You're the DM. A player in your group unironically announces he wants to rape an NPC...

You're the DM. A player in your group unironically announces he wants to rape an NPC. Do you just fiat his stupid ass down or do you allow him to try? If you give him a chance, how would it play out and what would the consequences be?

I'm not here to cater to this person's edgelord fetish, and if they're playing at my table they've been made well aware that this kinda stuff is not something I'm getting into, and is not going to be had at the table.

So I fiat his ass down, and if he insists, I will politely ask him to take his leave.

See what the other players think, maybe they'll put a stop to it.

See if the NPC can somehow evade this attack.

And if all else fails; give the rapist AIDS

I make the expected tone of my games very clear to my players. I shut him down, and if this is a repeat incident I boot his ass. We're here to enjoy some fun fantasy heroics, not your fucking rape fetish.

I'd allow it but I want to know his motivation(s) first (could take him apart from other players to keep it secret). It has to not be out of place.
If the player plays an Evil character and fits the situation, consequences would depend on the situations, the quest(s)...and so on.
If the players plays a Good character, the consequences would be an instant change of alignement, and if it's a religious character, the god will abandon him.

Depending on the situation, the player would also have to roll dices. For example, if the victim is a strong female warrior freshly captured, whe will have the strength to fight back. So a strength vs strenght roll would be required.
If it's the fragile daughter of a lord that starving, of course it would require no dice. But if the player doesn't think about reducing her to silence (stun, gag...and so on), I'd roll a dice discreetly to see if her screams alert ennemies or other party members.

*she will
Sorry for the misstyping

I DM fiat in Vagina Dentata and he loses his dick. The rest of the session is spent describing how he dies in agony.

I find that I can usually out-disgust most of my players by making them erp with me the first time they ask "huhjhuuhhu are there any sexy girls at this bar" after that they know not to ask for that sort of thing out of my campaign

This. I've run an evil campaign before and encouraged my players to *be* evil. To them, that meant stealing and killing guards; at one point, attempting to overthrow a city by killing the council. None of them went full Book of Vile Darkness but if they had, I would probably have allowed it but I'm not about to sit through ten minutes of describing the act.

Why does his character want to rape the NPC in the first place? Chaotic Stupid stuff?

and if he argues

Whats the setting/tone of the game? Rape is a wartime reality, so it could very well be a real situation. If the tone is meant to be dark and gritty, I'd allow my PC to try, but would have to contend with the other PCs at the table, other NPCs around, and the victim NPC all actively trying to stop said individual.

That being said, most of my settings are more lighthearted and therefore it has no place in the story. Seducing, flirtation and courtship are fine by me (with successful endeavors ending with a fade-to-black), but that's where the line ends. If a player won't respect this, they can leave the table.

Assuming a situation where the player isn't just being a creep and weirding out everyone else(which should get shut down person to person, not GM to player), then you should let them if they roll right.

But there should be consequences. Not immediate "you get fantasy AIDS and die" consequences, but more like "her brother and his men track you down and attack you while you're asleep several days later" consequences.

hes wasting party time and gets told as such

if he tries it theyre a vampire/succubuss/changeling/whatever other monster seems fun

What if the NPC raped is male?

Men can't be raped, user. Also, black people can't be racist.

I've had that happen before, in a much more extreme context than what you're probably imagining.

It involved Chaos-style mutation, a retarded weeb in and out of game, and a pony of the my little variety

I wound up sort of rolling with it in the moment just out of shock, but kicked the dude after the session

There are a lot of factors here that need to be considered.
>were things like this discussed before the game started? what kind of game is it? mature themes? no?
>evil game? heroic game?
>what NPC is this? some rando off the street? important character?
>why? why is the character doing this?
>does this player play without regard for consequences? (aka "that guy")
>does this reek of magical realm?
This is why it mostly gets avoided because it usually brings things to a screeching halt, and most groups, even ones that agreed to mature themes in the campaign to start, will be put off by it to some degree. But assuming the stars align, and this player isn't a freak and there's some kind of actual reasoning behind all this, there's two answers:
>important NPCs get to fight back. PC wins the struggle? fade to black; consequences play out in the next scene
>unimportant rando NPC? fade to black; consequences play out next scene
And then we move along. If that player is re-rolling for whatever reason, they wait till the end of the session.

I really can't think of a scenario where this would be warranted.

Sure, roll for it.
I sure as hell ain't gonna describe it for you though.

Only in an evil campaign and it is even a possible flat no then too

Then the same thing, I would assume.

