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I can dig it. I hope this takes off as the look of a stock YT-1300. I was always immensely bothered that every YT-1300 looks EXACTLY the same as the falcon when everyone in universe treats it as a pile of grbage when they see it

>not linking the slow trickle of details for the new sourcebook
For shame OP

I prefer the old *outline* as the stock YT-1300, but I always imagined really stock 1300s were just cleaner than the Falcon was.

I think the official line is gonna be something like "haha what's a stock YT-1300, they're modular as fuck sometimes the cockpit isn't even on the starboard side boy", though.

In case anyone didn't hear Vader is force rating 6 in Dawn of Rebellion

I've never actually read this comic but I see this panel being posted all the time, does it actually show Vader wrecking face after that or is it just a 'cut to ded rebels' thing?

Would a Fallout-style wasteland planet be a good fit for a Star Wars campaign, if only as a place for the PCs to be stuck for a few sessions? The D6 Rebel Alliance Sourcebook mentioned an Alliance safe world that got bombed back to the stone age after the Empire discovered its location, which seems like a pretty interesting concept to play with.


Yes, he butchers them. The tank's shot is deflected and he uses the dirt it kicks up as cover as he cuts through all the rebels like a reaper.

Then he improvises an AA gun out of his fallen tie fighter

You're the second generation of students in Luke's Jedi Praxeum. Who's your first choice for Master? What's your preferred mode of transportation for your off-world missions?

Also, of course, what's your lightsaber color and chosen Jedi path? Guardian? Sentinel? Consular? Seeker?

> Canon will cut down on OP stuff.
> Canon won't have all the super weapon bloat.

Why is everything people were critical of EU for starting to ring increasingly hollow?

I'm honestly still kinda sad they didn't stick to the previous model and just give Vader a kill radius or leave him deliberately stat-less so he's as powerful as the plot demands.
He's Darth Vader, the guy who hunted down the last of the Jedi. Your solution to fighting him should be running in the opposite direction and hoping he walks.

On the scale of wank it's practically nothing.

I don't know.

So far, they've already out did anything EU could have done with Starkiller Base as far as super weapons go.

To be honest, I've never been a big fan of stating canon characters. The PCs are eventually just gonna surpass them, and even before then they can take them down if they're lucky. At the very least, I can say I'll use them as inspiration if I ever want to create similar characters.

Oh, I was talking about that comic

but centerpoint station is still more busted than starkiller base

I don't recall that eating a star, warping spacetime and using what amounts to dark energy to accomplish it's task.

Centerpoint station also had absurd power output. 100,000 years of study and nobody knows how it works? Bullshit.

It's the age-old adage of "If you give it stats, they'll find a way to kill it". And they WILL find a way.

It was always in the background of my life as a kid thanks to popculture references like the Simpsons and muppet babies, but my first true taste was the re release of a new hope in 97 I think, but the thing that truely made me a star wars fan was phantom menace, especially as my dad was elaborating on how that kid who's name I kept forgetting was going to become darth vader, I became absolutly intrigued by this story, how was that kid going to become the most famous bad guy of all time, how was that friendly grandfather dude going to turn into the cackling space wizard we saw in return, my nine year old brain was blown by the scope and ambition of that story and how they all tied together.

Then attack of the clones came out and it was... ok... but then Clone wars came out and all was right with the world, and while Revenge was rough at times, I found it a satisfying cap to the loop, it made me very fascinated with the original Trilogy and I wanted to find more works that tied the trilogies content together

All Starkiller was was a Death Star built into a planet that fed on suns. It wasn't stupidly invulnerable AND powerful like the Suncrusher, inane like Centerpoint, retarded like the Galaxy Gun, completely out of place like the Omega Frost, or comedic like the Darksaber. It didn't even break the setting over it's knee like the World Devastators. It was downright reasonable compared to EU superweapons, and given that the OT had TWO Death Stars in it I suppose we can hardly fault the Empire's successors for following Imperial doctrine to go bigger and better.

>make a comic and try to sell it on a single fanservicely badass oneliner scene
>don't make a big show out of rest of the comic which is utter dogshit

Disney's marketing team truly is the culmination of clever hack fraudism.

>retarded like the Galaxy Gun
This is the only one I'll argue you on. I feel it was *exactly* as retarded as the Galaxy Gun.

>It wasn't stupidly invulnerable AND powerful like the Suncrusher,

Actually Starkiller Base can destroy a system, just like the suncrusher can, and can do it from afar without ever having to even be within the system.

It also destroys suns.

