Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
Sebastian Sanchez
preferably in which we don't argue about DoK being order for literally 4 hours
Joseph Hernandez
First for leezards
Benjamin Jones
Khainism is a religion of peace!
Let the Daughters of Khaine into your village, bigot. They're an order faction!
Daniel Moore
4th for best elves!
Jeremiah Price
I'm doing it too, I'm afraid I'll be too disheartened to get started in time. I need to be bullied into action.
Dominic Nguyen
>tfw collecting your army is causing some slav to slowly go insane
Dominic Long
So Daughters of Khaine are essentially Dark Eldar?
They get power from pain like they do, except reroll 1s for a lot of things. And a 6+ FNP. Kinda neat I guess.
Jonathan Kelly
fucking get started you nonce, it's better than wasting time shitposting here
Adrian Cox
>Not adding a part 2 You fucked up m8
Nolan Allen
>tfw President Kroak already built a wall because of the birds and now its also keeping out the elves
Jack Stewart
Daniel Allen
man I'm glad I don't play age of shitmar. Arch warhammer have such mature taste compared to you kids ,and im glad he gave me this opinion.
Gavin Gonzalez
I shitpost while the current layer of paint is drying. You're right though.
Joseph Myers
Uh, they're part of the Dark Elf WHFB faction. Which yeah, is the fantasy equivalent of dark eldar
Joshua Anderson
Yup. Then again, they've been Dark Eldar since WHFB. I mean, their Corsairs are just Realspace Raiders.
Josiah Jones
They even fight against Chaos, albeit through extreme, brutal methods that set them apart from their erstwhile allies. Though, really, being boiled alive in a giant cauldron of blood is too good for Chaos shits.
Liam Lee
>tyrion and teclis are incompetent bumblers unable to reforge elf souls
>malekith is a cringe worthy introvert hiding and doing nothing worth noting
>alarielle is now a plant zombie with no interest in elves
this must be deliberate
Gabriel White
How offensive would be making a Masterclan/Verminus army with Nazi heraldy and color scheme but with pic related instead of swastikas?
Elijah Campbell
Lol, I like it
Matthew Evans
I would be okay with this but name them Clan Creepus - fits better
Thomas Watson
my problem is mostly the 500 word example of writing.
I can either write whole or none, I'm not good at just writing a part of something.
I guess I can just write the whole story and send BL just the first 500 words
Jonathan Gray
Threadly PSA
Lucas Hall
What about this post made you feel it merited reposting?
Robert Long
A+. An army of patrician taste, right up there with white-robed Moonklan with noosers and jet-black squigs with cherry red gore-soaked lips.
Kayden Bailey
One of the only factions you could easily get away with. The banner is really clever too.
Christopher Carter
Aw, I wish Lokhir model was still being sold
I really loved it
Matthew Collins
Repostan for new thread
I've had a couple of ideas I'm not looking for stuff that's fun to write as suggested but fun to read so here goes.
>A native hunter in the realm of Beasts hunting his prey. He eventually stumbles upon a death cult raising the numeorus bestial remains of the Realm. He must use all his skills as a hunter to survive Not Only The Undead predators But the cultists themselves
>A blacksmith leads a caravan of refugees after a Nurglite warpath devastated his town. Can he help his people survive the perils of Ghyran or will he succumb like many others, fuel to feed the infinite growth and decay of Ghyran
>The blasted plains are wracked by numerous storms, their titanic force and unrelenting winds testing the resolve of all who live here. Man or beast. A young boy of the ______ tribe seeks to overcome this land as his father's father's have done and become a man.
>After being attacked by viscous sky beasts a man awakens on the Skyrealm. His ship shattered, his crew dead. He spins finds out that the mystical Skyrealm is more monstrous than he was led to believe
>After his master's death a witch hunter is forced to take up his station. Managing his contacts, partners, and debts. With the advent of dark omens he is going to be pushed to the edge and beyond if he hopes to survive and thrive
What kind of stories would you guys like to read in AoS?
Landon Rodriguez
I just like having the physical thing.
Brody Foster
What are you working on /aosg/?
Austin Cruz
Yeah, I thankfully managed to buy off a model from ebay! Though the arm was broken and glued back on so I needed to shave off some of the gloop.
James Perry
All this talk about elfs has me wanting to dust off my unpainted collection of High Elves and give them a go. I need a theme though, High Elves aren't really in Age of Sigmar from what I can tell and I need inspiration to make the army pop. I'm thinking something kinda unorthodox.
Sebastian Hill
Eh, technically Deldar take cues from Dark Elves. And Dark Eldar and Dark Elves are pretty damn distinct.