The particular consequences ought to follow whoever the person was. A tavern girl? You get an STD. The duke's daughter? You get an army after you. A proud warrior woman? She is after you herself for revenge.

Sure go ahead, have some cruel fun. I won't stop you. Just keep in mind that actions like that has consequences.
If the PC lets the NPC live afterwards maybe the father and friends of the NPC round up a lynch mob, or scrapes together enough money to put a bounty on the PCs head. If the PC kills the NPC after the act some people will start to ask very pointed questions very soon.

Sure the PCs may skip town and never go back, but their reputation will spread and sooner or later it will come back to bite them in the arse.

Same. If they think they want to act nasty, they need to be prepared for consequences. Luckily, my group IRL stays away from that sorta crap. It's something I exclusively found online.

Why is raping one person worse than burning down and entire village children and all?

I'm of the opinion that outright murder is worse than rape, but for some reason I seem to be in a minority of that. Still, I'd rather one of my PCs describe his brutal beheading of a bugbear than him fucking and psychologically ruining a nymph.

If one of my players seriously wanted to rape an NPC, I would let her attempt it, but there would be consequences.

What those consequences would be would depend heavily on where they were and what the character's social station was, of course.

What if it's a gay male? Not letting him do that is twitter poison.

Rape is just a specific form of torture, I'd rather be tortured if it didn't physically cripple me than die any day. Being crippled from torture would arguably be worse than death, like having your tongue cut out or tendons in your hands and legs being cut. But rape would be painful and mentally damaging sure, but you won't suffer in a way that's openly visible to people.

I guess that's why women say it's worse than death, they don't get instant sympathy for it like they would from a wheelchair.

Well sure, bugbears are evil after all.
You probably imagined a scenario where the character was attacked and defeated and executed the attacker.
If someone described in detail how they beheaded an innocent nymph i'd probably be as creeped out as if he raped her.


Seriously, this shit pisses me off
Read a story about an in-game rape once that made my blood boil
went something like this:

>guy tries to rape NPC
>GM is like whatever do your thing
>stronk womyn barb spergs out
>attacks and kills the rapist and the other 2 party members
>quest over
>posted on /r/rpghorrorstories
>choir of SJWs and cucks cheering her on for ruining the game

Should have raped her and kicked her out

because killing is more cathartic and simpler

also because burning down the village is a combat task and therefore group oriented, while rape is sex and therefore"fade to black" for a reason

That sounds perfectly reasonable though.
Sure rape isn't as bad as murder, but most good aligned characters would violently oppose a party member doing it.

The DM should be aware of what kind of things his players are ok with. Also that's not much different than if she was playing a paladin and reacted the same way

What I hate about you motherfuckers is the way you use badass speak when poting about a fucking play pretend.
>You want to rape NPC at MY table? I don't think so mother fucker, gonna fiat your stupid ass down
I play play'n'pretend too, I'm not trying to put you pathetic autists down, but how can you write something like that and not cringe at your entire life/consider suecide?

ingame raping could be cathartic too depending on who is being raped desu senpai

if you want to waste everyones time indulging in your magical realm what do you expect?

>Do you just fiat his stupid ass down
That one. That one right there.

>If you give him a chance, how would it play out and what would the consequences be?
I mean, that NPC wasn't some kind of "always stronger than you" powerful dragon in disguise before the player decided to do that, but I see no reason to let them know that.

You know what's even more pathetic? Trying to sound smug and superior about elfgame posting on a chinese water chestnut forum

I'd give them a disappointed look and just keep staring at them in silence, all untill they'd feel really awkward for asking such stupid shit.

>>guy tries to rape NPC
>>GM is like whatever do your thing
>>stronk womyn barb spergs out
>>attacks and kills the rapist and the other 2 party members
>>quest over

>player does an evil act
>paladin kills him
>everyone is fine with it

>player does an evil act
>barbarian kills him

It was probably a made up story to get upvotes.

Are we playing FATAL?

a TRUE paladin would use his charisma to convince the wrongdoer to change his ways.

From the other side, I had a character literally rape someone to death.

>it was an evil campaign
>my character was a fucking monster
>he was pissed off that the rest of the party weren't as committed to depravity as he was

The DM and I played it in a side session, and I fully expected there to be consequences. Which there weren't, and the party never found out in-character, so it ended up feeling like a waste.

That was the only explicit rape. End-game involved a plan to overthrow a king, the key part of which was murdering a number of women in a sort of Boston Strangler situation. It was never explicitly said they were raped, but since it was my character I can confirm they absolutely were.

