OWoD Splat Thread

Alright Veeky Forums, post your favorite oWoD splat.

Pic unrelated. Continue about your normal Reality Deviant business.

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Easily the Fallen (the true masters of Creation) with Vampire close as second

Huh. I don't hear DtF get much love. I'd be interested to hear what you like about it.

What's there not to love about Demon? They were the hand of God in creating the Tellurian, made the mortals, betrayed God out of their love for humans, made the Shadowlands so that souls of the deceased would be caught in a temporary realm instead of disappearing into nowhere; Earthbound are insanely powerful, Lucifer is Creation's MVP, enlightening mortals to their potential so they could work magick; then largely responsible for slumbering the Earthbound by literally set the grounds for Technocracy's paradigm to take root in the world

Neat. I'll have to give it a second look.

Hard to beat Gypsies, an hilariously unintentionally racist splatbook.


I would rather keep that book from being printed than kill Hitler.

>Continue about your normal Reality Deviant business.
Make me, wingding.

[pogrom intensifies]

a toss up between Guide to the Technocracy and Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand

there was an edge lord in one of my groups that hated every WoD splat except that one. After he discovered that book, that was the only character he ever played.

Although the most fun I ever had playing and running a oWoD game was when the group used Freal Legion to create super heroes in the style of the Tick, and we kept the bit about the demons raping our souls. In the last session we had 3 of the PCs explode into full demons during a fight against a werewolf.

Hay wait whats that symbol behind the g̶o̶o̶g̶.. I mean technocracy symbol.

Wraith the great war, just because I never got to play it, and I know more about it then the writers remember.

Really? Some fucking applesponge actually played that? That perfect, FATAL-esque confluence of bad mechanics, racism and obliviousness? Why did you ever talk to him?

Wait, Gypsies a race?


Same nothing really about them being a race, in fact it seems to say their part of the race widely known as hindu.

Wait, race is a real thing?

Yeah, since like 1800s or longer.


Race is even a legal thing at this point, it clearly exist. Laws purely based off of it, Scientific theories based around it, medical things that are effected by it, I mean it's like saying sex doesn't exist.

Implying both aren't spooks.

Wrong guy.

Freak Legion was a cool and entertaining read but the Pentex sourcebook was actually the superior product, for
>pic related
reasons among others.

And for WW actually having a sense of humour about themselves...

If I remember that guy was laid off and wasn't invited back or just fired.

Orpheus was the best oWoD game, bar none. I'll die on that goddamn hill...

And while not "THE BEST OWOD BOOK EVAR"; I'm thoroughly impressed that some fans managed to scrounge up a fan-splat for the game that introduced elements that filled niches and fit into the game very nicely, had quite a few nifty ideas and interesting propositions to the lore and the setting and, finally, was very well-written, all throughout!

So not so much my favourite ever, as it is a shoutout to a nearly forgotten masterclass work of art, from fans of the game. This one goes out to the talented people behind it!

Race is a social construct. It's been thoroughly debunked by science, because the concepts of race were based on magical thinking. You remember the four humors? That's the founding cornerstone of your dumbass doctrine, and everyone deserves to know what a credulous waste of oxygen you are.

Isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine
Its only good for black hearts. And you say race isn't real. Their are many things, turns out breading does effect someones biology. You are willingly denying genetics because of you ideology, this is why we cant research into these things. Many people are dying because of people like you, because A can only equal what your party says it equal not matter of stupid it is. Saying race is a social construct is a stupid as saying sex is.