Let me see if this sales pitch works on you, Veeky Forums

Let me see if this sales pitch works on you, Veeky Forums.

>Fate Accelerated
>Free, with an online SRD that has a step-by-step guide to teach you the entire system and get you playing in about half an hour
>Extremely mechanically-light system that is easy to adapt to any setting/theme, with a focus on helping your group tell a story
>Great for one-shots and other quick games
>A nice system for people who'd like to try something new but have a hard time getting invested in new games

So, why hasn't your group taken an evening to give Fate Accelerated a try? It might not be a perfect match for your group, but it's definitely a good experience to try new roleplaying games, and this one is pretty decent for something both free and something you can learn faster than some board games.

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Because I've already been doing it for years, probably. Usually in adventures for first timers they either don't know what to play so I use FATE Accel or they keep asking for D&D because that's the only one that they know and that can work fine too.

because I'm the dm and haven't even told my group games other than d&d exist yet.

god knows they're too solid tard to use them

I'm a big Fate fan but I haven't tried Accel. Not sure if it hits that sweet spot Fate does. Still, I'd give Dresden Files Accel a whirl since my longest campaign was with the DFRPG.

Because I don't play online and the others are either tech illiterate or have toaster phones or their sites are just slow as fuck in general

You could print out all the rules, and it would be less than 20 pages. A character sheet can be written on a single index card.

20 pages?! Jesus fuck! My favorite rules medium game fits it's rules on a single sheet of paper front and back.

>My favorite rules medium game fits it's rules on a single sheet of paper front and back.

If you trimmed out all the advice, examples, and "You might never have played an RPG before" instructions, and stripped the rules down to just what you needed to know to play the game, you probably could fit Fate Accelerated onto a page and a half, with what the players need to know on a single reference sheet.

Because getting half a group of idiots to play something other than 5e is hard

why tho

Pass. I don't want to work to modify a game to make it compatible for having only one player.

Why should I play Fate when I can play Fudge without hipsters?

What makes Fudge better and non-hipsterish?

I did, but honestly I prefer Core. The approaches can get too vague, and for some kinds of games some tend to get used a lot more than others.

Nobody actually plays FUDGE though.

It works with one out of the box though?

I can't stand approaches. They're vague and shit all over the idea of each PC having a defined mechanical role in the party. I don't understand what they offer over skills, and suspect they were only included to make it look like FAE was a different system and not just Fate with some (not nearly enough) of the pay-by-the-word filler language taken out.
>this one is pretty decent for something both free and something you can learn faster than some board games.
It's still 50 pages, though, and there's some really fucking complicated board games out there. Fate would have more of an audience if it was a 12 page ultralight for running silly little one-shots, aimed at groups who mainly play other things. As it stands it's too much time investment for something so flimsy and limiting
Hardly anyone plays Fate, either. If you can't get your usual group to try new systems, your group is shit.

>Extremely mechanically-light system that is easy to adapt to any setting/theme, with a focus on helping your group tell a story
Extremely mechanically light = I might as well homebrew something
easy to adapt to any setting/theme = it doesn't do any setting or theme particularly well.

>Fate would have more of an audience if it was a 12 page ultralight for running silly little one-shots, aimed at groups who mainly play other things.

That's kind of what Fate Accelerated is. Fate Core is the 50 page thing, Fate Accelerated is a lighter version.


No, I mean, FUDGE is an exercise in game design from 20 years ago, it was hardly a game even back then. Fate might be its hipster offspring, but at least it's a game.
I suspect the only reason FUDGE gets still mentioned is for contrarians who want to shit on Fate, and I say this as someone who was into FUDGE in the early 00s.

I feel like metacurrency mechanics run contrary to immersion

That's literally wrong though, I'm looking at the PDFs right now. Core is 310 pages, FAE is 50. Compare that to the streamlined versions of other systems. Savage Worlds Test Drive is 16. Even GURPS Lite is 32

Those fifty are puffed up to the point where I'm actually shocked. Every third page has a half-page illustration that's basically irrelevant to anything, they've got three examples explaining every single rule, and to pad it out more they add "30-second versions" that really could have served as the main versions.

It's really more like a 16 page game stretched until it reached 50 for the sake of page count, but it basically squishes back into 16 on the SRD, and could be reduced to even less if you just took the 30-second versions.

That's my point though, it's a very bare-bones system that takes longer to learn than a lot of far more fleshed out games. And not being able to get a PDF, let alone physical copy, of the non-retarded version is going to turn a lot of people off

>That's my point though, it's a very bare-bones system that takes longer to learn than a lot of far more fleshed out games

Just by following the SRD version you're still only looking at a few minutes. Also, Fate really works best when its stripped down, rather than a game like Savage Worlds which is begging to be built up. I actually think Fate Accelerated works better without stunts, and with only three aspects rather than the optional initial five.

What it really just needs is a printer friendly, no-nonsense (no advice, no examples, and condensed with the assumption that people have played an RPG before) version of the rules.

The rules of FAE were printed on the back of the bookmarks they gave with the kickstarter. So don't be an overdramatic faggot over page count.

To be fair, the bookmark only has what the players need to know to play.

Ok but you don't really need much more. The other user was sperging out over page count.

Does Accel make any simplifications or changes that will fuck up players moving into other fate systems?

I really like SoF but I realize it can be a bit daunting for new players; would using accel rules set them up for failure if I intend to transition once they are comfortable with the basic mechanics?