Post maps, Veeky Forums

Post maps, Veeky Forums.

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Recently drew these to try a new style


Ashnard did nothing wrong.

This one is still WIP, but currently is gonna look like the second one in terms of detail and drawing


>Desert of Death


Even worse


Blame Fire Emblem and their insistence of stealing geography and archaic placenames for their worldbuilding

coudl be worse.

Besides being completely contorted, it's still roughly the same shape. If you took a contiguous map, you could make something similar. Almost.

>Indianapolis above both Michigan and New York

>Desert of Death

you've accurately summed up my thoughts

>Chicago being that much bigger and nicer than NYC

Ha, nice try Chicago

>Liranian desert

I will probably be branded as a cuck and faggot, but I find this picture quite romantic.

i agree user, its very nice


user I fapped to futa incest with the mother using her sperms to rape her daughter sperm but now only romantic consensual sex make me hard.

>Box Canyon Gulch
I snorted.

Your maps are okay, but your lettering is shit. Inconsistent and all over the place.

That map is autistic

Honestly it just reminds me that the vast majority of gays don't care for love and only do it for the sex. Which was really hilarious because the pro-gay marriage voters were mainly "let me be offended for you" busybodies.

But yeah, romantic.

Yeah, but do you have that map that was in some published adventure of an island that was pretty much just a pussy?

Gonna need some citation for that

DId anyone else notice that from a distance the map looks like two people kissing?
The river from the ocean divides the two heads
The mountain range on the top left is the woman's hair
The green area with mountains on the right is the man's hair.
The small curved lake and narrow bay on the left of the ocean is the closed eyes of teh woman.
The land between crossing the river is both mouths kissing
The curved mountain range on the right coming down from the green area is the man's jawline

shit i didnt bother reading it first

>the pro-gay marriage voters were mainly "let me be offended for you" busybodies
Ah, yes, those damn busybodies, getting all up in your business of caring who can marry each other. I know the gays being able to get married really inconveniences you.

is this denmark?

Is this goatse?

Its bootlegged rearranged british isles
Top left is Scotland, with the southwest peninsula of England taped to the top
Right is Ireland, flipped and rotated and crushed against Great Britain
And then there is just the northern part of England, bc I couldn't fit the entire England in the map

And the country names are just names related to each of the countries historically, except I was an idiot and gave Ireland a Welsh name on accident

Not really since at least in this map you can see they're not even trying

>inkarnate maps
>anything but shit
ye you're a faggot alright


Overall, pretty good maps. My main advice is to not label the originals, Scan them, then label them on digital versions. This way you can use a handwriting font and much more importantly, you can make a dozen versions, one for geography, one for political borders, one for major climate zones, one for the Dawn OF The First Age When All the Cool Swords Were Forged, and one that has details only in the corner where the first level PCs start out.

Keep up the good work.

Consider changing the obvious and/or goofy names, it will grow tiresome if you use it much.

The first one was from an actual game, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

The second one I put literally zero effort into naming, similar to how I put literally zero effort into rearranging the shape of the landmass to be unique

For the third one, there isn't anything on that actual map, but the places that will be there are the countries Moiren and Winden, the biggest isles are the Isles of Airen, Gwynere, Cuan, Cros, Manach, Haul, and Lloer, so I guess those are the best to rate

no bully

Coastlines - not too bad, I like the SW landmass.

The Swirl is not a good idea.
Rivers and mountains, not so great.
Cities look gridded out and random

Suggestion: Take the SW and SE landmasses

and make a new map using just the coastlines

Line them up and run a single mountain chain through them both.

decide on a scale.

>village on the opposite side the mountain range from a river.
>a necessary tool for irrigation, trade, and travel, reasons why a population center would develop in the first place, so close yet so far out of reach

for what purpose?

>Atlanta, FL

Thanks, Japan.

Ran this up as a starting region for a taster session with a new group.

Legitimately looking for critique

kinda neat, like the other guy said what is the scale?