Dark Elves aren't pain vampires, and don't really have the same anarchistic bondage-lord society. They're a militaristic dictatorship waging an endless ideological/claimant war against their kin, slavishly devoted to the worship of a bloodthirsty battle god. They measure distance in sword lengths and spend their lives desperately trying to prove that they're hardcore enough to sit closer to whoever is ranked above them at court, so they can either win their favour or stab them in the back. They'll even go to the extreme lengths of coating themselves in a weird venom that leaves them numb and unfeeling but lets them ride cold ones to do so. This is in sharp contrast to Dark Eldar, who have no central command structure, no tradition of militaristic service and obligation, and no devotion to Khaine or even any one god in particular, no blood feud with their less edgy kin, and no real societal goals other than self-preservation. Dark Elves live to serve Malekith and Khaine, with the prime aim in life being to constantly prove themselves through badassery and accomplishment, whereas Dark Eldar live to serve only their hunger for souls; everything they do is in service of feeding that mad, ever-worsening addiction.
Elves have definitely become more like Eldar in AoS, with the whole roaming exiles thing.
Ryan Bailey
Bruv a Terrorgheist is 300 points. I'm just starting out. I do love the model though. Yeah, I think if I convert them well enough, no one is gonna complain. No one uses the actual blood knight models anyway.
How are Coven Thrones? Was thinking of making one my general instead of a Vamp lord. Their command ability is really nice. Reroll all rolls of 1 for a unit. Much better than one attack. Plus it still has the screaming thing from the Banshee. I can add more of that nonsense whenever I get more stuff. How's this look? Kept the Hexwraiths because ghosts. They're also hard hitting as hell. Use my spirit hosts and Hexwraiths to tie up anything hard hitting, have the support the skeletons and doggos with the necromancer, slap the coven throne somewhere in the middle.
Allegiance: Legion of Blood Necromancer (110) - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread Coven Throne (260) - General - Trait: Aura of Dark Majesty - Artefact: Soulbound Garments - Lore of the Vampires: Amaranthine Orb 6 x Spirit Hosts (240) 20 x Skeleton Warriors (160) - Ancient Spears 5 x Dire Wolves (60) 5 x Hexwraiths (160)
Total: 990 / 1000 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 75
Brayden Ortiz
Adrian Jones
Nothing at the moment cause I ran out of primer, but I just got done touching this up
Caleb Jackson
It's 300 points, but it's also 6+d6 Bravery damage on top of a fat fucking monster that helps wreck shit in a 1000 point list because it's a fat fucking monster. You said you want to make a Death army specifically focused around Bravery shenanigans. So run the best unit in the GA for Bravery shenanigans.
Sebastian Clark
I am building grots, user. I have 48 more to build. Might give it a rest, for now, at 20 grots and build a Gargant.
Nathan Stewart
Is literally ANYONE playing Kharadron Overlords seriously? They have almost no Battle Report presence on YouTube and I was thinking of picking them up.
The aesthetic and lore had me interested but not if they legit play like shit.
John Sanders
>lmao, that shits 300 points >what about this thing that's 260 points?
Gavin Foster
That's a fair point. Monsters are kinda stupid in low point games. I have a feeling I'll quickly outgrow 1000pts, too.
David Cooper
Assembling my dread abyssal and morghasts. This is my first go of it so the movable joints like the arms have given me some trouble.
Levi Cox
>finally buy an army >can't even start painting because still have about 5 exams to pass It's torture
Dylan Wilson
Yeah but the coven throne is a good general whereas the terrorgheist is just a monster. It's also in the SC! Malignants box.
Tyler Cooper
Kurnoth Hunters and hating every moment of it. Every part of them overlaps with another part. They're probably the fiddliest, most awkward models I've ever had to deal with painting.
Levi Myers
I know that pain bro, I got like a paper due every wednesday and those are the days I like to head to the GW store to hangout, but can't cause while it is close to my school my school is an hour from my home
Juan Edwards
2nd for Lizard. It's a test scheme, and I think it turned out okay for something I need to paint like 30 times.
Robert Williams
Yeah. And the Terrorgheist kit also is basically a no-brainer since in addition to the monster mash, you're snagging a Vampire Lore for freebies and a Strigoi for whatever use you can find. Also maybe it's just me, but the Coven Throne is kinda a fat piece of shit in what I've seen.
Whoa, user, don't buy that shit. Go for the Tormented Spirits box instead. $55 for 3 Spirit Hosts, 5 Hexwraiths, and a Cairn Wraith waiting to be proxied for a Necromancer.
Going to local GW tomorrow and want to know my chances.
Carter Foster
>Red and beige and green and gold and blue yikes!
Jackson Edwards
What are the names of the various Season of War books? Are they in the MEGA folders?
Samuel Murphy
I'm the same user lol. And I'd be getting the Malignant box for the coven throne. It -seems- decent enough as a support hero but I haven't actually seen anyone use it. So I have no clue.
