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Why haven't you stepped up to GM your own game yet? What's your excuse?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
Why haven't you stepped up to GM your own game yet? What's your excuse?
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Because the last time I tried, a player skipped an hour and a half or so of content, because they conveniently had a coconut on hand.
But I am the GM. Still kind of new though.
While maintaining a spell with concentration duration, do you have to roll concentration checks from casting spells or receiving damage?
I want to make sure the game I have in mind is ready. I'm not settling for "AP with a wacky and/or lewd twist".
In line with this question, when you're casting a spell with a duration length of Concentration+rounds, are you able to cast other spells while concentrating on the first one or do you have to end concentration to cast the second spell?
I'm too ill to handle the workload. I might run one after I recover if I find time.
I already am and we're up to fifth session so suck it.
I've seen the kind of player this place has to offer and decided I did not want them.
I'm quitting TTRPGs after I get my current campaigns finished up
So I was thinking about it, and say you wanted to make an undead anti-paladin. It would be a pretty powerful combination all things considered, since not only do many of the Antipaladin abilities run off of charisma but so does an undead's HP.
The only thing that would essentially become useless would be the plague bringer ability, but with that in mind I'm wondering if there's an archetype of the base Paladin one could afford to take as an undead that would be worth it, given that being undead already gives you a whole host of bonuses and immunities. Oath of Chastity, for instance, is similarly useless since even though it replaces the slot Divine Health takes up it replaces it with a bonus against mind effects, which you'd already be immune to.
How does one go about making a good silksworn occultist?
acquire SWAG
Fully intend to, I meant mechanically
literally, acquire SWAG.
Go for a caster build instead of a gish. You have the bonus spell slots to pull it off, not to mention having asf chance discourages wearing armor.
Discipline errata when?
Is it a good idea to cast extended deja vu on enemy?
Depends on the situation, but it can be useful since it doesn't allow a save
Can I get a rec on wtf I should play in the Strange Aeons AP? My character died on Saturday and our party make-up is weird. No 3PP. 5th level. Party consists of:
>Hunter (Hellbent on giving everyone Teamwork feats)
>Alchemist (Grenadier)
>Fighter (Reach weapon with no Combat Maneuvers)
>Barbarian (Doesn't want to Rage because he'll be easier to hit)
Was playing a Psychic Detective Investigator which I was having a lot of fun with, as the GM is able to come up with some pretty fun shit when I used Psychic Skill Unlocks while giving various hints about characters. At a loss as to what I should play to compliment this party.
Pic related, killed me.
Any full caster or casting focused 6th level caster. You need more magical umph. An occultist maybe since your barbarian is not doing his job of raging.
Inquisitor could be good too. Monster Tactician Inquisitor is fun.
Because the group of friends I used to play with has never finished a game and is too lazy/lethargic to make the effort to participate in another. It's beyond sad.
>Someone asks my oracle of joy if they'll do anything to spread joy
>Is obviously suggesting sexual favors
I honestly didn't know how to answer. Would an oracle sleep with someone to make them happy or is it more of a "happiness for all" thing?
If the latter then I have a follow up question.
Oh fuck.
Oh no, you've been cursed by an evil wizard, the spell was heightened and specialized. Who in your party can remove it?
Tell them that a sexual fling is only a passing thing, real happiness can be achieved through a long and meaningful romantic relationship
I'm a foreverGM already. Go fuck yourself.
What a uniquely disgusting debuff. I love it.
But the answer is "no", because anything you target shouldn't live for more than 2 rounds anyways.
It's funny. One of the characters in my parties whole thing is that he's a hot head that curses people he hates.
We stumbled across him and 3/5 of us are currently cursed because of him or something else and no one in the party can remove them.
The best chance we have is me surviving to a level that allows my class to remove curse but until then we have to pay people to remove them and we haven't found a cleric yet
Can anybody here explain how the fuck Fangs Strike Low is supposed to work?
Probably happiness for all, but that does involve making as many people happy as possible when possible. Usually though that's stuff like helping them get enough food to last the winter or find their missing puppy or something like that.
