What's the most non-sensical premise you've ever started out a campaign with?

What's the most non-sensical premise you've ever started out a campaign with?

>"So, the Rogue Trader has an Oedipus Complex with his ship."

we all have an oedipus complex user

yes, but usually not with an inanimate space ship.


>"Jesus says we have to kill the president"

>"I need 20 bear asses."

>"So my daughter is essentially the fantasy pope, and my former protege maimed me and kidnapped her because they were childhood friends. Go kick his ass and bring her back."

The party was attempting to found a Dacian navy.

> You're on an island and two years ago, the rest of the world disappeared.

>"But we're in the middle of a horse race across America! If we win, we're set for life!"

You're all awakened familiars, animal companions, or mounts. Your masters are currently on vacation in the Wizard's demiplane and have left you to watch things in the city they rule. Unfortunately, an extradimensional fey lord has captured them and they can't summon or even contact you. Also, the city is in danger. It's up to you to use the fragments of power given to you by your masters or their patrons to make sure the whole thing doesn't fall apart while they free themselves.

Pikachu's Vacation, I like it

What a bizarre complication to that initial premise.

A master thief has stolen an entire kingdom and is planning on selling it to a wizard looking to expand his demiplane. The rules of said kingdom, and all of their subjects, have been displaced into neighboring territories and now the map of the world is smaller and frankly is a huge mess. You need to go to the ethereal plane, where the business deal is set to happen, and apprehend the thief and bring back the kingdom.

Maid RPG, everytime.

The school full of psychic delinquents fighting over who gets the giant robot.

The criminals in space jail vying for favor from the warden.

The massive floating dungeon where the master was the boss and the player/maids were all bosses of the floors leading to the master.

>he doesn't know about the time the President attempted to use the corpse of Mormon Jesus to deflect all bad luck away from the United States thereby securing an eternal American Hegemony

JoJo Part 6 was bizarre, even by JoJo's standards.


Oof, I really need to find the time to binge through Stone Ocean.

>includes bizarre in the reply for the subtle "is that a motherfucking jojo reference"

also part 6 is stone ocean not steel ball run baka

Welp. Time to sudoku.


Is that from Usagi Yojimbo?

The art reminds me of The Mask Comic book. Was it drawn by the same artist?

You're at the buffet for the celebration of the grand opening of the new market center, when suddenly an horde of dire badgers appear to take your food and possibly your lives.

>"You are trying to bake a cake, but you've run out of flour. And ROLEPLAY!"

There is an Adventurers guild

>his mother isn't a space ship
I feel sorry for you.

One I haven't gotten around to yet but want to use is a bunch of ghouls who always meet up to eat and talk shit before running their vamp masters chores for the day
>Titled: The Breakfast Club

The Zulu War, but the British Empire is interstellar.
The Zulus are the same though.

Jewish alien vampire lizards have kidnapped the President. Only you, four fat middle aged guys stuck in crap jobs, can save the President, because you have been granted immortality by the OTHER aliens that rule humanity. Are you ready to die for your country? Again and again and again and again until you get it right?