EDH/Commander General

SCIENCE edition

Previously: >Latest News:


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Unofficial and new, but has GOAT search interface and updates on time.

>Thread Question
What's the most ridiculous combo you've ever stumbled into while playing EDH?

Other urls found in this thread:


Not too ridiculous but in the RTR days of EDH I had just added Jarad to my Kresh deck. I had Kresh and Malignus out when I topdecked Jarad and cast Jim immediately. Read Jarad's abilities out loud, looked at Kresh, looked at Malignus and killed the table that turn. Felt good man.

I want to play Jarad, but in more of a fast combo suicide way. The midrangey Jarad decks I see a lot look boring.

If that makes any sense.

Infinite Loop Draw with Oblivion Ring
What a glorious day it was

>looking through my cards trying to build a new deck
>realise that some cards are missing from my precon when I look it up online and can't find them in my set
>when my friend asked to look through my deck he replaced them with lands from his and I never noticed
Motherfucker. Having words next game night.
Cards were Diaboloic Servitude, Dread Summons, Champion of Stray Souls, Thought Vessel and Centaur Vinecrusher. I thought there were too many lands in the deck that was premade.

Have you ever had cards stolen /edhg/?

Also I'm looking at improving my precon, but I don't have much cash, if you don't mind having a look through my shitty pile I'm taking any suggestion.
I also uploaded most of my Green/Black cards in my library too see if there's anything there worth using but I don't think so. it's also painfully obvious I've done 3 drafts as my only card intake that isn't my precon


Thanks in advance!

not something i've done, but i've been thinking of building this atraxa list i chalked up the other day, seems like it'd be fun

Any fun cards i haven't included?

A fucking kid in my LGS stole the most expensives cards of a precon Daxos from a friend of mine, also he stole the Kaalia card from the Commander Anthology

We told his mom about it, never saw him again

Just today I accidentally went semi-infinite with Rith, Cryptolith rite and Aggravated assault. I didn't have haste, but I had Xenagos walker, two of his tokens, 3 saprolings from TD and a single kobold. I couldn't go infinite, since I wanted the tokens and Rith had the green Vow.
I got 40 mana from Xenagod, used it on Mirror entity and swung with the 6 available tokens I had for 33 each.

Time to get a new friend.

>Have you ever had cards stolen /edhg/?
Not in Magic, but boy howdy did some of the other Yugioh players in middle school do their best to validate stereotypes. I kept playing through high school and by the time I graduated all the shithead thieves either matured past thievery, stopped playing Yugioh, or graduated before me.

One of the good things about playing children's card games as an adult is that it's easier to curate the group of people you play with. If someone's a shithead in any fashion, you have the freedom to stop inviting them into your home, to go find a store without shitheads, or to get the shithead banned from the store you like.

Guys, im actually playing in some way that maybe you will like. I can only build decks with a commander appeared before the first mirrodin block ( you know, wheatherlight, tempest...) and half of the deck creatures need to be legends ( it doesn't matter the set) I made Volrath and i need to say its cool.

>Thread Question
Mesmeric Orb + Scrap Trawler + Myr Retriever + Krark Clan Ironworks + Summoning Station

Speaking of which, how is Kurkesh in Daretti stax? I'm pretty iffy on it, but it seems like he could be really useful.

I'm gonna talk with him on the weekend. I just want the cards back honestly. We were friends before Magic and have a friend group wider than just our playgroup.

I keep all my cards at home, but we're a pretty friendly group when it comes to cards and lending, the bit that gets me is that if he'd asked I would've happily lent him the cards I wasn't using.

>next game night
Unless that shit's tonight or tomorrow, I wouldn't wait. Have them very soon.

Never had anything stolen, but I traded away a Sword of F&I for a Sacred Foundry and some bulk rares way back when I started playing. Fucker ripped me off

>friend buys IMA for $5 a pack
>pic related are his pulls, Kokusho is a foil
>apparently has never seen Necro before
>tells me he doesn't like it at all
I must teach him.

