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First for mage supremacy
What's the consensus on Beckett's Jyhad Diary?
Mage STs: What mysteries have you used in your games?
>Alan Moore Rasputin
...B-but Rasputin is a vampire!
Was there ever actually a concrete definition on just what the fuck Rasputin was? Or Al Capone?
Both are explicitly shown as Vampires in the newest metaplot book, BJD. Capone's one of the frontrunners for Prince of Chicago, Rasputin has been traveling around serving what is ostensibly the Inconnu.
As BJD is the setup for V5's metaplot, this fairly well cements them.
Just get on /x/, pick a random thread, excise all the /pol/ cancer and blame all events on the Cmarilla/the Sabbat/the Technocracy/the Order of Hermes/the Wyrm/whatever.
White Wolf should have discontinued oWoD and if you disagree, you're an faggit.
>The only people who talk about NuWod are God Machine fags and Magefags
>oWoD has dedicated vampfags, magefags and Changelingfags who actually discuss things beyond just the mechanics
Really makes you stink.
People posted Gutka as an example of diablerie bait before but this guy is much worse
Definitely not,
This guy is 1250 years old and has 24 discipline dots; Gutka was 4000 years old and only had 29
We both know thats a lie. Old or new this thread only exists for dick measuring contests
Man, do I regret taking your suggestion. Why are people who 'question the official truths' also really fucking gullible?
>hurr one was embraced x years ago, the other y years ago
haven't you learned by now that it's time spent being active that makes a difference, the 3500 years Gutka was in torpor are irrelevant.
They're both 5th gens with
When will owodfags learn that they're quickly becoming obsolete
Would you ever consider using something like VtM:B's Deb of a night as a tool for passing some information to your party? I feel like the tabloid aspect of that kind of information stream fits into the dark underworld and the "fairytales are true" aspect of some WoD splats.
>oWoD still getting relevant updates
>V5 will borrow heavily from oWoD
This delusion
Keep calm and take your pills old man
>'borrow' heavily
I don't get why people keep saying 'derived from' or 'borrow from', V5 is the next edition of Vampire the Masquerade. It's literally the advancement of the Revised timeline, treating V20 as an official 4th Edition.
I adapted something for a WoD game once from the MiB movie. A local 'zine that was used by the Anarchs to pass messages that couldn't be easily intercepted.
I'm no ST but I'd certainly love having something like that used on me.
The WTOJ was gold (read them in chronological order from the bottom):
I'm so glad I had this resource to use for my players when our LARP went through Gehenna in the last year of our chronicle.
Can people just not start pointless shit?
Why do extra actions have to happen at the end of the turn?
Because most of the time "questioning the official truths" is a combination of profound ignorance and the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Can't people just stop taking the fucking bait
to give people without celerity a fighting chance
Yeah but it's made by weirdos and the people who made 20th didn't see it as a new edition. So it's easily thought of as it's own thing. Like when the Artemis Fowl author wrote a new Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy book. Sure it's the same thing. Sort of. But the end product even if good doesn't feel the same.
>and Jacob is particularly ill-suited for combat.
Oh yeah, really ill-suited; he just can:
1. Reflexively remain hidden from anyone else with anything short of Auspex 5 through his Obfuscate 5.
2. Use Presence 4 to summon anyone he's ever met to his traps.
3. Use Auspex 4 to project himself astrally (where only other individuals with Auspex 4 can combat him); he can use Mental disciplines through his projection; or scry anyone's he's ever met with Auspex 6.
4. Use Presence 3/5 to make everyone his slave, or Presence 6 to make 8, 20 or everyone (depending on successes) around him or his astral projection frenzy; they get to resist with a dicepool of at most 5, rolling at a difficulty of 13.
Rule balance. If you've ever played a game where characters with a high speed can get multiple actions off BEFORE someone else can even take one, it's a shitty balance thing.
>White Wolf should have discontinued oWoD and if you disagree, you're an faggit.
But user, how would Dracula furiously masturbate every night without pedo vampires?
Sure. Like OWoD and NWoD have any consistent writing styles and methodology. And we'll have to wait and see more. We've had a (really shitty) pre-alpha and a (much better) alpha, so I'm being cautiously optimistic about V5.
pedo vampires?
