/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General:

Non-Shadfag edition

Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild

>5e Trove
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>Previously, on /5eg/
How to stop a GWM barbarian?

Other urls found in this thread:


you don't stop it, you get out of it's way

Big AC, Big Health and Psychic Damage

>Page 7
>Giving him attention right in the OP
Hopefully next time someone not retarded makes the thread.

Also anything with flight

Have you guys heard of this new "D&D Beyond" thing?
It's fantastic! Me and my party use it ALL THE TIME. It's a program run by the Curse Network that lets you store characters, create your own content, and so much more! I'd really recommend you check it out.
It's going on sale next week so now would be the PERFECT time to start using it!

>Non-Shadfag edition
Having to call it this means he's winning.
Just give it a normal fucking name and pretend he doesn't exist.

>How to stop a GWM barbarian?
by dropping a levitate with an Int save on his ass

It's actually cool if you and your buddies split the frankly ridiculous cost, but also too I prefer classic paper

>my character's church, religion, even chief deity were slowly outed as phonies
>discover last session the saint of my order is some literally who
>just now my boss arrives to our residence and grants a hueg promotion
>and a one use indulgence as a bonus that frees me of any sin in the eyes of the institution

One of my players just became the mayor of a small town. He wants it to just be a "I'm the mayor, give me free shit" type of position, but I want to make him face the kinds of challenges running a town in a fantasy world would entail.

Any ideas of what I can throw at him?

I'm joining a new campaign this Friday and the party has 2 rogues, a bard, a warlock and a fighter.

I want to make a character that compliments this party well, throw me some ideas. Feel free to elaborate

Wisdom, Charisma and Intelligence saves.

>People think tanking means strictly damage

Anyone make good use of spells like Dream or Scrying? I'm gonna play a Circle of Dreams Druid and was wondering how to make the most out of those free spells around level 14 aside from the obvious using it to fuck with the BBEG or find someone.

Locals constantly come and complain to him about their problems. If he doesn't deal with them in a timely manner, they either hold an election for a new mayor or forcefully evict him.

What kind of technological luddite still uses paper to play his game?
Use D&D Beyond. It will enhance your game.

Hows this sound for a legendary shield made of a Tarrasque scale?

Tarrasque Scale Shield
+3 Shield
Whenever you're targeted by the magic missile spell roll a d6. on a 6 the user is unaffected and effect is reflected back as though originating from the user. on a 5 or lower the spell occurs, however you have advantage on any saving throws and any attack rolls the spell makes are at disadvantage, and if you succeed a saving throw that would make you take half damage you instead take none.

>some literally who

Wizard or Druid might be cool for some battlefield control if your Bard has healing and buffs down. Honestly though with such a huge party anything could work. What kind of character do you want to play without describing his job or battle roles?

A full spellcaster like Wizard or Sorcerer would fit in well, or a second frontline fighter, maybe a Paladin or a Monk.


Shit also meant to add targeted by a line spell or spell that requires a ranged attack roll.

I like the feel mearls! Do you guys give your character sheets to the DM?

I'm hoping to slowly bury him in his own incompetence until this happens. I was thinking more in the meantime.


The job just flat out sucks, everyone is complaining about random bullshit that is beneath a level X adventurer

Battlefield control sounds cool and I'm sure the bard has at least some of that covered. I don't have anything I'm set on right now, I came here to ask because I'm pretty much open for anything as long as it works.

Never played a sorcerer or paladin before, maybe they would be cool. Can you give me a brief idea on how they would aid the party? Thanks

Sorcerers cast twin haste and blast. Paladins are tanks and got a bit of healing if they don't feel like smiting

Do a simple bait and switch. Some issues that would attract his attention. Maybe a political rival or something.
In the meantime there is a whole bunch of small things that you know he'll ignore, that eventually pile up so high that his ass gets defenestrated. I suggest a cult.

Attacks from pillaging bandits, being forced to pay taxes to the ruling kingdom, having political upstarts question his commitment and rabble rouse, assassination attempts, animal attacks. If he won't care about famine or droughts or disease affecting the common folk you gotta make it something to stuff in his craw and force him to work.

How fucked is it to use a marilith as an "unbeatable enemy" for a party of four level 6 characters? I unironically don't want them to die but I do want them to have to run away. They are not retarded so I think they will leave after a short fight. The main melee guy is a GWM barbarian with 84 hp (or 168 effectively when raging since the marilith doesn't do psychic damage I don't think). Will he live long enough to run away if I telegraph the mariliths health level well ("I've death 58 points of damage and it's barely even hurt? Wtf?")? I need quick answer cause I'm at my local game store and going to buy a reaper bones snake demon mini if you guys say yes. My other option is a soft retcon where the rumors of the marilith were false and it's just a yuanti anathema instead.

Can't get on the discord right now, so can any knowledgeable user be of assistance?