What's the follow-up question
It works exactly like it says it does. You do normal damage with the attack, and halve the target's land speed plus deal additional 1d6 bleed damage for 3 rounds.
But the description of the maneuver reads
>Make two successful attack rolls, halve target’s land speed and inflicts 1d6 bleed damage per round for 3 rounds or until healed.
So am I inflicting damage with both weapons plus the bleed or is one attack roll for the weapon damage and one for the bleed?
Proper entry trumps general description. Probably got errata'd at some point. It's a strike, don't overcomplicate it. The last thing you should do if you're using PoW is to add even MORE rolls to the game.
I think I might just say that next time if it comes up again. Thank you.
The follow up question was "Do orgies make people happy?"
Yes, because those good old fashioned Romans sure knew how to throw parties with large amounts of food and wine but without sex surprisingly.
GM: I can't believe our oracle of joy orchestrated an outside open orgy
I'd probably never do it but its nice to know my options are open.
I'll stop avatarfagging now i just love looking at this blue fuck
I can get behind orgies of that kind. Everyone just chowing down as hard as possible with no care about anything else sounds pretty good.
You need help.
Is it possible to make a +1 INT headband?
Hey man I was just genuinely curious because I honestly did not know.
If my DM starts putting me in situations where I have to actually start ERPing I'm out.
>I'll stop avatarfagging now i just love looking at this blue fuck
>Some stupid CCG to Anime adaptation
>US version removed that the character is a transwoman but was fine making "him" super effeminate and homo
To be honest I've never actually watched the show. I just like the character design. Him being trans before is literally all I know about him
Too bad that today's societies are still too hung up on tribe mentality to even start moving towards collective support
Neither have I, I just did GIS to Wikipedia.
What's weird about it is that it's not on any network, just Youtube/Hulu and later Crunchyroll. And it seems to be as much a "played for laughs" trans scenario as Ixion Saga DT.
If your DM says so, the pricing ought to be 1000 gp.
No wait I take that back. I did watch it on crunchyroll once but I couldn't get past the first 5 minutes of the first episode.
But yeah him being in love with the main character is just a joke it seems
So if I'm a Blacksmith with Hedge Magician and Economical Crafting, I can cut that price down to about 425 gp right?
R8 this terrible meme:
>Blacksmith with Beastmastery sphere using Tame animal to get a few 1 hd animals or whatever
>Giving all of them +1 INT headbands
>Retraining them with Bolster Beast and Purposeful Training in order to add the Transformation feat, Improved Transformation, then Hybrid Transformation when they have enough, and make their HD match the blacksmith's
>Give all of them size change to Huge size and Construct transformation to boost attack and AC by a huge amount.
How retarded is this idea.
Retarded as fuck. If I were your GM I'd tell you to stop being a retarded munchkin.
Alright, but what if I give them Anthropomorphic Transformation instead and have them be cute animal girls?
Anthropomorphic Transformation doesnt make them animalgirls, it makes them furry girls you idiot
When in history has adding anime to anything made it less retarded?
Fuck. Can I at least have Thundercats-style chicks
>tfw adding size change so their Huge size at 5 HD.
Thundercats is technically an anime.
Get an Eidolon or an Animal Companion and do all of that shit to that one thing, not multiple creatures. If I were at the table and saw something like that I'd immediately and persistently protest, since not only is that the equivalent of getting more than a single Cohort, it's also fucking anime and munchkin as shit.
This isn't a singleplayer game, don't treat it like one you fucking autist
Abusing the Beastmastery sphere, much like any other companion-centric build, is the fastest way for your GM to crack down on you and force a reroll. Unless your GM has absolutely no game sense or is a limpwristed pussy, you won't get away with it.
And I've seen summoners get away with spending five minutes trawling through their summon lists and not keeping stats on hand.
>Took 2 levels of Bard with my Paladin during Chargen because character reasons
>Just now realised the 2nd level of Bard gives me nothing
Fuck me, how do I fix this, do I just silently change it because all I'd lose is some skill shit or should I ask the GM first?