Demons (from Demon the Fallen) can have their extra actions before everyone else; rather than just at the end of the turn; Demon supremacy!
So, I'm working on a bit of Vampire the Masquerade homebrew. I've been thinking about changing how clan weaknesses function, and making it so that your Generation, plus your age, makes your clan weakness change. Essentially divided into Neonate/Ancilla/Elder+ weaknesses, building upon the last.
Any thoughts on ways to actually improve the Malkavian weakness without making it LOL SO RANDUMB?
>>oWoD has dedicated vampfags, magefags and Changelingfags who actually discuss things beyond just the mechanics
>Malkavian weakness
How about you actually read the Malkavian weakness first?
One of the vamps in the playetest had a feeding restriction of children.
The same character also liked to bang "young" vamps. As in freshly embraced. At no point is it implied the two cross over. But people still flipped their shit at a "pedo vampire" I assume because they don't know how to read or just read a headline.
Since the Malkavian Antediluvian actually is the Madness Network and every childer is connect to it (with except those who undergo the Pander ritual), you could maybe make so that really powerful Malkavians (Elders+) are occasionally drawn as pawns to the Antediluvian, waging its stake in the Jyhad, every so often they can make a roll to resist the Ancient's influence, if they fail they basically blackout for a full night, not remembering whatever the hell happened after they next wake up, having unconciously furthered the Antediluvian's agenda
People shove their own fears and psychoses onto most any writing. Plus, y'know, SJWs.
>>I don't get why people keep saying 'derived from' or 'borrow from',
I guess because it draws a line between V5 (which isn't shaping up to look good) and the rest of Masquerade. This way they can hold Masquerade as it was up on a pedestal and claim it deserves praise for "inspiring" a new product, while maintaining that V5 hasn't "ruined" it, like people do with M20 and Ascension. When in reality it is literally just a continuation.
Fine, let me rephrase. How to make the Malkavian weakness actually a weakness, in such a way that players won't act in that manner.
This would be an interesting Elder+-level weakness.
Here's what I've got so far:
Hey, speaking of M20 being a BETRAYAL(!!!), can we shit on the Disparates now?
'Cuz they're really fucking stupid.
>How to make the Malkavian weakness actually a weakness, in such a way that players won't act in that manner.
Only let players you trust play Malkavian.
They are literally the least fun part of the game and always have been.
>Reflexively remain hidden from anyone else with anything short of Auspex 5 through his Obfuscate 5.
Gutka has Obfuscate 6, so literally no one but other elders can see her unless she wants.
>Use Presence 4 to summon anyone he's ever met to his traps.
Probably wouldn't even come into play, but it's got nothing to do with combat.
>Use Auspex 4 to project himself astrally (where only other individuals with Auspex 4 can combat him); he can use Mental disciplines through his projection; or scry anyone's he's ever met with Auspex 6.
Doesn't help in combat.
>4. Use Presence 3/5 to make everyone his slave, or Presence 6 to make 8, 20 or everyone (depending on successes) around him or his astral projection frenzy; they get to resist with a dicepool of at most 5, rolling at a difficulty of 13.
Again, the usefulness of that is rather limited if he gets bushwhacked suddenly.
Meanwhile Gutka can just tear everyone apart for 12 aggravated damage per hit in one, two turns tops.
I'm not saying Jacob isn't extremely dangerous. I'm saying he's barely more dangerous than the average elder despite being very low gen. Gutka is also seriously underpowered, but she literally eats neonates for breakfast. (If anything, the PCs would be the "diablerie-bait" for her.)
>Again, the usefulness of that is rather limited if he gets bushwhacked suddenly.
Assuming somehow the coterie of neonates breaks through Jacob's Obfuscation, how do you bushwhack a vampire that has Auspex 5 and that can activate Majesty without dice roll, or make everyone near him pretty much frenzy automatically?
If Gutka was physically fighting a coterie (4 or 5 of them) of neonates(Gangrels, Brujah and other Clans that have a knock for fighting) she would get overwhelmed and put down. There's just too many mechanical limitations.
