Symbols have been compromised

>symbols have been compromised
>don't give up

Other urls found in this thread:

>symbols have been compromised
>you are being watched

so the don't give up stuff is compromised? Should we give up?

They'll never see it coming

>symbols have been compromised
>leave all the other symbols exactly as they are

SCP has been compromised


>The foundation has been here.
> Team member killed
> Does not stay dead.
> do npt be taken alive
> Space/distance distortion
> Not hostile if left alone
> Alternate reality entered
> Hostile environnement

> voices heard here
> someone else is here
> Do not trust them
> Proceed With caution
> Stay Quiet

>stay in the darkness
>safe place to rest
>symbols have been compromised
>get out fast

>Just leaves a bunch of 'Don't give up' signs every room

>Bright! Stop fucking with the field codes again!

Large version.

Ah, how I miss Undead Burg.

>Try Jumping

>Amazing chest ahead

When I see something SCP related, I just want to get to the wiki and read some more. But I know I'll never find anything as good as the stuff about coloured stones or weird signals from space.

or the staircase

Yes, I like it less, because it is more horrorish and less sci-fi-ish, but it is till very sweet.

well it had really good writing, just the right amount of stuff redacted and without a clear explanation to everything

SCP is at its best when discussing or covering weird, creepy, but not entirely evil/deadly items, locations or creatures. Things like the I am a Toaster, or Vending machine are way more intriguing than "LE SPOOKY STAIRS" or "HAUNTED MONSTER HOUSE".

Plus, the ones where the SCP foundation actually has the SCP contained are far more intresting. It's always occured to me that the SCP foundation could easily kill or fix most of the SCP's, but would rather study and observe.

You're a blessing to mankind.

We learned what happens when we just neutralize the SCP with the chair, didn't we?

>but would rather study and observe.
Also, the multiple SCPs that the COG made worse by attempting to destroy, like that "mulch," or the SCPs where destroying what you have in containment would just break containment, like that rat king guy.
Rat king guy. Neutralizing SCP-027 would just make someone else spontaneously transform into a new SCP-027.

>Do not be taken alive

That is so fucking ominous. I do not like it.

Here's a question some of you might be able to help me with. I'm planning a dungeon a few sessions from now and actually really want to use these or at least some variant. How would you go about dropping clues to your players on what these symbols means?
Alternately, if the wizard casts comprehend language, would you allow them to understand the basic meaning of the symbols?

Exactly my thoughts! Bizarre and mysterious objects are the most interesting. They are like stories of their own. That's why I din't like the pooping blinkstatue thingy. It is just too flat, the only notable thing about it is its way of killing.

See, you say that, but I gurantee that if you dug through the 3000+ plus entries on the SCP wiki, I gurantee that you'd find some other way to neutralize any other particular SCP, outside of SCP's that rely on plot armor-tier magic like 682.

See, you say that, but if you dug through the 3000+ plus entries on the SCP wiki, I gurantee that you'd find some other way to neutralize any other particular SCP, outside of SCP's that rely on plot armor-tier magic like 682, including the one you mentioned.

You're likely to be right. Most SCPs could probably be neutralized with minimal issue. The lists are even peppered with a few deliberately or accidentally neutralized SCPs. However, do you want to take a gamble on which SCPs can be neutralized safely, and which would only get worse?

Eh, I mostly view it on how much the SCP foundation wants to chance it vs how much of a hassle it is to contain. Thats why I'm no fan of the ones that aren't contained at all. When it comes to the SCP foundation, who has such a vast amount of power, influence and control over the world, along with the other wordly connections and powers they have, it seems silly and immersion breaking that they can hardly contain some things.

What do you mean by "not contained at all?" The VW Bug, the space whale, the woman with the tattoos who hangs out over the Sun's south pole, these are all things that can't be contained, but at the same time effectively contain themselves.

Gentlemen, we have a problem.

Photographs of the shy guy have made their way into the recaptcha.

>Photographs of the shy guy have made their way into the recaptcha.
Then all is lost. Too many would be exposed to it by the time that all such images could be found and neutralized. Well, I suppose that's why 2000 exists

"Symbols have been compromised" is low quality, a cheap "gotcha".
To actually be spooky you just need to not give enough information.

>It is not human
>Do not make physical contact
>Get out fast

Have a torn up version of the translation sheet. With only the ones you want to make it scary still on the paper

I have a society of forest-dwellers that use these symbols extensively, and I didn't tell the players the meanings of any of them.
The trick is to make the first few obvious. Show them one that looks kind of like a spider, let them poke and prod and detect magic on it for a while, then throw them into a giant spider nest 10 minutes down the path. Then, show them a symbol of a treasure chest under a tree, and sure enough there's a hidden cache under a some tree roots nearby.
After a while, clever players will start taking note and remembering what certain symbols mean, and you can start using less obvious symbols and watch as they speculate what each new one could mean.