Furthermore, they couldn't replenish that thing's supply of shells, it could be tractored and it's internal workings could be destroyed with the Force. It also couldn't withstand but a few super laser hits. Really not one of the better weapons as I think it had been moth balled at the Maw.

It's also largely useless if there isn't a Sun around.

> retarded like the Galaxy Gun

Which is a sensible weapon, and one that Star Killer base apparently has the features of given it can fire shots through hyperspace too.

However, the galaxy guns shots could not destroy an entire system and could only endanger a single planet at best. You could also target the missiles and destroy them if you knew they were coming.

> It didn't even break the setting over it's knee like the World Devastators.

Which were said to be questionable in whether or not they were more powerful than the death star.

It's also worth noting they were a fleet of weapon ships and actually made use of the resources of the worlds they destroyed

And they were also small compared to an Executor and no where near as powerful as some Super Star Destroyers.

> It was downright reasonable compared to EU superweapons, and given that the OT had TWO Death Stars in it I suppose we can hardly fault the Empire's successors for following Imperial doctrine to go bigger and better.

You can fault them actually, as they repeated the same formula of failure as the original empire, with the same exact results.

All that needs to be done is for them to build a second Starkiller Base, and they're as good as finished.

Bullshit. The galaxy gun ignored the entire asthetics of previous Star wars superweapons in to look like...well, a fucking gun. It looked like ass, was fucking TINY for what it did, and basically had zero character or style. It's like they just threw their hands up and said "Fuck it, just give them a giant fucking gun." The sole interesting thing about the Gun, the hyperspeed projectiles, was applied to Starkiller.

>All Starkiller was was a Death Star built into a planet that fed on suns
I like how you say that as if it's no big deal at all.

>It wasn't stupidly invulnerable AND powerful like the Suncrusher
I'll give you this one as I always hated the entire concept of the Sun Crusher.

>retarded like the Galaxy Gun
It's even more retarded than the Galaxy Gun.

>It didn't even break the setting over it's knee like the World Devastators
Are you kidding me? What is essentially a mobile Dyson Sphere that sucks up and compresses STARS with space magic and uses them to shit out star system destroyer hyperspace beams breaks the setting a lot more than World Devastators do.

>and given that the OT had TWO Death Stars in it I suppose we can hardly fault the Empire's successors for following Imperial doctrine to go bigger and better.
Yeah, you can when said successors are a fraction of the size and shouldn't have anywhere near the infrastructure and industrial base for such an undertaking. For an organization like the FO a non-silly version of the Darksaber or one of the axial superlaser SSDs is far more believable.

On top of that, the Empire doesn't always need to destroy a whole system, so the suncrusher was kind of counter productive.

Nah, the Gun was stupid because it was literally just "the Death Star, but with galactic range".

Legion boys, where we at?

Hopes, thoughts, hype?

>Actually Starkiller Base can destroy a system, just like the suncrusher can, and can do it from afar without ever having to even be within the system.

As opposed to the Suncrusher, which doesn't matter where it is because you can't kill it because "lol 2 powerful 4u."

>But you can kill it with the Force or superlasers!
Yes, you can kill the Suncrusher with plot contrivances. Or you can kill Starkiller base with skill and heroism.

>Which is a sensible weapon,
It's boring as shit, Like I said, the one interesting thing it had going for it got applied to Starkiller.

>It's also worth noting they were a fleet of weapon ships and actually made use of the resources of the worlds they destroyed
Hence breaking the setting over its knee. Having a matter replicator that can autoconstruct things like that basically takes the setting and turns it into Star Trek. Congratulations, you just created a post-scarcity society, jackasses.

>You can fault them actually, as they repeated the same formula of failure as the original empire, with the same exact results.
Just like the Empire did with the Death Star II. And unlike the Empire, they didn't waste their shot killing a peaceful planet with no weapons just to make a point, they took out the capital of the Republic and a goodly chunk of its fleet and leadership. The First Order has a better scorecard when it comes to using superweapons than the Empire ever did.

Except the Galactic range thing is actually an improvement over the Death Star, which is what an iterative design should BE. They just shouldn't also miniaturize it to the point of absurdity while robbing it of planetoid superweapon aesthetics.

I thought it was unique as one of the first weapons to fire hyperspace projectiles capable of causing planetary destruction.

> TINY for what it did,

Which is something that apparently Canon is repeating given Rax was going to blow up Jakku with some Sith artifacts.

Force fuckery superweapons bug me, but at least they have the excuse of force fuckery going for them.

>Except the Galactic range thing is actually an improvement over the Death Star, which is what an iterative design should BE

It's an improvement that makes it retarded, though. The entire saving grace of the Death Star was that it had to be in the same system as you to fuck you up. Take that away, and you get shit.