What generals/decks best abuse Necropotence?

Any Mono Black

>What generals/decks best abuse Necropotence?

Well, Kokusho for one

Also, I know exactly where most of those cards are going.

Fucking Beetleborg.

Not everyone is a fan of Necropotence. Zur, Oloro, Marchesa, Tasigur, Erebos...

Fucking nice one man.
We did IMA twice before Xmas and I got Flusterstorm and that's it. Loads of chaff though. I think I got 6 Kiln Fiends and 4 Festering Newts.
One friend got a foil Mana Drain and Teferi; one got Urbrask, Prime Time and 2 Cryptics and the other got Sheoldred, Rune Scarred and Necropotence.

That reminds me, I need to pick up Austere Command before it starts to climb. Shit's probably not dropping below 3 dollars.

Oh those aren't mine. They are a friend's pulls. Guy fucking loves cracking packs, he's an addict.

He's also got fucking unbelievable luck, he bought 3 OG Mirrodin block packs and pulled Aether Vial, Ravager and Chalice

>buys IMA for $5 a pack
Where's he getting his deals?

havent had cards stolen but in highschool we convinced a guy to do a grab and run, this was back when lgs's just had binders you went through instead if expensive cards In cases we told him what binders to ask for then he just grabbed them and ran while we waited down the street in a getaway car, he didnt even play magiv so we just gave him all the high cmc stuff from legends and unlimited and said it was worth money, he only wanted to buy drugs anyway, that haul funded us pretty much through to og ravnica when we both quit, it was nice having 15 FoW and extra duals to sell when I started again in theros

No idea. He has a bunch of store credit somewhere because he sells a lot of the shit that he pulls from packs.

I owed him pizza money right around when Hour dropped and he wanted a Scarab God instead of money. He messaged me a week later saying "never mind" with a picture of an Invocation Scarab God. AFTER the huge price spike. I love the guy but he's a fucking moron sometimes.

So it's monoblack, all old bordered, and half legends? That is very cool. You must be running almost all of the legal legends, right?

I've got a friend like that.
I've pulled 2 mythics in 4 drafts and my friend always pulls money cards.

One day I helped him open some RIX packs and I pulled a Zetlapa and a foil Kumena in the same pack. Wasted all my luck on that bastard.

>League of Legends

I'm suddenly having flashbacks to drafting New Phyrexia when I was passed Jin-Gitaxes and Elesh Norn in the same draft.

I too have friends with absurd luck. Fucker pulled an invocation spell pierce, sold it, bought EDH shit and a MM3 pack. Pulled snappy.

>I was passed Jin-Gitaxes and Elesh Norn in the same draft.
Motherfucker you better have won that draft. Jesus.

I had to leave for a family emergency before the third round :(

did your mother die of shock after hearing about how much of a mongoloid you where?

I love this set for being like the 9/11 plane into the tower of pointlessly expensive rares.


Savage like a turn 3 infect kill.

Whoever recommended her to me as a fun, non-cancerous deck, Thank You

Hapatra a cool bitch nyigguh

Post list. I need some inspiration


>Bitter Ordeal after a boardwipe with 2 token decks in the group
This feels like a felony holy shit

if someone with red grenzo attacks and hits with 5 creatures, can he exile 5 cards/goad 5 creatures?

Had a friend try to build a legacy combo deck around that card. It didn't work very well.

Sure can. Triggers every time a creature connects.

Imagine if they had double strike.

It could definitely be stronger, but I tried to keep it at a low budget and equal to my friends power level


Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I really wanna start getting into MtG, is Commander an OK format to start out with? I wanna build a Scarab God deck because the artwork is really fucking cool and I love ancient Egypt stuff in general, but something about Commander as a whole gives me the impression that it's not a beginners' format compared to Standard or Modern. If it helps at all I'm predominately a YGO player and do know the basic rules of MtG, but I dunno much about the meta or anything.

