>Final Fantasy TCG is dead.
>Force of Will is dead.
>Dragon Ball Super TCG's set 3 just ruined the entire game unless they completely erase the set.
Why the fuck is it so hard for weeb games to survive?
>inb4 Hasbro Pokemon TCG
>Final Fantasy TCG is dead.
>Force of Will is dead.
>Dragon Ball Super TCG's set 3 just ruined the entire game unless they completely erase the set.
Why the fuck is it so hard for weeb games to survive?
>inb4 Hasbro Pokemon TCG
>Why the fuck is it so hard for weeb games to survive?
>inb4 Hasbro Pokemon TCG
That's like saying "Why can't humans survive eating citrus fruits?
>inb4 they can"
I ruined my own thread with that last line, didn't I? I'm just upset at the other TCG.
>Dragon Ball Super TCG's set 3 just ruined the entire game unless they completely erase the set.
What happened?
and isn’t Force of Will making a slow comeback?
You can still play Yugioh and Cardfight Vanguard.
weeb physical collector's game should have figmas
weeb card collector's game should be online
physical card collector's game is doomed to fail
These games are all overcomplicated as fuck for how you play the cards and feature awful printing decisions from before the soft copy stages. Nobody develops long term interest in these games due to their remotely low difficulty cap and total lack of established support through a thoroughly hostage userbase like bully squad: the porn corn
>Why the fuck is it so hard for weeb games to survive?
They sabotage their secondary markets.
>Buddyfight is still going
Feels relieving man. I'm sorry about your loss OP.
The Caster Chronicles will be the weeb savior!
It sold so good that the first set is out of print and people claim for a second wave, myself included.
>Buddyfight is still going
Cancer kills itself eventually
does yu gi oh count as a weeb game i think that's still around
Card games require a lot of money and there isn't a large enough amount of people in the west who both like card games and cute/Japanese things willing to invest.
Closest thing is L5R.
It still has a few more years in it.
yugioh constantly fucks over their secondary market but it’s still going strong
>doesn't have 2 million players
It's just FUD.
If only.
What happens if you only eat citrus anyway?
>>Dragon Ball Super TCG's set 3 just ruined the entire game unless they completely erase the set.
>>Buddyfight is still going
l o l
the next series is a clearly desperate attempt to grab the nostalgiafags back into the game and apologize for destroying everything with disgusting powercreep over the course of like, 2 sets by bringing back old fan favourites.
It's dead, Jim.
How does it feel knowing your favorite weeb game will never compete against Yu-Gi-Oh?
Is there any attrition midrangey deck type in DBS or FFTCG?
Answer me please.
Because weebs, and card games, are complete shit
>inb4 Hasbro Pokemon TCG
Dude, Pokémon TCG is still alive with no signs of dying anytime soon, what are you talking about?
It is because Japan doesn't care about balance.
Like, literally.
Japanese game design mindset has clear 'good options' and everything else is bad and you should know better that it is only there to be cute or be a pop culture reference.
It leads to terrible games, because a good TCG should have a varied metagame, and should strive to give the players options so that they can develop solutions to different decks and strategies.
But all Japanese TCGs will boil down to 'the good strategy we want you to play' and 'all those other decks full of all the other characters that aren't good'.
it's usually because they're trash, like weebs.
nobody gets into it because the game is mechanically sound. you get into it because you're somehow even more sad and pathetic than the average TCG player.