Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes and High Lord of Terra, Trajan Valoris.

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First for comfy

Most posters in this thread don't even play the game, they just spout whatever ebin maymays they've heard nonstop.

For the Emperor!

Beep Boops for best boys

Captaan-Ganearal af tha Castadas and Hagh Lard af Tarra, Trajan Valaras.
that's what that paint job sounds like

I would fucking kill for kits of pauldrons with raised chapter/legion symbols so I don't have to deal with those god damned transfers

Xth for Tau codex is worse than the Index. Screen cap this.

First for


Deathwatch kits/Shapeways.

I've seen someone knock an entire fortification line off of the table, bearing in mind it was a good half a foot into the table on all sides.

*blocks your path*

Whats Forgeworld

Trying to do something simple but subtle for trueborn without changing their color scheme

Nth for Codex and new models when GW?

What do you prefer, Death Guard solo or Nurgle Daemonkin?

Hmm. More spikes seems appropriate. I was gonna do greenstuff capes myself but decided against it since they'll be WYSIWYG.

Death Guard solo mainly because I like shooty things

Give me your batreps.

mfw torn between GK, Custodes and GSC but want to play a mono-army

Death guard is top stronger and looks more cool but im a fucking fan of Papa nurgle sons specially snail guy

*clears the path*

how? How are people so uncoordinated?




Any news about most stylish dudes in near future?

>i charged an Ork like turn one with SoB
>not a single vehicle survive
>manage to murder 40~ Orks
>well the other 80 ended killing my melta Heavy list

It was a sad day, 14 meltas was a bad idea


No news about Orks unfortunately.

>tfw you bought 2k points of custodes on release because of the hype that they were one of the best armies
>sold them a month later because I have won zero games with them

>World Eaters Chaos ones only come in a whole conversion set
Might try the mkiii or iv HH ones I guess


>Like Ad Mech
>That one kit has that stupid BDSM gimp
>No longer for me


>Not dual grav flux bombards

get on my level

Luth needs to make Lelith the Nagatoro of 40k. This image is a good template.

>let's bring a melta spam list against the army known for giving exactly zero fucks about meltas

Post an image that describes the last army you played without stating what that army is

If I jumped down there I'd break my legs

If one gimp is all it takes for you to stop liking something you must not have liked it much to begin with.

never thought I'd meet someone as autistic as me, where a single kit ruins an entire range.

Post pic of BDSM gimp i have no idea what that is


this kills the Nids player


Are they this bad? I have a box of custodian guard and only magnetized a one guy for now. I'm not looking for a competitive army - just something fun to play

Idk inquistion?

What adventures do YOUR Space Marines have, Veeky Forums?

Can you see it?

I shaved down a scourge torso to use for my archon, but am having trouble figuring out how to properly model good shoulder plates. Plasticard?

Post pictures of terrain and tables, last thread gave me a hard on

Buying armies just to win .....

everything kills the nid player


>it kills two squads of termigant chaff
>it then immediately dies to superior nid shooting
>even better it gets charged by 30 hormagants and is rendered a non issue for the rest of the game

good lord that thing is appallingly ugly

As basing fodder for my Dark Eldar. I drill big holes in them to show darklight impacts. It's fun for all involved

>List tailoring against Orks
What kind of monster are you?

Forgot pic

>not liking the chickens

Do tell which range was ruined for you by a single kit.


Oh sorry, let me rephrase
>bringing 14 meltas in Hordes: the edition



I love the chickens, just not the weirdo gimp suit dude.


What the fuck happened that damonettes are just ugly?

Old ones had that off puttingness tied in with sexy, kind of like sh2 nurses, an interesting juxtaposition like the old siren stories where theyre only scary once you see their entire body.

Now they're just super ugly with nothing else going for them. I really don't think this is"ew boobs are scary" I think this is legitimately a bad designer.

Dark Eldar still have the best models out of every army's range

Lol the bodysuit looks like a fleshtone. Imagine if the dude was just naked. Would make it even better

> Using a dreadnought made for clobbering in a purely ranged fashion


This is a fine example of girm derp

Solo. Everything meshes well and nurgle daemons don't seem to look right with death guard which is fucky.

>legitimately a bad designer
welcome to GW, your two options are to get over it or get out. I would recommend the latter, but some of us are in too deep.


Probablu see them releases with sob codex.

>buys 2k points of a new army purely on the hope of them being overpowered
>somehow managed to assemble and paint the entire army and plays enough games with them to make a judgement on how viable they are within a month
>sells them like a manbaby because he can't win
Of all the faggots on this site you just might be the biggest.

Our resident banana player actually lost to GKs last week. They're so bad it's almost kinda funny.
They're a meme faction.


Pic unrelated

I'd murder someone to get this mini in plastic. I'd hand them my wallet if they at least did Made-to-order for it.

>Starting to look forward to escalation league ending so I can unload my Necrons due to not enjoying the play style.
>Have two Gimmick Marine lists and a Tau list I want to do

Gonna be a long month

Wait what the fuck
I never noticed the second guy
I hate it now

>hates the defining part of admech


What's the best loadout for a Chaplain venerable dreadnought?

I'm thinking assault cannon or double CCW with flamers but I'm not sure. Is the inferno cannon worth it? It seems better to just grab a 2nd CCW with a heavy flamer.

Fug. They are my first army ever and I just started buying shit for them. I don't want to play competitive games but getting an army just to put it on a shelf after a week seems to be pointless


I just convert other better models into my minis.

>bring that against a monster mash nids as my DA
>mfw mill 2 fexes, a tyrranofex, and a exocrine in 4 rounds
>also brought deredeo and popped other Fex, OOE, and a trygon prime
They’re so good with talonmaster

>Can you see it?

All I see is pic related.

Where can I get this model? Miranda Irene only has this one


Depends what you want to do with it, I have it specced with 2 CCWs and the flamers. The flamers will torch most stuff, and what it doesn't the CCW will fuck with. In my opinion there's better options for more shooty dreadnought loadouts (especially as you get to reroll 1s with 2 CCWs)

Is this epic or a really fuck huge terrain piece?

> want to get back into hobby
> haven't played since I was 16
> 22 now
> look at prices
> be sad

Why is everything so expensive? A 2k army for most lists would cost me almost $1000 here in Canada. And I'm moving to Europe after the summer so I'm already tight on cash. Why is this hobby so insanely expensive? A box of 5 toy soldiers shouldnt cost $70. Makes me sad as someone who loves the lore.

> tfw you'll never have a green tide comfy ork army

boyz. I don't know what it is about them but every time I consider the possibility of orks, I look at them and think 'I don't want an army of these guys'.

from an apocalypse game several years ago

When dark eldar take prisoners how do they check for pyschers?

ya but that takes, like, work.


If you're moving to Europe wait until you get there before you buy anything because it will be cheaper there.

14 Melta is not much. 10 to 25 is normal, on top of any anti horde.