporaries. The Laurentium Empire is one of the most prosperous nations in the known world, having the 5th highest GDP recorded.

Its a shame that my players will play an unwitting hand in its complete destruction this coming Wednesday.

>DMs tell me about your not!Rome.

Bascially, it's the Western Empire, had the Sol Invictus faith become state religion instead of Christianity.

!Ricimer and similar Dux Bellora (pl?) got their asses shanked in inter-barbarian intrigue and squabbles with the occasional helping hand by the !Romans. Barbarians eventually got absorbed by the Empire through marriages, settling as citizens in depopulated parts of the Empire, slavery or (in the case of the most aggressive tribes) exterminated.

To the east a !Byzantium is varyingly allies, enemies and/or bulwark against other barbarians from the south and east.

I'm pretty sure that any estimate of a peasant's income is after taking out the cost of their lifestyle.

I'm intrigued by the Undying pact lock, but I just started DM'ing a new campaign, so I won't be able to play one any soon. There's also the fact that it seems quite weak compared to the others, even if I like the fluff.

>What's the class you've always wanted to play but never got the chance?
I've been waiting on several, actually. I started 5e when the DMG came out and still haven't made my rounds through all the classes despite only playing each class once (except for Sorcerer, I've played that 3 times, one of which was a one-shot).
Still on the list is Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, and Ranger. I would be playing Ranger right fucking now if my DM would get off his lazy ass and get on roll20.

Are there rules for players enchanting items?

Wanted to try out Barbarian or Fighter, but I usually go for a class with a bit of magic.

Closest thing my setting has to not!Rome is an illegal coliseum run by rich slavers, which is a front for collecting people to experiment on, creating immortal warriors that can fight off demonic invaders that ravaged the land 500 years ago and are all dead already.

How do you play a spellcaster in a combat heavy campaign? You can't just rest your way through everything right?

My players are fighting a deva tonight.
He has Shapechanged into a Giant Ape, and will grapple the barbarian and throw it down the mountain (600 foot drop)

Should I do anything else?

I need good goblin names for a dungeon I'm running. Specifically, I need the name of a nerdy, weak goblin accountant, and the name for a strong goblin boss.

Manage your resources and cast a lot of cantrips.
Or play a Warlock so you keep pace with all the melee players who need short rests.

Enchanting into magic items? There are crafting rules on page 128 of the DMG

probably not

Even then, 3-5 seems unrealistically low.

Experiences/advice/options concerning Tomb of Annihilation? I'm prepping it these days and it seems great honestly, but I'm worried about whether jungle exploration will be fun enough.

If your DM is throwing 3 or more encounters at you where you're fighting more enemies than you have allies, per day, then you may want to invest in some non-spell tactics. Alchemic Fire, Acid, javelins, throwing knives, a crossbow.... something to deal damage at range without consuming spells. Be choosier in what you cast, too. Just because all the enemies are close together doesn't necessarily mean casting Fireball is the right call.


I don't have that, just the PHB.

Dunno if you lot are familiar with Doctor Who, but I'd want to make something like a psychic paper (blank piece of paper that makes a person see whatever you tell them)

Digit for the nerd. Tack, or Bunker for the boss.

As a DM or a player? Players don't get to just make random magic items unless the DM is fine with it and gives you a way to do it

>Forever busy DM.
I mean, i'm glad 5e session is usually shorter, but damn, it attract lot of new people. My house is turned into small snack warehouse.

I'm writing a character concept for a hot-headed rookie paladin. He's all about protecting people and doing good deeds but sometimes he loses his temper and can be reckless. Should I pick oath of devotion of vengeance? Not sure which would fit better.

Either works

Prestidigitation let's you conjure up a badge or ID

>He's all about protecting people and doing good deeds
Devotion, obviously.

What you want is the Phantasmal Force spell

DM's how do you telegraph that a monster/foe is above the parties capabilities, without outright telling them?

The monster I have in mind is a mindless beast but this applies to most high CR creatures

I-is this some kind of bait?

