/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General

>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild

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>Previously, on /5eg/

What's the most exotic thing you've used as a mount (that wasn't the druid)?

Other urls found in this thread:


An Owlbear I swung onto during an escape from an Archmage's menagerie when all the creatures on display got turned loose.

So, from last thread: anyone else have problems with excessive "level-scaling" in their campaign? It seems like everywhere we go everything can juuust about kill us every time and it's fun for the climactic fights, but not so much when the back-alley ruffians of the town we're in at level 11 give us as much trouble as the ones who tried to rob us in our level 3 town.

a barmaid down in chult

I want to play a Kenku bard, I'm on the fence between Satire and Whispers.
Help me /5eg/

Is it bad DMing if you make certain checks have low DCs for the sake of getting your important story stuff into the player's hands quickly?

What do you want to do with this Bard? Notably one of Whisper's big features is a pseudo sneak attack; if you wanted to do a stealthy bard that would give you good dex for delivering that and you could focus on utility with your spells. The others, except for sword & to a lesser extent valor, are more classic spellcasters- possibly more powerful and not so much in the rogue's kit.

Just put up a game on roll20. I hope i can find some decent players in the mountain of shit. How do you guys pick players?

Na, I'd appreciate it as a player if we got the story moving instead of you having to contrive some other way for us to find the plot threads. As long as the players are making decisions that lead them to the information, the worst thing I'd have happen from low relevant ability checks would be to add complications that have to be resolved.

I was thinking of having it pretending to be a Rogue for a while then revealing they're a bard after 5-6 sessions.
From what I can tell they're both pretty good subclasses for being all sneaksy-like.

I ask my prospective players to fill out a survey, and use that to weed out "that guys" and put together a group that seems compatible.

I'm almost done with a campaign in which I played a satire bard. Tumble is broken as fuck, and amazing for positioning spells like fear. You will also be taking very little damage if you're careful. Also 5 detect thoughts per day is ridiculous and your dm will probably get annoyed if use it that liberally. I rarely went deeper into their mind though for fear of retaliation.

Have them write up a short character idea including: race, class, and a short bio. It doesn't have to be the character they want to play.

This will weed out all of the players who want to play custom race, custom class, special snowflakes and murderhobos.

If it's a low DC and someone with the relevant skillset is the one asking I don't usually make them roll (History or Arcana, the Intelligent guy knows, obvious trail to follow, the Ranger doesn't have to roll Survival, etc.)

I don't even play, because picking up good players is too much of a hassle. I just come here to shitpost about stupid shit.
Speaking of
>Drunken Master
>Can't get drunk after level 11

What are must-have wizard spells for a necromancer that aren't from the necromancy tradition?

Ray of Enfeeblement
Mage Armor

I'm fine with it. Villains of my campaign are mere humans;, and it would be silly if their soldiers were 1/4 CR guards and stayed that way all the way until level 10

Find Familiar
Misty Step
Mirror Image
Dispel Magic
Leomund's Tiny Hut
Major Image
Wall of Force
Animate Objects
Mass Suggestion

Has anyone played Artificer in a game? I'm making back-up characters in case my cleric dies and I have a mild interest in a warforged artificer.

Sure, not every villain should just get BTFO obviously or there's no tension.
How do you keep your players feeling like they actually ARE more capable and important, though? We had a stronghold but lost it to the BBEG (which I'm totally fine with because it was cool, climactic, fair, and made a good story) and that was really the only other major advancement in influence and overall power that we had.

Eyeballing a Female Steeder or a Spider King as one for my Artificer (don't wanna be the asshole that makes flying a thing with the Giant Eagle).

On a related note, if the Steeder jumps vertically, do they take fall damage?

If it jumps on an enemy, do they take damage?

If it grabs an enemy with it's sticky leg, jumps in the air, can it just let it go and land normally itself leaving the enemy to plummet to it's death?

it's pretty bad.

>had to go through TWELVE different captchas to post this

Love the concept but the mechanics are bad in every iteration so far.

I rode a "Demon Beast" Elk. Think of wuxia/xianxia magical creatures. My gf and I filled the not!China part of not!Asia with creatures like them. My Ancients paladin befriended one and made some seriously good animal handling checks to train it.

That thing was a beast. When it was involved in fights, it'd gore enemies with its antlers, stomp through armor with its hooves and could use a suped-up Thorn Whip.

Wait wut. How do spells with verbal components work for Kenku?

Thanks bby

Kenku can mimic any sounds they've heard, presumably they've heard someone say the spell they know.
Or given it's bard they cast purely through their instruments.

Hey does anyone have a character sheet spell list designed for half casters? I have a paladin player who can for all of his level one spells under the slot because of the 6-9th spaces taking up useful space on the document

Anyone wanna help me build him?
So far I've got:
>Human Monk/psion
and that's it!

For most spells there are no specific words or phrases you have to make, just the vibrations of your voice make it happen.

point buy 15 15 15 8 8 8
sun soul monk
Refluff burning hands as Kikoho

Don't bother with psion, go Sun Soul monk.