With 5e tools, is it possible to have a 'homebrew' folder, for groups to add in their own content that won't be overwritten every time a new content update is released?

Bard has a lot of flexibility but they can't do everything. I'd especially grab something with ritual casting if the warlock isn't Pact of the Tome, there's a lot of juicy spells that you'll need but might not want to burn a slot on.

Unbeatable encounters almost always add nothing to a story and exist only so the DM can have a power wank.
The only time it's OK is if you're doing it to further the narrative, such as having to force players to leave a city that's under siege or to give them a feel as to how powerful the BBEG is.
having them face a random critter that's levels higher than them does nothing but waste session time.

Other than an Orc Bard with 10 Charisma, what's the stupidest idea for a character that you've ever heard of?

In terms of combat:
>Paladins have high AC survivability, and are capable of high burst damage, as well as healing usually.
>Sorcerers are full spellcasters similar to Wizards. They get access to metamagic, which lets you add neat extra effects to your spells.

Outside of combat:
>Paladins and Sorcerers both usually have high Charisma and act as good faces for the party.

a pacifist

A 1 armed fighter with a 12 in his main attacking stat and his highest in charisma.

A lol ranDUMB barbarian that purposefully makes noise when the team's trying to sneak up on someone.

Any CN rogue that complains about doing anything not related to playing up his tragic backstory, steals from the party and runs from every fight to snipe from a mile away because "that's what my character would do"

Legendary paladin ring guy here, this is what I've come up with, feel free to REEE at the homebrew.
I think I'll also end up doing the ghost thing as a bonus because it sounds just too cool to pass up.

Would a Hexblade Vuman be a good pick for banana man? I was thinking his sword would basically slowly engulf him in vines and change his appearance starting from his hand and working its way up, eventually covering him completely so he looks like pic (I would likely take Armor of Shadows at second level which could be flavored as some form of "natural" armor overcoming him whenever he uses it).

Well they've already done what they set out to do on the island, so having them leave knowing there is a powerful creature there sets up future potential adventures. Do they want to go back one day to defeat it? And what will happen to a yuan ti tribe with a marilith amongst them? A Naga read the mind of one of the yuan ti the party captured and caught glimpses of a marilith, but this was before I knew 5e had stats for anathemas so I picked marilith as the unbeatable boss even though anathema might be better because they *could* beat it with careful planning but not otherwise.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

The best solution for stopping dickass rogues who steal from the party is to get Middle Eastern and lop off one of their hands as punishment.

Probably the most silly idea I had for a character is a Ranger who is a Fantasy!Park Ranger and he's a wood elf who hates the undead, because they took over his park



All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain, we can be like they are

Is there a trove of maps and other such resources to use in roll20?

How should I be using Cleruc's Divine Intervention? Like save it for desperate moments or use it against every Big Bad?

The trove has all of the official module maps and token I believe.

Which cleric? The default Divine Inspiration is pretty bad, but your classes might be good.

Tempest but isn't ANY cleric spell on the table for my DM to use?

He may be mistaking it for Channel Divinity.

I think you're thinking of Channel Divinity. They're asking about Divine Intervention, which is when you ask your god for a miracle.

I'd use it against anything I considered a "big bad" yeah it has a long cooldown but it also has a pretty low percent chance of working so I'd rather get some use out of it occasionally than save it for a desperate situation and then have the ~15% chance fizzle.



Go home mearls you are drunk

Eh, too late, I bought it. I guess I can pull off a marilith fight as long as I subtly make it clear that they are out matched.

What are some rookie mistakes to avoid, /5eg/?

>The bard in my group bought a slave with the money he got from stealing a guy's identity
>He's now asking what he can use the slave for, like if they'll fight for him or just carry shit for him

Mechanicswise, multiclassing before you have a full understanding of a class. There will almost always be an opportunity cost for going outside of a class for another, so make sure that you're choosing something that's worth it.
The other is to multiclass with very high levels in mind. Sure, that build will work great at level 15 but if it's not going to come remotely online until 8 you're going to get tired of the character well before you get there.

I'm mainly looking for maps from other artists or roll20 marketplace content if possible.

as a player or DM? In both cases it's important to just relax

Arguing with the DM when he has the right to cheat

As a DM:
>Telling your players what THEIR character thinks or does
>Shutting down options saying they won't work (If it's impossible then let them fail)
>Planning too far ahead
>Not planning enough

As a player:
>Not working with the party
>"But that's what my character would do"
>Not knowing how your character works
>Jumping off a cliff, then turning into a fish

Is it an evil campaign?

Putting a 10 in your main ability score as a caster

Someone posted all of these of imgur just the other day, tons of stuff, some of it is from official modules, some isn't.

Don't answer questions another player is asking the DM unless the DM doesn't know the answer. The player who asked will hate you, the DM will hate you, your party will hate you, the pizza delivery dude will hate you, just don't do it.

