Why was this never considered a problem?

Why was this never considered a problem?

but this somehow is

They don't print Bill anymore, plus Professor Oak was way better.

They did reprint Bill, mostly for nostalgia, but did a TCG no-no and nerfed the card while keeping the name the same.

Bill came in a bunch of starter deck boxes so everyone had him, including people just starting off. Slightly less bad then.

in Pokemon they don't give a fuck about free +'s and i still don't know how it was never a problem.

so does pot of greed

Different game works in different ways.
Pokemon has a larger deck size, more resource management, and in general has more limits on what you can do at once than Yugioh. While they say the same thing, the effects on the game are different, and that's before considering that Pokemon just doesn't care about throwing in large amounts of card draw all the time.
Not having a 'draw this and literally win' also helps.

I never understood how that typesetting was ever considered okay.

You can only play one supporter card per turn...
Picture if you played Ancestral Recall and it was the only Sorcery/Instant you could play that turn...

Because the games are mechanically different, Bill doesn't set you up for a first turn kill. You're either retarded or trolling, probably both, 2/10

I literally have a fuck strong draw engine that cycles through my whole deck as the game goes on and it's not even a top tier deck.

It's called 'giving zero fucks, just sell the cards, the kids don't care'

I was coincidentally looking over my old cards last night and wondering the same thing. But I guess in old Pokemon you could only play one Trainer card a turn, and then they invented the Supporter subtype so more Trainer cards could be played but they could balance potentially powerful cards like this and ?


Bill was pretty OP. Thing is, 90% of the Pokemon TCG players were absolute garbage at the game because they were just little kids. For the 10% who knew, it wasn't a big deal because it was a super easy card to get. Even if you didn't have a thousand bills, you could easily get one from a store for pennies or just trade one of the 90% dumb kids (because dumb kids will trade "boring" Bill cards for Pikachu, hell, they'd just give you Bills if you were nice). It also honestly made the game a lot better because it reduced the random nature the game (by virtue of being a card game) significantly by allowing you to go through your deck for the cards you wanted/needed. Same deal with Professor Oak. By the way, not hating on the little kids (who are now adults) that played the Pokemon TCG, that's just how it was.

Didn't play Yugioh so no clue there.

>But I guess in old Pokemon you could only play one Trainer card a turn
No. People spammed the shit out of Bills and Oaks and other Trainer cards. That's why they eventually changed the rules.

Oh. I was under the impression that Trainer cards were one-per-turn. Then again, I'm pretty sure grade school me just made up rules for the card game and rarely played it correctly. Thanks for clearing that up.

Is it just a crapshoot which old cards have been errata'd into Supporter cards?

Exodia, plus Yu-gi-oh didn't have a "cost to play" mechanic so draw 2 is inherently more valuable even without the turn one auto-win.

>Never considered a problem
They just nuked the entire card type just to make it wouldn't happen but, apart from that, it was okay.

>tfw every cool kid in elementary school was running 4x Bill, Professor Oak and Computer Search in their decks

That's because Pokemon was and is aimed at young children and teens that don't care about meta and don't even know what that is. OP cards are "cool", not "unbalanced".

atleast pokemon didnt do a 'time walk'

Man I missed that. I was the only competitive player in my school so I would trade all the shitty cards that people thought were cool for lame stuff like Electabuzz, Hitmonchan, and Wigglytuff. They wanted Charizard, I wanted Super Energy Removal.

Then we'd play games and wager money/cards and I'd stomp them and go buy more packs.

If my podunk area had a real league going I would have been able to improve. Still it was fun impressing and hustling other no nothing kids.

I moved on to MtG in high school but fell out of all that in college. When I came back shit had changed and players in general had gotten lot smarter.

looking up mtgTop8 doesn't make them smarter

was it? Never owned a pot of greed myself and I got a couple of those starter decks. Same with my brother with different starter decks.

Plus Item Searches on the off-chance that you don't get any of those twelve cards.

I was in an area with a lot of good players (including my younger brother, who was easily the best player of all of us to be honest) and it was honestly crazy fun. You'd have people mill themselves to death first turn looking for a card only to have all four of the card they wanted trapped in their prizes. I also played Magic before I played Pokemon. I remember some of the Magic players scoffing at me when my brother and I first started playing, but luckily the shop owner also got into it and had our backs, and eventually we converted a few over.

Real answer:
Because Bill is actually relatively weak in Pokemon.

Basically, the way you win at Pokemon TCG is by rushing to get out your fully-evolved overpowered pokemon as early as possible, then sweep your opponent's team to prevent them from evolving. "Card draw" abilities are decent, but "card search" powers are much more useful. Almost all competitive decks are built around pokemon or trainers with powerful "search your deck" abilities.

Why did The Pokemon Company put so many "overpowered" search abilities in the game? Because it speeds up the pace and lets people actually use the super-rare fully-evolved cards. Without search cards, you would have a lot of rounds where one or both players never get to see the big powerful pokemon that their deck is built around. Search makes it so that you can actually see Mega Blastoise EX fight against Dark Shining Raquaza GX Star.

Of course, card draw is still useful, but it's better to have it as a repeatable pokemon ability, rather than a single-use trainer card.