This time with feeling edition.
Bestow upon us your hyperbolic nonsense about Jace and Bloodbraid Elf. Really, we at Veeky Forums care.
This time with feeling edition.
Bestow upon us your hyperbolic nonsense about Jace and Bloodbraid Elf. Really, we at Veeky Forums care.
>your op
don't make the thread next time
They've been getting lazier and lazier.
They don't even post the links anymore
Is this playable on UW control with Jace now?
Can modern miracles even be a thing?
How necessary is Cavern of Souls to an Elf deck? That's pretty much the only money card I'm missing and I'm not psyced about spending 200 for a playset
It seemed to work last week during the Team Modern Super League.
If you're mono-green then not very necessary at all.
What's the fastest way to throw down 10 power worth of creatures? So I can cast this guy?
Black in main for Shaman of the Pack and a bunch of white non-elves in the side. Idk if that works for or against
I hope not, I sold 2.
Through the Breach on a Worldspine Wurm
Make /Modern General/ great again!
Why would you ever want to cast that in modern?
Death Shadow with 1 life.
don't bother, counterspells exist.
not in range for lighting bolt or fatal push
Unless you're playing against a lot of control pic related is fine as a budget substitution for FNM and the like.
Just unban Mental Misstep and fix the format.
Because it's a sweet card.
Well you can play around counterspells
Besides, it dodges Push, Bolt, goes over 99% of creatures in the meta, and seems reasonable to cast. I can see Ghalta being played one day.
>inb4 copypasta
I only made it because someone made another one and it was a fucking travesty. If I had the links I would've posted them.
>Because it's a sweet card.
Looking at it from a gameplay perspective, it's really not.
>hard to cast
>no immediate impact when cast
>can get countered, pathed, bounced for days
>Because it's a sweet card.
Hi Timmy
The issue is what deck would want to play it. Combo decks have better payoffs, it's too slow for aggro decks, and midrange decks don't want to topdeck this.
Lets assume Ghalta magically somehow comes down on turn 2 or 3.
If you're not running Path to Exile, it's incredibly difficult to deal with.
The only argument I can see against it is that it's a huge win more card. Since you have 10 power on board, why bother needing 22?
>The only argument I can see against it is that it's a huge win more card. Since you have 10 power on board, why bother needing 22?
So basically, you understand the exact reason why it's a bad card, but still insist on trying to play it anyway.
Gurmag Anglar is hard to cast, just need the right shell. And Ghalta is better at getting bounced since 2 mana investment is easy and cheap to get.
That's the problem, no shell. But that doesn't mean it's a bad card. Monastery Mentor is a great card, but it's horrible in Modern.
22 is lethal. 10 is not. And Trample is relevant. It goes over Death Shadows and wins the game no matter HOW big the Shadow is.
t. Cuck
If I was playing around that time I would have joined you, especially when Bedlam was spoiled.
Angler is completely different as you don't need creatures in play to cast it, just any kind of card in your graveyard that you already benefited from
If you can't see how that card is shit you're retarded
Nice name calling. Why don't you just admit you've lost this argument.
>It's SHIT SHIT!!!!
That' doesn't explain all the other cards that were also SHIT before they found a home. One of the biggest one is Death Shadow himself. He was SHIT because he made you closer and closer to dying. Or how Lodestone Golem is shit because it costs 4 for a tax effect. Lion's Eye Diamond is considered a bad card too until a rule change allowing you to stack things.
He's just stupid, right? They didn't actually unban it, right? Please tell me Jace and Stoneforge Mystic are still banned.
Stoneforge Mystic is still banned.
>Why don't you just admit you've lost this argument.
Because I haven't. That card is pure shit in modern and so are your comparisons.
>That' doesn't explain all the other cards that were also SHIT before they found a home
Oh look, it's a retarded memebrewer thinking he found a new hot card. Can't wait for you to win the next GP with your kitchen table shitbrew.
I won with RG Eldrazi.
Where are the links? can someone post them so i can put them in a txt file for later?
Brewing in modern is good, whats the deal here?
Trips confirm it.
So my local meta has been blowing out my BW Eldrazi & Taxes deck with blood moon last couple weeks, is 2x wastes a justifiable addition to my sideboard in the case that it'd make these matchups more winnable?
As a guy who takes Ponza to every Modern comp REL event, fuck no. You either knock it out of their hand or you bend over and take it like the cum gargling slut you are.
Is it too much to ask for a 2CMC anthem aura?
>Captain's Mantle 1W
Enchant Creature
Creatures you control get +1/+1 for each creature type it shares with enchanted creature.
That's all I want for a card... It would work so well in Ixalan too.
It's not about the cards being bad, it's about what the boundaries of the card are. It doesn't mean that someday some other card that sinergizes well with it won't get printed. making it possible to build a deck around it.
Search the archives
trips means i have complete trust in this post.
tell me, why scoozes instead of other green creatures, like goyf and tracker? also, BBE yay or nay?
wouldn't it be funny if Jace and Bloodbraid Elf did absolutely nothing for modern?
In this meta, Scooze is maindeckable grave hate. It eats down Goyfs, Snaps, Dredge, Gurmags, etc.
Tracker just costs 1 CMC too much. But if Tracker costs 2CMC, it would be the Green Creature of choice. That said, Tracker is disgusting with Lotus Cobra and can take over the game all on its own.
i already did and i found jack shit
I doubt it. It's annoying to set up in Legacy without top, it won't fly in Modern. Jace is the only way to get one out of your starting hand, and if your plan is to curve Jace into Terminus, why not just run Verdict?
