Why bother rolling

People love natural 20s so much and the only argument they seem to make is "why bother rolling" but at that point, why bother rolling anything above a D2 if the 2-19 doesn't matter?

Why do newfags get off so much on Natural 20s? I enjoy them to an extent and in DnD it means I at least get a confirmed Hit (can't crit skill checks) but even then it's not something to jerk off about.

I'd you people want a story written by dice why not use a D2?


People get off on instant-awesome buttons. It makes them feel like they accomplished something without the actual accomplishing part. This is also why games like Dota have Ultimate abilities.

20 is the highest number on your dice
people are incredibly happy to roll that
whether rolling double sixes on 2d6 or a 01 on a d100

people are just really happy to roll the biggest number, and if the game makes special payoffs for when that happens it makes people happy because the game is acknowledging that an unlikely thing happened and rewards it

its like confetti cannons going off when you answer a question correctly, the guy answering feels rewarded
some people hate it, some like it, but generally its part of the human condition to squee like that

not rewarding natural 20s, not even in a small way, can make the game feel less happy since we are hard wired to think that something cool should happen

Tekumel solved this problem over 30 years ago. Hit up the trove if you're interested.

I suppose I'm just use to making the cool shit happen using Character Role play and co-operative skill.

That doesn't defend the argument "why bother rolling" that the more radical "Nat 20s Fags" get off on saying.

ic u there, 2-0d forever.Ur Booty sorc+ur Cut sin ownd for life?

ESL you have to go

indecipherable text is against global rule 3.

The fuck is an ESL?

This Twknumel solved the problem of people Jizzing over a Natural 20? And made them act like decent folk and either adjust to a more reasonable social standard, or find people who adhere to theirs without the need to spam out Illogical non-sense?

E-Sports League? English as Second Language? Esperanto Spanish Latin?

>why bother rolling anything above a D2 if the 2-19 doesn't matter?
Because the odds aren't supposed to be 50/50.

I know that, but I'm talking to the people who get off on Natural 20s, who say they can't have a good story without the Natural 20 being Rolled. For those people why not just make it Nat 20 and Nat 1 24/7?

Anyone know where I can get that coin?

rolling a 2 on a d2 isnt rare, its not as satisfying as a 20 on a d20, since you are rolling it 50% of the time

crit hits are satisfying because they are infrequent
if your d2 landed perfectly on its edge
people would definitely lose their crap

I don't like the 'nat20' instant success mechanic, sometimes things just aren't supposed to be possible even in the 20's. That being said, a system I use features exploding D8s, and I've house-ruled that if anyone can beat a 64, they auto succeed the roll no matter how stupid.
>Stupid Ogre named Svolt.
>Challenges an actual Oni to a fistfight.
>Onis primarily reside in a spirit plane and can shift instantly. Tells Svolt to make his move
>Svolt runs full speed and swings
>Player makes roll...
>motherfucking 67 after modifiers in a game where 12-13 is the benchmark for a successful roll
>Punches the Oni in the Spirit Plane, broke his nose
>Oni is so fucking shocked/impressed he spends a round just standing there
>Svolt swings again, rolls like a 20, don't give it to him
>Other Onis watch Svolt get brutally destroyed
>they trap his ghost in his own skull and try to get him to explain how the hell he did that

>but I'm talking to the people who get off on Natural 20s, who say they can't have a good story without the Natural 20 being Rolled.
>who say they can't have a good story without the Natural 20 being Rolled

>Using Oni
>Using unique Dice system.

>Anyone who talks to other people or read Veeky Forums or plays with more than one group (if you even have a single group) will know this poster has no clue about common and slammed phrases.

I literally saw those comments in 3 different threads, that's what triggered me to make this one, to discuss why those people say that.

Then they're probably just baiting.

Either bait or retarded.

If a 20 isn't a success why was the die rolled for? If there is no chance of success there is no roll, if there is no chance of failure there is no roll. It says it in the manual, dice rolls are for when the outcome of a situation is uncertain. So yeah, rolling a 20 is a success and rolling a 1 a failure.

>It says it in the manual, dice rolls are for when the outcome of a situation is uncertain
I seriously fucking hate GMs who don't realize this, and make you roll for everything. It's honestly my biggest pet peeve, alongside the meme that you can somehow crit succeed a fucking skill check

This speaks more towards the nature of rolling, but what if a DM were having the player roll to determine the degree of their failure?

For example: if a player wanted to climb a sheer, greased 200ft wall while missing a hand, you could have him roll for a more positive outcome, in this case, severity of injury if any it all
Is it better to let a player try and fail something that shouldn't be done, and let them fail, or just not let them roll?

Then you say: "you fail to climb the wall and fall to the ground, roll X to see how well you fall".

There is literally no excuse to make a player roll a check they can't succeed at.

thats a really good solution. Thanks user.

There are rolls that are a 15-20 or 25% chance and others that are 13-20, or 5-20 or rolls that are subject to modifiers. Making it depend on a natural 20 is daft.

I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.

If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.

There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:

> I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
> I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with

From reading this thread people who get off on Nat 20 are either retarded or don't know math or both.