> plot contrivances.

If that is what the Force and a Tractor Beam are to you, then okay.

> It's boring as shit

And like their death star 2.0 isn't.

The entire First Order is boring copy of the Empire right down to their super weapon.

> Hence breaking the setting over its knee.

That was hardly anything truly impressive when compared to a hyper matter super laser.

Also, it could only create things so long as there was material with which to build from, and it's worth pointing out they weren't as destructively powerful as other weapons.

Besides, Factory Ships are nothing new given the Arc Hammer and Star Forge.

The World Devastators just make the intake of resources much easier and more efficient.


>Yes, you can kill the Suncrusher with plot contrivances. Or you can kill Starkiller base with skill and heroism.
>stormtrooper washout just happened to mop the floors near the weak point and identify as such
>hyperspacing past the shield into atmosphere but before hitting the planet without just being splattered all over the surface to actually reach it
>not plot contrivances

I'll grant you that having galactic range with no drawback would be retarded. The Drawback for Starkiller would be the fact that it has to drain a sun for each shot, delaying it's firing time. There's also the fact that it gives it's exact position away every time it fires.

Don't forget someone lowering it's defenses and allowing you to destroy it.

You can interdict the Galaxy Gun's shells and shoot down it's projectiles I believe.

>Arc Hammer
Just a factory ship.

>Star Forge
Reliant on the Dark Side and thus unsustainable, only one in existence.

>World Devastators
Matter replicators that could create anything you need in moments from their "molecular furnace, can build more of themselves so they can bootstrap like crazy. Had there been any consistency in the EU famine, disease, and poverty would have been a thing of the past after defeating Clone Palpatine because of these babies, but the EU is shit so they just forgot that they casually introduced a galaxy-transforming technology and went on making newer, shitter superweapons.

>an Alliance safe world that got bombed back to the stone age

You mean Flitter?


>stormtrooper washout just happened to mop the floors near the weak point and identify as such
That's part of the skill (or knowledge would be the better term, here). And same thing applies with knowing you have to use the Force on the Suncrusher.

>hyperspacing past the shield into atmosphere but before hitting the planet without just being splattered all over the surface to actually reach it
Also skill.

I'm sorry everything has to be solved with space magic in your shitting setting.

It's hard, but possible, yeah.

Navigator/Skip Tracer.
Fuck you. I'm finding my guy.

> Just a factory ship.

That could also make weapons.

>Reliant on the Dark Side

Which can never be destroyed or overcome for good.

>could create anything you need in moments

Only weapons actually.

And the ships themselves aren't really that powerful compared to true warships.

It's also worth noting that they had to advance and evolve before they could create more Devastators, and that in doing so, you'd have to forgo making things that could be immediately more useful, like warships, swarms of automated TIE fighters and Wave Skimmers.

And even in the case of Warships, those likely took a while to create, leaving the Devastator vulnerable in the meantime with only it's armament.

> Had there been any consistency in the EU famine, disease, and poverty would have been a thing of the past after defeating Clone Palpatine because of these babies

Actually no one wanted anything to do with the technology as they had been used to destroy several worlds and most were rendered unusable.

In fact, the New Republic had to scrap one due to public outcry over it's use.

Plus, to be fair, there are factories whose industrial output can probably easily out do the Devastators on most things.

this was linked in a chat I am in, from the YT 1300 Owners manual I believe

>Vader pulls up a smoke cover on people that have no eye protection and basically does what he's done to droids for years.
>then proceeds to fire a gun
>this is 'op'


I don't think most of what I want will make it into the game..

All the same, I wish it and it's players success.

It looks impressive so far.

Droids have the excuse of not being all that bright.

What's the Rebels excuse for not thinking ahead?

Yeah, that's the thing all right. And I'm fine with that. As long as there's a plausible reason, I'm down.

That isn't even what happened. Vader detonated the thermal detonators on every single Rebel around him.

"oh SHIT we just shot down one of the most notorious bad guys on our shitlist second to the emperor (and maybe mas amedda I guess?) GOGOGO"
It's a dinky-ass refueling station as the rebel presence where he got shot down, not some full holdout like Hoth or something too.

>That's part of the skill
No, a random low-level grunt mopping floors just happening to mop near the one weak point of a massive battlestation and making the logical leaps to recognize it as weak spot is a contrivance no matter how you try to slice it. And then they repeat the same plot point even more egregiously in the next episode.

>Also skill.
Han has an impossible window in which to hyperspace into. At hyperspace speeds the Falcon should be space dust before Han can even reach to pull back the lever. To say nothing about even being able to come out of hyperspace that close to an already sizable planetary mass that now has the mass of most of a star stored inside it somehow.