VtM has a limited run. After 4e is over, Vampire the Masquerade will be officially dead, replaced by a (more) retarded vegetable version of Requiem.
You know the clan weakness are mechanically just Flaws, right? In fact I'm pretty sure they're already all stated out as flaws in the appendix and other books in case some guy wants the brujah or nosfe curse without their clan baggage. Well, the clanbooks typically have extra flaws that are appropriate for each clan to build upon or replace the standard curse, originally meant for weird bloodlines or just particularly unlucky fucks. You can use those readily for your purposes.
For example Nosferatu have a bunch of flaws (and merits) that make their bodies further twisted and disabled instead of merely monstrous, like crippled limbs and gaping maws with hippo teeth and whatnot. Giovanni elders could be particularly likely to redevelop the old Cappadocian weakness or other corpse-like traits, or their bite curse can get worse (such as the plague-carrier bite.)
If you're reworking the system entirely I'd seriously consider just using flaws (or even merits) to represent the various forms the clan curse takes, after shaving off some freebie points, then you apply the points from the curse. This probably shouldn't count towards the merit/flaw maximum.
It'll also help ensure weaknesses are more balanced, since if one player's flaw is weaker it just gives him less points.
Gotta admit, there's every reason to assume that they do crossover, since feeding is emphasized as VERY erotic.
One of my Ascension PCs has an Umbrood whose basically Yue.
M20 can be said to nerf mages, but its still Mage.
V5 isn't VtM in any shape or form; its a vastly bigger departure than, say, VtR.
Hopefully V5 will be such a big fail they'll come running back to 20th
But m20 is bad. The question is will m5 be worse.
>Never even seen someone talk about oWoD Changeling
Which was worse, m20 or nwod discontinuing owod altogether?
>If Gutka was physically fighting a coterie (4 or 5 of them) of neonates(Gangrels, Brujah and other Clans that have a knock for fighting) she would get overwhelmed and put down. There's just too many mechanical limitations.
She has celerity 3 and 12++ agg damage per hit, she also has fortitude 3 and stamina 8 to tank anything (Jacob has Stamina 8 too, but no Fortitude, which means he's essentially naked in front of flames or claws.)
She won't get overwhelmed by anything short of a pack of lupines.
Never mind that no one short of a 7th gen elder can even see her through Obf 6, or the implications of her having Animalism 5.
I'm repeating myself, but the point was that Jacob is bigger diablerie-bait than Gutka, who technically can't even be hunted by young upstarts.
All of them I've met sure seem like (or are confirmed to be) rapists.
Stamina does nothing for vamps though. But yes, Obfuscate means she only needs to fight when she wants to.
You don't get out much, do you?
Continuing from last night.
Which splat (cofd) makes the best NEET, neckbeard, fatguy, what-have-you?
We had good entries from Mage and Vampire.
The irony of all this is that v5 sounds like its going to nerf vampires up the pooper
I cant wait
I forgot that people actually pay money for this garbage
I do, it just happens the LARP group I use to be part of is rife with both rapists and SJWs and a lot of overlap between the two. Some actually care about helping people and are just misguided idiots who support the rapists because they got gas lighted, but far more of them are just their to virtue signal so they can take advantage of people. So it could be more of a LARPer thing than an SJW thing but the abusive people all flocked to it as a cover.
>implying V5 won't be a huge fail and they won't discontinue it
I hope that was bitcoin money or some other windfall, I can't imagine how it must feel to have wasted $375 of your hard-earned cash backing M20.
How can a wildly different game with fewer similarities than Requiem and no other splats be said to be "nerfing vampires?"
Just wait boy
has anyone involved in power level discussions ever played a crossover game anyway
talk about mental masturbation
That sucks. Especially with a group that is probably as animated as Larpers, that would be a pain to deal with.
>She won't get overwhelmed by anything short of a pack of lupines.
Wanna throw dice and see how that this isn't true? Let's use as example a coterie of combat-oriented neonates from clans such as Followers of Set, Gangrel etc that have access to agg damage fresh from character creation
In physical combat, if a coterie of five neonates ganked Gutka simultaneously, she'd automatically suffer +4 difficulty to all her attack and defense difficulties
Even without Celerity the neonates can split their dice to attack more than once in a turn, let's say they split their dicepools in half and attack twice each; that's 10 likely successful attacks coming at Gutka.
