How do lesser races deal with the fact that elves are just plain better than them?
How do lesser races deal with the fact that elves are just plain better than them?
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they post angrily on anonymous japanese imageboards
What makes them "better"?
In most settings they're just conceited with very little reason to back it up. They might have been an advanced race in the past, maybe that was even within their long lifetime, but they rarely have an actual inherent advantage in the present.
Bang their women to slowly phase them out of existence.
>In most settings they're just conceited with very little reason to back it up.
Name five settings where this is true.
Elf+Human produces Half-Elf. Half-Elf+Human produces Half-Elf. Half-Elf+Elf produces Elf.
The only person phasing themselves out of existence are Humans.
>In most settings they're just conceited with very little reason to back it up
Even just being among the prettiest of the races is rather common.
Oh man, I remember when you spammed this on Veeky Forums every day.
We fuck them.
Half-elves are proof of this
conquer and enslave elves, obviously.
Migrating into their territory, outbreeding them and demanding gibsmedat until the elven settlement has been completely co-opted and turned into a burning pile of rubble. They then move to a different elven settlement, rinse and repeat.
>What makes them "better"?
Greater refinement, higher culture, higher average intelligence, greater degree of civilization?
>They might have been an advanced race in the past, maybe that was even within their long lifetime, but they rarely have an actual inherent advantage in the present.
Except a race doesn't become advanced because of random factors, it's due to certain inherent traits that allowed them to become superior. Traits that should be closely guarded.
tl;dr: Let in a hyoo-man, the barbarism began
>pure cringe
How do you keep posting this without realizing you're just embarrassing yourself?
If that's their only thing then i guess they're losing to succubi
Name 5 where it's not true
wait this is a runing joke on tg
(newfag btw)
Most settings put forth the impression that elves are far fewer in number than elves. So doing simple math here, they're would still be humans when there are no more true elves left. Afterwards might be a downward spiral but who ever said that wasn't the plan all along?
Because they don't need to make stealth false-flagging shitposting threads that just incite more hatred?
Seriously, how many elf-threads a day do we need? How many of them do really contribute anything? How about this one?
>Far fewer in number than humans
I need to get more sleep
This is how I like to make the elves in my setting. Incredibly arrogant, but infuriatingly justified in their arrogance. Naturally I don't make them playable.
>In most settings they're just conceited with very little reason to back it up.
>Innately better at magic
>Innately more agile sometimes to a superhuman degree
>Often depicted as generally or always attractive by human standards
>Either immortal or live for hundreds or thousands of years
>how many elf-threads a day do we need?
Success breeds jealousy.
I like how in lord of the rings the most racially superior elves fucked everyone over due to pride, and what remains is a humbled shadow that is just lingering and fucking off slowly.
but what about the Avari that never left the east? Would they not be under Morgoth's control?
And while it does say no elf sided with Sauron that's only the perspective written from the elves of the west and their allies who knew fuck all about the lands to the east and south
I think 2 out of 3 elf threads on the weekend needed to get deleted, so successful were they. No really, youl could have made an interesting thread based on actual fantasy worlds, characters and stories, threads that invite people interested in this fictional race to have fun and share elf-related stuff. Don't know what your plan was with this one, if not to give anti-elffags a shitposting ground to vent on.
Stupid Marcille-poster
Want to hear my secret?
Humans were elves.
I wanna rub those ears
We're all Marcille-posters here
If you weren't a Marcille-poster, you wouldn't be here
"We wuz elves 'n shit".
Your parents must be so proud of you continuing to live in a delusion of your racial supremacy while your cities become flooded by humans and dwarves.
I'm not saying 'join the thamor' or throwing off your 'roundear-slave-name' or anything, just go get a job and try to be the elves your forefathers wanted you to be.
They write rape doujins and fap furiously with tears pouring down their face pretending elf women are sluts and human women don't get wet for handsome elf men...which the neckbeards pretend are traps.
I was the initial Marcille-poster, and now I see crops I made next to stupid posts by other people. If only I'd know what this lead to.
It's ok user, more than one user has realized the horrors they unleashed far too late.
Don't forget that the elven fertile period lasts for centuries. Although half elf plus human actually produces a human with pretty features.
>Speaking in vague generalities like cultural relativism isn't a thing that exists.
Most elven societies that I've seen also cleave to a very specific and seemingly arbitrary ideal of perfection that they use to justify their surprisingly draconian social hierarchy.
Combine that with the fact that nothing about elves in any setting; not their art, their culture, their technology or their magic seems to meaningfully evolve over millennia and you could reasonably argue that elves are more stagnant than the fucking dwarves.
Level drain is a hell of an STD.
Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Eberron, Golarion, Points of Light.
>Threads need to contribute something
Do you know where you are?
Fucking off to actual elf heaven with all of their old enemies dead and buried.
They're not dying out.
Even orcs are going on strong and their entire livelyhood is based on raiding.
>cultural relativism
Elvish culture is one hundred percent superior to Orcish culture and you cant argue otherwise.
In which setting?
Not your shitposting haven.
>Prove your statement.
Not how it works fagtron.
>Elves become incredibly loyal to the first man to squirt semen inside of them
There's LITERALLY nothing wrong with this.
You're setting the bar pretty low if you have to compare elves to orcs
What are the differences between orcs and elves when you make elves prone to Wild Hunts?
Most settings which follow elf and orc traditions enough to call them orcs or elves. DnD, WoW, 40k/WHF, LotR, etc.
Middle Earth, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40,000.
When is Laius, gonna lewd the elf?
I'd be having fun if there was a single interesting post in this thread
>These kinds of threads are fun
WoW elves are shiters and the orcs normally have the whole noble savage angle
>muh fun
/v/ was right, fun is buzzword that doesn't tell you anything about the quality of a thread. Somebodys funposting is another anons shitposting.