>I'm sorry everything has to be solved with space magic in your shitting setting.
Are you talking about the ST here?

I'm starting to believe Vader is a terrible fighter pilot for him to be shot down and defeated like he is.

I understand why center-cockpit and side-cockpit variants exist, but why would the company bother manufacturing ships with the cockpit on the opposite side? Are they made for British and Japanese star systems where pilots fly on the "wrong" side of the space highway?

To be fair, bringing thermal detonators to a fight against Vader just sounds like prolonged suicide. He can deflect blaster bolts, I don't think you throwing an object relatively slowly at him is gonna work out for you.

He solo'd several squads. It took luke crashing right at him (when he was actively looking for luke and thus unwilling to shoot him) to stop his rampage

>terrible fighter pilot
he 1vgorllion'd a bunch of rebs, this wasn't like getting Falcon'd again.

Are you shitposting? He singlehandily soloed like 20 X-Wings. Luke just crashed into him in a game of chicken to force him down.

He used the force to propel the Rebels proton torpedoes back into each other

Don't forget the walker that does more damage than a fleet of ships firing from orbit or that siege dreadnought.

Could just be preference. Left-focused asymmetry is more aesthetic to me.

Could be a very esoteric reason like say if you sell 1000 freighters to the Benin sector that have starboard-oriented docking or loading sections on their equipment, ports or ships just as a local design principle. Then they might do a production run for them, actually from an engineering view, changing that orientation would be some major mechanical surgery and not something you'd really take lightly

>Who's your first choice for Master?
That Barabel fucker they got to guard the temple ruins.

>What's your preferred mode of transportation for your off-world missions?
I dunno, maybe a stealth-coated H-wing or something.

Mystic, Makashi user with green main and orange shoto.

Is Protonic weaponry the default as far as ordnance weapons go?

And is this the most dangerous artillery in the Clone Wars short of the SPHA?

I see this was knocking out Acclimators and LAATs fairly easily during the fighting on Geonosis.

It makes me wonder what these cannons could have done if these had been in range of the SPHA targeting the Core Ships that were taking off.

I feel like the mauler/crawler just needs two changes to fix, one, make it a droid brain operated vehicle, like the tie droid, then give it a set of hail fire style missile pods

I think Kirana Ti would be interesting, due to her Dathomiri background.

I'm gonna go vanilla and say X-Wing, but I wouldn't mind a U-Wing if I could pull from Disney canon.

>Lightsaber color
I'm a fan of yellow, because I'm weird.

Consular would probably be my preference.

So how come the Grand Inquisitor is has a higher force rating than Ahsoka and equal to Maul? Are you guys sure Lucasfilm worked with FFG to make this book?


>KDY Engineer: "All right, here are the blueprints for this frigate my team developed."

>KDY Executive: "Oh yeah? What are you going to call it?"

>KDY Engineer: "The ZEBULON class."

>KDY Executive: "That's stupid. No one's trademarked that name. Good work." *looks at the database, sees that the there is a company called the Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation* "Oh, looks like somebody already did. Any ideas?"

KDY Engineer: "What about a hyphen-B at the end?"

KDY Executive: "Brilliant."

ahsoka a shit

No you a shit

Who are some of the other characters in the Galactic Comfy War, where the Imperials don't do anything and neither do the Rebels, and they are both content to be lazy and avoid actually fighting each other?

Tes - Rebel, female Togruta
Unnamed Lieutenant - joined for Space Babes. been disappointed thus far, has crush on Tes
Irresponsible Imp Tyler - free food, housing, clothes and a comfy desk job make him very happy to not do much of anything

Ilnias was dropped as either the name of the planet or settlement they're on.
There's "The Commander", an older Imperial officer who's partial to gambling and alcohol.

>Minto, the Mon Calamari who despises the dry climate. Imperials have a sauna that is just heavenly. Head mechanic for the rebels

>There's "The Commander", an older Imperial officer who's partial to gambling and alcohol.
As well as taking calls from HQ while wearing sweatpants or no pants at all, since they only see him from the waste up

>Are you guys sure
We're Veeky Forumsswg/
Our interactions with anything officially ffg are practically nil, we aint' got shit

Obese stormtrooper Sgt, veteran from the clone wars that has 5 kids and just wants to see another day. He see's nothing, knows nothing!
Except the way to the commissary, a path he knows very well

Cess, a random namedropped rebel. My personality-o-matic has assigned them... a Rebel "smuggler". They "smuggle" anything needed through Imperial lines - but wouldn't you know it, they keep using up all their ordnance. Imperials get a nice kickback from selling captured Rebel devices though, and that sort of stuff funds the air conditioning.
Probably interacts with the Imperial spaceport officer a lot.

