Why are risen demons/devils so much rarer than fallen angels?

Why are risen demons/devils so much rarer than fallen angels?

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For the same reason purification is so much rarer than degradation.

Sin is fun.

desu i'd fap to this doujin if it existed

Purification is cute! CUTE!!

This. Degradation just makes me feel depressed.

Because Paradise Lost tropes are interesting and naturally create conflict.

"Purification" is typically only presented like in your pic: weird fapbait for emotionally stunted weirdos obsessed with finding a "bad girl" who willingly becomes a submissive waifu for your benefit.

>"Purification" is typically only presented like in your pic: weird fapbait for emotionally stunted weirdos obsessed with finding a "bad girl" who willingly becomes a submissive waifu for your benefit.

It's basically the bad boy trend of the 90s, done by a bunch of people not self-aware enough to recognize they're doing it.

There's plenty of stereotypes like this though. Half-vampire hunting vampires, rogue drow with a heart of gold, half-demon fighting his inner demons, etc.

This is clearly in reverse order. There's no purification hentai.


Its easier to fall than to rise

Once you go black you never go back.

STDs can't be cured by anything except death.

Are you joking? People redeeming themselves is a ridiculously effective and popular arc.

Now I want to watch an episode of COPS where they get called to a domestic disturbance and it's s fat neckbeard getting smacked around by some gothslut.

Two reasons.

First, biblical stuff. The very concept of demon was, for a long time, intrisincally tied to the concept of fallen angel (until the Greek mythology DLC at least). That, and well, Lucifer is simply more of a case study than any fallen angel that would subsequently repent and come back to Heaven.

Secondly, it's my understanding that good-aligned parties are a more common occurence than evil-aligned one. If it is, indeed, the case, then it makes sense that fallen angels - which naturally creates conflict for good-aligned campaign, as said - become more common than risen demons, who would only create conflict in an evil campaign.

That being said, I know have a new adventure for my chaotic-chaotic campaign.


I said purification and all the dumb anime memes associated with it, not redemption. Just look at the OP and you'll have an idea what he really means. This is a thinly-veiled Good Succubus thread

I'm talking about characters who exist to satisfy the player's purity fetish, not bad characters who slowly develop a moral compass.


>Because Paradise Lost tropes are interesting and naturally create conflict.
>"Purification" is typically only presented like in your pic: weird fapbait for emotionally stunted weirdos obsessed with finding a "bad girl" who willingly becomes a submissive waifu for your benefit.

"I can change him, you'll see!"

it does

She still dresses like a slut.

Alucard from SotN
Ashi from the new Samurai Jack
Ghost Rider from marvel comics
Loki from marvel (in a way).

Just from a quick think.

As opposed to what, a nun's habit?

There's nothing interesting about the neckbeard passively waiting for the bad girl to eventually decide he's worth going on the straight and narrow, just as there's nothing interesting about the battered trailer skank crying through a fat lip about how she can fix him.

If you prefer, sure.

I can literally see her ass cheeks and she doesn't even need to turn around.

Vengeful God > forgiving God.

It's literally one of the most common wish-fulfillment plots in recent history.
>But RP isn't about wish fulfillment
Why do you think people want to play powerful characters? Most of roleplaying is either wish fulfillment (power fantasy, being able to do things they can't in real life), exploring situations from the perspective of another person and enjoying it, or both.

Bored God > Vengeful God > Forgiving God

its easier to be a lazy, evil or degenerate than to be honorable, good or hard-working

Fat weirdos here will get offended, but it's true.

I wonder if the inability to stop making assumptions is genetic or learned behavior

The latter is accepting that nobody and nothing in existence actually cares who you are, what you do, or even that you exist, and resolving to do whatever you want as a response.

The former is deliberately re-sealing yourself in an illusion for the sake of a nebulous "greater good."

This. Actually a really common trope, OP probably is just falling prey to some sort of confirmation bias.

The "Good guy turned bad who sees the light again" is also really popular in all sorts of fiction.

t. person who doesn't appreciate the advancement of technology


Because it's easy to fall, all it takes is stumbling, misjudging or pushing forward while trying to do good without realizing the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" exists. To break old habits is far harder, if you want an analogy of that look at drug users, alcoholics etc. It was easy getting hooked for one reason or another the fall happened without them realizing more often than not. The struggle to get and stay clean is one that will haunt them the rest of their lives, rising up form that is far harder and a daily struggle that never ends.

Delete this

eternally frustrated and pissy god > vengeful god > forgiving god

>God who just needs to get laid
Only if it's a cute anime God. Otherwise, I'm sticking with bored.