And yeah, I was planning on picking up that Tormented Spirits box no matter what really. I'm at least narrowing the list down to the essentials. Skeletons. Ghosts. Doggos. Necromancer. And Vamp lord or something for a general.
Eli Hernandez
Lucas Gonzalez
Where is your general? Also if you play BCR you really want to run an allied butcher with cauldron for magic support
Ryan Perez
I tried for a red on mine but I settled on the normal teal/blue color scheme and am loving it
Angel White
You need a thundertusk or stonehorn for a general, then you're fine. Mournfang with gargant hackers are stupid
Brandon Young
holy fuck that's a big image, excuse me
Nolan Jones
Some 1k lists I think could work:
Lord of your choice, 460
Beastriders of your choice, 360
2 Mournfang, 160
980 total.
If you have yetis, hunter or cats you can also spice things up.
Adrian Baker
I like it! I'm thinking about doing red for my lizards. How'd you do yours?
Cameron Brooks
I think this is the best 1k pts list for BCR if your LGS allows to proxy stuff
Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders Huskard on Stonehorn (380) - General - Blood Vulture - Trait: Everwinter's Master - Artefact: The Pelt of Charngar Butcher (140) - Allies 2 x Mournfang Pack (160) - Gargant Hackers 2 x Mournfang Pack (160) - Gargant Hackers 2 x Mournfang Pack (160) - Gargant Hackers
Total: 1000 / 1000 Allies: 140 / 200 Wounds: 55
Lincoln Perry
Really dig the hoods. Was it difficult getting the heads to fit on the bodies with those collars?
Adam Davis
Build them all with unhelmeted heads
Joseph Morris
Why split the Mournfang into 3 when you can do it with 2 just fine?
Jordan Rivera
>cuts off a part of her body >takes on a transition >decides on new keywords she's to be called by >hangs with individuals pretending to be something else by choice or mental fog reminder that it doesn't matter for how long she'll hide her ears, alarielle was born an elf and she'll die an elf; she'll never truly pass for a real sylvaneth and will most probably want to change back at some point or get too depressed and finally kill hersELF!
Bentley Watson
Vallejo Red Leather for skin, tan earth for armor, white+red leather highlights on skin, white drybrush on armor, sepia wash.
Joseph Sullivan
Arielle, Goddess of Tumblr
Gavin James
>58086575 Oh wow, a new avatarfag pasta to report
Xavier Young
Feels good man
Eli White
I got them all second hand so they all have helmets already. None of them are painted though, not even primed except a few. The army isn't supported by GW anymore so I want it to be ridiculous.
Aaron Myers
Elijah Wright
because it bothers you
Tyler Carter
the funny part is: alarielle never claimed to be sylvaneth
Sebastian Cox
It took a bit of trimming/green stuffing to pull off, but overall not too difficult
Oliver Robinson
I really like the little leaves on their bases.
Evan Jackson
Working on yet more aelves. Since this pic the bases are essentially done and I've painted a bit more on the cauldron. After work tomorrow these guys will be much further along thanks to an evening painting.
Tyler Evans
Painting up some crew for the big spidey. Not sure what I'm going to do for the feathers yet though. I might do some little tattoos on this set of crew but I'm not sure on colours yet. Ive got another 4 arachnorocks + crew to paint, and I wanted each arachnorocks crew to have a unique scheme for their loin cloths and feathers. C&C on the skin would be appreciated as well as this is the first model I've painted whose skin wasn't just a wash
Jace Clark
whats a good colour for sigmarines? gonna go a dark silver and something else. was think either a metallic colour for the trim of their amour like gold and maybe green for the Pauldrons and other bits like that
Adam Robinson
I did a metallic version of one of the normal stormhosts for my shadespire bois and was pretty happy with them
Jeremiah Robinson
Best schemes I have seen either use a mono color primary with tertiary details or a quartered color scheme like bretonnians/Empire.
Dark silver works, you have lots of room to make some dramatic highlights to really get it to pop.
If you’re making your own stormhost, Don’t paint the trim of the pauldrons any color except the primary color, you want to stay away from marine color schemes obvious reasons.
Like Shows, filling the flat area of the pauldrons with white looks quite stylish on most schemes, it could look good with a dark enough metallic color
Chase Walker
>I'm primarius
Nathaniel Ross
how to Grand Host of Nagash at 1k?
Justin Lewis
Should I paint them like the NBC logo?
Hudson White
Just put the fucking logo on your banner. Words and all.
Carson Morris
rainbow azyrite peacocks of doom!
Kevin Allen
Grave guard, skeletons, wight King and necromancer, morghast.
Joshua Ross
>whats a good colour for sigmarines? other colour schemes miss the opportunity of valuing the statuesque themes
Logan Ramirez
How are Scourge Privateers, Darkling Covens, and Wanderers lists in the meta? Probably not great as the lists are limited, but I have a lot of wood elves and some dark elves that I'd like to use.