Talk to the GM, it's better than trying to do stuff under the table. Besides, it does give you Versatile Performance, and if you stick with it Inspire Competence.
>should I change something behind my GM's back?
I'm entering a Starfinder campaign with some friends a bit late in. The DM plans for the space station the party's at to go haywire, and for my character to show up with a ship to whisk 'em away. As such he's told me to whip up a Tier 1 ship along with my character. Any advice?
beg him to handwave the truenamer-tier math
>Versatile Performance
Gives me Bluff which I should never use as a Paladin, and Sense Motive which is good but I've never had to use it seriously save for one occasion.
I really would prefer to get the Celestial mount sooner than level 13, getting it at level 12 would be fine
1. You can have different types of Versatile Performance.
2. Thinking Paladins aren't allowed to bluff, ever, is full-retard Paladin falls logic. If you're bad at it, that's a different thing.
In what ways can you insult...?
"How's that god of your doing?"
"Hey knife ears, your eyes black all around or are you just constantly high?"
"Part man, part elf, worst of both worlds."
"How does it feel to be the most irrelevant classic villain race in the setting?"
"Your beard is shit and your god will never get a setting book!"
"How much bleach do you use with your colors?"
"You are literally worse than your bastard half-breeds!"
"And you are just worse humans!"
"Remember when you were a legit threat? Me neither!"
"I'm sorry, but have you ever been featured in an AP?"
"How does it feel to know that you are so shit as a race that only furries want to play you?"
"You look like you are paizo staff!"
"What's your story again? Your parents abandoned you, people hated you because you look like a handsome man or a woman with red skin, yellow eyes and horns that curve backwards? Oh, you must be so unique."
"Celestial heritage my ass, you are used as bad guys more often than tieflings."
Make sure your DM knows the FAQ changed the DCs a while back. How big is your party?
It's kinda fluctuating, depending on whether or not certain players show up again, but there's the "usual" group which puts us at about 5 including myself, two or three more depending.
I would, but:
>my work schedule conflicts with every possible game time and I haven't been available in over a month
>I want to run a detective campaign using some of Ultimate Intrigue's stuff, but our actual DM doesn't have the physical UI book and they probably won't accept my PDFs
In short, logistics.
Am I the only one where the trove links for Starfinder gives me pathfinder only troves? Was about to check if the new Dead Suns book was scanned.
Another week user. Books come out on the 28th.
You'll want a medium ship long term to mount better weapons, but short term it's tier 1 and your budget is garbage. You might be able to get away with a light freighter, but you ideally want a turret and your DM may or may not allow you to add one if the frame doesn't already have it. Worth checking. While you're at it, see how he wants to handle having up to 8 people; max crew size on your options doesn't go above six, and guest quarters won't give the extras anything to do when they do show up.
Combat loadout depends on how many gunners you have. More gunners, more guns. Best at this point is probably a turret mounted coilgun if you can; coilguns are cheap, efficient, and long-ranged. Light torpedoes also work if you end up in a real budget pinch. Other options are gyrolasers, which are weak but cheap but can cover three arcs at a penalty, and laser cannons, which are also weak but are cheap as dirt. High explosives and tactical nukes give you a punch on a budget if you can stomach the limited ammo.
A lot of your budget is going into just covering the basics like sensors and thrusters. Get a decent speed and a drift drive, sensors long enough to cover your weapon range, and enough weapons to cover your gunners. Dump the rest into AC, TL, and shields. Have a power core just big enough to cover your costs, and don't even think about upgrading your computer.
Non-combat, figure out what the ship's story is and save just enough for an expansion bay or two, and maybe upgrade your quarters quality so it's a bit more livable.
Thanks mate. Dunno why i thought it was this week.
Can I throw rope in the same turn I cast Animate Rope? It never specifies but making an attack is usually a standard action and so is casting the spell. As a level 1 Wizard in a campaign full of undead my options are Grease, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, and Burning Hands because even fuckin Color Spray is mind-affecting so it doesn't work on goddamn undead. Animate Rope is cool cause it can entangle someone but I want to know if I can throw the rope in the same round as I cast the spell so that I can wrap someone up.