You can break a maidenhead but not restore it.
What is gone is lost and can never be restored, when you light paper aflame it can not be healed.
It's the same principle.

People aren't paper, you overdramatic faggot.

Because writing a good redemption is really, really hard.

Because people only ever seem to redeem the hot ones.

Who said you could get out of your pit, serpent of old?

You're forgetting the best and probably most literal one.

>You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.
There are too many temptations and most of us choose the easier road as human nature gravitates toward comfort and pleasure. What would motivate the character to become a redeemer?

Never underestimate the power of delicious pancakes.

>implying only human nature gravitates towards comfort and pleasure

The only thing keeping the bear from his mansion is that he has not the tools to build it. He struggles not for its own sake, but because he has not the option of luxury. In the end, what is the hard road but the torment of moving a rock pointlessly from one place to another, only for it to slide down again the moment you let go or look away? Had they the option, would not all creatures great and small choose a world where there is no hardship, no pain, no heartbreak?

You can add Cecil's Dark Knight to Paladin story arc from Final Fantasy 4.
The Shadow's origin is sometimes built around him starting out as a ruthless warlord who regains his humanity with the aid of Tibetan mysticism.

>What would motivate the character to become a redeemer?
The death of a loved one.
Ennui once peak comfort has been reached.
Being saved from bad stuff by a good samaritan.
Better even, being on the receiving end of villainy and hating it enough to want to wipe it off the face of the planet.
Newfound companionship with a morality pet, whether metaphorical (I'm thinking "orphaned baby" here) or literal (cat, dog, etc...).

And of course, the cult classic cliché from Greek tragedy, overused but never old: "My God, what have I done?"

>would not all creatures great and small choose a world where there is no hardship, no pain, no heartbreak?
Darwinists wouldn't.


The funny thing is that both sides are merely tools of YHVH to keep shit in an eternal cycle so he stays alive forever since chaos and Lucifer where his unknowing servants the whole time.
Thank you Apocalypse.

The same reason it's easier to get addicted to drugs than it is to detox. Sin is the path of quick, easy pleasure. Virtue is all about delaying rewards, or sometimes even suffering when there is no reward for it at all. It's difficult and requires great mental fortitude to put off. The path of evil is just that easy, and once you tread it then it's very difficult to return to the path of virtue. Even if you make it, falling back to vice is just so easy.

It's also a purely 2D thing. Don't try to play Captain Save-a-Hoe IRL, that's the path of suffering.

Everyone loves a redemption arc


I don't think anyone could come back from OP without an epiphany. But you can save some misguided tumblerina or other if you really go at it.

Why try to save people who don't want to be saved?


Everyone wants to be saved, they just don't know it yet.

Because evil is easy. The natural state of things is that, unless you work at it, you degenerate. Entropy takes its toll.

However, you can't backslide your way into good. A demon, a thing of evil, has already reached a kind of foul equilibrium. It is effortless to wallow in his evil. If I'm an evil bastard, it's easy to stay an evil bastard: You have to constantly work at staying good, which is a tiring and arduous task.

Yeah, basically this. If you've met an actual bad girl, you won't want her even if you have to double-bag it.

Hello everyone. My daughter has hit "that age" and we're really starting to butt heads. She's always been such a good little girl but lately she's been really acting out. Her grades are improving and she's always home before curfew. She also started wearing these awful clothes, usually long sleeved sweaters and knee skirts. Just yesterday I saw her throwing out her obsidian high heels and black lipstick. Then at breakfast the other day she asked if she could get her bellybutton un-pierced, which horrified her. Is this all just a phase or should I be worried? --DoomDad666

Clearly you need to fuck her in the ass.

It might be counterintuitive, but encourage her, rebelling againt the order and conformity is always a good thing. Have you notice how many good individuals started having lewd thoughts about such innocent acts as "handholding", "pencil skirts" and "sweater puppies"?


Basically this. When someone is corrupted, they're gone. When our party's Paladiness got corrupted, the first thing she did was to engage in an orgy with cultists. It's all that frustration coming loose at once.

The thing is, Cecil was never really evil. I don't think he actually does anything evil at any point in the game. He was just trained as a Dark Knight, which has different connotations in Final Fantasy.

Not the pure version.

Because that wasn't intended from the start at all. Do you understand how retarded your exemple is or

No one is defined by what others think of them, every walking moment you get to decide what kind of person you are, it's never to late until your dying breath.