Gutka could try to defend, so she could hopefully survive a rain of agg damage; but
Celerity dice cannot be split: she's limited to 3 defenses (from extra actions) which she would might succeed;
There's still other 7 incoming attacks. She has a total of 10 dice to block them; most of these other defense rolls will only have a single dice, and they're rolled at difficulty 10! And she has to beat the attacks rolled with 4-5 dice at difficulty 6 from the neonates.
She can only soak with 3 dice. How can she survive this?
>Never mind that no one short of a 7th gen elder can even see her through Obf 6
Yes, I agree she'll only be found if she wants it, although there are Thaumaturgical rituals that would allow a 8th generation or heigher to break her Obfuscation, or even someone that has a decent level of Auspex and is high on weed; I'm just making an argument as to why she's not as tanky as you think she is.
Who would he be in CofD, Veeky Forums?
A faggot
A fucking faggot Chinese cartoon character
Who is he now?
A fucking faggot Chinese cartoon character
A Mage, obviously. Hard to say what kind, but from his personality I would say stereotypical Mastigos, but he does know some Time since he did that whole thing with the Moros' liquid metal ball golem.
Seconding this.
How about we all do a little group bonding exercise? Beast is terrible and everybody hates it. Let's all come together and shit on it.
>A faggot
But he's a mage in Fate, why would he be a vampire in CofD?
>Implying CofD isn't weebshit anyway
It's obviously good since there's been little to no shitposting about it.
Who would he be in CofD, Veeky Forums?
As the most reclusive splat that has no need whatsoever for the outside world and least mechanically inclined to leave home, I would say Mage, especially in terms of how mages just plain have the most fun and least pain.
However, don't discount Werewolf; its "dirtbag animism" schtick means that even a single house can have a campaign's worth of NPCs. Not that you need WtF to enter the spirit world, but its worth a glance.
When the topic of NEET supernaturals came up, that's what I immediately thought of: a werewoof pack.
Dad: Rahu Blood Talon. Considers his children, especially his son, to be a horrendous disappointment. Struggles to not consider his son a target for the sacred hunt and drinks heavily.
Mom: Elodoth Bone Shadow. Attempts to keep the peace between her husband and her son. Her primary target for sacred hunts are the negative spirits that infest the house.
Daughter: Irraka Hunter in Darkness. Unnerving sister, also a NEET but has a sort of Wednesday Adams/Sucy thing going on. Although they all have the house as territory, she is extremely territorial about her room.
Son: Ithaeur Iron Master. A wise techno shaman, considers normies to be his target for the Sacred Hunt. As a youngster his main targets for Sacred Hunts were cleansing his school of evil monsters whether physical or supernatural (to the uninitiated he seems to just be performing school shootings) and nowadays his primary Sacred Hunt targets are those who poison the spiritual candidate (to the uninitiated he seems to just be killing women who reject him). Still leaves the house under extreme duress only.
Although most conflict centers around the son, the mom is the alpha and the main theme is a waging a losing war against the Spirit Courts of anger and disappointment that feed off her husband and the ones of despair, sadness and loneliness that feed off her son.
Libertine Acanthus.
It brings a few interesting ideas but in the end it's still garbage because it adopted CofD's "agnostic metaplot" mentality; it presents several different potential scenarios without establishing any as true, so the metaplat doesn't move and the canon isn't progressed
Literally Beast. Just look at Null Spyder.
Of course, I've always found non crossover games to be completely ridiculous, and not in a good way.
Can we use fansplats? 'Cuz he is the purest example of GtT I can think of.
How does Genius handle time travel?
It's a book for a game, not the next installation in a series of novels.
>Implying CofD isn't weebshit anyway
It's a sick mix of pulp, anime and Dresden tripe.
It didn't have any real options or how they playout in the setting. Just a bunch of plot hooks. It feels far more like NWoD than OWoD.
No, we cannot
Probably high level Skafoi and/or Apocalypsi.