Jaxon Sanders
This is fantastic but I feel like it needs a subtle jab somehow. Like I need to work æ in there for the ælves.
Hudson Torres
It's a great mini. I happen to own one and I want to run a small Scourge Privateer list to use it.
Josiah Bennett
Scourge Privateers focuses around running two copies of Realm Reavers plus a bonus Fleetmaster and functions like a poor man's kunnin' rukk. It's a fun list, but it's also incredibly one-dimensional. You get a fantastic monster, though, a trio of decent support heroes, chariots run solo to make each one a unit leader, and pretty decent "gunlines" of sorts.
Wanderers is all about the skirmishing, backed up by the comically durable EG squatting in cover on objectives. Everything else in the list gets cut down laughably easy, though, so you basically have to play around always skirmishing and staying on the move. Again, it's a fun army but it isn't really competitive.
I can't say anything about Darkling Covens, desu. Never seen one or even heard of anyone playing them. Privateers and Wanderers fall in the decent enough spot where you have basically one competitive list that can pretend to be relevant but mostly just jobs to the top-tier armies, competes with the rest of the mid-tier pack, and stomps on the trash. But you have next to no real choice. Wanderers have a bit more options available to them, but every 2000 pt Privateer army will look exactly the same.
Charles Ramirez
That's kind of what I was thinking. I'll take mid-tier. Wanderers in particular have interested me since I love Wood Elves and I started buying kits for them before AOS dropped. They seem super fragile in general but can throw out some real damage in the form massed ranged firepower and rangers. Allying with Sylvaneth would probably make them feel more like classic wood elves by having a treeman.
I like Dark Elves a lot but all their lists seem super one-dimensional, as you said. Maybe if the sea elf army rumor is true, corsairs will get rolled into them.
Julian Ward
During the End Times, practically all important characters just ended up getting killed or butchered no?
Almost none of them ever got captured and tormented/tortured/raped by Chaos. You'd think Slaanesh or one of the Big Four would have wanted to humiliate and defile their enemies instead of letting Khorne get all the bloodshed. I could see this guy doing it.
Aiden Hall
I have 1k and a friend who has 2k and does pretty well with them at tournaments.
Ian Thompson
Whipped this up. Sad to drop the ghosts. Damn shame they're not battleline. Fug. But I'll add them later since I'll need more bodies either way. Vampire with Vile transference to heal the terrorgheist as theyre the main damage dealers. Banshee to pop out and scream at anything meaty. Skellymans for chaff and doggos for flanking. Necromancer hangs back and debuffs at will.
Allegiance: Legion of Blood Necromancer (110) - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread Vampire Lord (140) - General - Mount: Flying Horror - Trait: Aura of Dark Majesty - Artefact: Soulbound Garments - Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transference Tomb Banshee (80) 30 x Skeleton Warriors (240) - Ancient Spears 10 x Dire Wolves (120) Terrorgheist (300)
Total: 990 / 1000 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 78
Brandon Robinson
Because, to be quite frank, non-Chaos players needed to get SOMETHING out of the whole End Times series. Reading about your favorite characters dying heroically is one thing; reading about them being captured and helplessly tortured to death is another.
Benjamin Gray
use elven runes that closely resemble the letters
Mason Myers
I heard Gork and Mork (in their avatars) were literally forgotten during the final showdown too.
I find it funny that Mork chose to inhabit a Goblin.
Tyler Davis
Just remember that Glade Guard are honestly pretty shitty archers outside of their once-per-game alpha strike with juicy Rend. And the moment you lose your 20+ bonus, their effectiveness tanks. So you really want to play cautious with 'em, dump out that volley, and then just keep wasting your opponent's time. You're more or less obligated into always running 3x Waywatchers which are really where the sustained damage of your army comes from. Likewise, Waystone Pathfinders is fucking moronically good even if it yet again -- you'll see a trend her -- strips away any real freedom due to the more or less "optimal" route of constructing the battalion. Likewise, it more or less requires you to take Myst Walker as your command trait in order to protect him to let you get off the moronically powerful full round of shooting from everything in your army at a target within 12" of your Prince. Which is fucking bonkers. However, there's really only one way to construct an army using that despite the illusion of choice. 1x Nomad Prince, 1x Spellweaver, 3x Waywatchers, 1x 20-man block of EG, 3x 20-man blocks of GG, 1x 5-man Sisters of the Thorn, and 1x 5-man Wild Riders.
And given the tiny morsels we've gotten about the sea aelves, it sounds more and more unlikely as these are Atlantean spartans that probably bear more resemblence to high elves than corsairs. I'd expect to see them get soft-squatted much like Dwarf slayers did for Fyreslayers.
>slapped to death with troll cock and then drenched in hot steaming troll piss lul