Lots and lots of bodies as well as a mangled survivor who tells them to flee as quickly as they can.

Why is the beast there? Why are you putting something that they are very unlikely to kill there?

What makes you think it's bait?

Warlock and Druid

A feeling of immense fear and dread wells up in the party. Maybe have them roll Insight to size up the foe.

Does that work though? Generally when an enemy is there, you assume it's been put there by the DM because you can deal with it. It's rare that a party is going to go on a quest, get somewhere, then nope out of there because the thing looked tough and spooky

Only way I can stop this from happening is to railroad the FUCK out of the party to keep them away from it. They started pulling on a plot thread I'd intended for them to find much much later, and it's going to put them in direct contact with something significantly higher than they are ready for. Even with action economy and intentionally dealing it as it's a young version of the creature...yeah.

There's one on the DM's guild that my buddy swears by.

The classic one is make the monster slaughter other first, describe that none of attack manage to scratch him and the monster kill his foe in single swoop.
Make someone with good passive insight feel it, describe how he feel a cold sweat start to drip and his body is trembling.
Frightful presence check if you want to make some saving throw.
If they stupidly reckless and you don't want the party wiped, you can always make the monster didn't bother with them after drop one or two members.

I had an adult blue dragon show up well, WELL before the party was prepared to fight it. The dragon wasn't particularly interested in fighting (he was searching for a specific treasure and smelled it on the party, but they did not have it). The idea was to show off his power on some hapless NPCs.

They tried to talk to him.

The NPCs freaked the fuck out and bolted, and he angrily lightning breath'd them to death, but also caught two of the PCs in the beam. They didn't die, miraculously.

It made for a good set up, since the dragon then considered searching to be a waste of time and instead deliver an ultimatum to the local town: find his treasure or they all die.

The party will likely fight the dragon in his lair, but they'll still only be level 6 or so. I intend to gimp the dragon with plot devices (lower hp, broken wing, not directly targeting party). We'll see how it goes.

Hey, I think I remember you. Wasn't this more than a year ago?

Nope, just two weeks ago. Nice to know it's been done before though, heh.

Blue can burrow, so a fight inside his lair is still difficult even without his wing and rock fall, everyone dies is Blue preferred method to deal with intruder.
Unless you want to erase his burrowing feature, you want the fight happen in solid ground.

>DMs tell me about your not!Rome.
The Dragonborn. They considered my setting 2000 years ago and spread the worship of their gods across the world. However, the elves genocided them leaving only their ruins and what bits of their religion that other cultures (Humans, Kobolds, etc.) picked up, or had forced on them.

There's no problem in putting a dangerous threat accessible to players as long as it's not railroaded. Official campaigns do this a lot like Curse of Strahd for instance where you can just waltz into his castle from level 1. Of course you'll get fucked.

>just leveled up
>but probably going to die next session
Welp. It was fun to play as this rogue while it lasted.

The idea is he becomes cursed with hallucinations that lead him to believe he's being attacked by creatures stronger than him, which only he can see. He might burrow as a last-ditch effort but that would mean abandoning his lair and horde to these hallucinations. If he's greedy enough to want one ugly cup (the treasure he smelled) back, he's unlikely to flee. But we'll see.

His lair is deep inside an ancient temple to the Old Ones, built by illithids millenia ago.

>have to break out prisoners
>our orc barbarian is down
>I have 9 health
>other party member who I'm pretty sure is a sorcerer has 1 health
>NPC wants to be sure we get them all out
>Probably gonna have a hard time getting them all out
What do? I have to hope one of the prisoners can heal our Orc Barbarian or else we are fucked. Any tips?

The D'siiran Empire, ruled by the Iron Elves form the not!Rome in my setting. Wood elves and high elves form specific auxiliary forces while Iron Elves who have been conscripted, rather than volunteer for the legions, are sent to serve in the light cavalry and the powder corps.

They use typical Roman fighting tactics with a focus on heavy infantry with the inclusion of gunpowder troops as supporting artillery and marksmen. Wood elves form their scout auxilia; usually mounted on horses and armed with spears and bows. High elves form their battlemage auxilia who are called on to counter hobgoblin and orcish spellcasters as well as to provide magical assistance to the generals of each individual legion.

