On Her Honor
Order of the Stick 1113
Thog get puppy now?
puppy only available with posts of quints or higher
>No, your other honor
>that logic
but wait, Loki is a liar
even if he told you not being honorable is honorable under him it might not be true
Elan, for the love of curvy redhaired rogues everywhere, DON'T FUCKING POINT OUT to powerful allies that they might regret helping save the world. Moron.
But isn't it the point that Loki doesn't lie?
He'll tell you the truth, but the details and interpretations are how he'll get you.
No bullying best boy Elan.
Also, isn't Haley kind of flat? Or is that Crystal? I remember them fighting about that.
the captain of that airship refers to Haley as 'curvy' at one point imo
No, he's a straight up liar. At least in the mythical background, don't know about oots, we haven't really had that clarified.
>Elan waving at Kudzu
I like this one. It's an interesting take on the concept of deliberate dishonor. And yes, Elan waving at Kudzu is adorable.
Suddenly hoping that when the comic ends we'll get an X years into the future look so we can see Elan as a top tier dad.
Could be like Gaiman/Carey's version of Lucifer.
“They used to call the devil the father of lies. But for someone whose sin is meant to be pride, you'd think that lying would leave something of a sour taste. So my theory is that when the devil wants to get something out of you, he doesn't lie at all. He tells you the exact, literal truth. And he lets you find your own way to hell.”
Order of the cringe. Quit posting these shitty novel length stick figure comics here
The biggest lies are always those that are almost true, or appear to be true. Lies that someone could reasonably live their entire life believing.
I don't trust you, Satan. You're trying to lead us astray from the path of Loki.
Was going to post exactly this. The best lies are true.
Is this lost?
>I spread the other honor
fucking 10/10 kek
>w i t n e s s
>we dorfs
Holy shit underrated
This scene tells that we can trust her. Nothing more.
I guess, but is that really so bad?
Fuck off, newfag
>I spread the other honor
>spread the other honor
You are a man of suberb tastes and sensibilities, sir.
The airship captain called her curvy, but she's notably thin, and she does once buy a set of clothes to stop getting called "young man"
>that baby
el goblino
Just to be clear, her logic... that is NOT how it works, right?
Of course she's not curvy; it's Burlew pandering to the hysterical women who whine about representation, just like making the baby darker than his father despite having a pale and blonde mother. If you want a real example of a curvy woman in webcomics, Agatha from Girl Genius has been getting larger every year because the husband and wife who write it have a fat fetish
>Of course she's not curvy; it's Burlew pandering
sp the fact that it's pandering negates that it's an established fact in-universe?
OotS has its own rules on some things, so it might be.
>Child is brown
Next comic confirmed for dark sun.
EL enano oscurecido...
Honestly can't say I've noticed her getting bigger, is there anywhere it's particularly noticeable?
Also didn't they used to draw actual porn at one point?
Yup, just look at how much all her limbs have swollen. She used to be a real stick.
>Also didn't they used to draw actual porn at one point?
Magic cards.
holy fucking shit this garbage is worse than Goblins
It's Malus Darkblade.
I too hate women and people of darker complexion than myself, fellow stormfag.
yeap, XXXenophile. Some pretty freaky and hilarious comic porn. The last volume was one giant game of DnD. Used to have the pdfs but my laptop died and I had to reformat.
Most of the time it comes off as a spark thing. They are all just... big. Like proportionately, generally larger then their surroundings. You still have actually fat people, and noticably thin people, but sparks just scale from huge to fuck huge.
>mad when they arn't curvy, mad when they are
You got problem man.
Haley being "curvy" has been around before Burlew SJ'd up. It's a joke about her having nice tits. Even Tarquin mentions it.
Ah, blackmailing people into being good. Again. Is it even possible, with selfish acts and all?
>pitchfork hands
>muh irony
coo bread mang
Fuck, that is a lot of text.
How does this make any sense at all? She's still not getting into Valhalla for following Loki. She's going to end up in Loki hell instead of Hel hell.
Except there's no Loki hell, silly. Loki's up there in the cool lounge.
>She's going to end up in Loki hell instead of Hel hell.
Loki hell is probably less unpleasant than literal Double Hell.
I actually really like these little asides. It's a slice of worldview and fun with some of the quirkier black and white mechanics of a fantasy world.
He should have finished it by 1000. It is dragging on way too long
I'm sorry to have given you that impression. It's usually women who complain the loudest about representation, and it's somewhat odd, although not completely impossible, for a baby to have darker skin than both his parents, especially when neither he nor his mother has ever been seen in natural sunlight. But by all means jump to the conclusion that I'm some frothing stormfag.
This is a fantastic thog
>just like making the baby darker than his father
Baby and Durkon have the same skin tone #d79668
No punchline, but it does explain more than "I want revenge on the vampirised babydaddy". Also the cute moment with Kudzu
How many goddamn years have they been on this Durkon Vampire storyline?
Two-ish? I think it's only been a few months in world.