Fuck this does look fun

>be me
>playing on and off since revised
>over 20 edh decks and some modern/ legacy decks
>meet an awesome grill who is not interested in kids stuff like mtg and 40k
>dick wins
>havent played a game since theros
>many decks sitting in a bkx collecting dust
>cant bare to part with them but I know ill never play again
>browse tg secretly away from my wife
halp pls

>Beacon of Unrest for Selesnya

>being a spineless bitch
Jesus dude just tell her you play Magic.

My partner doesn't like card games either but "browse tg secretly away from my wife" sounds like a pathetic life. Talk to her and negotiate some free time to play MtG ffs.

edh was my first format, if you wanna try it go for it

in case you didn't know though, scarab god is pretty pricey

you dont u dersta d, she is a controlling bitch regarding 99% of my life but I get free range In the bedroom, I have to choose between muh cards and muh penis, and penis always wins, I think I cucked myself with myself

You're a bitch.

t. Married man

im glad im lonely

Commander is easily one of the more casual formats, as the 100 card deck highlander format limits the reliability of decks like in the other formats.
However obviously there's decks that are extremely optimised and can win on turn 3. But that's just the case with every game and it's down to the human condition.

Scarab God is a pretty good commander, due to being able to use your opponents creatures against them and bouncing back to your hand in the end step, meaning you rarely pay the command tax for him.

Are you planning to play in person or online?
Either way, edhrec is your friend for seeing what cards people use in decks, but not why, that usually comes with experience!

Hope you enjoy learning either way, learning Magic was a great experience for me and it really helped solidify my interest in the game.


God, you're pathetic.

>awesome grill
>controlling bitch
pick one and only one, jesus christ

Why are you with someone so controlling? Find yourself a girl who let's you do nerdy stuff or even joins in on it with you. My fiance actually peer pressured me into playing mtg, unfortunately she no longer plays, but we do other nerdy stuff together like collect comics, play video games, and watch marvel movies.

don't breed, kys for bonus points, take her with you to unlock secret achievement

Oh I understand completely. You're pussywhipped.

^ this. if your wife is giving you this ridiculous ultimatum where you can do what you want during sex but have no say in anything else, that sounds borderline abusive desu. you HAVE to stick up for yourself, it's not okay for her to be telling you these things and to be controlling you this way where she's even telling you're not allowed to enjoy card games

if shes awesome she probably wont mind you playing kids games user. as long as you have your priorities in order of course

ok i'm at an impasse with my mimeoplasm deck

here's what i did

>looter effects
>board wipes
>big fatties and mimeoplasm synergies

in theory: get big fatties in grave and mimeoplasm, hit really hard and do funny things

in practice:

>summoning sick mimeoplasm dies before swinging
>run out of gas after looting a grave full of stuff
>grave gets exiled constantly
>lose to singular troublesome artifacts and enchantments because no room for spot removal in deck
>nothing to play onto the board
>get hated out because apparently having eldrazi in your deck is threatening

i'm wondering whether i should

1) make the deck mega sweaty with hasted 21/21s and 10/10 infect creatures flying out of my ass


2) make the deck mega goofy and do BUG sillystuff with a clone tribal subtheme or something like that

pls help

>plays Sultai
>"pls help"

Never had any mtg cards stolen, but when i played yugioh some guy stole a bunch of stuff from me at a tournament. I played awhile after that but it left a really bad taste in my mouth . Quit because if people werent trying to steal from me they were trying to cheat or were really spergy. I know mtg has its weirdos, but for the most part most of the people i met through the game became close friends or I tought it to people I was already friends with.

Hey can you use the expertise cards to cast your commander from the command zone?

If yes, I assume this bypasses the additional cost for previous casts?