>making it possible to build a deck around it.
It won't be. It's just a win more stompy creature like a shit ton before it.
ty, based brew bro. cobra+tracker seems disgusting, really.
any other potential gp winning brew on the horizon?
Ross Merrium and Jim Davis are working on a modern turboland deck.
Miracles looks to have potential.
t. retard
you think?
>three mana
>doesn't even replace itself
>meanwhile good control decks will be casting Esper Charm or K Command or Electrolyze for value
It's not the one
at that point just play index.
not that card. Play Think Twice
Hunted Troll
Sheltering Ancient
Exemplar of Strength
Hunted Wumpus
Leatherback Baloth
Nylea, God of the Hunt
Rhonas, The Indomitable
Surrak the Cunt Hauler
Swarmborn Giant
Talara's Battalion
>being able to fateseal every turn isn't fucking broken
The absolute state of Veeky Forums.
Holy shit disregard the second sight shitpost index is way better, usethat
it's fine. you can miracle it with Opt for memes. casting it for 7 mana is a valid choice as well. the text doesn't change because you paid more mana for it.
i played against it tonight at the shop weekly and went 1-1-1 against it.
This image has been floating around for years, we need someone to translate it eventually.
i've been told it translates to 'thalia is cute! CUTE!' but i haven't bothered to ask the weebs over in /jp/ for a translation.
>implying lantern + 1 codex is broken
ok m8
Is this a good sideboard card?
super secret miracles tech incoming
Maybe 20 years ago
Hey Veeky Forums
Name and rate my deck
4 Archangel of Thune
2 Fiendslayer Paladin
4 Isolated Chapel
4 Kabira Crossroads
2 Knight of Meadowgrain
3 Path of Bravery
5 Plains
3 Rhox Faithmender
4 Sanguine Bond
4 Scoured Barrens
4 Soul Warden
2 Swamp
2 Swamp
1 Swamp
3 Tithe Drinker
4 Unmake
2 Utter End
4 Vampire Nighthawk
3 Well of Lost Dreams
>3 mana 1/1 with a tap ability but no haste
It's okay in draft, I guess.
urine stained piece of rancid dog shit 2/5
Not even a thoughtseize.
>2 Swamp
>2 Swamp
>1 Swamp
>dude I'm so high right now
In seriousness, it's not great. Lifegain isn't a great strategy, Tron/Jace/Jund don't give a shit what your life total is, they'll wear you down eventually, plus Path of Bravery is a pretty crap payoff. Jam some Serra Ascendant's in there, or hell, just look up a soul sisters list and take inspiration from that.
Fear the newest meme.
Just slap the surrounding pieces with discard and removal. Play the game of attrition.
Royal Assassin isn't meta, but it's far from a bad card.
Modern is a format where you'll only play something as hefty as a Mangara if you can power it up further with blink; Assassin doesn't require any buildaround to do what he does (in theory a repeatable kill activation for any attacker, in practice a lovely lightning bolt target, or a dead card vs creatureless decks)
>4 cmc
Lol. Nobody plays that shit.
Pretty good in a blue Jace the Mindscuptor deck where he can just hold off nearly everything.
Just like no one plays that shit dinosaur
more of an enter the infinite fan myself but zombies are cool too (kill via exiling 2 of 4 simians + 1 of 8 rituals and casting lightning storm)
use this instead
>zombie jackal cleric
based waiudufairu eterunaru
Last Word came out in 2004. Ghalta came out in 2018. It's literally a brand new card people are still experimenting with. Everyone already knows Last word is shit.
Manamorphose turns this on but that's a sucky 2-for-1
Everyone that isn't a retard knows Ghalta is a shit win more card too slow for modern
You don't need to experiment with a card that has objectively better alternatives
Dinosaurs are actually pretty good when you look at the card itself. The problem is that everything is just too good now.
5 years ago, Ripjaw Raptor would probably be an auto include over Kalitas.
basically im thinking 4 bandit hall, and a bunch of simians/rituals to power it out early (turn 1 bandithall, turn 2 mountain simian ritual, tap bandit hall for hasted swing). red for durdle looting, blue for durdle spells maybe too.
>playing her without Karakas
Forge does that when you copy to clipboard.
I don't have Serra ascendants because expensive. And I put path to Bravery mostly for the life gain from attacking. Advice on alternatives?
I would consider the possibility of playing a copy of ghalta in merfolk
With Aether Vial to squeeze in that extra "mana" the turn you cast Ghalta, and assuming you are tapping more than 2 lands, he seems feasible to cast. Especially when you have some beefy Branchwalkers laying around, and that Vial happens to bring in one of 12 Lords.
I actually think it's better to play the control, and when the opponent is completely out of cards, you then attack with the Jackal and slap down 13 zombies.
Then win on the next turn. Your combo seems to take too much set up and luck for it to work out.
I get what you mean, but without the hasty ritual minmax into enter the infinite, it seems like the deck is better off running a different wincon since neither combo pieces works in conjunction with the control plan. assuming you are running only instants and sorcs and few creatures/walkers I'd rather bank on Tides
At least run a Bandit Hall, that card seems good in your deck regardless
This is literally the worst designed alt art I’ve ever seen. HOW MUCH DOES IT NORMALLY COST??
3 dollars for either.
I do like bandit hall. That's a sweet addition.
Archangel of thune is more expensive than Ascendants. There's not really a better option unfortunately.
>turn 1 bandithall, turn 2 mountain simian ritual, tap bandit hall for hasted swing
Including you needing a copy of Army to actually cast on the swing that's a Christmasland scenario if I've ever heard one.