>stay quiet
>you are being watched
>do not look away
>do not make eye contact
>do not make physical contact
>stay in the darkness
>proceed with caution

Fucking memetic SCPs

>Proceed with caution
>You are being watched
>Stay together
>Danger on the other side

Is this loss?

> Alternate reality entered
> Symbols have been compromised

It would be fucking fantastic that in scribbling these down to crack down on supposed "microaggressions" and "Patriarchal Behaviors" they accidently summon an Eldritch abomination which promptly gibs their mind before rape eating their body.


Can you post some of these gems?

what the fuck are you even typing you school shooter reject

Applesponge you need to leave

Man, there's one SCP tale (I think) that I can half-remember, but I can't find it again - it's basically a bubble out in another dimension or something with a military complex in it - an in-case of emergencies bunker. It's an apocalypse tale, the protagonist is on the evac list - it ends with him dangling his feet over this edge of a cliff in this bubble, staring off into the dimension or outer space. Probably an alt-hist cold war one.

Anyone think they know what it mgiht be?


Reported for terrorism.

Absolute madman

Imagine walking by a desiccated corpse of an unknown SCP. You are startled by it but realize that it has been killed.
Then you walk by the wall and see three things etched in
>You are Being Watched
>Does Not Stay Dead
>Do Not Be Taken Alive

>rape eating

>walk into another room
>alternate reality entered
>it is not human
>get out fast

>You turn around to run back out as fast as you can
>All you see is a solid wall
>Written on it is one symbol
>Rooms Move/ Area Changes
>You frantically look at all the other walls for a way out
>Slowly the room shifts again and you start to see hundreds of the same symbol printed across all the walls
>Do Not Be Taken Alive

>hours, or days pass, it's hard to tell
>eventually you see a change
>the symbols have been compromised
>Someone else is here
>Don't give up

>Alternate reality entered
>The foundation has been here
>do not trust them
>do not be taken alive

fucking perfect


my favorite is

its not scary or terribly dangerous or even particularly mysterious.

but its still my favorite, a curious little anomaly, carefully contained.

My favorite was always the book that held an intelligence in it, who could insert themselves into stories as a background character.

I wish I could remember the number.

druidic script
thieves runes
a literate party member happens to have seen them in a book somewhere
the Barbarian knows HOBO SCRAWL well enough to start translating.


if you know them pretty good I am open to other suggestions for encounters in a game of D&D.

I'm gonna shift the Bladewood Grove into a patch of pine forest instead. locals gnolls will use the needles to make arrow heads and poison darts.

I don't want like, ultimate murder-fucking encounters, just oddness for forest lake and mountain.

>that almost swastika
>path changes

Unsafe place
You are being watched
Do not be taken alive

I think this is the worst combination to run into

Wat did he mean bi dis

>MTF squad, walking through a corridor on a rescue mission
>Your team finds a couple of the other MTF members you came to rescue, dead
>You keep going until you find some symbols
>It is not human
>Do not trust them
>Does not stay dead
>Don't give up

The only good SCP are the tomatoes that fling themselves at anything that tells a bad joke.

those are pretty funny, after the bladewood grove I also like the landmine cacti...

depending on their utilization they might be used as comedy, an OH SHIT, a vital resource, or perhaps as a fine distillable resource.

The thing that's always bugged me about this is the "symbols have been compromised" code. It seems useless, if the SCP is smart/dickish enough to compromise the codes then it would just compromise the "symbols have been compromised" code.

I think it's trying to communicate. Somebody fetch a Class D.


>Team was sent to secure a newly discovered object but contact was lost
>They are likely dead and you get sent to contain the situation
>The object is a confectionery factory
>Searching for the previous team you only find splatters of blood, spent casings, discarded items and chalk messages
>The messages say things such as "Lolipops", "Invisible Lolipops", "Chocolate" or "No Cheerios"
>Keep exploring
>You find a wall with multiple signs "Divide the donut into thirds" and exclamation marks
>You walked next to a donut lying on the floor a few minutes ago

>Spaghettification Hazard
At least it's not Helvetica.

Sounds like the ending of “A Colder War”.

>Amazing trap ahead

>try holding with both hands

Could you upload a new picture while you're here?
The old one is a little small. all makes sense now!