One day while playtesting my Pharika deck, I happened across a pretty fun combo
>phyrexian altar
>eternal scourge
>parallel lives/primal vigor
>eidolon of blossoms
>golgari thug
>rise of the dark realms
sac scourge and thug to altar for BG, pharika to exile scourge and make four snake tokens, when each of the snakes enter, delve for thug and sac to altar for a net of 16 cards milled and 4 mana of any color, use three to recast scourge and sac him to the altar, repeat until you hit rise of the dark realms and regrowth it, get all the creatures in your deck onto the battlefield and steal everyone elses (especially if you have a grave pact effect)


The command zone isn't your hand.

No, you cannot. If a card says from your hand, then it can't affect the command zone.

Level with me, /edhg/, what percent of Phage is jank versus black goodstuff?

the problem isn't making the deck good, it's deciding whether i want to even try to make it good enough to handle my meta.

at the moment, the deck just scares the shit out of everyone but then dies a horrible death before ever hurting anyone

Rolled 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1 = 16 (6d6)

I have a fun game. Let's roll for decks! We'll roll 6d6 for extra fun.

First d10 is for COLOUR:
>6= Colourless

2nd d6 is for DECK TYPE:
>6=Your choice

3rd d6 is for COLOUR MODIFIER:
>6=Tricolour of your choice
If you roll two of the same colour, you're in monocolourland son. If you roll colourless plus another colour, you're still in monocolourland.

4th d6 is the SUBTHEME:
>6=Colour Specific Mechanic of your choice
Colour specific mechanics are like Bounce/Counterspells for monoblue, or Discard for monoblack.

>1= Your choice
>2,3 = Any commander in the top half of popularity for your colours
>4,5 = Any commander in the bottom half of popularity for your colours
>6 = Any commander with 1= Budget over $500
>2= Budget under $100
>3= Under "75%" competitive according to tapped out
>4= Over 90% competitive according to tapped out
>5= Only basic lands
>6= No basic lands

Is it so hard to read the card or I am the jerk?

Rolled 5, 5, 5, 6, 3, 5 = 29 (6d6)

>Color Specific Mechanic
>Top Half
>Basics Only

Seems fun. I hope Hokori is top half.

Alright, so it looks like I'm running a Rakdos Creature Control deck with a budget over $500, and any hipster commander.


Nah you're right. A lot of issues are solved in Magic from reading/understanding the card.


Rolled 5, 3, 5, 6, 3, 3 = 25 (6d6)

Rolled 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1 = 12 (6d6)

Fuck it, let's go.


He is. He very much is. That leaves "Color specific Mechanic". White is the color of Board Wipes, so this is gonna be "World go boom now" Tribal. I'll be back with a list in a bit.

Rolled 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 6 = 20 (6d6)


Shit, guess I'm playing low-budget Rakdos aggro.

Rolled 1, 1, 5, 6, 2, 6 = 21 (6d6)

Shud b fub

Rolled 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 6 = 25 (6d6)


Rolled 2, 5, 6, 5, 1, 5 = 24 (6d6)

sorry, i'm retarded

so how does a Mono Red works with no basic lands? This is truly for real men

>U/W aggro, color mechanic subtheme, top half of deck popularity, and no basic lands

Fuck, that last bit sounds hard.

Does anyone ever actually follow through with this shit?

Rolled 6, 4, 5, 5, 2, 6 = 28 (6d6)


What's a spicy way to play the Zombie Twins?

I don't want to build another graveyard combo deck I already have that degeneracy in Mazirek.

Either Savra or Thelon combo. Do I want to mushroom dance or Grave Pact everything?

Yeah ok. So when someone hits a commander with and exile effect. The commander is just exiled cause that's what it says on the card. No other outcome happens because it's clear as day printed on the card.
Read the card. Gotcha.

Odric Master Tactician pillowfort control?
>no basics in mono white
y u do dis

Make them all basics, fool.

Yes, that is correct. Your commander is banished. You will never cast it again.

Rolled 1, 6, 2, 2, 3, 4 = 18 (6d6)

trying again because
>red in stax with tribal
i don't think so