> While you're at it, see how he wants to handle having up to 8 people; max crew size on your options doesn't go above six, and guest quarters won't give the extras anything to do when they do show up.
Yeah, that was one thing I noticed. It seems he's fine with some people being out of commission. Or at least when I mentioned the crew size issue he mentioned we'd then need Fighters, but the smaller ships can't even carry them from what I can tell.
Thanks for the other pointers.
>Probably got errata'd at some point.
If your DM ends up wanting to shove people in fighters, you'll either need to upgrade to a much bigger ship later, or he'll have to homebrew something up. Nothing below huge can carry even a single ship, and the cheapest huge frame is your entire budget at tier 1. The whole thing. No BP left over to do anything with it.
You two can probably work that out long term, but it's definitely something that'll have to get addressed. Hope it works out!
You can't lamprey fighters onto smaller ships?
Looks like they've split starfinder content to its own trove. Replace PFTrove with SFTrove in the given link and it should point you to the right place.
Thx man
RAW, no. No such option exists officially, so far as I know. Some 3pp might cover it though, if that's an option.
No problem, we'll have to update the pastebin when we get closer to the next OP.
>Playing 3.PF
>Can take 3.5 feats for Smite Evil, most of which are borderline OP when applied to PF Smite Evil
>Take link related to smite anyone, getting every bonus except the bonus to attack
The GM's gonna hate me by the time this campaign's over
Your GM deserves it for doing an actual 3.PF game.
gm deserves it for being a retard
Not only that but I managed to derail the main story within the first session, but I think it all balances out because
>He became bisexual due to a table joke with another character having a long dick and a low will save on my part
>Has an elf fetish even though he's a racist human
>Is constantly the punching bag of the party for being from and supporting the human empire which they all hate
>Had his horse killed by a party member "accidentally" from splash damage to cheese an encounter
>Got kicked over in a lolrandumb moment after a dramatic entrance and appearance of a major social boss character
And yet I'm still the least important person in combat since we have a Ranger and a Magus who can just fart and kill a CR 6 monster
Forgot to mention the first 2 were made up by the GM imposed on my character
>derail the main story
>Holy gun is meant to be a gun-using paladin
>A regular paladin with guns outclasses and outdamages literally everything the holy gun without compromising anything in return
>derail the main story
We didn't even have any plot hooks at the time, I didn't know I derailed anything until like session 6 where he straight up told me I derailed his plans
It's not like we were told "let's go kill this dragon" and I went "let's solve this issue about gay marriage in this kingdom here"
If the party is a brawler, a magus and a warpriest i should maximize opponents' HP right?
Double enemies > Double hitpoints
PSA : don't app with furry art
I still haven't had the chance to throw a lot of mobs at them at the same time, but i agree with that
So far their damage output has been much higher than i had accounted for, even without much optimization, so i'm trying to figure out how to adapt
This is why I like Spiritualist more than summoner. Summoner even with the eidolon is geared towards multiple cohort spam rather than good teamwork (sans pouncing pack tactic summons with themselves). With Spiritualist my Phantom isn't as OP as an Eidolon but can do some good stuff with the right kits but is focused more on teamwork with everyone else rather than the summoner buffslutting their eidolon or spawn summons only. I bad touch opponents, buff allies, and can share the spotlight with the team instead of being Mr. Shounen the Soloist. Enemy with 25-30+ AC screwing the martial over, I'll paralyze or penalize the everloving fuck out it until everyone gets a turn of roasting that mob's ass over a fire. Plus it has more flavor than a Summoner.
The Kevolari Venture (or if Shirren the Starhive Drone MK III) should give you a good baseline for tier 1 ships. Personally I prefer the Venture hull for the turret and unless I missed something the equipment in the book stats add up to 45 BPs so you have 10 left over to upgrade the weapons or computer or w/e.
Unless the GM is Jadecore or one of the SCoT players.
Oh wow, let's talk about the retardation that is taking Mythic Feats in a non-mythic game.
New games when