Where does he rank among the best Neutral Evil villains all time?

Where does he rank among the best Neutral Evil villains all time?


he was chaotic as fuck

>that scene where he betrays Klaue and kills his girlfriend
>that final speech that he pulls out of his ass about slavery and throwing his ashes to the sea

He uses implements of chaos - terrorism and destablization as well as the trappings of law - he legally challenges and wins the throne.

But he uses either only as much as it suits him to achieve his aims. Definition of neutral evil.


Shit, I wish I remembered his Wakandan name.

No matter how you look at it, he still only counts as three fifths of a villain.

Shit character
Shit movie
Alignment a shit

He's the most complex, compelling Marvel villain ever. You can't distill all that down into an alignment.

that says a lot more about the other marvel villains

>defeats the king in ritual combat
>defeated king comes back super powered in order to kill him
>chooses death over imprisonment
>wanted to help oppressed people everywhere throw off the chains of said oppression
He was the bad guy?

Pretty good.


Actually that would be the definition of Chaos. Any tool, at any time, will do.

He never actually defeated him, since the challenge was to death or submission, and he did neither.

And that's a place I think the movie could have done better. Instead of making him a kill happy sociopath, giving him just a little bit more moral ambiguity would have made it a whole lot more interesting.

He was as evil as any other Drow who was willing to sacrifice other races to advance his own.

He'd be 300 higher, but they had him quote Mein Kampf.

Can I get some /thread and end of thread?

sadly yes

It was too bad they killed Klaw, he was one of the most fun characters in the MCU.

But to your statement, 'could have done a little bit more and it would have been good' sort of defines that movie. It was OK, but not great by any means.

>they had him quote Mein Kampf.
which line?

>they had him quote Mein Kampf

Fuck off retard

>He's the most complex, compelling Marvel villain ever.
>You can't distill all that down into an alignment.
Shit tier movies, based on shit tier form of media. There is no depth in comic book bullshit.

Killing Klaw sucked, yeah, he was such a fun asshole.

Although I actually loved it, but to each their own. I think being a bit more on the nose about the issues and making it less morally black and white would have pushed it from great to a true classic of the genre.

>there is no depth in comics
Brainlet detected. Any medium can be used to convey ideas of varying depths, just needs a good “artist”

Don't bother replying, user. It's clear from the post he'd already made his mind up before ever experiencing them, which means it's impossible to change it.

The ambiguity comes from the fact that he had a damn good point and even sways the main character to his way of thinking(minus the genocide). But Killmonger was ultimately a monster fueled by anger, hate and spite. His goal, no matter what he told others or even himself, was to burn everything to the ground. There was nothing constructive left in him and so there could never be anything constructive in his actions. 5

That scene of him burning down millennia of Wakandan history, culture and valuable resources tells you everything you need to know about him.

Yeah, I do get that, and I think it worked well. I just think some more moral ambiguity could have been more interesting, even if it's also not what they could really do in a comic book movie.

So was he a better example of a Neutral Evil villain than Hans Gruber?

It's not fair to compare anyone against an all time classic like that.


He didn't just up and burn the garden himself. He officially commanded its destruction in his capacity as king. A truly chaotic villain would have just poured gas on it and set it on fire ala the joker.

Is it out yet? Like can I get to it online somewhere? Kinda a broke college student over here

I wasn't comparing him to the Joker, just saying that he was a hate-fueled monster.

This, he used the trappings of the cultural revolutionary to disguise his intent (maybe even to himself). He never really escaped the mindset of the child who has everything ripped away from him, and just wants to hurt the world in return. You feel for him, or for the child he was, but that doesn't make him right or good.

>Erik Killmonger
They might as well have named him John Iamabadguy

It's a nickname given to him while in the millitary.

It's his real name in the comics. Not that user but I feel like they should have just tossed it out for the movie instead of trying to be cute with it.

>I earned the nickname "Iamabadguy" during Operation Hot Zone Kill

Seeing how he enjoyed ritually scarring himself to commemorate every single kill, that might just be how it went.

N'Jadaka son of Prince N'Jobu

>implying he was evil

Chaotic Evil

Am I the only one who noticed that he's literally a Navy SEAL with over 300 confirmed kills.

And he’s just as dead as the rest of them.

Wow, can I play the human torch in a bad fantastic four movie so I can get a much better role in a different marvel movie?

I pointed that out to my friends when we left the theater, had a laugh. He's still one of, if not the, best villains Marvel's had.

It does seem to be a tradition at this point.