Their version of slavery is basically indentured servitude. A slave is freed after X amount of years, usually the equivalent of prison time they would have received for the offense which saw them enslaved.

Their capital is a mountain that they hollowed out and built their city within, on the slopes of the mountain and around the base of the mountain.

Abandon ship, sneak out by yourself and save yourself, kill the person who sent you on the quest, if any.

So, the person who did this was the NPC. She's part of the rebellion against the Empire. We went with her to get papers since we started as slaves and got them taken away. The village we were supposed to go to was burned down by the Empire. So we went to the closest town and found remnants of the village. If I leave, I have no where to go and no papers.

Adult Blue Dragon is CR16. No way in hell is a lvl 6 party going toe to toe with this thing no matter how gimped it is. With Lair Actions active you're looking at TPK. You need to make this thing a Young Blue Dragon and some way to grant the party lightning resistance

I thought women weren’t harassed, the angry people who challenge that Mike Mearls tweet told me so!

>DMs tell me about your not!Rome.
The Yuan-Ti. They ruled around 60% of the entire world until the other races made a pact with an ancient Green Dragon. Said dragon destroyed the Yuan-Ti with his new army, and propped up the Elves as the new masters of the world, until the cycle happened once again, now with the Humans reigning.

Heh finally enough my encounter is also due to ilithids, and the encounter itself is a young Neothelid. Unfortunately...they're level 7

Also, I am out of spell slots. I'm disguised as an imperial soldier right now

>Dragon breathes lightning at the hallucinations at hits a party member
>DC 19 Dex Save
>12d10 Lightning Damage

They aren't meant to go toe-to-toe. It'll be more of an event than a battle, where the party does their best to stay out of his way or possibly finagle the dragon into hurting himself enough to put himself down. A puzzle boss, if you will.

And he won't be targeting them at all, let alone acknowledging their presence. They basically need to keep an eye out on his lair actions and target the ceiling to bring it down on him.

They could also, presumably, just leave the dungeon while the dragon has his fit.

>DMs tell me about your not!Rome.
It's not very complicated really, elves are basicly the eastern roman empire in the campaign.

>Orthodox elves
I didn't know I wanted this until now, but now I do.

My party played Forge of Fury and we fought the Black Dragon at like Level 4. We won because a player planted his magic beans and a Pyramid showed up and crushed the dragon.

Burrow can be used to attack too, there's little PC can do for a dragon 10 feet underground casting spell using blindsight.
Well, you want to gimp him a lot or give players powerful ally like Brass Dragon.

You won because your DM didn't want to kill you all

The Dragon was doing pretty well against us tho. It was luck the beans won

Yep, that's the sweet spot. It really, really works. For extra angst, set it in a post fourth crusade analogue, where the elven empire is shattered and divided into several successor states by the conquest of their capital by nominal humam allies, brothers in faith.

>give players powerful ally
This. There's so much that can go wrong with this scenario given the unpredictability of players and just how powerful an adult blue dragon is, I'd recommend some method of damage control to ensure things don't go too sour.

>3 dwarf subraces
>9 elf subraces

Yeah, but you have to recognize that the dragon shouldve killed at least one of you on just one round. It makes 3 attacks on it's turn, has frightening presence, and can take flight as well as smaah shit as legendary actions.

The only way you guys didn't get fucked hard is either luck of some rolls or the DM pulled punches. And granted, that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's very unlikely that nobody died otherwise

It's ok user, I understand that feeling.

the beans take a full minute before the pyramid shows up.

I'm kinda reminded of the TSR days High Elves by this in a way. Those were the days.

Even bloody Aasimar get more subraces.

Yeah. Is it so hard to believe that a ton of people could do well against a dragon?
Shit. he might have pulled punches. nevermind

>I want to play X class
>I wonder what race I should pick
>oh look at that an elf subrace suited just for that because of course there's one for everything
I hate elves.