Wow, this piece of shit just can't help himself can he

Wow, this piece of shit just can't help himself can he

Other urls found in this thread:

>screenshot of reddit
>linking to a tumblr post
>about some /pol/ shit
you are what would happen if cancer could get cancer.

>you are what would happen if cancer could get cancer.
I mean that's what cancer does though innit? makes more cancer. Hence the problem

So basically he's saying the game needs the same representation of any demographic because men need to see what the real world looks like in their fantasy card game so that demographics that barely even play the game can't complain about the game?

>screenshot of reddit
>linking to a tumblr post
>about some /pol/ shit
>you are what would happen if cancer could get cancer.

First post only non-applesponge post in thread

kek, underrated

Not exactly. It's stupid, but I can explain.

He's saying that media creates and influences perceptions. And that because the majority of their demographic are male, they have a responsibility to present diverse materials, or risk creating an echo chamber where male viewers see only a male dominated media and have their pre-existing notions reinforced.

The irony is of course, apparent.

>only non-applesponge
I'm sorry, what?

You fucked up, just ignore that retarded nigger.

>we need diversity
>having male players is bad

The hypocrisy of these cunts is unbearable

It's a little more frustrating to see them constantly making the same mistakes, trying to add morality to everything.

You can't base your marketing around morality, because that's not really what appeals to people in the long-term. You base your marketing around stuff that appeals to your audience or market, and if you're not retarded, you try to make it something they'll feel good about later so you build a brand that said audience or market will want to come back to. You don't base your economics around morality, because economics is just an elaborate game of Tapper's Arcade Bar, where people shuffle things around to get the things they need. You base your economics around supply and demand, and hope to God you have enough supply for things like food and medicine to meet the demand. You don't base your politics around morality because the former is the subtle art of serving the interests of your people and the latter will almost always be abused to include the interests of people who aren't yours. Inb4 "all people are your people," "we're all part of the same system," etc. You know what I'm talking about.

It's ridiculous.


>mods delete the post


How long until maro backpeddles on this and says it's a mistake.

>Seeing a warped world is harmful for everyone, men included, because it leads to a warped world view.

In my city, there are very few black people.
Doesn't that mean that Magic gives me a warped view given my specific context?

what a nice place it must be.

You've earned this (You), friend.

No, just a fucking assblasted neocommunist janitor who can't fucking handle anyone besmirching his m'lady socialism.

>same ID
Holy shit boys we've got a genius here

>playing Magic the Gathering

>ID's on Veeky Forums

where lol

>reflect the real world demographically

It sounds like he's saying that half the characters should look Indian or Chinese.

Is that really what he's saying?

>perception shapes reality
What does he mean by this?

>doesn't have ID enabled
Go the fuck back to r*ddit

>perception shapes reality
He's a neocommunist cultist, of course he believes that feels>reals. That's also why he's so eager to sacrifice the company on the altar of cultural marxism. He believes that his feelings that it's a good idea are more important than the data that it clearly isn't working and people are leaving in droves.

>The common variables that are gathered in demographic research include age, sex, income level, race, employment, location, home ownership and level of education.

We are told that in-game demographics should reflect those of our world taken altogether, but does this make any sense at all?

/pol/'s been kind of overrun by people mad about Trump, people who really like their Technicolor rainbowpills, and babby's first trolls. The last time I saw a genuine McCoy, pre-2011 /pol/ack, he was telling a transgender person on /v/ that he just wanted them to get help instead of jumping on a bandwagon that doesn't seem to be helping.

It used to be a containment board. Now it's just a bogeyman for "stuff I don't like."

Well excuse me for not wanting that rainbow shit on my Veeky Forums you nigger.

I've been here for...fuck, over a decade now and don't know how to enable IDs.

>Magic universe
>Every plane is radically different
>The denizens of every plane must look like the citizens of a multicultural metropolis.

I mean, you could skew character ages in such a way that they adequately represent global age distribution trends, but to what end? Is this really supposed to promote justice somehow?

That's because IDs are only enabled on a board-by-board basis, and he's fucking with you.

Innistad's refugee crisis for one. Look at the original set art then go to shadows, I'm not even joking.

Russkie bots roll out


>all la creatura
10000% accurate, no wonder it was infopurged by the current year red guard

It so very strange to stress the mirroring of world demographics. No single place on the planet will look like an agglomeration of the world. The thing is an artificial monstrosity. All sorts of factors will skew the percentages, and why should any of this matter in the depictions of fictional worlds?

Speaking of which, how do monsters and fantasy races fit into this?

