/40kg/ Warhammer 40,000 General

About to drop the most fire mixtape of the year Edition

Warhammer TV Tip of the Day:

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We didn't save Duncan.

Ill say again, anyone got the rumored armiger leaked info?

>no one has posted proof

Best legion.


*braaps in your soup*

First for Sisters of Battle

*something something your path*

Tau leaks when?

I cant be the only one who fucking hates when artists laze away when drawing the guns. Many illustrations look fucking awful when the guns look more like scetches than what they should.

>spent the entire heresy dicking around on ultramar
>best legion
You could at least bit a plausible legion.

Today actually, got some today

Hopefully soon. I was a dumdum and made most of my suits dual missiles and plasma.

Reposting from last thread since it barely ended. Anyone here have a download of the Endurance short story? Can't seem to find it in any of the Megas.
Papa Nurgle bless for anyone that can help.

*blocks your path*

Lay it on me

>Loyalist legions
miss me with that gay shit famalam

*blocks YOUR path*

Buy it you fag

>spent the entire heresy dicking around on Terra while the traitors closed in
>spent the siege dicking around behind the walls while Scars and Angels constantly took the fight to the enemy
I think you need to take your own advice.

*throws up*

What the fuck were they thinking?

All respectable but wrong answers

>We want the 12 year old audience

*blocks your path?*

Looking forward to this.

Woah, heroic proportions look like THAT?

So how many if any Luna Wolves stayed loyal and what happened to them?

they were thinking of how best to annoy you.

Here is the real answer.

>Conquered more worlds than Luna Wolves.
No one can compare.

Cosplayers are attention whores.

I fucking loathe people who always seek to be the center of attention.

What? Did something happen?

Here's a game for you fellas

>Army;Sub faction/chapter
>How long you've played that army
>What you are working on now
>Your goal by the end of the year with the army

I'll start
-Marines; Exorcists Chapter
-Just started this year on them, last year just started in the hobby with chad-marine custom chapter
-Currently building Vanguard Veterans, just finished a tactical squad
-Hope to field about 1.5k melee termie heavy boys with some SoB allies

fuck you dude, its just a fun hobby

Dont go trying to project your own insecurities onto it

>Conquered more worlds than Luna Wolves
>already controlling the planets counts as conquering now

I respect Blanche for his base concepts and contributions to 40k but Jesus Christ his art style is shit.

>I'm not going to rate it because that would be too subjective. All I can tell is that I have a massive tournament coming in two months and I'm dropping my Custodes and Thousand Sons list to play T'au instead. Also buy Riptides and a couple Hammerheads (with Ion Cannons) if you don't have them.

Burst-or Iontide...?
>Either and both. The firepower of both has skyrocketed while the point cost dropped hard. Plus there's two insane stratagems for them.

>The change to Saviour Protocols is something similar to what Crisis Bodyguards do and Shadowsun's rule with Stealths suits.
>Sorry, that was a bit confusing. Savior Protocols is the same as before, but happens only on a 2+.
>If people are already complaining about T’au, here a few negative things haha.
>1 commander per detachment
>No changes to the markerlight table
>No improvement to BS across the board
>Railguns are the same

>Don’t get alarmed though, there are far more upsides that we will get to soon-ish. I’m just waiting for GW to officially announce the codex to get more into details.
>The upsides will come from massive point drops on base costs and weaponry, and massive buff to weapons characteristics. Sometimes both, which can make for some crazy stuff. Like a Heavy 18 S6 -1 2dmg gun for 35 points

copy pasted
source is the ATT leaker

Because there haven't been countless articles basically saying that cosplay is ruining conventions.

>best legions
>not posting the one that quelled an entire planetary uprising in a single night


How is a person dressing up going to stop you from walking around buying shit

>don't have a picture because away from home
-Dark Angels successor chapter, The Arisen
-Started back when Dark Vengeance came out, just got back into them last year.
-Working on assembling a kitbashed Company Master in Mark III/IV armor with a paragon blade (heavenfall blade relic), waiting on the Forge World shipment.
>Hope to get em all painted by the end of the year, and hopefully finish out my first 2k list.