Yes and?

Are you talking from experience?

They're so early into the game that I'm not sure, but the Bard is definitely evil. The rest of the party are neutral.

He's only able to play for one more session before he has to go back to the Navy, so I'm guessing he's just coming up with some groundwork for his character to work on while he's gone.

>Jumping off a cliff, then turning into a fish
The look of genuine surprise on her dumb fucking face after she gets what's coming to her after that infuriates me to this day.

What the fuck did she think was going to happen? Why didn't she look around the table at literally everyone looking at her and laughing like she was a retard trying to fuck a doorknob?

DM likes me to be specific in requests, any general requests that might be commonly useful if I'm not praying for a resurrection?

Not if he's playing a proper batman barbarian with grappling hooks and all

You can always hear Laura getting fed up with her shit too.

Later on, when Lady Briarwood comes back and uses the anti-magic thing on them, Marisha keeps acting like she's a dragon and keeps asking questions about it and you eventually hear Laura snap, "YOU'RE NOT A DRAGON ANYMORE!"

I honestly believe only Taliesin is actually Marisha's friend.

You heard her a minute before scoff and say "We're gods"
She thought that because they were level 17 she's survive.

I'm not a huge follower of the show, did matt use RAW falling rules or did he homebrew it to do more damage?

Was this something stupid that happened on critical role?

Yes, this dude at my table would try and answer everyones questions before I could answer, and the worst part is they were mostly wrong.

The final straw was when the fighter asked if he got more action surges as he got to a higher fighter level, the dude said 'yes' and said he will eventually get 'like 15 attacks per turn'. I told him he was wrong, he proceeded to tell me that he was a "second edition veteran and you're too new to know what you're talking about" (he is 19 years old), and when the fighter section was read to him and he was proven wrong, he complained about how "toxic" the group was and left. He hit me up on Steam a few months after trying to get an invite back, I told him I didn't know why he was still on my friends list, and blocked him.


He hombrewed fall damage because the RAW shit is dumb as fuck and is designed to stop players from abusing it in boss battles and shit.

He should've done her worse, but she's his main squeeze, so whatever.

He forgot, like many people do, that fall damage caps at 20d6, and threw 100d6 at her.

Yes. Druid jumped from 1000 feet up and figured turning into a fish right before she hit the water would negate all falling damage. She also ignored the DM saying that her current trajectory would have her hitting the rocks. As said above, he forgot that falling damage caps at 20d6 and went with 100d6.

I think Taliesin's more than a "friend"

>he forgot that falling damage caps at 20d6 and went with 100d6
100d6 seems fitting for a 1000ft drop, why the fuck would you cap it at 20d6? That's fucking stupid.

I would just read through the high level cleric spells, and word your requests in such a way that one of those spells will clearly fulfill it.
Mass Heal your party, Gate in a Planetar/Solar, whatever.

Hey /5eg/ I was planning on making a stormherald barbarian in a pirate/sea heavy game.

The character going to be a longtoothshifter fluffed as a half merperson, sharking out when he shifted.

I thought barbarian would be neat to go with and the sea storm herald would gel well with all the fluff.

Problem is my DM says that stormbarians are terrible and he'd be worried I wouldn't be contributing/I wouldn't feel like I would be doing anything for the party.

Party so far is a half elf Light pact tomelock that wants to map the world and kill all the ghost ships. A half orc moon druid who wants to be the kraken. And a human tempest cleric.

Is he crazy? Or does he have some merits to his argument. And if so any other ideas of what I could go with to keep my angrystreetshark theme?

>Mfw Travis was poking fun at her so much Ashley told him to stop
Don't worry season two is even better, Travis is sitting next to her and a couple others are poking fun at her now.

>He hombrewed fall damage because the RAW shit is dumb as fuck and is designed to stop players from abusing it in boss battles and shit.
What, so they can't kill the boss with a strategy? That's gay.

>half merperson

Ask Mear-

Oh wait, he tweeted yesterday that he only wants to answer Yes or No questions now.

terminal velocity I would assume.

Because terminal velocity.
Granted in real life terminal velocity is 1500 ft which would be 300d6, but evidently Toril's air is much thicker and everyone has godlike lungs.

Excellent idea. Thanks user

I guess it prevents PCs from just dropping every problem off a cliff. Still a bit weird

>Sam and Travis roasting her ass the whole time
>she turns into a fish
>Travis & Sam bbq goes into black-folks-after-church mode
>she still has no idea what's going on

Keep players from "abusing" it in a boss fight, personally if they is the terrain to their advantage fuck it. This isn't a videogame where an invisible wall doesn't let you knock the boss off the edge of something high up.

Wouldn't this be MORE abusable since he removed the cap?


Its a setting thing. They're basically the fey. I asked him how to street shark and that's the answer I got.