Never met even one player like that and I’ve been playing D&D longer then Veeky Forums has even existed. They enjoyed doing cool stuff, but never “needed” a Nat 20 to feel that way, as you so curiously put it. Not that I think they’re an urban myth anything, just that I tend to avoid associating with anyone like that for any length of time and have thus managed to dodge the problem.

So either the problem is highly exaggerated, the problem is your own choice of company, or you just want something to whine about because you’re in between groups or genuinely have nothing better to do. I’m leaning towards the latter.

I don't really like them, kinda dumb and autistic tbqphfamalamamamamlalamalmlamlamalmalmalmalmalmalmalmalamlma

Right, because if it happens on Veeky Forums then the whole world knows about it and it’s relevant everywhere, right? Do you think that everyone everywhere starts random conversations about elves? Or perhaps medieval firearms? There’s plenty of those threads too. On a daily basis in fact.
This sounds like a massive case of viewer bias; you think that because your personal experiences suggest so that it is an absolute truism everywhere for everyone without going to the effort of bothering to confirm your beliefs.

You need to spend less time on Veeky Forums.

If the chance after modifiers is 5% you succeed only with a 20. If the chance after modifiers is less than 5% either don't call the roll or accept a 20 as a success

Group checks against a DC you don't want to tell the players are a reason, for example. Essentially "You all roll Dex (Stealth) now, tell me your results." You don't need to tell them that the rogue wouldn't have needed to roll, that would give the players too much information.

Hyperbolic memes about crits, intended for experienced grognards who understand how the rules work, leaking out to normies who take them at face value. I honestly blame Veeky Forums for a lot of this, we flew too close to the sun and now the hobby is full of people who just want 5% of their rolls to do something wacky.

So the players don't know that there was never a chance to begin with because if you tell them "there is no chance of successful" they will want to say "nevermind I do x instead then" instead of facing consequences for their actions.
You reserve the "no you retard you can't don't even bother rolling" for when they are being retarded and randumb

>5% of their rolls

10%, bro, if you're also pulling wacky shit on natural 1 crit fails. Also fairly oldfag here, I've been playing nat 20 / nat 1 wacky antics since 2008, because it's always fun.

You don't say: "you don't"
The player describes their actions and you answer with the result of said actions. If the result of said action is unsure you call a roll. If they want to do something the character would probably know to be impossible it's okay to ask if they are sure about their course of action.

"why do humans enjoy the release of endorphins??"

"why do these made up people do the dumb thing I decided they do????"

"why strawman!!"

"why D&D only problem that isnt even real problem or even in book?"

"let's fix 1st edition!"

Speaking of d100's, I once had a player roll one to figure out the component cost for making potions of water breathing because I was too busy to look up the actual cost. Motherfucker rolled a natural 1.

Not only bait, but it's bait that I guarantee is posted by a guy just like OP. Someone who hates Nat 20s, so they're making bait posts to get people to feel the same way that they do.

>Ctrl+F synchronicity
>0 results

How can you people call yourselves tabletop gamers?

So what did you do?

I let him make the potions for 1 gp each, as promised. He dropped a few hundred gp and made barrel worth of the stuff. We basically agreed that he now had, for all intents and purposes, infinite water breathing potions for the party.
It was pretty late in the campaign so we didn't really have time to explore the ramifications of someone discovering a cheap and reliable recipe though.

Well, infinite water breathing just means you can throw aquatic challenges at them other than 'how long before you drown'!

with one guy in my group, he rolls an unnatural amount of natural 20's, we're talking 17 of 20 rolls come up nat 20. We've checked his dice, we've made him use store-new dice, watched him roll WITH said store new dice, hell we even gave him a weighted to FAIL die once, still shit-tonne of 20's.

The REST of the group are ga-ga for 20's because they get them at the normal rate and they're teamed with the personification of sheer luck.

Are you just stupid and misunderstanding the argument?

'Why bother rolling' is brought up when people say a natural 20 shouldn't be an automatic success.

The logic being, if there is no chance for the character to succeed then it's pointless to let them roll, so you shouldn't bother. There's nothing wrong with a GM declaring something automatically fails if they think there's no chance of success. But if you let a PC roll for something, then there should be a chance to succeed, so if they roll the highest number on the dice they should be successful.

Natural 20 being an autosuccess doesn't imply that you should have a 5% chance to succeed at absolutely anything you try, because the GM is well within their rights to refuse to let you roll for something they don't think is possible for you to achieve.

Well, yeah. Even with infinite water breathing, you still have to contend with the penalties of combat while underwater.
A underground water channel filled with sharks that are released halfway through is still quite the challenge, water-breathing or no.

If you still want a "how long can you breathe" challenge, a swim through an anti-magic field can be done.

it's simple, critical hits and high rolls are exciting to witness and satisfying to roll, and it adds tension to your games if you don't know whether you're gonna roll a high or low number when it's time to fight or roll for skill checks. it's simply just fun

I let my players roll even if a natural 20 would succeed, but thats also because if they used the aid another action on the guy thats rolling then he could do it.

It makes my players stop and think whenever I tell them "You can try" when they ask to roll something

meant to say wouldn't, dyslexic hands

Where in the trove, and which one?