MTG's Traditional Player Base is Being Driven Out (and That's a Good Thing)

>Nurses in Kamigawa should be 50% male and 50% female to reflect the real world

>Real world nurses are mostly women

And so perception is shaped, but is not one illusion replaced with another?

Author: Jan Goldstein

>literally a screenshot of not/pol/ where a lead game designer has posted some sjw bullshit about diversity and representation
>I-it's /pol/'s fault!
The only reason you think /pol/ is shoving it's political bullshit everywhere is because of the natural pushback you see when you have sjws pushing their agenda is all forms of media and entertainment.


Mark Rosewater

>thinking anyone other than white men and a small percentage of women will ever want to play mtg

It's belongs to white men, sorry.

>go on Veeky Forums because every other forum is concentrated garbage
>autistic incels spend 100% of their day recovering garbage from these garbage heaps and post it on Veeky Forums
Fuck off

I think the SJW shit is just so they some excuse for the shit standard design of recent years.

"You only hate the new block because you hate women!"

>it's ok to be a screeching retard who never shuts the fuck up because my chosen antagonists are doing it

Yup. It's about 50% insulation against criticism and 50% proselytizing for cultural marxism

>If you ever mention that I'm spamming my agenda everywhere you're the one who is spamming an agenda everywhere
You "people" really do always project. That's funny to see live.

Unless you're implying that it's redditors, kotaku writers or idiotic twitter users who come in here and make threads about their own posts/articles/tweets, it's still /pol/ shoving this worthless cancer in my face.

>where a lead game designer has posted
maybe you're more familiar with Reddit than me, but that looks like some random reddit user quoted from Rosewater's tumblr.

>literally lying
typical /pol/

An applesponge is someone who posts political bait on Veeky Forums for the purpose of trolling.

Reminder to ignore the retarded nigger above me

Camt one of you hurry up and just purge the other side rawanda style and be done with it? I dont really care who wins, i'm just tired of every facet of my culture being a warzone a ll the time.



>shiting on the fanbase that made you millions and made the game what it is

why do they always do this

glad i never gave money to wotc

edh&cube masterrace

Not your safe space

>mentioning SJW-shit is now /pol/

This is how full of reddit-leftypiss Veeky Forums is right now.

t: definitely not /pol/

jesus christ, can you show off even harder than you dont fucking belong here?

all you're doing is playing semantics about who posted what where.

the fact is that people in decision making roles at WotC are making fucking stupid decisions trying to push their political agenda. It doesn't matter where they posted it or who quoted them, the fact is it's happening, and it's relevant to MtG discussion on any forum.

Best Veeky Forums pic
Veeky Forums has been boming a redditor and cuckkenning space for sometime now, it's sad.

t. definitely reddit

t. applesponge

Sjws are definitly the bad guys, and I didnt say they weren't. I just dont care if they win and make the world a worse place.

Man why can't FoW grow more. Hopefully it does by the end of this year, for now I don't know if I should play Pokémon or DBS instead.

I'm from /pol/ and you fa/tg/uys should stop putting up with this shit.

t. definitely neckbeard



Take your meds.

Because it's themed for democrats (pedophiles)

>using neckbeard as an insult
>on Veeky Forums
I think this might be the first time I tell someone to go back to rebbit.

>One person associated with a game makes a comment
>OMG the game is corrupted, it totally isn't /pol/ shitting up other boards by trying to bring politics into said boards

You're a fucking retard.

>spamming replies to his own post because everyone ignored it

>I-it's /pol/'s fault that blatant left-wing political soapboxing is taking over the creators of my hobby; I'll stick my head in the sand and pretend that I don't care about it because I don't like the messenger or perhaps I tacitly approve

There's a reason behind the old maxim of don't talk about politics or religion at the dinner table, and we should probably return to it.

lol post deleted.

Faggot janitor.

There's a reason behind the old maxim of "socialism is always evil" and we should probably return to it.

Reminder that bait threads are always more fun when you keep an eye on the archived copy

>retarded neocommunist
>works for free

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a bot or a shill
Classic /pol/ logic

Never mind that the quote itself comes from some guy who asked them why the card art doesn't feature mostly males to troll for this exact sort of answer.
As if MtG didn't have a truckload of females in card art since the 90s at least, and the Weatherlight crew was literally as diverse as possible in-setting. Fucking, the theme of the entire Invasion cycle was "muh diversity, people from all over the world uniting and all the colors coming together and mixing to defeat the evil monocolor monoculture phyrexians"

>took ten fucking minutes to make this terrible mspaint edit
Classic soyboy abilities