You want to know what really frosts my cheerios? When writers make Elves out to be these intelligent, cultured beings that were building magical cities when Humanity were building fires... And yet they're living in tiny, irrelevant countries with dwindling populations.
I don't believe it. I refuse to believe it. Elves without some mass extinction event should be just as numerous, if not more numerous than Humans due to the sheer volume of Elves being born over the course of millennia. I'm sick and tired of limp-dick setting writers who assign the typical Elven qualities onto their version of Elves without actually processing what those qualities actually entail in a long-lasting civilization.
At least Warhammer Fantasy has the good sense to make Elves an "uncommon" race even after three apocalyptic wars and racial sunderings. At least Tolkien wrote Elves as not dying off, but simply leaving Middle-Earth.
Depends on the setting. In some settings, orcs have no culture to speak of. In others, they're basically caricatures of "barbarians". In settings that actually bother to flesh them out in any meaningful way, I'd say that they're at least not as socially stratified as elves.
Besides, we're not talking about elves relative to orcs. We're talking about them relative to humans/dwarves/gnomes/halflings/etc.
Pretty sure that's the potato-loving chubby elf from that other manga, not Marcille.
Who else?
Dwarves are drunken greedy mountain people.
Hobbits are simple minded and content.
Goblins are just weaker Orcs.
Humans' only power is numbers.
Name another race and I'll prove you wrong.
Watching people get upset over stupid shit is pretty fun to me. Of all the things that could have happened, instead of trying to turn the thread into something you came in here to bitch.
In my setting:
Mostly getting enslaved or waging war against the Imperialist Elves.
Trade is possible but only from a position of strength.
By having sex with them, thus our offspring will inherit their good qualities.
My question still stands
>Noble savage angle
>Good culture
>We are a bunch of naked savages but it is cool because we only kill adult men
Why do elves live longer than dwarves anyway? Dwarves clearly incarnate attributes of the mountains. What do elves take their attributes from?
Fey and magic
>What do elves take their attributes from?
Nature itself, or literally a god.
Humans are canonically better wizards in DnD, dwarves and gnomes depending on the setting are usually the best with actual technology
And elves are effete, unambitious and culturally stagnant. Every fantasy race has negative traits. That's the point.
The FR elves obliterated themselves via the crown wars and later on lost many kingdoms to orcs and demons, which also somewhat just common occurance. Ascalhorn is probably the worst offender.
>Watching people get upset over stupid shit is pretty fun to me.
You are implying anyone is upset, which I have not noticed.
>Of all the things that could have happened, instead of trying to turn the thread into something you came in here to bitch.
I made several responses relating to questions in this thread, for example and
It works in fantasy settings blood elves are actual shit in wow even if the orcs aren't great
And yet, it's so easy to burn a whole forest down than a mountain.
The question is: who has a superior culture, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, or High Elves?
>implying the most powerful druids and mages in the world are shitters
>implying Garrosh "put spikes and skulls everywhere" Hellscream is noble.
It's always High Elves.
>it's so easy to burn a whole forest down
Enjoy being drug addicts
>it's so easy to burn a whole forest down
Pffft, people actually believe this.
If you present me a copy of the original, and the original, I'd pick the original. Ergo, the answer is High Elves.
Depends on the conditions, if it's a perfectly healthy forest not experiencing drought then not even remotely. Sprinkle on top of that a bunch of magic wielding elves and other creatures actively not wanting their home burned down and it's even worse.
>cucks and rapists
>the ones that masturbate to the smell of their own farts
Space elves.
Garrosh isn't really representative of orcs, he a villain that happened to be an orc to motivate the plot
More settings need the Aen Elle.
If you're counting Garrosh against the orcs then I blame sylvanas on the elves
I don't play WoW so I won't talk about a subject I am entirely ignorant on. However the noble savage cliche is stupid and generally boils down to "killing people is cool but since I only kill bad people I can still be seen as good and moral." Its a lazy way to make a society seem deep as opposed to giving them actual depth.
Compare generic noble savages (live in a tribe, every man is a warrior, but they care about their families and they only seriously fight to protect their people, but they duel for honor and fun constantly) to actual savages like the ancient Germans, Celts, and Sarmatians. The actual barbarians had actual cultures with arts, very fine metallurgy and jewelry making sometimes even better than those of more civilized peoples, men were often farmers first and warriors second, yet endemic warfare was the norm, and launching a periodic raid against a neighboring tribe and carrying off a woman to rape and marry was by no means unheard of. They weren't really good or noble, but they had unique cultures and ideals just as in deep as those of civilized peoples who referred to them as barbarians and savages.
This meme is dead, don't spread dead things.
It's definitely bad writing but orcs aren't canonically backwards savages in WoW and imo I prefer them to elves in WoW. This thread isn't actually the place for in depth conversation though considering that it's 90% shit posting
Asur are holding the world together much better than any other race in this world, they have to make them at least arrogant or else they would the pure good guys of the setting.
Raping elves.
But this is what's happening in reality.
I came here to post this. Well done user.
I do not know. To be lesser than a rape-race like the elves must imply nonsentience.
Obnoxious phone-fagget.
Shut her down folks. We've hit the /pol/ singularity, where all threads become /pol/.
This always seemed silly.
The child should always be the race of the mother. Human male + elf female should produce an elf with slightly squarer features than usual. Human female + elf male should produce a human with fairer features than normal, maybe some low-light vision and greater magical talent.
Just make them that they cannot breed or life long in areas with low magic.
Oh look, it's another Thalmor shill-poster.
Remind me again, how many of your people ascended to certifiable Divinity since the coming of Men?
Make way for the true mer.
Preserved user, preserved in fine jars of elf in shota action.