/WOTCG/ Wizards of the Coast General

This is a thread for ALL versions of the popular trpg Dungeons & Dragons.

(Formerly /5eg/, /osrg/, /4eg/, /pfg/)


>Tools & Resources:

>Old School Blogs:

>Link Repository (Pathfinder):

4th Edition:
>D&D 4e Compendium (for those who still have Insider subscriptions):


>Guide compilation:
>Offline compendium:
mediafire.com/download/xuf1a608bv05563/Portable Compendium New.rar

>Offline character builder:
>Offline monster editor:
mega.nz/#!5dUG3Axa!u0NSNPy2q4V-WzJg4Jy4BTM2ln-ygbpVswuJyJzjD_4(install in chronological order)


5th Edition:
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild

>5e Trove
rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons & Dragons/D&D 5th Edition/

Stable releases - get.5e.tools/


What would you implement from the older versions of dnd to improve the newer ones?

Going to a new campaign tonight. What's the best spellcaster for a newbie? I don't want to just hit OR blast things. I want to be a problem solver and be helpful.

Wizard or Sorcerer usually.

What edition? 5e?

Have you guys heard of this new "D&D Beyond" thing?
It's fantastic! Me and my party use it ALL THE TIME. It's a program run by the Curse Network that lets you store characters, create your own content, and so much more! I'd really recommend you check it out.
It's going on sale next week so now would be the PERFECT time to start using it!

This is why we can't have edition mixing threads, no one knows what system we're talking about and everyone is too lazy to clarify. Shit thread.

i want the old whip back for disarming and tripping people

Wtf is this bullshit? Why are we all in one general now? It's going to be SO confusing.

Mearls go home. Your drunk.

>being THIS butthurt about /pgg/
Oh I'm laughin. See you in three days

Nope, it's just a fag that keeps trolling /5eg/ because he's salty that that /pfg/ became /pgg/

Remember to report before you go back to your daily life.

At least be relevant to dnd when posting user.

Go back to your dead general pathfag.

Remember friends, of you're tempted to post at all in a shit thread, always sage.

Keep on topic & discuss dnd anons. Unless you want to get banned.

This is all going to get deleted. Your bait hasn't worked before and it wont work now.

>hasn't worked before
It's not bait & what are you talking about?

I dunno. They didn't specify edition. I assume the latest?

drat foiled again!

I've convinced my 5e group to give B/X a try. How do I not fuck this up?

Mearls has a face that says "I'm going to go home and write fanfiction about my friends admiring me like a god while people who are mean to me get punished by my universe and women all want my dick."

New product from WotC: The SUE system.

can you image how little you have to have going on in your life the constantly come back to the same website, time and time again, ban after ban, to shitpost about a game you don't like?

So that black mirror episode was about Mearls this whole time?

Go to . You see it all the time there.