>guy tries to rape NPC
>GM is like whatever do your thing
>stronk womyn barb spergs out

That sounds completely reasonable to me. If you're doing something that both another player and their character would find reprehensible, why wouldn't you expect them to stop you?

The beautiful thing about Agone, is I can tell them: "ok, gain 20 darkness and 10 perfidy." and inform them that if they persist with this line of behavior, they will eventually loose their character to the Mask or the Shadow. Also they just got a shit ton of penalties for being an evil fuck...

the ability is called "smite" not "convince them that there is a better path"

>A player in your group unironically announces he wants to rape an NPC.
How sharp are his fangs?

What if he was selling death sticks?

Depends on the setting.

>but it's what my character would do XD
Kill yourself or stop shitting up my hobby.

>playing 5e with my college buddies
>realize I have yet to introduce a female character
>"So the guild scribe is female"
friends' immediate reaction
>I shove my tail in her ass
>I grab her tits
>yell "You guys are fucking rapists"
totally move on and laugh about it.

But why would a barbarian find rape reprehensible?

You don't want to sell death sticks

barbarians arent known for thinking their ideology through

If it's a memebarian, he wouldn't.
If he's actually based on any real and/or logical tribal culture he'd be ambivalent to angry depending on his people's views. Traditionally rape wasn't exactly looked well upon, especially outside of war. And if you raped someone from their tribal group? Expect retribution from her family, if just because she's worth less now

Because it's a fake story writen in a way that would garner the most upboats. Redditors are even crazier about those than anons about (You)s.

Basically. Though to be honest I might just boot the player.

I don't run those types of games and that's pretty clear.

I mean, it's up to the character, but you don't see why a character pushed as "strong warrior woman" might find a woman being raped to be distasteful?

>stop putting your RP in my G

OK fine. It happens off screen.
>move onto next player

If you want detailed sex scenes go find a erp game. We do normal things here. Like murder elder beings and take their stuff

>rape victim has a STD so awful it comes with a CR

No, but I do rolaplay rape during our LARP sessions :-)

Ah, and how is Sweden?

I force him to roll for an erection, fudge the roll, and have the woman laugh at him for not being able to get it up

Assuming that NPC isn't important, because we know whats going to happen to her after this.

>your job is literally invading the homes of lesser races, killing them and taking their stuff
>but rape is just over the line

vidd az aranyat és adjak nekik a faszokat

If the stars align and this isn't somthing completely horrible for the tone and pacing of such a game, then I allow it with fade to black. But if somthing is off about it, I have the "victim" turn the tables and turn out to be a succubus or somthing



As always with these questions, depends on context. If it makes sense for the character (Example: CE Barbarian, or it's a villain they've had some serious personal problems with that they can't hurt any other way, or the NPC previously raped them, like a succubus or something) then sure.
It won't be played out and we skip to the aftermath when the other players'll probably leather the shit out of him if it wasn't justified, but as the GM I'm here to play the world, not to judge personally.

Also, all you fuckers going
>Hurr, I bend the entire world to ruin him by having it turn out she was a 20th level dragon with AIDS in disguise
Shame on you, your job as GM isn't to influence things one way or the fucking other, it's to walk through the logical consequences of any actions taken, for better or worse, without any personal bias.

There are just some places people don't want to follow their players down

>That pic
Such a shame it's just some old dude in a shirt and jeans, rather than a certified pimp with a pimp coat and pimp hat.

I think it depends on the context. I would only personally allow it if it was some "rape is a slap on the wrist haha" hentai ERP bullshit game. In any other context where that wasn't ironic, they're getting kicked out and there character is dying in a caravan/rockslide/whatever.

>Shame on you, your job as GM isn't to influence things one way or the fucking other, it's to walk through the logical consequences of any actions taken, for better or worse, without any personal bias.
GMs aren't fucking judges, they're people running a game for fun, they have no obligation to let someone force the rest of the players to sit through their sexual fantasies, just like they have every right to dick with a player intentionally fucking up their game any other way.

>A proud warrior woman? She is after you herself for revenge.
>Implying that wasn't my plan and she's not just coming back for another raping.
Self-delivering rape victims are the best sort really.

people are desensitized to killing and all those other wholesome things because they're everywhere in video games.

rape not so much, especially since ttrpgs are filled with sexually repressed men who may start rubbing one out under the table if it happened.

>especially since ttrpgs are filled with sexually repressed men who may start rubbing one out under the table if it happened
I'm pretty sure women would be a lot more butthurt about it, since they're primarily the ones driving the "rape is worse than muder" narrative. While simultaneously driving the "men can't be raped" narrative, mind you.