>what the resistance bomber attack should have been like

>what we got instead


He's also a maimed old man with much-reduced force potential stuck in a poorly-made suit with a critical vulnerability to electricity. He isn't unstoppable.

Cpl Gary Trooper
Dedicated trooper who will do anything Sgt Obese asks of him and essentially for the last 4 years that's been 'turn up to work' and 'don't start any shit'.
For a while out of the academy he considered actually making an effort, then couldn't be fucked. No one in F-Troop, Section 2 has bothered to even load their blasters for the last 3 years because its entirely too much effort.

We need some more Rebels, as enjoyable as these Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Imps are

Can we include that one guy from Freemakers voiced by Richard Kind.

>atter replicators that could create anything you need in moments from their "molecular furnace, can build more of themselves so they can bootstrap like crazy
Are you retarded? The whole damn point of them is is "suck shit up, spit it out as weapons". They don't replicate matter, the only thing they really have going for them is crazy-fast production times.

So glad we are continuing this.

What about one Stormtrooper, Helbore who just wanted to travel and taste different cuisine from across the Galaxy? Despite his name and how he looks he's the most kindest guy around.

Billy- Rebel Alliance pilot
An up-country yokel with a T16 skyhopper crop duster who has repeatedly breached secure airspaces and gives the local ground-hog TIE pilots something to do once in a while
Billy is not very good and widely considered a hazard to himself and anyone else in the air, to keep potential casualties and accidents to a minimum, the Imperials have his mum's phone number if he starts getting too close.

Izune Duroff, Rebel Mirialan scout. She was a scout sent to Ilnias as an infiltrator - working as a waitress in THE pub. Of course, she soon found out Ilnias was worth absolutely nothing to nobody, but she assures everyone she hears plenty of things. Which is true, but most of it is social gossip - not that Rebel command needs to know that.

Tomsk Bolyard, an ISB officer assigned to IInias to relay any crucial information back to ISB command and maintain an eye on potential deserters.

But he has a vice for gambling and overall lack of interest in writing out his reports, he gets his Rebel counterpart to do his reports from inside his office in trade for expensive lunch dates.

Unconfirmed rumours among both sides has it more is occurring behind closed doors.

Okay, how big are we talking for the rebels and Imps on Ilnias? I can't imagine there'd be more than 6 or so named characters for both.

And to throw an idea in:
Miranda Korta, Imperial Technician. Miranda is about the only one who actually does indeed do her job - "Base and equipment maintenence." Guns that never fire rarely need maintaining, and the base does actually need repairing. Her real passion however was in droids - within a few months she'd rigged up a repair droid to automate most of the tasks, and anything it can't do she'll "Get around to eventually".

White Mountain Rangers Historical Society for the Recreation of Great Battles of the Republic
The Rangers are loosely affiliated with the Rebel Alliance, often called in as props and fall-guys for actions that need some extra bodies on the weekends. They are all very old, slightly crazy and use their time up in the mountains primarily to get away from their wives. From time to time the Imperials will also conduct 'raids' on the Ranger's base to flush out Rebels from the area and they do make for convincing action reports.

THE pub
One of 3 in this settlement alone. Staffed by a Bith bartender. It contains facilities for sabaac, pazaak, darts, and serves meals from sunrise to a few hours after sunset. The bartender is also in on the conspiracy; both Imperial and Rebel equipment is stored there, shoulder to shoulder just like the men and women themselves.

I'm making an alternate art Syndicate Thug card for X-wing. What other Thug shit do I add to this image?

Dollars? Credits? Rims? A man with a gun leaning out of the window? A smaller hat on top of the hat?

golden Credit signs

Do these raids involve beer, campfire cooking, and plinking?

That scene is a fucking travesty

In the main city of the planet they have to put on more of a show, but generally the higher up the chain in society you are the more you know.

Such as the Sabaac finals held on the commanders Victory class star destroyer "Minimal Effort" between the four champions among the Rebel Alliance and Empire.

Tomsk Bolyard (Empire, Human) , Mireen Letish (Rebellion, Twi'lek) Geoff Briefs (Rebellion, Human), Jeremy Volodisson (Empire, Duro)

No one knows how Jeremy got his position, but he's the finest tech this side of the galaxy whose one reason for denying any promotion is his lack of motivation.

Well, they'd have to plan the battle out first, which is super serious business.
After the battle, it probably devolves into drinking and old silly stories, Ideally you wouldn't want either side having any practical military experience- of which most historians don't and the Imperials have none of it either