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Daughters of Khaine Edition

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Daughters of Khaine look like THAT?

From the AoS normiebook page.

>Tyrion and Teclis
>TRIED to make Aelven races of their own

Meanwhile Morathi, someone who isn't even a god yet, is whipping up monstergirl aelves left and right. Losers.

>It's the year of Death, guys!
>A whole big campaign and event all about Death!
>Releases Nurgle
>Don't worry Death, you're soon, it's Malign Portents after all! A campaign all for you. You won't believe the wonderful Death models we have coming soon!
>Releases Aelf army
>Don't forget those wonderful Death models we have coming so soon!
>Next release is almost certainly other Aelf army that's been rumoured for a while
>Rumours are now that new grots will be revealed at the open day

That's what you get for playing a shitty grand alliance

>One of these was handed power
>One of these had to take it

Morathi has more drive that tweedle dee and tweedle dumb ever had.
>Morathi, having escaped the god’s clutches through magical means, helped weave the enchantment that caught Slaanesh, with Malerion, Teclis and Tyrion – ancient aelven warriors reborn as Gods of this new age – also providing aid. Together, they were able to free the aelven souls within Slaanesh, and each was rewarded with a portion to shape as they wished.

either you didnt know or were lying

Just because they were given a number of Aelven souls to work with doesn't mean they've been able to come up with anything yet.

Key point "yet". It could entirely possible thatbecause DoK was released as a seperate battletome first that the sentence was written that way.

Teclis is probably the Loremaster Mage Swordmaster faction. I wonder if Tyrion is the Ranger or the Phoenix, because if it was the latter, it make the End Time that more ironic

I think that Tyrion and Teclis forces will be one army not two separate things.
Of hysh elves.

>tyrion and teclis are incompetent bumblers unable to reforge elf souls

>malekith is a cringe worthy introvert hiding and doing nothing worth noting

>alarielle is now a plant zombie with no interest in elves

why does GW hate the elves so much?

So those of you that told us that Allarielle was not an elf, are in fact, massive braindead spazmoids.

Did anyone claim that? I remember the argument being about whether Sylvaneth count as Aelves or not, which this proves they don't since it specifically states Alarielle ignores elves and hangs with sylvaneth.

that doesnt say she is an elf. It says she was an elf in the world that was. She doesnt even have the aelf keyword on her warscroll.

New rumor mill. Most likely 40k but I guess it could be something dwarfy, or maybe some kind of submarine for the rumored sea aelves

That looks tau as fuck


Yeah, that’s the safe bet

Just means it'll be more Primaris

>Allerielle is entry number 1 in GW's 'Elven Pantheon
> not an elf

Is kurnouth an elf?

also, GW soft-confirming glub glub elves are associated with mathlann in the comments

>no elf keyword
>no interest in elves
>prefers to hang with trees

the whole sylvaneth codex goes into great detail about how they arent elves and dont like elves.

its dumb. Alarielle deserved better

why would they feel the need to specify how she prefers the sylvaneth over the elves if she was a sylvaneth and not an elf? that would have gone without saying.

She's neither. Hence why it says "former aelven kin". Former as in she's no longer one of them. If she was an elf it'd just say "her aelven kin".

Kys for playing boring army

>why would they feel the need to specify how she prefers the sylvaneth over the elves if she was a sylvaneth and not an elf?

I suspect its because the writer wanted to twist the knife to make sure elf fans knew he was deliberately making a mockery of Alarielle's character.

You mean that God is human because is part of the human pantheon?

>all those FW reps

I am just curious at what that supposed AoS product manager has been doing the past 3 years

Because she was already an established elf character?

Must just potter about and put the assembly instructions in the delivery bags for the old models.

Easiest job in the world. Anyone received a Forgeworld catalogue recently in the mail? Its about 100 pages, 4 of which are for AoS.


anyone painted a cauldron of blood?
it looks like a nightmare to paint

Somebody show him Alarielle.

Looks like Kings of War.

>Age of Sigmarines
>Posts a blood elf

It's a shitty grand alliance BECAUSE it doesn't get shit. What is even the point of them, anyway?

>use wacraft op pic
>everyone talks about AoS anyways
God dam why are AoS players such chads? We'd be 300 posts deep in crying if this was any other thread

How do I like the AoS lore.?
Why realms and different worlds/planest/dimensions? Why aelvs? Why orruks? Why duardin? Is Chaos the only option now? I mean I did played the Warriors of Chaos when I still was into WHFB, but now I feel like Vegeta when Goku dies with no possibility to wish him back.
I still can't get over the sudden execution that GW did to WHFB. Over 30 years of worldbuilding man.

But OP's pic is a sparcle of hope in those dark times.

>Khaine is now getting cucked out of godhood by Morathi




>cuts off a part of her body
>takes on a transition
>decides on new pronouns
>hangs with individuals pretending to be something else by choice or mental illness
she was born an elf and she'll die an elf; she'll never truly pass for a real sylvaneth and will probably want to change back at some point or get too depressed and kill hersELF!



Well shit; Morathi gets to stay on the table for at LEAST 4 turns

go back to your dead game general thread

>With this in hand, it’ll take a minimum of four turns to kill her off without some special abilities, like Nagash’s Hand of Dust, making her quite possibly the most durable unit in Warhammer Age of Sigmar!
> quite possibly the most durable unit in Warhammer Age of Sigmar!

Oh, sweetie...

The powercreep is real.

Will be fun not telling opponents about it either once they already shot 3 wounds into her.