>not posting the one that conqured hundreds of planets without using any marines

40k-Infinity conversion user here, hoping the people who are interested in the conversion and want to give feedback are here and see this.

Here's the questions from Saturday
Question 1 (multi-wound weapons)
Question 2 (ARM table preference)
The TL;DR summary for questions 1 & 2.
And the questions from Monday
Question 3 (Flamers)
Questions 4 & 5 (Multiple ranged weapons & combi-weapons)

Strawpolls in one place for convenience:
Question 1: strawpoll.me/15094372
Question 2: strawpoll.me/15094645
Question 3: strawpoll.me/15109687
Question 4: strawpoll.me/15109968
Question 5: strawpoll.me/15109975

What is it with you projection fags? Anytime someone insults something they are projecting, you realize you just never fucking learned another insult past "I know you are but what am I?" right?

>posting a blank post
come on now

No, they haven't.
In fact, they have been an integral part of them for decades. You took the wrong thing from those articles.
I saw that dude, couldn't get a picture of him tho.
All dead, fairly efficiently at that.

I don't like his concept art being used in rulebooks (the previous Daemon books were especially bad) but I like his finished work.

>Ad Mech - Forge World Lucius
>3 years
> two Imperial Knights I picked up in renegade 2 years ago and only recently found the time and courage to tackle
>more robots, Kastelan and Kataphron, and to play a solid narrative campaign with them as Dark Mechanicus against Blood Angels

Did you get burned by a cosplay slut or something?

Do you ""loathe"" children for dressing up for halloween too?

I remember the official GW grand tournaments back in 2002 2003 and 2004 - never a single cosplayer.

If you want to play dress up, go play dress up but why do you have to come fag up our tournaments?

Thousand Sons vs. Dark Eldar

Pros, Sons:
>Egypt Marines
>Magnus did nothing wrong
>Incredibly durable rubrics
>Daemon engines
>Chaos soup potential

Pros, Deldar:
>Sex, drugs, and torture
>Speedy as hell
>Ultimate Hedonism
>Really good start collecting box
>Clown allies potential

Cons, Sons:
>No Start Collecting box
>Not a ton of variety on their own
>A bit slow

Cons, Deldar:
>Armor is made of paper
>No psykers without using allies

Please anons, help me decide; which cartoon villains are the best cartoon villains?

[Laughs in tank]

I hope it's going well for you user, this is some fucking dedication.

No - they're just a distraction. Everything about their hobby is "look at me"

>Orks; goffs; blu starr boyz
>6 years
>Painting up about 250 primed models
>Hope to have all 15,000 points painted by the end of the year

I'm not even the same guy. I like cosplay. I just don't like faggots.

user, stop being butthurt, it's actually pretty sad.
You are mad that someone else is having fun.
Believe that if you want.

As much as I'm hyped to play my first game with my new TSons, Deldar and the Clowns, they're the definition of glass cannon and assuming you already have another army are an interesting mixup to the regular flow

You want the ultimate challenge? Deldar

You want more resilience with lots of psychic shit? TSons

You don't need armor if they can't hit you.
Psykets aren't THAT amazing, especially when Deldar get cumulative buffs every turn.

No one seems to have told you about POWER FROM PAIN

You realize that human beings thrive on and are built to seek attention, right? Its how you get noticed and stand out from the pack and it makes you feel nice

Just because you have some complex about never drawing attention to yourself or standing out doesnt mean you should be a dick to people about it

>All dead, fairly efficiently at that.
So no possibility of a Blood Ravens thing?

Black Templars
7 years
Primaris Marines
Have a 2000pt Primaris army, probably will end up with more but it all depends on what they get since I will stop buying marines in April to wait what the future holds for them.

What's the terrogheist in the corner?

>So no possibility of a Blood Ravens thing?
Not unless there is Luna Wolves geneseed in the vaults.

fucking monkeigh i swear

comission work

No dice.
The warrior lodges spread to all the Cthonian members of the legion, and the terran members who didn't take them up were either "accident'd" or killed on Istvaan.