Is it weird I got goosebumps of joy from how righteousness could defeat a world-spanning demonic conspiracy with a simple act of kindness and cooking?

Or is there a more occult reason why pancakes seem to automatically disqualify Hellboy?

I'm saying that when you're corrupted or you're evil, you've already done too many filthy things to come back from it. The best you can get is a merciful execution.

This is why in 40K, it's impossible to shake off the taint of Chaos. Chaos Space Marines, for instance, might not be happy about their new role (ADB's Night Lords complain a lot, for example). However, none of them would ever have done anything different. They can't even conceive of it.

All it takes is a little...push, hahahahahah

Entropy. It generally runs in one direction.

Its harder, thats why its called "rising" or "falling"

Being "good" typically requires a lot of self restraint, hard work, diligence, not cheating when it is available to you, and playing fair even when others wont. By its very nature, being good is a handicap.

This is why being good breeds strength. You weigh yourself down with ethics, so by necessity you have to be better than the ones that cheat just to keep your head above water.

>When someone is corrupted, they're gone.
>The best you can get is a merciful execution.

How about you finish up puberty and tone down the edge before posting ?

>It's a because I don't understand moderation or the ability to change they don't exist
Neither of you should play paladins or give advice on things like any more.

So uh can I get a source on OP's pic

I kinda imagine that a devil that redeems itself gets a chance at being human and attaining salvation, rather than becoming a risen devil.

If you have no free will you can't even call yourself evil. You're basically just an animal. So yes, execution.
This discussion is assuming you actually HAVE a choice between being good or being evil.
No, you your fucking eyes.

Oh wow, I haven't seen my drawing posted on here in years.

I'd be really interested in seeing reverse mindbreak, it would be pretty fresh.

Where's the fucking source

Do you have a deviantart?

Falling is easier than rising. At least if you're subject to rigid morals and gifted with enormous power. It's easier to see "he accidentally set fire to the orphanage" than "he accidentally cured cancer".


>No, you your fucking eyes
You too, user.

Remember the truth that once was spoken; to love another person is to see the face of God.

I doubt the writers of hellboy knew that but the idea is not rare. Treat the "other" as you would treat a love one not only makes you closer to God but that "other" too.

>you your fucking eyes
What did he mean by this?

Setting fire to an orphanage by accident is no reason to fall nor is it evil. It's an accident.

And now I want to play paladin that redeems evil instead of smiting it.

So supporting both of them is the key? That sounds like siding with chaos, as chaos devours itself while pushing forward.

Where's the good ending for humanity here?
Siding with order leads to shit stays the same, siding with chaos to " you gonna get raped by the strong" even if you win.

Killing YHVH and pushing actual Law yourself.


There is a line in theology that states there are three ways to see God.

Art, creating a good work of art is a way to get closer to God
Study, learn about the world, learn how it works and the laws that bounds it, will get you closer to God
Love, love another person is another way to get closer to God.

"But remember this, my brother see in this some higher plan. You must use this precious silver to become an honest man. By the witness of the martyrs, By the Passion and the Blood, God has raised you out of darkness. I have bought your soul for God"

Because good is inherently exclusive by nature, and evil is not.

You can be a life saving doctor 50 hours a week. You can go to church every sunday. You can live a wholesome life with your family and do a lot of volunteer work. But if you, once or twice a year, kidnap a young woman and brutally rape/murder her you are an evil bastard. Those acts of evil outweigh the good you do with the rest of your life and taint your soul, because Good is a set of rules to follow and any exception to them is a violation.

Evil doesn't have rules. Evil is doing whatever you want, even if it hurts others. No one fucking cares if you adopt a kid from the ruins of that village your burnt to the ground and treat her like a princess for the rest of her life, the fact that you are a pillaging deathknight outweight that by a lot.

Good is a small box and everything outside that box is evil. Its easy to get thrown out of the box. Its nearly impossible to get back in. You can, at best 'redeem yourself' in some small part but that almost universally involves sacrificing your life for another because anything short of that can be seen as a self serving move to gain a personal advantage.

Long time paladin player here, be ready for DMs to push against this hard. They'll outright refuse, trick you with the "hahaha you fool I was evil all along!" or just throw mindless enemies at you more often than not. However that is the core of a paladin that so many forget now, that mercy is an option that should be tempered by wisdom. Paladins are not only about "you gotta smite all the evil boy" they are about bringing good into this world, wether that is helping and protecting the weak or turning the wicked from their ways. It won't be easy, but never loose heart and good luck.

>reverse mindbreak