I really hate all those names, do not roll off the tongue at all. Ense is ok

Going by the actual geography bc I can't give good advise for aesthetic

Thats an awful lot of land with no rivers, a river would likely start at those mountains. Forests also tend to form around water I believe, so you could run a river through the Vaal forest, passing through Ketze, and baying at Gaelan(a river opening into the sea is an amazing place for a large city)

If there isn't going to be any rivers coming from the lake, it still looks like there is a nice valley between the mountains leading to it, which would be a good place for a city(I'd consider moving Ense up into there, would also be really well defended if I interpret the geography right)


Learn how rivers work retard

This map looks like my dick drew it

That Rivers go from north to south. The water needs to be pulled from gravity. Your river goes east instead for some reasons?


>Has a Dominions map
>Has a mountainous desert
>Doesn't put in Abyssia

Some L5R map for a Unicorn campaign I'll never run.

>Box Canyon Gulch
>Naval Reserve
>Butte View Mine
That's pretty good.
Gays shouldn't get tax benefits for marriage.

>Rivers go from north to south. The water needs to be pulled from gravity
Fucking flat earthers, rivers travel downwards but there's no reason down can't be east.

What was the campaign?

Mantis Territory Map for a Mantis Clan campaign I will also likely never run.

Campaign idea would be set a decade after the Return of the Ki-Rin, with the party as Shinjo Vigilants forced to culturally pacify and erase the most unclean aspects of the tribes gathered under the banner of the Moto. Essentially a campaign about assimilation and cultural erasure, played as a betrayal given that the Kami Shinjo was willing to accept and overlook their barbarisms when she needed them but now upon the return to Rokugan they would be shamed or executed for such cultural traits.

A somber game to be sure, set in a valley on the edge of the Empire. Mostly put together as a reaction to how the Unicorn Clan are usually played as goofy or funny foreigners rather than literally the Mongols when they tried to be Chinese.

Still working on it

Rough map of a game I'm actually a player in. Lion Clan Ikoma Province.

Maybe that's where the raiders come from.

>tip reservoir
>wood creek

Just how many dicks are hidden here user?

look at the key.

In my opinion the shading on some of the mountains is too strait, along with perfect V mountains that makes some of them look more like pyramids. Other than that it’s pretty good.

I found a thing


I like it.



map i made years ago for my first session with my old group.

Wasn't Middle Earth in the sixth age by 1999?

This thread gave me the idea to use this very map for my next campaign. Nice to see it posted here.

You sure? I can't remember at all let me tell you

Fun fact: Guy who made this map wrote a book about the most horrible things to happen in history

Saw this on reddit. Amazig photoshop job for a guy's home campaign apparently. Looks great i think.

That's a bullying

Well it's from Mount and Blade which is a decent enough setting already.

Why does this look so familiar?
is it the Elder Scrolls 2 map?


>Saying the opposite of the truth is good bait right?

But this is wrong, tectonics cause Gondor to detach and become mainland Italy while Mordor drifts out into the newly-formed Mediterranean on its own and becomes Sicily. That shit be canon.

made in dwarf fortress and a photoshop script

in fairness we are never told how long the 4th age is. It's stated that the world was in the 5th age at the beginning of the 20th century, and it's generally accepted that the defeat of Hitler marked the end of THAT, so Earth is currently in 6e73 by the Tolkien calendar.

it's sensible...if the 4th age was millions of years long.

really cool alt-history atlas


Your town placement makes no sense. Generally speaking, towns go in one of two places--near something important (think Pripyat--the town existed so that workers would be near enough to the plant), or at some crossroads. In addition, towns are almost always near water.

unfinished but insane detail

r8 h8 fell8

>Line them up and run a single mountain chain through them both.
Hm, don't really like it desu.

Comparable to Eurasia.




gonna post my campaign's current map for review

Dig the style, very nice!

This is the map I made a campaign I finished recently. I've had to stare at it for four years. Also, it was adventure focused so I only added the cities and such as they were discovered. The map totaled about 5,000 miles from hand to hand.

Atlas Goatse'd.

>Minneapolis tiny compared to St. Paul
>East of Chicago somehow

As a Minnesotan this is extremely offensive

>5,000 mile wide goatse.

You really put your all into this joke didn't you.

Admittedly, this is an older version of my map, but I think the basic idea still carries through.

No it doesnt user, you're mind is just convinced that because of Twink river and Happy Kiss bridge.


I wish inkarnate was still like that