How do you dorf?

How do you dorf?

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Bitchslap some goblins because they are born to be slapped by proper dorf.

Like thi$.

I saw someone propose in a thread way back when that while male dwarves never shave their beards as cultural customs, dwarf women do the same with their hair.

And I like the idea of rebellious dwarves youth cutting their hair short.

like myself but confident in everything they do.

With borderline space age tech in an otherwise standard medieval setting.

Underground ethno states/North Korea.
They live highly structured lives under a totalitarian leader with a powerful standing military. Their only joys and validations in life is alcoholic beverages, snitching on friends and family for the government and the work you do.

Partially fire elemental religious fanatics that hates automation.

>How do you dorf

I draph


Is it a good sigh or bad sign that I'm more fascinated by the weapon than her obvious rack?

Loudly, aggressively, and with enough self-awareness of stereotypes to let folks clown on the character without going complete drunken Scottish asshole

Either or.

What about rejoined philosophical Scottish asshole?



Chaos Dwarves? Did they dig too deep?

That's a dark iron dwarf from Warcraft with a tumblr haircut. As of current affairs, they're reformed evil dwarves who worshipped the elemental lord of fire

You mean like in Warhammer? It's not a unique concept

It's a fucking relaxed mohawk. Holy fuck.

Seafaring Jews.... yeah....

It was a relaxed mohawk, now it's a tumblrcut.
Kind of like how the once manly lumberjack beard has become the odious soybeard.


And I suppose you're camped in front of your computer looking like the spitting image of a Brekker statue?

Obligatory female dwarf picture


Call me the excavator, because I want to open her tunnel!

Aliza a best.

I'm partial to Camieux, myself. All draphs are best girl. Some are merely first among equals.

Most Draphs are fine but I can't help but dislike mush mouth.

Posting actual best, objectively perfect height


Oops, sorry. Pic related is the perfect height.

I dorf the proper way, riding a cave bear with a blunderbus in one hand and a hammer in the other

Google/IQDB gives nothing useful. Sauce plz?

Shinju no Nectar, non H, same author as Seikon no Qwaser
don't search thumbnails. don't say plz, you lazy fuck.

not even worth trying these days

It works if you actually turn off safesearch

You don't have to lurk moar (it helps), but you do have to git gud.

I honestly forgot that setting existed. People leave it on?


You cannot disable it anymore via the button itself, you have to open up the settings, change the value to "off" and save it. You get a "reduced" setting instead of "off" otherwise

Guess which one the Veeky Forums shortcuts search?

Surly, greedy, lecherous, uplifted from the maggots or lice of giants flesh by gods. Are preternaturally skilled in all manner of craft, can make magic items, from necklaces for a goddess, to beer made from skald's blood. Their kind are the blue collar sorts, who bear hands that show their work. They have some vestigial disgusting habits from their time as maggots, and are more fond of alcohol and cheese, the more fermented and aged the better. They're judgmental of the craft of others, and have a great racial pride. Much of life tends to also be accorded to faith, as the gods took their dumb maggoty forms and forged them into the hardy dwarf folk.

female Dwarfs in Warhammer Fantasy do that, they just like braiding and plaiting it.

>Seikon no Qwaser author
Is that why that dwarf looks like a somewhat tanned Tomo? If so good, I thought I was going crazy.

You better fucking steam it now, asshole.


>likes big, heavy weapons
Not a bad sign.
Maybe only slightly gay but it's fine.

And in one case, a chainsaw.

Cute shortstack. Tits within the realm of fine, HHHNG tan, pants make her look reasonable thicc, quad-tail and belly-button stud. All great

and some retarded warhammer/scythe-pick taller then she is...

>perfect opportunity for sexy shortstack
>just another big tittied bimbo in no way identifiably a dwarf
Japs need to be castrated

wow stop posting anytime

dwarves suck.

But how well do they suck?

I don't think you realize how disgusting this pic is

>all these shitty animu gals
At least post some good examples of animu dwarfs

Wow. I didn't know alt-cuck faggots this big actually existed. kys

Mah nigga

Are the vaulters short? Like are they physically different from normal humans?

>are they physically different from normal humans?

Like stereotypical fantasy dwarves only they have personalities and aspirations beyond hurr durr muh ale, muh mining, muh blacksmithing, muh gold, ect.

The last one I made was kind of a warrior/monk/philosopher mix who valued knowledge and wisdom but still grew a beard, drank like a fish, and swung an axe around.

wow continue posting any time

Couldn't agree more. It's like having elves without pointy ears. Why even do it?

The only true way.

what game do you do this in?

Why do you hate big weapons, user?


It looks like shit is what it is

Is the guy on the right supposed to be excited?

>It's a toothbrush moustache not a hitler moustache

Fuck you cultural perceptions shape naming conventions you stupid mong chuggler

That's just David Hume, user.