>8 wisdom
Is that wise?

Well I'm not going to abandon the Warforged idea... any class pairing you might recommend?

Asking this again - we are five man level 9 party. Fighter, cleric, rogue, sorcerr and monk. Do we stand any chance against Adult Red Dragon?

You should be alright, just pray to the Dice gods and DO SOME FUCKING IN CHARACTER PREP WORK

Warforged Forge Cleric could be cool.
Also Cavalier (built to be a guard) or Barbarian (woke up in a laboratory that had been abandoned or conquered) could work.
Holy fuck no

Sorry I thought it was level 5 not 5 PCs. Yes if you are lucky and smart.

If you're smart about it and the DM doesn't cheese everything.

This still feels like a huge stretch. Maybe for cantrips and first level spells, but by the time you’re reaching 4th level spells those should be rare enough in the world that you probably haven’t heard many of them.

This just makes me think it would be even harder to learn new spells. If it’s not the words, then you can’t even piece together words from other things you’ve heard. You can only copy exactly, so you would have had to hear someone say something with the correct pitch and resonance.

Maybe this is all just my bias, but I feel like no one actually wants to roleplay a kenku. Some players want the perks, but those birds aren’t supposed to have an original thought in their body. You can’t come up with an idea, let alone explain it perfectly to your party. It’s not like playing against type and making a half orc wizard, you’re literally supposed to be unoriginal.

it ain't easy being cheesy
besides Tien is frankly quite stupid, you want to play Tien you go with low mental stats

>This still feels like a huge stretch. Maybe for cantrips and first level spells, but by the time you’re reaching 4th level spells those should be rare enough in the world that you probably haven’t heard many of them.
Well then, I guess kenku cannot become wizards or any other spellcasters because of some fluff.

Deadly for your group is 12,000
Adult Red Dragon is 18,000

Depend on initiate and location. Do note that fire breath is 60 ft cone. That alone will kill Sorc. and half kill everyone else.

hire some goblins to kill the thing, have them spread out so the dragon can't kill everyone in a cone and cast faerie fire on the dragon so gobbo's have adv to hit with crossbows.

The kenku fluff seems extremely awkward to actually play.

Objectively no

Guys, I have a player who wants to play as a multiclass Storm Sorcerer with 3 levels of Storm Herald Barbarian. He wants to roleplay as a ripoff of Galadriel, mainly acting as a spellcaster, but occasionally flying into a rage a la the famous Mirror of Galadriel scene from Tolkien, but there's a problem here, you cannot cast magic while raging.

Is there a mechanical reason for this that I should be aware of? Is there some broken high level spell combination with rage? Or would it be fine for me to handwave this and allow him to do it?

I have a Javelin of Lightning (d6) and a standard Warhammer (d8). Should I melee with my magic weapon because magic or hammer because damage?

What are some clever uses for Tenser's Floating Disk? Other than carrying loot for me I can't think of any reason to justify using it.

Is there a character builder that hasn't been taken down by WotC?

How do we make Fighters not shit?

>kenku cannot become wizards or any other spellcasters because of some fluff.
Considering the fact that they are also physically incapable of being creative on even the smallest level, they really shouldn't be a PC in the first place.

How does 5eg's session zero usually go?
I tried something different for a short campaign / one shot. I had them roll in order, banned human and nonunderdark elf and dwarf, gave everbody a free feat and made everyone pick a nongood alignment, its set in the former prison colony of the setting that's run by gangs.
I ended up with a dual wielding goblin rogue, a drow str fighter and a duergar bard. We've got a 4th maybe joining.
Also what are some good twists to throw in for the plot? Ive got a lieutenant of one of the big gangs ending up murdered, the party being unattached, are hired to look into it. My plan is he had plans to import an artifact and got betrayed. I have 4 major gangs running the colony and am planning for somebody in each gang having a hand in it

Corks in their assholes?

Put a 499 pound block of stone on it, then run around your opponent so they get between you and the disk so it slams into them

if you find a creature that is resistant to standard then use javelin
give them !spells
keeping the disc behind you so rogues can't approach from behind, also carrying ballista
people used to say this about dwarves and elves
similar to yuan-ti, they're better suited as NPC's

Does lightning do anything to enemies in mail or plate? If the answer is no, go with the hammer.

Are you fighting a magical being? If not, no. The warhammer is better unless the monster has resistance to nonmagical damage.

I once climbed onto the roof of a small building and essentially ambushed an Axebeak-riding Orc, throwing him off the mount and managing the animal handling skillcheck mid-combat. Sadly the DM fucking dropped that campaign we all paid for except for him because he'd be DMing.

Those people were just retarded and didn't actually have any restrictions as bad as 'can't talk' and 'can't think for themselves under any circumstance'

Whats the deal with the fantasy grounds stuff in the 5etrove? Is it like files i could just launch into fantasy grounds instead of buying the books or what?