Nice, love any marines in some MK3 stuff, do you do a lot of raven, death, green, or a mix of all three wings?

DarkMech really needs some rules for 40k 8th, just even if its some basic name swaps on some units initially and extra weapon options until they can put two heads together for good darkmech themed sculpts, give chaos boys a new unique ally

my dudes versus your massive army on a last-stand defense campaign right on my face. very big collection of boyz you got there user and man orks are best in the biggest mobs

You basically just conceded my point.

"So what if we're attention whores?! WE LIKE IT!"

Fuck off.

>Railguns the same
Fuck me. Why are they worse than Leman Russ Vanquisher shells?

A convention is literally a totally acceptable setting in which to be an attention whore

Don't they have all the traitor geneseeds in the vaults or is Horus's just too much?

I almost forgot to ask but does anyone know where to get some Exorcists symbols/transfers for my dudes shoulders? I know some guy used to make shoulderpads in MK4 but I got most of my dudes in MK3 so I'd rather have either a transfer or just something that'll fit a shoulder surface. That and what's a good micron pen/easy way to do decent looking text on banners?

-Tau, Farsight enclaves
-Started in 7th when AOS killed muh wood elves
-Currently working on Exodite Eldar conversions
-Goal: Put up an awesome Enclaves vs Exodite army on parade entry
- ???

Might be they do, since they canonically have some.
But what would be their defining trait? To make it recognizable without being on the nose?

Dark Eldar, oc Coven
Since late 5th
I’m just hoping that the army will be playable after the dex. If not I will move on to regular boardgames.

They have it, they'd have to use it, and even then, they wouldn't really be recognizable as Luna Wolves.
Blood Ravens are supposed to be directly descended from surviving 1ksons from the Heresy.

Not really sure the Luna Wolves didn't really have much special about them outside of being the best.

>Blood Ravens are supposed to be directly descended from surviving 1ksons from the Heresy
This is a meme.

It's going good, I'd just like some feedback on certain aspects to make sure other people like it. These polls help give me an idea of what people would want to play and help me decide which one if I view all options as equally valid.

Building an army.

Do you build the whole thing and then move into painting?

Or do you do build and paint unit by unit?

>being the best

Pretty sure that's the Alpha Legion pal.

-Dark Eldar, Kabal of the Torn Soul
-2 years in June
-Nothing, finished pic related today and am taking a few weeks hobby break to avoid burnout
-Complete DE backlog consisting of Raider, Ravager, 10 Kabalites, 6 Reavers. Possibly throw the bastards into the local GW Armies on Parade.


The people's choice is the correct one!

>anyone know where to get some Exorcists symbols/transfers for my dudes
chaptercustomizer.com famalam

i dont know if he's good i just used google
here's a tutorial on how to make your own as well
it's BoLS but i dont give a fuck you get what you get nerd

DE best faction. Best fluff best models

I mean in the eyes of everyone, if you asked most people during the great crusade who the best was they would probably say Luna Wolves. Alpha Legion got shit on all the time for being sneaky dishonorable asshats.

It is literally the closest thing to an explanation of their origins and has it's basis in several places.
If you don't like it, your problem.

It isn't. They've all but confirmed that they're loyalist thousand sons successors.

>Orks, speed freaks mostly, but also goff, or mek heavy
> Between 8-9 years
> Scratch-built my second unit of tankbustas, now I need to get them a proper trukk too
> To have a codex

also an option for just 60 of just the insignia to go on shoulder pads

There’s no evidence other than
>lots of psykers
>a thousand son once had a vision about ravens made of blood
That’s not all but confirmed. It’s flimsy as hell.

wasn't it gonna be a thing but Goto changed it because everyone figured it out and didn't want people to know his twists?

>for being sneaky dishonorable asshats
Really, the only thing that was held against them was that they took too long trying to show off how operator they were and the planets they did conquer had to be rebuilt from the ground up.
>There’s no evidence other than
Just because you are ignorant of the HH codices doesn't mean the rest of us are.

odds are grinding advance getting rehashed AGAIN

Why must FW only make Sons of Horus stuff when Luna Wolves look 10 times better?

Praise be to you user.