Handle it out of character. Don't be a fucking beta about it.

>I don't want to take the game in this direction. It's not happening.

>GMs aren't fucking judges
Actually mate, yes you fucking are. You're the arbiter of a logical and consistent setting. Otherwise it's just so much wanking and chips.

Like I said, fade to black, but no, you don't have the 'right' to dick with a player for 'fucking up your game' because its not your fucking game.
You just happen to be running it, if you have any sense of god damned professionalism then the setting should be its own beast outside of yourself.
Otherwise you're just wrapping your hand around your cock and jerking off while expecting other people to clap to the beat of your hand, you're Terry Goodkind without getting paid for it.

I make them roll initiative

Never solve an out of game problem in game.

Talk to the player about how you're not into that and you'd rather leave it out of the game. If he raises hell kick him out. Not because rape shouldn't be allowed across all games or that anyone who thinks it's ok in a story is a pervert, but because anyone who INSISTS on rape being included is probably awful to be around.

>Is it consistent with his character?
>Is there a good reason to let him do this?
>Is there a good reason to not let him do this?
>Does this add to the other player’s experience in some way?
>Does it contribute to the theme of the campaign?
My rule of thumb: Be reasonable.

Doesn't happen in my groups, because the people I tend to play with, either do not have rape fantasies, or are smart enough to realize is generally taboo, and therefore keep their mouths shut.

>the people I tend to play with, either do not have rape fantasies
Of course not, your games are a sausagefest user.

That's one of those things people tend to forget, women are more likely to enjoy more hardcore/aggressive genres of porn, including rape fantasies.

>tfw a player willingly enters your magical realm
I'd still probably shut it down because a couple people at the table would be uncomfortable about that but I wouldn't be happy about it.

>Not raping the gm for not allowing to rape an npc

Make the NPC an off duty adventurer or soldier, any other type of badass that is of a much higher level than the pc. Tell him he can try if he really wants, that fuck him up, let the npc kill him or not and give it a future consequence if the npc spares him.

How despicable.


You just got to keep up a consistent schedule of rape and release, rewarding her pavalov style until finally it gets to the point where when she finally defeats you her instant instinct is to rape you right back rather than kill you.
Then the whirlwind rape-romance game of cat and mouse truly begins.

You're playing make-believe games, dude. It's not quite the serious business you're making it out to be. If one person in a group is being a creepy douchebag, everyone else involved isn't obliged to go along with it for "the integrity of the game" or whatever, and the GM being an impartial interpreter of the rules is not the same as being forced to have an impartial view of the real-life players.

If you're a GM and you let one of your players get away with shit that bothers, offends or creeps out everyone else involved, then you aren't being the "arbiter of a consistent setting", you're making a decision to run a game where that is allowed.
And you have a right to do that, but not a requirement to.

I'm not as opposed as some of these faggots, but it depends on the game and the character. There would most likely be consequences depending on the NPC and stuff...

Tell him that people are here to have fun, if rape is something he thinks is fun he needs to leave.

These are the only correct answers. Allow it but make the victim and any victim have uncontrollable, irreparable, and incurable deadly stds.

Also how to get into a d&d or whatever game at the age if 27? No contacts in the community.

Rape is not worse than murder.

However, rape is never possible to justify.

Murder, and killing, can potentially be justified. Especially in the context of a game, where its understood that you are roaming around being all chaotic neutral and killing goblins for money

Rape is pretty much just for sexual pleasure and dominance on the perpetrator's part.

I have a strict rule against rape in my games. NOt because it bothers me a huge amount (which it doesn't-I won't have any nightmares) but because I'm morally opposed to the idea.

Also, sexual harassment of another player's character is against the rules. Again, not because its super horrible, but rather because it can make the player uncomfrotable, and potentially stray out of character.

Your mom is a narrative

MOst of the big, strong tough guys I know irl would find rape to be the worst crime. Even the ones who's been in jail for violence.

ESPECIALY the ones who have done time for voilence

>I have a strict rule against rape in my games. NOt because it bothers me a huge amount (which it doesn't-I won't have any nightmares) but because I'm morally opposed to the idea.
I'd understand if it was because it bothers you and the players, but that's just retarded.
Does that mean you aren't morally opposed to wanton murder since you allow that?

>fantasy medieval setting

Why don't you give them a gun and a cellphone while you're at it, dumbass.

>any and every npc becomes an unlikely badass or divinely protected as soon as a player tries to mess with them in any way

Shit GMs detected.

Good GMs detected.