And the command ability is actuall 2 command abilities compared to other factions who can only have 1 unit double-attack.

just sprinkle word of pain on top and we have some nice -2 hit

>Will be fun not telling opponents about it either once they already shot 3 wounds into her.
>being THAT GUY

Alright 3 questions
Is Archaon a god and is he still relevant in the mortal realms?
Who do the wanderers worship?

By fucking killing yourself and sparing us your existance.


>GW is secretly a bunch of a 1d4chan users who took the "le I hate elves xD" memes seriously

Look closely my friends, and you will see that the artist has included the edge of Valeeras asshole in that picture

no, demigod at best; yes; a pantheon, probably kurnouth the most or something.

>Is Archaon a god
>and is he still relevant in the mortal realms?
yes, he is the greatest champion of chaos, combining the strength of all the gods (including the great horned rat) and is capable of killing the gods of the realms
his rise to power destroyed 7 of the 8 mortal realms and began the Age of Chaos

>Who do the wanderers worship?
Alarielle, mostly. I'm sure there are some out there who worship the other order gods, though
They had to flee the realm of life during the age of chaos in order to survive, and now they wander the realms in hopes of finding a way to gain atonement for their cowardice

thank you for this astonishing discovery

>why does GW hate the elves so much?
because elves ruin everything and theyre not supposed to be likable

Thank you for answering. If Archaon started a fight with Morathi who would win?

Power creep has already made the early AOS battle tome armies weak as shit. She will wreck everything.

Archaon in the fluff.

Hard to say. If we are to believe the relative power between those who survive the world that was remain relatively the same, Archaon would be hard press against Gorkamorka and Sigmar. In turn, if the Incarnate are equals in power (we have no confirmation of this), then Morathi would lose to Archaon.

However, it require two assumption. So it is not concrete in my book.

In terms of fluff, Archaon has killed Nagash and is stated to be strong enough to kill Sigmar, who is stated to be the strongest non-Chaos god

Even ignoring Sigmar, we know that Nagash is a god and Morathi is a demigoddess. We can conclude that Nagash > Morathi, and thus by the transitive property Archaon > Nagash > Morathi

archaon is a sue

I was talking fluff wise
Thanks for answering. Im trying to make a measure of power graph of the most powerful gods/demigods. Who would be considered as the most powerful god in general? Gorkamorka?

And I'm sure you can provide enough and good math-hammer to prove that the slayer of kings across 8 phases won't get 2-6s, specially with DoT.

Do you not understand the concept of a story arc, time, or a year?

>Thanks for answering. Im trying to make a measure of power graph of the most powerful gods/demigods. Who would be considered as the most powerful god in general? Gorkamorka?
Ignoring all his military and diplomatic strength, Sigmar is stated to be physically stronger than Gorkamorka. They had an arm wrestling contest in the Age of Myth and Sigmar won.

Gorkamorka has broken back into Gork and Mork since then, which should make him weaker

When was the last time Archeon lists did well at tournaments?

>It's the year of Death, guys!
They never said this

He shows up in gimmick Tzeentch lists that fish for destiny dice to insta-kill people with the slayer of kings

If the meta becomes saturated with unkillable solo units like Morathis, Bastiladons, Nagash, etc. then that list should be a good meta counter

They said it would be a death THEMED year. I.e. spooky context and NPCs.

So Sisters of Slaughter/Witch Elf kitbashing confirmed?

what you mean?

seems to be a few more options now like knife/whip and probably knife/shield

Seems you can just tarpit her and not bother trying to kill her, whilst slaughtering her squishy snek minions.

>Archaon would be hard pressed against Sigmar

Nah, they are both equal in power level. Reminder that the old setting literally died with Archaon and Sigmar wrestling for control of Ghal Maraz, which is the most metal way to end a setting ever.

Isnt this always the case? I only start collect them after the teaser, but the start collecting box said that you can built one using the other.


my dad was a big big fan of Hero Quest back in the 90s, and I'm wondering if Warhammer Quest's remakes allow some element of character building and dungeon exploration that's fun to play. Not necessarily the same as Hero Quest, but a fun substitution. Anyone know if they're worthwhile, or just a piss poor game with some AoS figures thrown in?

Indeed. I picked the wrong word. And indeed, that is still something (of few) I feel the End Time did right.

No, you could kill her in 2 turns, doing up to 3 wounds in each player's turn. [tried this in playtesting but was easier said than done]

Apparently Hammerhal is pretty fun? But I did not play it.

You'll need to do damage to her very turn from turn 1 to get her into her post-op form, then she loses that (very nasty) command ability.

So same solution as for playing against Death - artillery meta incoming.


Wait, so she lose that in Shadow Queen form?

Kitbashing probably wasn't the right word. WE and SoS were different units but now it looks like the units have been merged and you can equip them with gear from both kits.

Not really, because after she takes the first three wounds the DoK player can just transform her

Thats the whole point, you want to damage her so that she changes to post-op mode and loses her command ability.

Yes. Much stronger and much hard to kill, but less buff for your army.

No, she retains the iron heart. Her sorcerer form has 6 woulds, snek has 12. Regardless of form she can only take 3 wounds a turn. Meaning the minimum amount of turns she'll be on the field is 4, 5 if you wait till the second turn to transform (provided she starts with 12 wounds after transforming if she has already taken damage)

Yes, but it's still impossible (barring hand of dust etc) to kill her in 2 turns if the person playing her transforms her.

Well, I dont know why, but people seems to think Morathi to be on the 95-100 range. Glas that was not the case.

So she can only take 3 per turn, but that's different to round.

So she can die, potentially, on turn 2?

Follow the paint confirmed yet again by Ben Curry. You just gotta follow what the GW staff and the shills paint on twitter / painting guides.

Any hope of Moonclan?

What? From where are rumours about grots?