>character builder

Kenku could just experiment with the different noises it makes until the desired effect happens. Just because you're stealing doesn't mean you're unoriginal. Maybe the Kenku just instinctively knows what tones it needs to make but the methods of making them are just borrowed noises.


>Just because you're stealing doesn't mean you're unoriginal.
No, but being a Kenku does.

stop being retarded and pick up paper and a pen.

So DMs...

Death saves? A PC rolls a nat 20, and get 1 HP. Do they get their turn?

I've now had 4 different DMs say no. SA says yes. What's your ruling?

Show me where it says kenku can't have independent thought

Succeeding your death saves stabilizes you, it doesn't heal you.

Nat 20 on a death saving throw puts you at 1 hp my boy

I rule yes. It's more thematic and fun that way. Death saves are already ridiculously unrealistic, just roll with it.

Is that your home rule? Because by the book a nat 20 gives you 1 hit point.

Rolling a 20 on death saves gives you 1 hit point

A nat 20 puts you at 1. 3 successes stabilizes you.

For your question? No actions, just movement for our group.

yes, they get back up and have a turn because they were 1 roll away from losing the character completely.

This is D&D. A third level spell could bring them right back up.

>Whats your favorite non-optimal combo?

They're good though, at least EK, Battlemaster, and Cavalier.
The Orcpub subreddit has files you can upload to restore content to the Orcpub builder which is quite good (a couple wrong rules issues but overall the best 5e builder I've seen).

Successfully rolling 3 times stabilises.
Rolling a 1 counts as 2 failures.
Rolling a 20 brings you back to 1.

Wtf does this even mean. Like multiclass combo?

Half-Orc Storm Sorceror.
I wanna WAAAGH.

I assume combat combo. Like spell combos or maneuver or group formation combos. I'll give some of mine in a sec.

Interesting, but doesn't that attract bad things to just immediately knock you down again?

I mean, they literally just saw the dead get up, do they not attack it?

Would it be a bad idea to start giving exhaustion for every time someone drops to 0 after the 1st time? Or is there a better way to cut down on death tanking, intentional or otherwise?

Depends on the situation. I've had players play dead before with successful Deception checks and then catch an opponent off-guard.

In that case I like Gust of Wind + Booming Blade, Grapple and drag to a fire, and flour + Firebolt for a grain dust explosion.

Sure they do. But it's a team's job to stop that happening.

Oh man, I've unintentionally done this. But I don't think the party would have survived if I wasn't being focused every time I got up. Seems like a good idea. Would have to test it.

I like this idea. If they spend a round to play dead they can jump up and get surprise? Or just normal attacks at an opportune moment?

VGtM 109 - 110
>because their ingenuity and skill had turned toward scheming against their patron, the spark of creativity was torn from their souls.
>kenku cannot create new sounds and can communicate only by using sounds they have heard.
>kenku have no ability to invent new ideas or create new things.
They can't patch together new things because they don't have the ability to be creative AT ALL. If they heard the phrases "I like you," Don't you hate peas," and "Dogs are cute," they would be incapable of piecing together the new phrase "I hate dogs" because that would require creativity on their part. They're lobotomized on a metaphysical level.

:/ no Kenku bard for me then.

Go variant human and take the magic initiate feat pick scorching ray as a spell(for tri beam cannon)

What are open hand monks good for? What makes them on-par with other classes? I just don't see it.

Actually, we're never told words for spells.
Can it be assumed that casters (aside from certain cases like Melf's, Otiluke's, etc) have their own words for spells?
Or at least the intention of the spell = Cast?

The crowd control that comes for free with flurry is really good. WotOH also has the only true save or die in the game.

If Autismbot is your DM, you can still do a Kenku Warlock

>Trapped in a wizard tower at a young age ken was able to secretly observe spells and effects of his owner and his owners friends. When there was company ken was brought out to mock the guests and how they sounded, a running joke gag that some people didn't find very funny. Ken's favorite guest was a lady bard that want the sweetest songs.

>After a particular crazy party ken found his cage unlocked and was able to break free, vowing vengeance on the wizard.

>Besides the vengeance part, ken likes to inspire his party members by using their own voice to inspire them in battle. He quickly becomes liked for getting the party out of tight spots, assisting the rogue, and buffing the martials. He secretly hates wizards and sorcerers.

Creativity. Get some.

Currently Beast Ranger in a dino western campaign riding my raptor animal companion. So far we've been working together to achieve my tacticool jeans, such as the raptor jumping on enemies' mounts to knock them over or spook them away while I incapacitate the riders.

Just talk to your DM for some handwave reason that you can be slightly creative or something. I doubt really anyone runs Kenku as written anyway, because it's literally impossible to be a PC without being creative. Honestly I don't know why they bothered to include it in Volo's as an option.

>it's literally impossible to be a PC without being creative
I think you got your sentence mixed up there.

Get fire resist potions or magic items. Make sure to surround it so it doesn't hit everyone with its breath attack

Does a level 20 Warlock overpower their patron without their party?